Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, January 18, 2014

MVNews this week:  Page 3

This year’s design contest will 
be held until Friday, February 
7th, 2014. We recognize that the 
official Tournament of Roses 
Theme Announcement will occur 
in mid-January.
Design Guidelines:
1. Designs must be received no 
later than Friday, February 7th 
2014, by 5PM at P.O. Box 603, 
Sierra Madre, CA 91025. 
2. Design submissions need 
to take into consideration the 
Tournament of Roses 2015 Parade 
3. Designers should consider 
the appropriate use of float riders, 
Sierra Madre Rose Princess-
es/Escorts (2-4) and animation. 
Float designs should represent a 
float no longer than 55 feet and 
18 feet wide. 
4. The design contest is open 
to all ages (need not be a Sierra 
Madre resident nor a Sierra 
Madre Rose Float Association 
member). Designs developed by 
Groups, Art Classes or other organizations 
are gladly received. 
Designers are encouraged also 
to submit more than one design.
5. Please provide a title to the 
float design. Submission should 
include a written description 
(no more than 100 words) 
of the concept and possible 
6. While only a very simple 
sketch is required to illustrate 
the concept, more detail can 
help in the selection process. 
The Tournament of Roses 
shared a few tips on what they 
are looking for in a theme/float:
“We have selected a theme 
that allows us to reflect on and 
appreciate the many people 
around us who elevate the human 
spirit by who they are, 
what they have done and what 
they continue to do. 
It pays tribute to those who have 
loved unconditionally, persevered 
courageously, endured 
patiently and accomplished significantly 
on behalf of others. 
They may be “heroes” or 
“stars” to some, but they don't 
seek such titles. They may be 
kind, resilient, free-spirited or 
intensely focused, and though 
different from one another, they 
all give us life because they have 
overcome obstacles, achieved 
the unthinkable, given immeasurably, 
or sacrificed unselfishly. 
Whether for justice, for charity, 
or for any other good, they do 
so humbly and with resolve. It 
is the tale of their journey that 
enriches our lives regardless of 
the fulfillment of the purpose.
Throughout the year, we will 
collect a myriad of accounts befitting 
the theme.” “We will see 
them in action through visiting 
thousands of band members 
and hear of them from sponsors 
like yourselves, as well as 
from our broadcast partners, 
Tournament members and the 
general public. Whether the 
accounts are about individuals, 
communities, businesses or 
even animals, you can trust that 
when you hear or see the theme 
in action throughout the year 
and on New Year’s Day, you will 
laugh, you will cry, you will be 
lifted up and thankful for the 
opportunity to make a connection 
with life as we know it at its 
best in looking forward to the 
new year. " 
Sierra Madre, CA. - The City of Sierra Madre Community Services 
Department and the Senior Community Commission is seeking your 
assistance to find the 2014 Older ‘Sierra Madre’ American of the Year. 
Nominated individuals must live in Sierra Madre, demonstrate outstanding community service 
and be age 60 or older. Nomination forms can be obtained from the Hart Park House Senior Center, 
Community Recreation Center, City Hall, Sierra Madre Public Library or by contacting the Senior 
Services Desk at (626) 355-7394. 
Nominations are due by Tuesday, February 18, 2014 and can be dropped off at the Hart Park House SeniorCenter or mailed to City of Sierra Madre, c/o Older American Nomination, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd,
Sierra Madre, CA 91024. The Senior Community Commission will discuss nominees and announce thehonoree at their regular scheduled meeting on Thursday, March 6, 2014 in the Sierra Madre City CouncilChambers. The honoree will also be recognized at a reception held in their honor on Friday, May 9, 2014. 
Previous Honorees include: Joan Crow, Jerry & Nan Carlton, Pat Alcorn, Fran Garbaccio, Ken 
Anhalt, Eph Konigsberg, Russ Anderson, George Throop, Loyal Camacho, John Grijalva, Joylouise 
Harte-Smith, James Heasley, Midge Morash, James Tyler, Isbella Paegal, Bonnie Garner, Rose 
Fafach, Ed Wellman, Celeste McCleary, Dorothy Tillquist, Doris Webster, Elsie Dannmayer, George 
Mauer & Karl Teigler. 
Follow us on Facebook or Twitter 
The Official 2015 Theme is “INSPIRED STORIES” 
By Deanne Davis 
The City of Sierra Madre is hosting the once a 
year Volunteer Facility Attendant Training on 
Sunday, January 26, 2014. This is a two-part training 
that is for local organizations and non-profits. 
The first part of the training covers the opening 
and closing procedures and use of amenities at 
the Hart Park House, Sierra Madre Room and 
Youth Activity Center from 8:00am-9:00am. 
The second part of the training is a Red Cross 
First Aid, CPR/AED certification course from 
9:00am-1:00pm. Each volunteer facility attendant 
is required to possess current First Aid and CPR 
certifications through either the Red Cross or 
American Heart Association. The cost of the Red 
Cross course through the City is $27, attendees 
must bring cash or a check made out to the City 
of Sierra Madre on the day of the training. If you 
are already certified, you will just need to provide 
proof of certification to the City and do not need 
to attend the second part of the training. 
It is highly recommended you have more than 
one representative from your organization attend 
this training. The cost of a facility attendant 
if your organization does not have a volunteer 
facility attendant available is $51 an hour. Please 
forward this email to your organization’s current 
President or person in charge if that has changed. 
Attached is a copy of the application and waiver, 
as well as additional information. The training 
will meet at the Hart Park House, located at 222 
W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 
and begin promptly at 9:00am on Sunday, January 
26. If you did not attend the training in 2013, 
you will need to attend in 2014 as a refresher and 
to update your certification. I will need a final list 
of reserved spots for the Volunteer Facility Attendant 
Training no later than Thursday, January 
23, 2014. Be sure to indicate if you need to attend 
one or both sessions of the training. Please let me 
know if you have any questions. Thank you! 
We’ve been saying, “Hey! How 
ya doing!” to Sierra Madre good 
person, Kathy Bray, for some years 
now but hadn’t really gotten to 
meal. Kathy said those weekends 
were marathons of cooking, 
washing dishes, serving, cleaning 
the bathroom and cooking some 

Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 18, 2014 

@mtnviewsnews or check in at for the latest breaking know her till the Memorial Day 

ceremonies in Pioneer Cemetery 
a year or so ago when John, my 
staunchly patriotic husband, and I 
sat next to her in a shady spot and 
we were all filled with pride seeing 
our guys, the veterans of VFW Post 
3208. We had a few minutes to 
chat before the program and Kathy 
confided she had wanted to join 
the Marine Corps right out of high 
school but her mom just wasn’t 
going to let that happen so she has 
given a great deal of her life and 
many of her resources to the USO 
(United Service Organizations Inc., 
which is a nonprofit organization 
that provides programs, services 
and live entertainment to United 
States troops and their families), 
specifically at the Bob Hope 
Hollywood USO at LAX. 

Spent an hour with Kathy at 
Starbucks and it was probably the 

best one I’ll have all week. People 
are amazing when you get to know a 
little bit about them and there’s quite 
a lot to know about Kathy Bray! She 
moved into our neighborhood in 
2004 after spending the previous 20 
years in Idyllwild as owner of From 
Tips To Toes Salon-Spa, where 
Dolly Parton and her family were 
frequent guests, along with David 
Horowitz and a number of other 
celebs. It was magnificent, but fires, 
shoveling snow and the long drives 
to town eventually sent her to Sierra 
Madre’s simpler climate. 

Kathy’s grandfather, a Marine in 
WWII, who served again in the 
Navy during the Korean War, was 
her early inspiration. While in high 
school in Santa Ana, her family 
owned an old yellow school bus 
and they would arrange with Camp 
Pendleton to bring a large group of 
young out-of-state Marines home 
for Thanksgiving; sleeping bags all 
over the place and ravenous young 
guys longing for a home cooked 

more! These young guys were 
so grateful to get a taste of home 
and Kathy’s heart for the military 
continued to grow. 

After moving to Sierra Madre, 
Kathy had more time to spend at 
the Bob Hope Hollywood USO 
where she was known as “the 
Pie Lady” as she would bake and 
bring 10 pies at a time for the 
kids who came to the USO, along 
with vats of potato salad. She was 
the Pie Lady for four years, four 
days a week, serving the young 
men and women of all branches 
of our Armed Forces. These kids 
wanted her recipes to send home 
and Kathy has received thank you 
notes and letters from all over the 
world. The USO at LAX, by the 
way, is one of the few USO facilities 
where service personnel can sleep 
overnight, which is a huge help to 
these kids on their way to and from 

far-flung bases.
Probably not manyof us have had the 
opportunity to becomefriends with one of 
the original TuskegeeAirmen, a group of 
pilots who foughtin World War II, 
but Kathy ran into 
Clarence (Buddy)
Huntley, a Crew 
Chief of the Tuskegee 
Airmen, on a cruise to 
Hawaii. Discoveringthat Clarence worked 
right there at LAX, 
Kathy wanted to 
take him to lunch at 
the USO. When he 
arrived, the person atthe door was givinghim a bad time, not 

letting him in as he did not havehis military credentials with him.
Kathy expressed her unhappinessand General Tielmann, who runs 
B.H.H.USO, overheard it all from 
his adjacent office, came out andsaid no Tuskegee Airman neededcredentials to get in there ever! 
Now that’s taking care of business! 

Kathy is a jewelry maker 
extraordinaire, creating lovelythings since she was eight! Her 
exquisite earrings, bracelets, 
necklaces and pins are availablehere in town at Arnold’s Gift 
Shop, The Yellow Bus and CapelliCourt; also Magnolia on Foothill inArcadia, and Fasching’s Car Wash.
She knits the softest and most 
beautiful scarves and headbands 
and you can find her behind a tableat most of our fun town events, 
i.e., the Wistaria Festival, Dickens 
Village, the Art Walks and, friends,
her creations are fabulous. I, 
personally, own a whole bunch ofthem! 

Kathy is a breast cancer survivor, 
a licensed massage therapist, areflexologist, an aesthetician, an 
Ayurvedic scalp massage therapist, 
a former broadcaster, a cross-
country truck driver, pet shopowner-operator, and worked inItaly with import-export at all of 
the US Military post gift shops. 

I asked Kathy what she wished she 
could have done and it didn’t take 
her a second to say she wanted tobe part of the staff of the USO atBagram Air Base in Afghanistan 
but it just didn’t come together.
Then I asked her what she’d do 
if she won the Lotto. “Oh, that’s 
easy,” she said, “I’d buy the biggest 
ranch in Montana and save all the 
horses who needed a break and 
then I’d hire those guys who usehorse therapy to help our veterans 
who are having a tough time andhelp them get past it!’ 

Start looking for Kathy Bray whileyou’re out there walking SierraMadre and say hi! She and her little 
Schnauzer, Gertie, are a familiar 
couple around town. Oh! As we 
were parting, she said, “Did I tell 
you how I delivered my baby sister?
I was a midwife at 9!” Now that’s 
an interesting person! 

“...Isn’t it splendid to think of all thethings there are to find out about? Itjust makes me feel glad to be alive-
it’s such an interesting world.
It wouldn’t be half so interestingif we knew all about everything,
would it? There’d be no scope for 
imagination then, would there?”

L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green 
One last thing, dear Gentle 
Readers… I have a new book, 
“A Tablespoon of Love, A 
Tablespoon of Laughter.” 

 It’s available on CreateSpace at 
the following link: https://www. and also 
on It’s funny, it’s got 
easy recipes for good stuff, pictures, 
kid stories, and I think you’ll like it. 
Take A Look!