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Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 10, 2014 10 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 10, 2014 10 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES 
One day before class I had to be on the phone with Verizon. I had been 

on hold for a looooong time. The person helping me was unhelpful. I 

was not happy. As I got in my car to drive to the studio I wondered how 

I could possible change my attitude so that I could teach a good class. As 

I sat in my car wondering, an oldie but goodie came on the radio - Good 

Vibrations. But of course, all I had to do was change how I felt. How to 

go from angry and frustrated to upbeat and happy? Singing along with 

the song was half the battle won. Really. The power of mantra, or the 

power of sound is mighty. Do not listen to sad music when you have a 

broken heart. Listen to upbeat music, or better yet, pray. Sing the praises 
of the Divine. And laugh. Laughter has fabulous healing powers. You have heard of laughing yoga 

- right? 
BKS Iyengar says that when you are depressed, all you have to do is show your pits. Try it. It is hard 
to be depressed when you have your arms spread wide in the air. 

There are breath practices and of course, yoga poses that can also change your attitude. When the cup 
looks half empty, get into a yoga class. It will fill up. Mantra, pranayama and asana can change your 
energy fast. Just cranking up the endorphins helps, but to sustain, you need to do the rest. In fact, 
the measure of how to tell if your practice is the right one for you, is how much your life is improving. 

The yogis believe that we are all able to live a wonderful happy life, but we have to create it. So, get 
singing and I'll see you in class. 




There is no limit to what chemicals or “endocrine disruptors” can do to 
the hormones in our bodies. From increasing or decreasing production of 
certain hormones to mimicking or telling them to die early. Here are 3 of 
the nastiest, what they do to us and how we can avoid them. 

1. BPA: Awareness of this toxin is on the increase. An industrial 
chemical used in two common synthetics, Polycarbonate and EpoxyResins. Polycarbonates are used to make certain plastics and theresins are used to coat the linings of billions of food and beverage cansin the US. BPA is a synthetic estrogen, that even in small amounts,
can disrupt the body’s endocrine system. It has been linked to breast 
and reproductive system cancer, early puberty, obesity and behavioral 
problems in children. So how do you avoid BPA’s in our world of 
Dr. Tina is a traditional conveniences? Limit your purchases of canned food and instead buy 
naturopath and nutri-food in glass jars, or waxed lined cartons. You can also look for BPA 
tionist at Vibrant Living Free labeled products or better yet, buy fresh. 

Wellness Center 2. Atrazine: The most widely used herbicide in the US to control

weeds. But this toxin is turning up more and more in our ground anddrinking water. Banned in the European Union in 2005, this hormone disrupter has actually turnedmale frogs into egg laying females. It’s been linked to breast tumors, delayed puberty and possible 
prostate cancer. So how do we avoid this when we have to drink water and eat? Buy organicproduce where atrazine is not used. And use a water filter certified to remove atrazine. 

3. Phthalates: Did you know its normal for 50 billion cells in our body to die each day?
There is a specific signal that programs our cells to die. Studies have shown that chemicals called 
phthalates can trigger the “death-inducing signal” in testicular cells, making them die earlier thanthey normally would. Men, are you listening? If that’s not enough, researchers linked phthalatesto lower sperm count, less active sperm and birth defects in the male reproductive systems justto name a few. So how do we avoid 
these machismo lessening events?
We can start by avoiding plastic food 
containers, plastic wrap made fromPVC (has a recycling label #3) andsome personal care products. 
We are exposed to enough 
unavoidable toxins in our daily lives 
that when we can actually make a 
choice to avoid some, we should. So 
now it’s up to you… make a choice! 

Call Patricia at 626-818-2698 Today!