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Mountain View News Saturday, June 28, 2014 

Weather Wise

5-Day Forecast - HOT

Sierra Madre, Ca.

 Mon: Sunny Hi 90s Lows 60s 

 Tues: Sunny Hi 90s Lows 60s

 Wed: Sunny Hi 90s Lows 60s 

 Thur: Sunny Hi 90s Lows 60s

 Fri: Sunny Hi 90s Lows 60s 

Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service



Unless otherwise noted, all meetings listed below are held at City 
Hall 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, Ca. 



Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

6:30 pm


 The Board of Directors of Village 
Vine Online has decided to 
move the organization in a new 
direction. In keeping with our 
mission of community service, we 
are discontinuing 24/7 live audio streaming. In order to better serve the 
community, our focus will be on providing live audio and video webcasts 
and podcasts of community events, podcasts of hosted shows home-
grown here in Sierra Madre, video and audio webcasts and podcasts of 
community sports events, and, by the end of the summer, we will present 
a community blog, with guest host bloggers rotating every few months.

CITIZEN WEBCASTERS: Part of our new approach is to utilize “citizen 
webcasters” living here in town. We are now actively recruiting people 
who can attend public events, and, utilizing equipment as simple as their 
smart phones, webcast those events through the Village Vine web site. 
Contact us at if you would like to volunteer. Training 
will be provided.

CITIZEN PODCASTERS: We are looking for podcasters who might like 
to share their home-grown podcasts on the Village Vine web site. Subjects 
for podcasts could include original music, gardening, cars, dogs, water 
conservation, sports, etc. The subject matter for potential podcasts is only 
limited to the degree the community might have interest in it. Contact us 
at if you would be interested in podcasting with us.


Free on-air publicity for local events

 Sierra Madre’s EMERGENCY radio station is now accepting scripts 
for Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about community events. 
PSAs will be broadcast on the air at no charge. The station operates 
24/7 and can be heard at 1630 on the AM dial.

 Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have 
their event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre 
Community Information Radio. The station covers the city of Sierra 
Madre, plus surrounding areas of Pasadena, Arcadia, and Monrovia. 

Your event must:

• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens

write a Public Service Announcement that describes your event 
and e-mail it to 


City Council

July 8th, 2014 - 6:30 pm

The final agenda and staff reports 
will available online no later than Friday night. Enter the date 
“06/10/2014" for the complete agenda packet.

 We will be live tweeting the City Council's decisions 
at Tuesday's Council Meeting. Follow the action @
CitySierraMadre #SierraMadreCC. 

 Can’t make it to the meeting, but still want to share your 
thoughts? You can mail or drop off a written statement to City 
Hall or email before 5:30 the night 
of the meeting and your statement will be delivered to all the 
Council Members.

Agendas and staff reports will be posted online 72 hours before 
the meeting. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will take 
place in the City Council Chambers, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 

*These meetings will be recorded and aired live on Time 
Warner, Channel 3 and streamed online. 

Upcoming Public Meetings

Tuesday, July 2:

Special Planning Commission, 7:00pm


Please note the July 3rd Senior Community and Planning 
Meetings have been cancelled. The Senior Commission will 
reconvene July 10th.


Agendas and staff reports will be posted online 72 hours before 
the meeting. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will take 
place in the City Council Chambers, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 


*These meetings will be recorded and aired live on Time 
Warner, Channel 3 and streamed online. 


Enjoy a Storyboard Tour with our Teen Docents at the Sierra 
Madre Public Library! Tours on Tuesday at 1:00 pm for 6 weeks. 
Each week will highlight a different aspect of Sierra Madre 

Locals - June 24 

Disasters - July 1


Readers of all ages: join the Summer Reading fun, going 
on now! Stop by or call the Library for more in-formation: 

Sierra Madre Police Blotter


During the week of Sunday, June 15th to Sunday, June 22nd, the 
Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 350 
calls for service.

Wednesday, June 18th

 At 1:23 am, Sierra Madre Police performed a traffic stop on a 
vehicle in violation of several vehicle modification codes. When 
Officers approached the vehicle that contained two young males, 
they were overcome by a strong odor of marijuana. The driver 
of the vehicle was unable to supply Officers with appropriate 
identification as he stated he had never been issued a driver’s license. 
Further investigation revealed a small collection of marijuana in 
the vehicle’s glove compartment. The vehicle’s passenger was cited 
for possession of marijuana, and the driver was booked and cited 
for driver in possession of marijuana, unlicensed driver, color of 
lamps and reflectors, and lighting equipment. 

Wednesday, June 18th

 At 8:46 am, Sierra Madre Police performed a traffic stop on a 
vehicle. Upon making contact with both the driver and passenger, 
Officers performed a routine check on their names. The 
passenger’s name came back to reveal that he had an outstanding 
no bail warrant from Azusa Police Department. The suspect was 
arrested and later released into the custody of Azusa Police. 

Thursday, June 19th

 At approximately 1 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to 
Bethany Christian School regarding a vandalism report. Upon 
their arrival, Officers were informed by a supervisor that the 
directory and wall had been vandalized. Officers documented a 
vulgar word written several times in black marker. The estimated 
property damage is valued at $40.00. This case has been forwarded 
to the Detectives Bureau. 

Thursday, June 19th

 At approximately 7 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 
front lobby of the station regarding a grand theft report. The 
victim informed Officers that she had responded to an online job 
ad for a personal assistant. She was hired and was sent a check 
made out to her for a total amount of $4378.50 and was instructed 
to keep $500 for herself and use the remaining to do the suspects 
shopping. In all, the victim spent the money on: a money gram, 
an Iphone, a birthday card, shipping for the phone, and a wire 
transfer of 3,500 to a bank account. The victim paid $161 of her 
own money as the suspect’s total was more than what he had left 
her to spend. The victim was later notified that the check she had 
deposited was a bad check, and that she would need to pay the 
bank for their loss of about $4540. The victim’s numerous attempts 
to contact the suspect proved unsuccessful. Further investigation 
revealed the money gram was sent to an individual in South 
Africa. This case has been forwarded to the Detectives Bureau. 

Sunday, June 22nd

 At around 8:30 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded the area 
of Baldwin Ave and Sierra Madre Blvd. regarding a possibly 
intoxicated male. Upon making contact with the suspect, Officers 
performed a routine check on his name and were informed he 
had a no bail warrant for his arrest from the Los Angeles Sheriff’s 
Department. Further investigation revealed the suspect was in 
possession of property belonging to a female, which he indicated 
he had found. The suspect was arrested and later released into the 
custody of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. 



Join the City of Sierra Madre on Saturday, June 28, 
to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the Sierra Madre 
Earthquake by preparing yourself for the next one! 

The event is held from 10:00am-12:00pm at the Sierra 
Madre Fire Department located at 242 W. Sierra Madre 
Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. 

In collaboration with the Sierra Madre Police and Fire 
Departments, you will learn safety procedures to protect 
your loved ones and possessions in an emergency. The 
L.A. County Fire Department is bringing the Yogi Bear 
School-house earthquake simulator and the Sierra Madre 
Volunteer Firefighters Association is providing hot dogs 
and drinks for free! In addition the following groups will 
have information booths during the event: American 
Red Cross, Safe and Ready, Sierra Madre CERT, Gas 
Company, Southern California Edison, Post Alarm, SMFD 
fire extinguisher demonstration and SMPD. For more 
information contact the Sierra Madre Fire De-partment at 



Have a story 
to share about 
an unexpected 

Call 626-355-2737 
or email: editor@