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Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 10, 2014 


The young ladies of Monrovia High School’s impression” where the team really shined. what they learned this year. Now they 
robotics team “The Kings And Queens” Holding court from the purple and gold know exactly what it takes.” As an example 
returned from the FIRST FTC Robotics pavilion that was their home base and to work toward, The Kings And Queens 
World Championships held in St. Louis marketing billboard, the ladies in the can look to the tournament champion 
April 23-26 successful, but not triumphant. purple velvet dresses charmed one and all. team, “Hot Wired” from Portland, Oregon 
As the team’s mentor, Brian Johnson, says, They opened the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the overall top Inspire Award winner, 
“We knew going in that the competition on newspaper one morning to a story about “The Bears” from Mexico City, Mexico. 
the field would be fierce. When you start girls in robotics and found two of the team 

The Kings And Queens thank the Monrovia 

with nearly 4,000 teams and winnow them members in a photo accompanying the 

business community, the Monrovia Unified 

down over the season to the 128 best, those article. The team was asked by the FIRST 

School District, Monrovia High School 

that remain are very, very good. Since organization to co-star in a video to be used 

and the people of Monrovia for supporting 

this was our first time competing at this to promote FTC Robotics next season. The 

them so enthusiastically. Without the 

level, we didn’t know what to expect so team pavilion became a favored stop for 

financial support and encouragement 

we had a few basic goals of giving a good VIPs, sponsors and dignitaries as they were 

they received, they could never have 

account of ourselves on the field, making escorted around the event by FIRST guides, 

accomplished so much. 

an impression on the FIRST community, and many people made a special trip to see 
learning as much as we could, and having “the cool purple robot with all the jewels.” The Monrovia High School Robotics 
fun.” Program will be putting on a robotics 

 “Going to the World Championship was 

demonstration as part of the Monrovia Day 

On the field the team posted a respectable a great experience for the team,” says 

festivities at Library Park on May 17. Stop 

three wins and six losses and finished Johnson, “they made a lot of friends, and 

by and meet the Kings And Queens and all 

ranked 100 out of 128. Two of the matches really put Monrovia on the map in the 

the Monrovia robotics teams and see the 

were lost by less than ten points each, a FIRST Robotics world. They are already 

robots in action. 

difference of scoring just two of the plastic making plans for next year to earn their 
blocks that are the primary task for the way back to the Championship in 2015 and Above: The Queens with FTC World 
robots. It was the goal of “making an be a much stronger competitor by applying Championship Tournament Director Joe 



On Thursday, April 24, 2014, Monrovia’s Jason Richardson of Annunciation Boy Scout 
Troop # 140 held his Eagle Court of Honor at the Church. Besides fellow troop members, 
many friends and family members attended. 

Master of Ceremony was Troop 140’s Scout Master David Bond who assisted Jason on his 
trail to Eagle, from 2008-2013. Jason’s badges included Art, Camping, Canoeing, Citizenship 
in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Climbing, 
Communication, Crime Prevention, Environmental Science, Family Life, Fingerprinting, First 
Aid, Horsemanship, Law, Leatherwork, Lifesaving, Mammal Study, Oceanography, Personal 
Fitness, Personal Management, Pottery, Pulp and Paper, Rifle Shooting, Rowing, Shotgun 
Shooting, Sports , Swimming and Wood Carving.

 Jason’s Eagle Project was repair, sand, and paint picnic tables at Monrovian Canyon Park. He 
wanted to help out his community by beautifying the park and making it a better place to visit.
Jason thanked his parents for their unconditional love and support; also Mr. Bond, fellow 
scouts and all who helped him achieve this great honor. 

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Monrovia Police Blotter 

Highlighted Activity for May 5-7, 2014 

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 
426 service events, resulting in 86 investigations. To see a complete 
listing of crimes reported, go to http://www.crimemapping.
com/map/ca/monrovia for crime mapping. For Police Department 
news and information, visit our website and follow us on 

Theft From an Unlocked Vehicle 

On May 5 at 4:56 p.m., a theft from a vehicle was reported in the 
100 block of North Myrtle. The victim parked the vehicle in front 
of their apartment complex. During the night, unknown suspects 
entered the vehicle and took a small amount of cash. The investigation 
is continuing. 

Armed Robbery 

On May 5, at approximately 11:55 p.m., officers were dispatched 
to a restaurant located in the 800 block of West Huntington Drive 
on the report of an armed robbery that had just occurred. Employees 
reported that the suspect appeared in the kitchen as the 
restaurant was closing. The suspect was wearing a black ski mask 
over his face and was armed with an unknown caliber handgun. 
The suspect contacted the manager and directed him to the office, 
where the safe was open and money was being prepared for 
deposit. The suspect had a shopping bag in his possession and 
directed the manager to place the money inside. Upon receiving 
the money, the suspect directed the five employees to stay in the 
office and count to 100. The suspect then fled the location in an 
unknown direction. 

The suspect is described as male, 5’07” to 5’08” tall, thin build, 
wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt and dark pants. Monrovia officers 
searched the area for the suspect with assistance from the 
Foothill Air Support helicopter and CHP officers from the Alta 
-dena Station who were in the area and responded, but the suspect 
was not located. The investigation is continuing. 

Theft From a Vehicle 

On May 6 at 9:14 a.m., a theft from a vehicle was reported in the 
400 block of South Violet. The victim parked her vehicle in the 
evening, but was unsure if she left her vehicle unlocked or not. 
The next morning, she found her vehicle ransacked. Her work 
identification badge and an iPod were taken. The investigation is 

Illegal Hydroponics Marijuana Cultivation Discovered – Suspects 

On May 6 at 1:26 p.m., several tenants in a business complex complained 
of strong chemical fumes coming from a unit occupied by 
tenants claiming to operate a water filtration company. The fumes 
were strong enough to cause headaches and nausea. Patrol and 
detective resources, city code enforcement officials and hazardous 
material fire personnel responded to investigate. The unit was 
being subleased by the original tenant and police personnel were 
able to speak with one of the people subleasing the unit. Consent 
to search the premises was obtained from the lessee, who claimed 
there were no toxic chemicals or anything illegal inside the unit. 
Hazardous materials specialists entered the unit, stating they recognized 
the odor of an indoor hydroponic grow of marijuana inside. 
Once the unit was confirmed to be clear of any immediate 
hazard, police personnel searched and discovered a fully developed 
hydroponic grow in process. The two responsible subjects 
for the illegal marijuana cultivation were arrested and booked on 
the charges. Additional violations including municipal code and 
health and safety code violations may be sought. 

Injury Traffic Collision 

On May 6 at 1:34 p.m., police responded to an injury traffic 
collision reported at Magnolia and Olive. A driver was headed 
southbound on Magnolia when he slowly veered left and accelerated 
into a parked truck, hitting it head on, pushing it in to other 
vehicles. The driver sustained visible injuries and was taken to a 
hospital for treatment. 

Warrant / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested 

On May 6 at 10:34 p.m., an officer on patrol in the 200 block of 
South Myrtle observed a male suspect he knew had a warrant 
out for his arrest. After confirming the warrant, he contacted 
the suspect and arrested him for the warrant. A subsequent 
search revealed the suspect was in possession of a hypodermic 
syringe containing an unknown liquid substance believed to be 
methamphetamine. He was also charged for possession of drug 

Vandalism – Suspect Arrested 

May 7 at 6:16 p.m., an officer was sent to Alta Vista and Huntington 
regarding the report of vandalism in progress. A witness 
called police to report a male suspect spray painting graffiti on 
the public street. An officer arrived and detained the suspect, who 
was positively identified by a witness. The male juvenile suspect 
admitted to the crime. The juvenile suspect was arrested and later 
released to the custody of his mother on a citation to appear in 
court. The reporting party will be receiving Monrovia Police Department’s 
Graffiti Bounty. If a citizen reports an incident of graffiti 
in the City of Monrovia that leads to the arrest of the suspect, 
the citizen will receive a $100 bill.