Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, January 18, 2014

MVNews this week:  Page 5

“What’s Going On?”
News and Views from Joan Schmidt 
AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 18, 2014 5 
Sierra Madre Woman’s Club 
550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd, 626-355-4379 
Do you enjoy reading “real books?” 
Are you a book club member? 
Are you interested in why local authors 
wrote the books they did? 
Are you interested in writing? 
Faye Angus Marcielle Brandler 
Adrienne Bratton Roma Wyllie 
10:30 Open -Meet Our 4 Authors, Choose 1st Author of Interest 
10:45-11:25 Session 1 – Meet in Author’s Room to start 
11:25-11:50 Nibble, Sip, Buy Books, Signings 
11:50-12:30 Session 2 – Meet in Another Author’s Room 
12:30-1:00 Sip & Nibble, Buy Books, Signings 
1:00-1:45 Session 3 – Meet in a Third Author’s Room 
1:45 – 2:00 - Closing – Sip, Chat, Buy Books, Signings 
RSVP 355-8977 by Wed, Jan 29 $20 
February 1-Walk-Ins: $25 
Proceeds support SMWC 30+ Charities 
SEARCH AND RESCUE (from pg. 1)
dog owner and used a stranded hiker rescue technique to safely get the young man back onto the road. 
Rescuers proceeded to rappel into the San Olene Canyon drainage to attempt to locate the missing 
dog. Approximately 80’ over the side, the dog was located uninjured, but in a precarious position. 
The rescuer was able to coax the dog into his rescue pack so that the rescuer and dog could be safely 
raised back to the road. Dog and owner were reunited and the operation was secured at 12:38 p.m. 
The Team extends our appreciation and thanks to the other emergency services agencies that we 
work with including; Sierra Madre Fire Department, Sierra Madre Police Department, LA County 
Fire Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff ’s Department, the US Forest Service, and our fellow 
SAR teams. 
Most importantly, we’d like to extend our sincere thanks to the residents of Sierra Madre and those 
that support the Team and enable us to help those in need. 
For over 60 years the all-volunteer Sierra Madre Search and Rescue team has been responding to calls 
for help in the local mountains and beyond. Funded entirely by private donations, SMSR provides a 
range of public programs on wilderness safety in addition to its search and rescue activities. The Team 
never charges for any of its services. 
For more information, including how to arrange a wilderness safety demonstration for your school 
or group, visit 
This past Tuesday the City of Duarte held its 2013 Annual Awards. Prior to 
the Council Meeting, there was a “homey” reception with lots of food, a cake 
and just a lot of camaraderie. Maybe it’s because their Community Center is 
so large, that one can easily walk around, visit friends and congratulate the 
awardees that it seems more like a family gathering! 
Duarte’s newest resident, Jack Russell Caracci, made his appearance to the delight of everyone present. 
The ten-day old baby’s proud parents are Mayor Pro tem Tzeitel Paras-Caracci and K.C. Caracci. All 
cameras clicked and City Manager Daryl George held the little one wearing his special shirt with the 
Andres Duarte “D” brand printed on it! 
Honored for five years of service were Pattie Dalessandro, Commissioner, Public Works 
Commission; Frank Haynes, Commissioner, Public Works Commission; Craig Hensley, Director 
of Community Development, Community Development Commission; Ana Lisa Hernandez, 
Commissioner, Public Safety and Planning Commssions; and Tony Molina, Commissioner, Economic 
Development Commission. 
Recognized for ten years of service were Larry Breceda, Public Safety Manager, Code 
Compliance/Animal Control Officer and Part-Time Community Services Officer, Public Safety 
Department and Part-Time Recreation Leader and Part-Time Student Intern, Parks and Recreation 
Department; George Dang, Recreation Supervisor and Recreation Coordinator, Parks and Recreation 
Department; and Aida Torres, Crime Prevention Specialist, Public Safety Coordinator and Part-Time 
Community Services Officer/Probation Intern, Public Safety Department. 
All of the above-mentioned are hardworking dedicated individuals and are an asset to Duarte. 
Since I began writing for this publication over two years ago, Ms. Torres has been OUTSTANDING in 
her job. She NEVER fails to email me updates on robberies/any crimes that occur. And she ALWAYS 
includes safety tips on preventing crime. No matter where you live-Duarte, Monrovia, Arcadia, Sierra 
Madre, Ms. Torres’ crime prevention tips are quite pertinent. 
I have saved the best for last! Duarte resident Jim Kirchner was honored for TWENTYFIVE 
years of service. This past year, Jim has been a Commissioner on the Cable Communication 
Commission. For two years, Jim served on the Planning Commission, the Duarte City Council for 
twelve years and the Traffic Safety Commission for ten years. Jim and his wife Kathy have been very 
involved with many nonprofit groups and worked on many projects to benefit others. Congratulations, 
City Manager Daryl George with Jack Russell 
SAN FRANCISCO – With California 
facing water shortfalls in the 
driest year in recorded state history, 
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. 
today proclaimed a State of Emergency 
and directed state officials to 
take all necessary actions to prepare 
for these drought conditions. 
“We can’t make it rain, but we can 
be much better prepared for the 
terrible consequences that California’s 
drought now threatens, including 
dramatically less water for 
our farms and communities and 
increased fires in both urban and 
rural areas,” said Governor Brown. 
“I’ve declared this emergency and 
I’m calling all Californians to conserve 
water in every way possible.” 
In the State of Emergency declaration, 
Governor Brown directed 
state officials to assist farmers and 
communities that are economically 
impacted by dry conditions and to 
ensure the state can respond if Californians 
face drinking water shortages. 
The Governor also directed 
state agencies to use less water and 
hire more firefighters and initiated 
a greatly expanded water conservation 
public awareness campaign 
(details at 
In addition, the proclamation gives 
state water officials more flexibility 
to manage supply throughout California 
under drought conditions. 
State water officials say that California’s 
river and reservoirs are 
below their record lows. Manual 
and electronic readings record the 
snowpack’s statewide water content 
at about 20 percent of normal average 
for this time of year. 
The Governor’s drought State of 
Emergency follows a series of actions 
the administration has taken 
to ensure that California is prepared 
for record dry conditions. 
In May 2013, Governor Brown issued 
an Executive Order to direct 
state water officials to expedite the 
review and processing of voluntary 
transfers of water and water 
rights. In December, the Governor 
formed a Drought Task Force to 
review expected water allocations, 
California’s preparedness for water 
scarcity and whether conditions 
merit a drought declaration. Earlier 
this week, the Governor toured 
the Central Valley and spoke with 
growers and others impacted by 
California’s record dry conditions. 
Governor Brown signs proclamation declaring Drought State ofEmergency. From left to right: CAL FIRE Director Chief Ken Pim-
lott, Department of Food and Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross, 
Secretary Laird, Director Cowin, Chair Marcus and DirectorGhilarducci. Photo Credit: Justin Short, Office of the Governor. 
“What’s Going On?”
News and Views from Joan Schmidt 
AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 18, 2014 5 
Sierra Madre Woman’s Club 
550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd, 626-355-4379 
Do you enjoy reading “real books?” 
Are you a book club member? 
Are you interested in why local authors 
wrote the books they did? 
Are you interested in writing? 
Faye Angus Marcielle Brandler 
Adrienne Bratton Roma Wyllie 
10:30 Open -Meet Our 4 Authors, Choose 1st Author of Interest 
10:45-11:25 Session 1 – Meet in Author’s Room to start 
11:25-11:50 Nibble, Sip, Buy Books, Signings 
11:50-12:30 Session 2 – Meet in Another Author’s Room 
12:30-1:00 Sip & Nibble, Buy Books, Signings 
1:00-1:45 Session 3 – Meet in a Third Author’s Room 
1:45 – 2:00 - Closing – Sip, Chat, Buy Books, Signings 
RSVP 355-8977 by Wed, Jan 29 $20 
February 1-Walk-Ins: $25 
Proceeds support SMWC 30+ Charities 
SEARCH AND RESCUE (from pg. 1)
dog owner and used a stranded hiker rescue technique to safely get the young man back onto the road. 
Rescuers proceeded to rappel into the San Olene Canyon drainage to attempt to locate the missing 
dog. Approximately 80’ over the side, the dog was located uninjured, but in a precarious position. 
The rescuer was able to coax the dog into his rescue pack so that the rescuer and dog could be safely 
raised back to the road. Dog and owner were reunited and the operation was secured at 12:38 p.m. 
The Team extends our appreciation and thanks to the other emergency services agencies that we 
work with including; Sierra Madre Fire Department, Sierra Madre Police Department, LA County 
Fire Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff ’s Department, the US Forest Service, and our fellow 
SAR teams. 
Most importantly, we’d like to extend our sincere thanks to the residents of Sierra Madre and those 
that support the Team and enable us to help those in need. 
For over 60 years the all-volunteer Sierra Madre Search and Rescue team has been responding to calls 
for help in the local mountains and beyond. Funded entirely by private donations, SMSR provides a 
range of public programs on wilderness safety in addition to its search and rescue activities. The Team 
never charges for any of its services. 
For more information, including how to arrange a wilderness safety demonstration for your school 
or group, visit 
This past Tuesday the City of Duarte held its 2013 Annual Awards. Prior to 
the Council Meeting, there was a “homey” reception with lots of food, a cake 
and just a lot of camaraderie. Maybe it’s because their Community Center is 
so large, that one can easily walk around, visit friends and congratulate the 
awardees that it seems more like a family gathering! 
Duarte’s newest resident, Jack Russell Caracci, made his appearance to the delight of everyone present. 
The ten-day old baby’s proud parents are Mayor Pro tem Tzeitel Paras-Caracci and K.C. Caracci. All 
cameras clicked and City Manager Daryl George held the little one wearing his special shirt with the 
Andres Duarte “D” brand printed on it! 
Honored for five years of service were Pattie Dalessandro, Commissioner, Public Works 
Commission; Frank Haynes, Commissioner, Public Works Commission; Craig Hensley, Director 
of Community Development, Community Development Commission; Ana Lisa Hernandez, 
Commissioner, Public Safety and Planning Commssions; and Tony Molina, Commissioner, Economic 
Development Commission. 
Recognized for ten years of service were Larry Breceda, Public Safety Manager, Code 
Compliance/Animal Control Officer and Part-Time Community Services Officer, Public Safety 
Department and Part-Time Recreation Leader and Part-Time Student Intern, Parks and Recreation 
Department; George Dang, Recreation Supervisor and Recreation Coordinator, Parks and Recreation 
Department; and Aida Torres, Crime Prevention Specialist, Public Safety Coordinator and Part-Time 
Community Services Officer/Probation Intern, Public Safety Department. 
All of the above-mentioned are hardworking dedicated individuals and are an asset to Duarte. 
Since I began writing for this publication over two years ago, Ms. Torres has been OUTSTANDING in 
her job. She NEVER fails to email me updates on robberies/any crimes that occur. And she ALWAYS 
includes safety tips on preventing crime. No matter where you live-Duarte, Monrovia, Arcadia, Sierra 
Madre, Ms. Torres’ crime prevention tips are quite pertinent. 
I have saved the best for last! Duarte resident Jim Kirchner was honored for TWENTYFIVE 
years of service. This past year, Jim has been a Commissioner on the Cable Communication 
Commission. For two years, Jim served on the Planning Commission, the Duarte City Council for 
twelve years and the Traffic Safety Commission for ten years. Jim and his wife Kathy have been very 
involved with many nonprofit groups and worked on many projects to benefit others. Congratulations, 
City Manager Daryl George with Jack Russell 
SAN FRANCISCO – With California 
facing water shortfalls in the 
driest year in recorded state history, 
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. 
today proclaimed a State of Emergency 
and directed state officials to 
take all necessary actions to prepare 
for these drought conditions. 
“We can’t make it rain, but we can 
be much better prepared for the 
terrible consequences that California’s 
drought now threatens, including 
dramatically less water for 
our farms and communities and 
increased fires in both urban and 
rural areas,” said Governor Brown. 
“I’ve declared this emergency and 
I’m calling all Californians to conserve 
water in every way possible.” 
In the State of Emergency declaration, 
Governor Brown directed 
state officials to assist farmers and 
communities that are economically 
impacted by dry conditions and to 
ensure the state can respond if Californians 
face drinking water shortages. 
The Governor also directed 
state agencies to use less water and 
hire more firefighters and initiated 
a greatly expanded water conservation 
public awareness campaign 
(details at 
In addition, the proclamation gives 
state water officials more flexibility 
to manage supply throughout California 
under drought conditions. 
State water officials say that California’s 
river and reservoirs are 
below their record lows. Manual 
and electronic readings record the 
snowpack’s statewide water content 
at about 20 percent of normal average 
for this time of year. 
The Governor’s drought State of 
Emergency follows a series of actions 
the administration has taken 
to ensure that California is prepared 
for record dry conditions. 
In May 2013, Governor Brown issued 
an Executive Order to direct 
state water officials to expedite the 
review and processing of voluntary 
transfers of water and water 
rights. In December, the Governor 
formed a Drought Task Force to 
review expected water allocations, 
California’s preparedness for water 
scarcity and whether conditions 
merit a drought declaration. Earlier 
this week, the Governor toured 
the Central Valley and spoke with 
growers and others impacted by 
California’s record dry conditions. 
Governor Brown signs proclamation declaring Drought State ofEmergency. From left to right: CAL FIRE Director Chief Ken Pim-
lott, Department of Food and Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross, 
Secretary Laird, Director Cowin, Chair Marcus and DirectorGhilarducci. Photo Credit: Justin Short, Office of the Governor.