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MVNews this week:  Page 10

BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 18, 2014 
10 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 18, 2014 

The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques 

By La Quetta M. Shamblee,MBA 

“If a cluttered desk is a sign of how being tidy makes people documents and finding 
a cluttered mind, then what are kind of do the right thing and important notes that had long 
we to think of an empty desk?” then we started challenging ago been lost right in front of 

ourselves. Is there anything them. 
Ascribed to Albert Einstein, this that goes along with a messy 
sentiment may give reason to environment that could be Some measure of creativity 
pause and reflect on the benefits good?” After Vohs coordinated is associated with every 
of allowing oneself some leeway as series of experiments in the entrepreneur, so it is probably a 
when it comes to being more United States and Holland to good idea to allow a little leeway 
organized. But somehow, the determine if there are positive and not stress over a few stacks 
photo of Einstein sitting behind aspects to being untidy, she or a bit of clutter sometimes. 
his desk with a network of expressed that even she and Yet, if you’re a proud member of 
disheveled stacks has become her team of researchers were the messy workspace club, and 
a badge of validation for surprised by the findings. haven’t made any meaningful 
the masters of messy work headway on some great literary 
environments throughout the The research suggests a messy work or the next technological 
world. environment can bring out one’s breakthrough, it may be time to 

creativity as the springboard to tidy up your environment. 
“I know where everything is,” audacious and unprecedented 
is the perfunctory response ideas. Don’t be mistaken that Tossing some of the clutter 
of many messy desk masters a messy desk can ever serve and organizing your work 
whenever their desktop of as inspiration for anyone with environment may provide the 
“organized” chaos becomes no existing creativity, drive or mental space needed to proceed 
the topic of discussion. A initiative. In no way should with your signature equivalent 
growing body of research and you expect an airhead who to the Theory of Relativity. A 
the extreme success of icons maintains a cluttered desk to perusal of photos of the messy 
like Mark Twain and Steven be transformed into the next desks of Einstein, Twain and 
Jobs validates the notion that a Einstein. The evidence simply Jobs also reveals a semblance of 
messy desk may be a necessary indicates a work environment order in their surroundings and 
part of the environment for the that is less-than-perfect can that they were not drowning in 
geniuses among us to thrive. facilitate thinking that spawns clutter. 

ideas more creative than those 
Recent research conducted at of co-workers who meticulously In between your strokes of 
the University of Minnesota maintain workspaces where creative genius, a bit of tidying 
delved into the connection every item is positioned like a up will set you up for another 
between keeping one’s work soldier lined up for inspection.round of accomplishment as 
area clean and one’s principles Many masters of messy work you make room to plan and 
of honesty, productivity, environments have impressed execute your next move. The 
generosity with co-workers onlookers with a demonstration following lighthearted quote 
and other positive traits. The of reaching to retrieve a single by literary academic, Mason 
lead author of a study in the sheet of paper or a file from Cooley provides a bit of food 
journal Psychological Science, one of many disheveled stacks. for thought. “No chaos, no 
Psychologist Kathleen Vohs, These same masters spend creation. Evidence: The kitchen 
was quoted, We were thinking countless minutes and hours at mealtime,” – Mason Cooley, 
about doing a paper showing searching for files, recreating literary academic 

Welcome to PLAY! It’s a new column on the Mountain Views block. Play is important. And, 
from my entrepreneurial perspective, I think it is vital to our success. We often have our nose 
to the grindstone, juggling all the hats we have -- and amid all this chaos, we forget to play. 
Sometimes we even forget how to play. This bi-weekly conversation is designed to reintroduce 
you… not only to increase your fulfillment, but to increase your income. 

So, what is PLAY? The kind of play I’m talking about is not what you do on the weekends. 
It is what you do when you’re “at work,” making decisions. When you’re wondering how 
to market, or what new products to produce. It’s the place that every entrepreneur knows 
well… the place of risk, where a leap is required. 

Come here to receive tools and tips to navigate the adventure. To leap with more confidence. 
To be encouraged. You have unique work to do in the world. PLAY and watch it unfold 

I invite you. 
. . . . . 

LORI KOOP, helping entrepreneurs reach their goals. Schedule a complimentary session: www. or call 626-836-1667. (Location: 49 S. Baldwin Avenue, Suite L, Sierra Madre 

We’d like to hear from you! 
What’s on YOUR Mind? 
Contact us at: or 
mountainviewsnews AND Twitter: @mtnviewsnews 
Call Patricia at 626-818-2698 Today!

Successful business owners know one thing....a good business is built on 

Your social media marketing strategies can be built on systems too. Once you take the time to set up 
your tools, you’ll be able to get them to work together. 

When you build a social media system, you can post in one tool and populate many.
Here are a few examples: 

Link Facebook to Twitter ( Every post you make on Facebook will 
automatically tweet too 

Twitterfeed ( allows you to feed your blog posts to Facebook, Twitter and 

Simple Share in Constant Contact automatically posts your email campaigns on social media. 

Use your Smart phone to feed the system: I often use my voice recognition feature on my iphone to 
make a Facebook post. Because of the system I’ve built, it also goes to Twitter and to our web site. It 
takes me less than 10 seconds feed content to these 3 places! 

Who says Social Media takes too much time? Build a system. 

About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that specializes in 
Internet Marketing strategies and Social Media. They offer social media management services and 
help their clients build a strong on-line presence. “Like” them on Facebook for trending news in social 
media, internet marketing and other helpful tips,
Sign up for their upcoming classes and presentations at: