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Mountain View News Saturday, June 28, 2014 

626-355-5700245 West Sierra Boulevard, Sierra Madre, CA 91024www.TheKensingtonSierraMadre.comOur dynamic Teamat The Kensington promisesto love and care for your familyas we do our ownStop by to meet Kimberly, Steve,
Brandy, Kieran, Ellen (and Forest)
Our Team at The Kensington in Sierra Madrewakes up every day looking forward to thechance to provide assistance to seniors andtheir families. Why? Because we can’t imagine doinganything else more important. The residents we seekto serve have spent a lifetime giving of themselves totheir spouse, their children, their profession, theircommunity and sometimes, their country. It is ourprivilege to indulge them, and to take care of them—
in return for the goodness they’ve shared so selflessly.
Please stop by our Information Center to introduceyourself to us, and tell us about your family. 
Ask about The Charter Clubfor distinctive resident benefitsRCFE License Pending