Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 13, 2014
Thursday Night Sutras are for Everybody!
So, you have heard me say before that the "real" yoga is not about the
poses. It is not about being a pretzel or balancing on one leg. It is not
about stretching or downward dog. It's not about the workout or the
cute clothes. It is about finding true happiness. It is about freedom.
But that freedom is maybe not what we think. Doing the physical
can help us get to know ourselves better. The physical helps us learn
to control the physical body. The physical helps us learn a discipline.
Then the real work starts: The Practice. It's about meditation. It's
about learning to control your mind so that you can be free from the minds wandering, vacillating
thoughts. It's about learning to choose your thoughts instead of them choosing you.
Only at this place can we be free, unaffected by drama. It is at this place that we can see what our
true purpose is. We can identify and let shine our inner luminosity. This week my Grand teacher,
Pandit Rajmani Tigunait will be speaking about the Yoga Sutras, the yoga text. Yoga Madre is
proud to host a night of lecture and a meditation practice with this amazing man. He will also be
signing books.
All are welcome. No stretching. Just listening and quieting the mind.
Please join us at the Neighborhood Church in Pasadena, Thursday evening, September 18. Details
and registration at yogamadre.com.
Come find your lovely stable mind. I'll see you there!
Namast�, Ren�
Frequent consumption of vegetables appears to cut one�s odds of depression
significantly. A recent review in a nutritional journal suggests that eating
lots of fruits and vegetables �may present a nonin-vasive natural and
inexpensive therapeutic means to support a healthy brain.�
To understand this research, we need to understand the underlying biology
of depression. It is thought that depression may arise out of a chemical
imbalance in the brain. In order for the billions of nerves in our brain
to communicate with each other they need chemical signals called
neurotransmit-ters. Nerve cells do not touch, there is a gap between
them. When one nerve wants to communicate with another nerve they
release a neurotransmitter into the gap. As soon as the first nerve has got
its message across the gap it sucks the neurotransmitter back up to use
again some other time. The nerves also produce substances that digest
the neurotransmitters so just the correct amount is kept. If the levels of
our neurotransmitter digesting substances is elevated, then our levels of
neurotrans-mitters drops, and we become depressed.
So why then would fruits and vegetables improve our mood? They contain
substances that can be inhibitors of depression. Spices, such as clove, oregano, cinnamon, and nutmeg,
can also inhibit the substance that digest neurotransmitters, but people don�t eat enough to have an
effect by them-selves. There are special nutrients found in apples, berries, grapes, kale, onions, and
green tea that may indeed affect our brain biology enough to improve our mood. It has been shown
that those with superior mental health eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. And who doesn�t want superior
mental health� eat up
Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutritionist
at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center
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