Mountain View News Saturday, May 3, 2014
Sierra Madre’s primary water source is in decline and
residents are required to conserve water. California
is facing one of the most severe droughts on record.
Reusing graywater is a way to conserve our water
supply, save money, reduce your reliance on potable
water for outdoor irrigation, and reduces flows to
our wastewater system.
What is Graywater?
Graywater is untreated household wastewater generated
from hand washing, laundry and bathing. This
wastewater can be diverted from the sewer to irrigate
outdoor plants and landscape. Graywater does
not include any water from toilets, kitchen sinks,
dishwashers or washing machines laundering soiled
How Graywater Systems Work:
A graywater system is a type of plumbing system
which directly reuses wastewater to irrigate your
plants. Do not use any detergents or bleaches in your
sink, bath and laundry that may ultimately be harmful
to your plants. To further ensure safety, graywater
cannot be used on the edible portions of vegetables
and must be used for sub-surface irrigation in order
to reduce human contact or ponding. You cannot
store graywater, only divert the amount needed to
water your garden. All systems must be installed and
maintained according to Chapter 16A of the California
Plumbing Code.
Types of Graywater Systems:
There are three types of graywater systems that can
be installed in your home that vary in complexity,
volume of water produced and permitting requirements.
In order to determine which system is right
for you, you need to know your irrigation needs,
including yard size, soil type, groundwater level and
budget. The easiest, most low-tech system uses a
washing machine and gravity to move laundry water
directly out to the garden – these “laundry-to-
landscape” systems do not require a permit as long
as no pump or surge tank is used and as long as all
code requirements are met. For simple and complex
systems which involve altering plumbing, including
use of surge tanks and pumps, a permit is required.
For graywater systems which require a permit, the
City of Sierra Madre has authorized a 30% reduction
of the permit fee to help offset costs and to promote
water conservation practices. If you or your qualified
professional have any questions on the installation
of a graywater system in your home, contact the Development
Services Department at (626) 355-7138.
The Volunteer Sierra Madre Fourth of July Committee is seeking nominations for the 2014 Fourth of July
Parade Grand Marshal. The Parade will be held as always the morning of July 4th.
Parade Grand Marshal nominees should embody the spirit of Sierra Madre, be an active volunteer in any of the
local nonprofit organizations or in some way contributed to the betterment of Sierra Madre. Nominees may be
an individual or volunteers or an organization.
Nominations must be submitted in writing by Thursday, May 1, 2014 and should be sent to the Fourth of July
Committee, PO Box 1073 Sierra Madre CA 91025 or emailed to:
Nominations should be no more than 1 page but at least a paragraph explaining why the honor should be given
including contributions to the Sierra Madre community.
Previous Grand Marshalls have included 2013 VFW Post 3208 & Hometown Hero Mama Pete; 2012 Nel and
Bob Soltz (Wistaria Vine owners); 2011 Gayle Bluemel & Hometown Hero John Shear; 2010 Lew Wantanabe;
2009 Midge Morash; 2008 Sierra Madre Fire Department; 2007 Ward Family (E. Waldo Ward & Sons); 2006 Judy
Webb Martin & Toni Buckner & Hometown Hero Barbara Wamboldt; 2005 Police Chief Wayne Bailey; 2004
Doug Berkshire; 2003 John Grijalva; 2002 Bob Quamstrom; 2001 Ty Gaffney; 2000 Dr. Bill White; and 1999 Jim
& Barbara Heasley.
This All-American friends and family event is made possible through the wonderful contribution of donors
and sponsors. If you’d like to help please visit www.sierramadre4thofjuly.com or follow us on Facebook: www.
TODAY - We want you to be a part of our City Team!
The Sierra Madre City Council encourages citizen participation in its decision-making process through
the use of citizen commissions. Currently, there are five citizen commissions established by the Council
to advise and assist them in dealing with specific problems.
Applications to serve on a commission may be obtained at City Hall or the City website at http://
cityofsierramadre.com/commissions-boards-committees. Applications will be accepted until all positions
are filled; however, it is recommended that applications for appointment for the beginning of the 2014-
2015 fiscal year be submitted by Friday, May 23, 2014 to the City Manager’s Office. There are currently
vacancies on the following commissions:
The Community Services Commission is responsible for overseeing the City’s recreation and community
services programs. The Commission oversees the general use of park facilities and matters relating
to the community’s arts and recreational service needs. The Commission provides information and
recommendations to the City Council in these areas. Meets the 3rd Monday at 6:30 pm, in the City Hall
Council Chambers
The responsibilities of the Library Board include the following: establishing Library policies and programs
to ensure that quality programs are provided to the community, recommending an annual budget to the
City Council for approval, and ensuring that efficient and effective services are provided at the Library.
Meets the 4th Wednesday at 7:00 pm, in the City Hall Council Chambers
The responsibilities of the Planning Commission fall into two broad categories: consideration of current
land-use (i.e. applications for General Plan amendments, zone changes, specific plans, conditional use
permits, tract maps, variances, and appeals of staff land-use decisions); and advising the City Council on
City initiated amendments to the City’s General Plan. Meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday at 7:00 pm, in the
City Hall Council Chambers
The advisory bodies study a variety of topics in detail. After gathering all pertinent information, hearing
arguments, and weighing values, they recommend to the Council what they consider the best action to
take. In certain situations, commissions are empowered to make specific decisions, subject to appeal to
the Council. Public notices on all commissions are prepared in compliance of the Maddy Act.
For more information please visit www.cityofsierramadre.com or call 626.355.7135.
148 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
Sierra Madre, CA 91024626-355-1800NOW OPEN!
Registration Now Open
Grab your friends and neighbors and sign a team up
for the City of Sierra Madre’s 2014 Summer Adult
Softball League! The season begins mid-June and
runs through the end of August with an anticipated
start date of Wednesday, June 18. Games are held
Wednesday evenings from 6:00-10:00pm, and
Sundays from 12:00pm-10:00pm (due to a regional
little league tournament games may fall on days
other than the regularly scheduled). Games are
played at Heasley Field, 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd.
The Sierra Madre Adult Co-Ed Softball League
is divided into an “A” league
geared towards the competitive
participants, and a “B” league
for recreational competition. All
players must be over 18 to play.
The champions of each league
receive t-shirts.
Registration can be done as a team or as a free
agent. The cost to participate is $458 for a team and
$46 for a free agent. Teams must register in person
at the Community Services Office, 611 E. Sierra
Madre Blvd. Deadline to register is Thursday,
May 15. Free agents can register online, www.
cityofsierramadre.com/onlineregistration, or in
person. Deadline to register is Monday, June 2.
PLEASE NOTE - the process for signing up as a
free agent has changed this year.
1. Signing up does not guarantee a spot in
the league; free agents will be added to teams as
needed and space permitting.
2. Free agents will not pay a fee at the time of
registration. If a free agent is placed on a team, the
fee will be collected by the City of Sierra Madre at
that time.
3. Team managers will be notified of available
free agents once they sign up. Team managers will
have access to selecting a free agent from the roster
on a first come first serve basis.
4. Team managers can select from the roster
based on their team level and gender needed;
however, they must add the first available free
agent that meets these requirements.
5. The last day to add a player is by the first
game. No players will be added after this point.
6. Free agents not added to a team for the
season will be kept on the free agent roster for the
following year or until the free agent asks to be
removed from the roster.
Due to limited field space, registration is limited.
Be sure to sign up early and don’t miss out on the
2014 season! For more information please contact
the Community Services Department at 626-355-
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