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Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 18, 2014 
8 FOOD & DRINK & MORE Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 18, 2014 

My dearly departed pappy Elmer Dills would tell me, don‘t argue sex, politics and or religion, I must 
add tipping to the list. I have used this topic many times on my radio show, Dining with Dills on 
KABC Radio to get the phones buzzing. 

TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills 
There is a new law on the books, actually an old 
law that is now being enforced. Starting January 
1, the IRS will classify automatic gratuities as 
service charges that are taxable as regular wages 
and subject to payroll tax withholding. That might 

sound like a bunch of tax law mumbo jumbo, but what it means is that restaurants have to treat those 
tips like regular wages. 

Typically, the IRS left it up to the waiter or tipped employees to declare that money. But with this new 
change the waiter won’t see those “tips” until payday—instead of the end of the shift. And restaurants 
will have to withhold federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes on that money, too.
What it means for the diner is that those automatic 18% gratuity charges on tables of 6 or more may 
well be a thing of the past. The addition has been added onto large parties to ensure that servers are 
paid for catering to a large group. 

That doesn’t mean 
you should use this 
an excuse to start 
stiffing people. 
Remember, the 
minimum wage laws 
here in the States for 
tipped workers is still 
at a shocking $2.13 
an hour. (California 
thankfully paysall of it’s workers, 
tipped or untapped, 
a minimum of $8/
hour.) And, as evidenced by this video, a few extra bucks means a lot to the service workers of America.
The new rule actually went into effect in June of 2012, however the IRS postponed enforcement until 
January 2014 to give restaurateurs enough time to adjust and properly comply. 

While it might seem great to have some freedom as a customer, the service industry isn’t so excited 
about the idea. 

Tips… To insure proper service. Here is my rundown and no it hasn’t changed in twenty years of 
reviewing restaurants. 

Anyone in any country that provides a service should be rewarded. 

10% buffet plus $2 directly to busboy that brought you water and had to clean up after the kids 
through Jell-O on the ground. 

$1 for each drink at the bar 

$2 for a to go order, as long as they got it right 

12% fair service, means they brought you the food and came back with your check 

15% Good service brought you your food and drinks and refilled drinks and asked how was it 

18% Very Good service all of the above plus asked you if your meal was prepared to your liking 

20-25% All of the above, brought items in proper order, waited for you to ask for check, asked if 
there is a validation needed and please ask for me next time. 

One more note… I subtract 5% when the server blames the kitchen for a mistake, got it !! 

This a fun conversation please listen in KABC Talk Radio 790 AM on Sundays at 5PM 


Written by Oscar Wilde. Directed by Gigi Bermingham. Produced by Sherrie Lofton for 
Sierra Madre Playhouse. 

WHERE: Sierra Madre Playhouse, 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Ample 

FREE parking behind theatre. 
WHEN: Friday, January 17- Sunday, February 23, 2014. Fri. & Sat. at 8:00, Sun. at 2:30. 
Also: Sunday, February 9 at 7:00 p.m. and Thursdays February 13 and February 20 at 

8:00 p.m. Opening Night Gala performance on January 17 is followed by 
Champagne reception and light buffet. 
ADMISSION: $25. Seniors (65+) and students (13-17), $22. Children 12 and under, $15.

 Fresh from winning the Ova-ist reveals an appalling secret from for her solo comedy “Non-Vital 
tion Award for Leading Actress (in the legislator’s youth. There are Organs.” She also won the Natalie 
“Master Class” at International City betrayals on top of betrayals and Schafer Award (for emerging co-
Theatre), Gigi Bermingham returns romances on top of romances in medic actress) from the Los Ange-
to Sierra Madre Playhouse (where Oscar Wilde’s funny, witty, sharply les Drama Critics Circle.
she starred in “Arcadia” in summer, observant comedy. Her cast for this new pro2010) 
to direct Oscar Wilde’s “An Fans of Oscar Wilde will be duction of “An Ideal Husband” 
Ideal Husband.”thrilled with this mounting. Those includes (in alphabetical order) 

 A government capital is new to Wilde will understand why :John Combs, Ata Farhadi, Albert 
shaken with plots, insider trading, he is considered the greatest Eng-Garnica, Jonathan Lamer, Michael 
sexual intrigue, greed, blackmail, lish writer (though born in Dublin) Matthys, Alexandria Napier, Ann 
back-stabbing, and a scandal so of his time (1854-1900).Noble, Gaby Santinelli and Lizzie 
shocking it threatens to topple the Gigi Bermingham’s previous Zerebko.
established order. Washington, directing credits include “You Can’t Whether or not you are an ideal 
D.C? No, it’s London in 1895. A Take it With You,” “Thin Man,” and husband or wife, bring your ideal 
politician on the rise is threatened “”It Can’t Happen Here,” all for An-significant other to Sierra Madre 
with the destruction of his career taeus Company. In addition to her Playhouse to enjoy “An Ideal 
and the loss of his adoring wife’s Ovation Award for “Master Class,” Husband.” 
love if a sexy, vixenish extortion-she won another Ovation Award 


 2 cups chicken stock 
2 tablespoons cornstarch with 1 tablespoon water 
1/2 cup heavy cream 
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes 
1 pint leftover rice 
2 pints leftover garlic shrimp 
3/4 cup toasted panko bread crumbs (Japanese bread crumbs) 


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 

In a small saucepan, combine the chicken stock and the cornstarch slurry and bring to a simmer 
for 3 minutes. Add the cream and the red pepper flakes. In a foil lined terra cotta pot, pour the rice 
and add the leftover garlic shrimp. Then pour the cream mixture over it. Top with the toasted panko 
and place in the oven for 45 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes before serving. 


Review By Sean Kayden 


The long awaited new series from HBO called “True Detective” debuted this 
past Sunday night. With expectations through the roof, did the show live up 
to all its potential? Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson both star 
in this dark police drama that takes place in South Louisiana. The two men 
are two Louisiana State Police homicide detectives who hunt a serial killer in 1995. The show spans 
across seventeen years, showing flashbacks of the investigation leading into 2012 where both men 
are interviewed separately by current detectives about their relationship as well as the murder that 
occurred during their time as partners. “True 
Detective” is a slow burn miniseries that’s intense, 
morbid, and richly textured. The dialogue is 
provocative and lively that brings an ominous tone 
to the show. With two solid performances by lead 
actors who have come into their own as of late, 
“True Detective’s” pilot episode pulls you into its 
world. This is not a happy place to be, but one that’s 
too damn gripping to turn away from. 

Pilot: “The Long Bright Dark” 
Created by: Nic Pizzolatto 
Written by: Nic Pizzolatto 
(All 8 Episodes)
Directed by: Cary Joji Fukunaga 
(All 8 Episodes)
Premiered on HBO on January 12, 2014 
Matthew McConaughey stars Det. Rust Cohle. 
He’s mysterious and haunted. He’s battling an alcohol addiction, coping with a deceased daughter 
and a philosophical pessimist. He doesn’t have any furniture in his apartment and there are several 
crime novels stacked against a wall. With seemingly no friends or family, Cohle seems to just live 
for his job. The first episode was mostly about revealing who these characters are and the way they 
perceive one another. Woody Harrelson stars Det. Martin Hart who is the opposite of Cohle. He 
has a beautiful family and doesn’t believe in the same ideologies about life as his distressed partner. 
However, their scenes together are the most powerful in the episode. The relationship is dynamic 
and multifaceted. These two actors really switched it up these past few years with more dramatic 
roles. McConaughey, once a guy who did silly rom-com and action pictures is now one of the most 
dramatic actors on screen. His presence is dominating, convincing, and down right alluring. In “True 
Detective,” Harrelson keeps up though with each step and each punch thrown at him. At the very 
least, “True Detective” already has some of the best acting to be found on television. 

In the pilot episode, it seems very few things actually happen. We have the investigation of a murdered 
girl found by a tree in the cane fields. She was naked, tied to the tree, and had antlers coming out of 
her head. Cohle believes this isn’t the murder’s first time, but Hart is skeptical. A missing girl from 
several years ago is brought to attention and the two men pay a visit to the girl’s uncle. This all leads 
up to an ending with a picture being shown to Cohle, seventeen years later (no longer belonging to 
the police department) that will have you craving the next episode, if not all of the remaining seven. 
It may be too early to predict, but “True Detective” appears to have best new series written all over it 
thus far. 


Another well-deserved 
congratulations to this multi-
talented author, speaker and 
founder of an international 
event production company. 
Her colleagues caught her offguard earlier this month with 
a wonderful accolade. 

Andrea Michaels had the 
surprise of her life at the “The 
Special Event” 2014 Annual 
Gala Awards in Nashville, 
TN on Friday, January 20th 
when she was presented 
with the prestigious “Pillar 
of the Industry” Gala Award 
for her contribution to 
professionalism in the events 
industry. Recognized as 
one of the top International 

Awards Shows, receiving the Pillar is the industry 
equivalent of an Academy Award. 

Still delightfully stunned, Andrea shares, “It was 
such an unbelievable honor. No one has ever 
surprised me like this, ever!” She expressed, “I am 
humbled to be so acknowledged by my peers and 
those I hold in such high esteem. This is an honor 
that exceeds my reality.” Andrea has a reputation 
for excellence with her clients, is respected as a 
generous mentor to colleagues and says, “I learn 
as much from them as they do from me and try 
to give back to the industry that has so enhanced 
my life in every way possible, bringing me new 
life experiences every day, every minute and every 

Her business biography, Reflections of a Successful 
Wallflower: Lesson in Business, Lessons in Life 
chronicles her evolution and triumph from being 
born in a concentration camp during WWII, to 
becoming one of the original inductees into the 
special event industry’s Hall of Fame. 

Learn more about Andrea Michaels at www.