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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 THE HORN IS BACK! VOLUME 8 NO. 39 CITY TO BEGIN USING ADDITIVES TO REDUCE �BROWN� WATER ....And no one is happier about it than this man! Since Sierra Madre began importing water, residents have had an ongoing problem with brown, rust colored water. This continues to occur in various parts of the city. The �brown water� has been reported in homes with galvanized pipes as well as those with copper pipes. The cause has been deemed to be the rust that is released by the interaction of the imported water on the city�s water delivery system. It is now believed to be generated as the water travels through the city�s worn infrastructure. This was not a problem prior to the importation of water, as Sierra Madre well water contained no chemicals that would trigger such a reaction. In an effort to resolve this problem (corrosion control), review the City�s existing nitrification action plan, and other water concerns, Dr. Helene Baribeau of Baribeau Environmental Engineering was awarded a professional services contract in June to study the situation and see what could be done. (http:// mtnviewsnews.com/v08/htm/ n25/index.htm) Last month Dr. Baribeau completed an Interim Corrosion Control Plan and it was presented to the city council on September 9th by Public Works Director Bruce Inman. The plan calls for the infusion of Zinc Orthophosphate into the water system before it leaves for distribution to households. By doing so, it is hoped that a liner will form in the pipes preventing corrosion that is then transported to individual households. The council approved moving forward with the recommendations contained in the plan contingent upon LA County Health Department approval. Inman confirmed in a telephone interview on Friday that there are still many old steel pipes in the city�s system that do rust. This is not the case with cement pipes and may be the reason that some areas of the town aren�t experiencing discolored water. He also explained that the orthophosphate will �overtime form a microscopic coating to keep rust from being released. Discoloration from corrosion is not a problem unique to Sierra Madre. Other cities, use orthophosphate for that very reason, said Inman. Approval has been received from the county to use the chemicals as described in Dr. Baribeau�s plan. During the council meeting, she appeared via Skype to assist Inman with the presentation. The chemically enhanced water will begin distribution on Monday. As for health concerns, Inman says the amount of orthophosphate being used will do no harm, nor distort the taste of the water when ingested. S. Henderson/MVNews SIERRA MADRE POLICE TAKING BACK UNWANTED PRESCRIPTION DRUGS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th There are so many historic icons in Sierra Madre and the Sierra Madre Emergency Horn is certainly one of them. Currently housed in the Montecito parking lot at the corner of Baldwin Ave. and Montecito Ave., it is touted as being the most effective �warning� system there is. That is, of course, according to old timers like former Mayor George Maurer and his coffee crew. A very loud horn, when functioning, it will alert the entire city that something is very wrong. When power is out, and all else fails, the horn can get the job done. This seemingly magical device is actually, according to James Carlson of the city of Sierra Madre, �..a radio frequency controlled signal originally used for alerting volunteer members of the Department to the existence and location of a fire. The horn was previously used as a secondary alerting system, as required by the NFPA and ISO. With the ability to be heard over the entirety of the 3.2 square miles of the City of Sierra Madre, the horn has faced some controversy since its original installation in 1915 due to the volume and frequency of the alerts. Over the course of the horn�s nearly 100 year history, the horn was tested daily at 12:00 noon in accordance with NFPA 3- requiring all outside devices, radio, telephone, or other means for alerting volunteer and off-duty fire fighters to be tested once a day. This practice was briefly discontinued in 1999, however, following community support for the tradition (lead in part by Sierra Madre City College�s sale of t-shirts reading �Save Our Horn� Blow Me Daily�) testing was once again reinstated until late in the 2000s. In 2008 the Kiwanis Club with former Mayor George Maurer leading the charge, approached City Council with the intention to reactivate the horn after a period of disuse. The horn has recently been repaired, and it is intended that the horn will be used as an emergency notification system in the event of disaster.� On Wednesday, October 1st at 2:00 pm. The Horn will be officially tested. It is a very effective emergency alert because it is so loud there is no section of the city in which it cannot be heard. Its� reinstatement is intended to interface with the city�s Emergency Radio Station, 1630AM in the event of a disaster. When residents hear the horn, they will know to turn to the station or SMTV3 for further instructions. Thank you George for your persistence in getting this valuable tool emergency warning system back in action! [SIERRA MADRE, CA] � On September 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Sierra Madre Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will give the public its ninth opportunity in four years to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. Bring your pills for disposal to the Police Department Lobby at 242 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. (The DEA cannot accept liquids or needles or sharps, only pills or patches.) The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Last April, Americans turned in 390 tons (over 780,000 pounds) of prescription drugs at nearly 6,100 sites operated by the DEA and more than 4,400 of its state and local law enforcement partners. When those results are combined with what was collected in its eight previous Take Back events, DEA and its partners have taken in over 4.1 million pounds�more than 2,100 tons�of pills. This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines�flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash�both pose potential safety and health hazards. DEA is in the process of approving new regulations that implement the Safe and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010, which amends the Controlled Substances Act to allow an �ultimate user� (that is, a patient or their family member or pet owner) of controlled substance medications to dispose of them by delivering them to entities authorized by the Attorney General to accept them. The Act also allows the Attorney General to authorize long term care facilities to dispose of their residents� controlled substances in certain instances. Former Sierra Madre Mayor and SMFD Volunteer, George Maurer EVERY DROP COUNTS! Residents need to be aware of the new restrictions on watering. Even-numbered addresses are limited to landscape irrigation on Mondays and Thursdays. Odd-numbered addresses and addresses ending in fractions are limited to landscape irrigation on Tuesdays and Fridays. If you would like to report water waste you can now do so on the City�s website or by emailing water@cityofsierramadre.com. Please describe how water is being wasted, include the location, and a photo if available. We will then send a courtesy notice to the property so the issue can be fixed. You can also send an Email to water@cityofsierramadre.com OR use the form on the city�s website: www.cityofsierramadre. com Why do water systems add phosphate to drinking water? What are the health effects of drinking water containing phosphates? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a report on the toxicology of inorganic phosphates as food ingredients. The FDA considers phosphates as a food additive to be �generally recognized as safe.� This report is available at: www. elsevier.com/locate/foodchemtox. Inside this week: WALKING SIERRA MADRE�The Social Side By Deanne Davis �Scarecrows, corn rows, pumpkins on the vine, Leaves curl, wind swirls�Fall is right on time!� Tuesday, 6:00 a.m. � 63 degrees. Perfect weather to walk Sierra Madre. Walking partner, John, in his USC ball cap, me in my hole-y tennies, set off to see what�s going on downtown. Lots! Wow! The Scarecrow Festival is taking hold all over Sierra Madre. If you don�t do anything else this week, go look at the one in the window at Leonora Moss. It�s made out of plant pots of various sizes, assorted plants and moss, and it�s enormous! They�ve also got some fabulous jeweled spiders that I don�t think I can live without. Take a look! St. Rita�s has student scarecrows in their front patio, complete with a student desk and a poster announcing their Harvest Festival coming up in less than a month! Creative Arts Group�s scarecrow is busily working away at a potter�s wheel and if you haven�t seen Lew Watanabe�s beautiful sculpture-fountain piece, �Antiquity� in front of their building, take time to stop and enjoy a moment or two of peace. Webb-Martin Realtors has a super scarecrow in their window, Sierra Juice has been invaded by an enormous spider on their umbrella and the guys at Haynes & Oakley, Architects at the corner of Sierra Madre Blvd. and Lima have a terrific scarecrow display on the east side of their parking lot. Check it out, it�s funny! You�re down there anyway, so admire the windows at Arnold�s Hardware. Neighbor Lisa Cardella (Ixora Florist) has a pumpkin-headed, fashionably dressed scarecrow in front of her house and one of our neighbors on the south side of Grandview, east of Auburn, has one, too! Scarecrow competition is heating up, folks, and it�s such fun to see these guys all around town. Something exciting is going on at the former Yellow Bus on Baldwin, the inside has been peeled down to foundation stuff! The Kensington is starting to look like a really beautiful place, isn�t it! Lot of stuff to put in our calendars, too: The Wine, Rhythm & Brews Walk is October 4th , where we walk all over town and see what our local merchants are doing; the 3rd Annual Fall Family Festival at Bethany Christian School is October 11th; Zugo�s Caf� is doing crepes and Belgian waffles on Saturdays and Sundays till 4:00 p.m., yum! Sorry to see the Center for Wellness around the corner from Starbucks has gone. None of us like to see empty storefronts. Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. � a bit hotter and the town is controlled chaos with parents bringing their backpack laden sweeties to all our local schools. The highlight of our day is seeing all those excited little people running to meet the day. Hope your day is filled with excitement and wonder, too. Don�t forget to watch for scarecrows! Dear Walking Sierra Madre Readers, I have a really neat book out! �A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter� is available on Amazon.com; or at https://www.createspace.com/4561071 CALENDAR Pg. 2 SIERRA MADRE NEWS Remembering Ed Clare Pg. 3 PASADENA/ALTADENA New City Council Rules Pg. 4 ARCADIA NEWS MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 5 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 6 FOOD & DRINK Pg. 7 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 8 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Pg. 9 THE GOOD LIFE Rich Johnson is back! Pg. 10 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pg. 11 St. Rita�s Student Scarecrows SECTION B AROUND SGV Pg. B1 THE WORLD AROUND US Pg. B2 BUSINESS NEWS Pg. B3 OPINION Pg. B4 LEGAL NOTICES Pg. B5 Creative Arts Potter Scarecrow | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |