Nameplate:  Mountain Views News

Inside this Week:

SM Calendar of Events

Sierra Madre:
Walking SM … The Social Side

Pasadena – Altadena:
Pet of the Week
Altadena Crime Blotter

Around The San Gabriel Valley:
What's Going On

Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte:
Arcadia Police Blotter
Monrovia Police Blotter

Education & Youth:
The Reel Deal

Food, Drink & More:
Chef Peter Dills
Table for Two
In the Kitchen
Sean's Shameless Reviews
Authors Tour USA

Health & More:
Happy Tails
Dr. Tina Paul
The Joy of Yoga
Pet of the Week
SGV Humane Society

Business News & Trends:
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Business Today

Homes, Property & More:
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The Good Life:
Rich Johnson
Senior Happenings

Out to Pastor
Stuart Tolchin On …
As I See It
The Funnies

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F. Y. I. :

Deanne Davis
Peter Dills
Bob Eklund
Merri Jill Finstrom
Howard Hays
Rich Johnson
Sean Kayden
Lori Koop
Chris Leclerc
Tina Paul
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Ben Show
Rev. James Snyder
Stuart Tolchin
Keely Totten

Recent Issues:
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Issue 46
Issue 45
Issue 44

MVNews Archive:  Page 1

MVNews this week:  Page 1



When Sierra Madre residents awakened 
on Thursday morning, the smell, sights and 
sounds of a rapidly moving brush fire filled 
the air. The above photo, taken by resident 
Dave Felt at 6 am from his backyard, shows 
the intensity of the smoke on what would 
otherwise have been a clear day, 

 Once residents realized, however, that the 
event was not in Sierra Madre, there was 
some relief, however those who have lived 
through California wildfires, realized how 
quickly they can spread, especially with 
Santa Ana winds and high temperatures.

 As if the proximity of the Colby Fire was 
not enough to concern residents, early 
broadcast news reports created additional 
anxiety when they continued to flash on 
television screens, and reporters continued 
to name “Sierra Madre” as one of the areas 
in the path of the fire. Reports, even via 
Social Media, failed to distinguish between 
Sierra Madre Avenue in Glendora and Sierra 
Madre the city. 

 The fire, which at press time, was 30% 
contained, has burned 1,863 acres and is 
being fought by more than 1100 fire per-

30 N. Baldwin Avenue | Sierra Madre, 91024 
Podley Properties Proudly 
Congratulates Sierra Madre Associate 
Sierra Madre Citizens of the Year 2013 
Jacquie & Joe Pergola 
sonnel, including mutual aid from Sierra 
Madre. Authorities believe the fire will be 
fully contained by Sunday.

 Air quality has been poor and while visibility 
has improved, particulate matter that 
is not visible, remains a threat to those with 
respiratory problems.

 Late Friday, the Glendale Police Department 
advised that firefighters will be lighting 
back fires in the hills at the west end of 
Glendora, which should aid in getting the 
fire fully contained. Updates on the fire 
can be found on our website under Breaking 
News ( or 
following on twitter (@mtnviewsnews). 


Incumbents in Sierra Madre and 
Arcadia Fail To Seek Second Term 

There seems to be a new trend Green, Denise Delmar and Rachin 
local politics in our town, and elle Arizmendi. The four candi-
Arcadia too. With the deadline dates will run for three seats on 
for filing papers for re-election in the council.
both Sierra Madre and Arcadia Some say this will present an in-
passing, none of the incumbents teresting scenario in a city known 
chose to run for a second term. for contentious council races 
(See Arcadia story on page 5). with multiple candidates for each 


In Sierra Madre, current No one that we spoke with can 
Counilmember Chris Koerber remember a time in recent histoand 
Former Mayor Josh Moran ry when no incumbent who was 
had previously announced their eligible to run refused to serve, 
decisions not to run citing per-for whatever reason, a second 
sonal reasons. The deadline for term.
the remaining incumbent, Mayor The election will be held on 
Nancy Walsh to file was January April 8, 2014. Also on the ballot 
13th, and, as confirmed by City will be Measure UUT, the User 
Clerk Nancy Shollenberger. the Utility Tax measure.
only candidates that will be on S. Henderson, MVNews 
the ballot are Gene Goss, Noah 


At Tuesday’s city council meeting, Councilman Chris Koerber, a renowned 
fiscal conservative, made a public appeal to residents to support 
the proposed Water Rate Increase. Koerber informed those who 
may have already submitted their Prop 218 ballot to reconsider and go 
to city hall and request the appropriate form to withdraw their ballot.

 Earlier the same day, Mayor Walsh, in her State of the City address 
before the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club, also encouraged residents to 
support the increase. “Don’t believe some dude on a robo call”, said 
Walsh, referring to the recent rash of automated calls asking Sierra 
Madreans to reject the increase. To date, no one has been able to identify 
who is the sponsor of these calls which contain “misleading and 
inaccurate information” said the city manager Elaine Aguilar in an 
earlier conversation.

 One local resident and owner of multiple rental units in the city, Earl 
Ritchie, posted a banner opposing the increase in front of one of his 
apartment buildings during the holidays. Earlier in the week, Channel 
4 news spoke was in town to talk about our current water situation 
and one couple stood before the camera and articulated their support 
of the increase to save our water system. 

 On January 28th, the council will address the proposed increase. 

Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Log 

During the month of December, 
Sierra Madre Search and Rescue 
(SMSR) responded to six calls for 
assistance to close out 2013. The 
Team responded to 96 incidents 
during the year and provided 
assistance to 84 individuals lost or 
injured in the mountains. Over 
3,770 hours of time were logged by 
Team members while on these calls. 

In addition to actual search and 
rescue calls, Team members logged 
over 7,400 hours in support of the 
Team’s mission. This included 17 
public preventative search and 
rescue (PSAR) events where Team 
members discuss wilderness safety 
and preparedness with scout groups, 
schools, and other community 
groups. Members logged just 
under 4,800 hours of training in a 
broad array of SAR disciplines in 
order to maintain the high level 
of proficiency required to safely 
perform SAR operations. In total, 
Team members logged over 11,200 
hours of official time in support 
of the Team. Many additional 
hours of unofficial time were spent 
by individual Team members 
maintaining their readiness. 

Two noteworthy calls from 
December and the first call of 2014 
are described in more detail below. 

Missing Mountain Bikers, Arroyo 
Seco: The Team responded to a 

5:30 a.m. mutual aid request from 
the Altadena Mountain Rescue 
Team (AMRT) on December 23rd 
to assist in search efforts to locate 
4 mountain bikers overdue from a 
ride in the Arroyo Seco area. The 
subjects had been attempting to ride 
from the Switzer’s Camp area down 
past JPL and out at the trailhead 
on Windsor Ave. in Altadena. 
Search crews from AMRT and 
Montrose Search and Rescue had 
been working throughout the night 
to locate the bikers and additional 
personnel along with 
helicopter support had 
been requested to augment 
the search efforts. The 4 
individuals had limited 
familiarity with the area 
and were located by a 2 
person crew from SMSR 
near the mouth of Bear 
Canyon. All the subjects 
were tired but uninjured 
after a cold night out with 
limited gear. The team 
assisted the individuals 
back to their families at the 
trailhead. All personnel 
were released from the 
incident at 11:30 a.m. 

Injured Hiker, Mt. Wilson 
Trail/Little Santa Anita 
Canyon: The Team 
completed their last 
operation of 2013 on 
December 30th with the 
rescue of a hiker on the Mt. 
Wilson Trail. The Team 
joined the SMFD at 1:08 

p.m. upon being notified 
of a hiker injured in a slip 
and fall over the side of 
the trail. The hiker had 
fallen over the side and tumbled 
approx. 100 feet into the canyon 
after stepping on a loose rock that 
had given way. Rescuers made their 
way up to the incident location and 
used various rope rescue techniques 
to access the hiker. After securing 
the hiker in order to prevent a more 
extensive fall, the hiker’s injuries 
were assessed and he was raised to 
the trail where additional medical 
treatment was provided by SMFD 
paramedics. Given the nature 
of the injuries, the decision was 
made to wheel the hiker out to the 
waiting ambulance via the Stokes 
litter and wheel combination used 
on many rescues. The hiker was 
transferred to SMFD’s RA41 and 
was transported to the hospital 
for treatment. The operation was 
secured at 2:19 p.m. 

Due to the holidays and our 
unseasonably warm weather, 2014 
has started off with a series of 
rescues during the first week of 

Hiker and Dog Over the Side, 
Chantry Flat: At 10:50 a.m. on 
January 2nd, SMSR was paged to 
respond to reports of a hiker and 
their dog off the side of the trail and 
stranded in near vertical terrain 
below the Chantry Flat parking 
area. Rescuers responded to the 
scene and found a hiker stranded 
approximately 30’ over the side 
after having attempted to help his 
dog who had fallen over the edge. 
Team members focused the initial 
rescue efforts on the (cont. page 5) 

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Useful Reference Links

Local Weather

National Weather Service: Sierra Madre forecast

Map: Sierra Madre mud and debris flow
News about Sierra Madre
mud and debris flow

Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548