Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 3, 2015
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Richard Garcia
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
CoCo Lasalle
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Dr. Tina Paul
Rich Johnson
Merri Jill Finstrom
Lori Koop
Rev. James Snyder
Tina Paul
Mary Carney
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Welborn
Renee Quenell
Ben Show
Sean Kayden
Marc Garlett
Sure, we humans like to think of a new year as a blank
slate; but deep down we know that history repeats itself.
We know that along with the unexpected revelations
and unpredictable fads, 2015 will bring us more NFL
rap sheets, Facebook privacy settings reconfigurations,
fracking debates, “stand somebody else’s ground”
military actions, sighs over a “do nothing” Congress,
major retailer security breaches and warnings of a
comet that may or may not strike in 37 years.
Judging by past performance, I have determined with
95 percent accuracy that you can expect the following
“shocking” developments in 2015:
• Archaeologists in Israel discover a thumb-sized fragment of pottery and
announce with certainty that Judas Iscariot was in reality (a) the brother-in-law of
Jesus, (b) the “love child” of Jesus or (c) a bird-like dinosaur.
• A near-mint copy of “Action Comics” #1 (1938, the first appearance of
Superman) sells for an unbelievable amount – and the new owner is dismayed to
learn that the ads in the magazine provide waaay better medical advice than Dr.
• August 17: scientists discover 17 species of invisible fifth-dimensional
amphibians that defy all laws of physics. August 21: Al Gore declares, “The science
is settled!”
• Rush Limbaugh causes a stir when the world press erroneously reports that he
consoled a grieving little boy by telling him that moderate Republicans can go to
• Post-trilogy Hobbit withdrawal sets in. Fans petition Peter Jackson to direct a
new $200 million epic based loosely on J.R.R. Tolkien’s laundry list.
• Police departments nationwide begin using body cameras to get at the truth
about deadly confrontations. Al Sharpton is soon on TV announcing, “I have
discovered that one of the screws on the cameras was installed by a person of the
Caucasian persuasion. Coincidence? I think not.”
• Unmarried celebrity couples with less and less commitment to one another
will announce the formation of a “baby bump.” 2015 may be the year that pairs who
haven’t even MET yet will make the announcement. (“Have your people impregnate
my people.”)
• President Obama issues an executive order preventing future presidents from
issuing executive orders. (“And they have to hop on one foot when entering my
presidential library!”)
• Google is overloaded when another newsmaker you haven’t given a rat’s rump
about in 30 years finally kicks off. (“In my defense, I’ve been sort of busy catching
up on ‘Game of Thrones’.”)
• Magazines continue to publish wild rape allegations. (“Our legal department
says this was fully vetted by Elvis and the Tooth Fairy.”)
• Endangered species slip nearer to extinction because of the black-market
quest for folk-remedy aphrodisiacs. (It’s too much to hope that women worldwide
will announce, “Not tonight. I’ve got a headache. And I just remembered that my
biggest turn-on is moonlit walks on the beach, not pathetic losers who think killing
a rare rhino will enhance their prowess.”)
• Because the opportunities for 15 minutes of fame are dwindling, a computer
whiz develops an algorithm that lets you be “the first openly gay (fill-in-the-blank).”
• Waterboarding and sleep deprivation are discouraged, but the assigning of
moronic baby names remains a popular form of torture. (“I don’t know anything
about the location of a ticking bomb, but if you DO find it, use it on my parents!”)
And the surest bet for 2015? Near year’s end, Danny Tyree scrambles for stupid
predictions about 2016.
©2014 Danny Tyree. Danny welcomes reader e-mail responses at tyreetyrades@aol.
com and visits to his Facebook fan page “Tyree’s Tyrades”
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HOWARD Hays As I See It
GREG Welborn
“In order to maintain an untenable position, you have to be actively
ignorant. Our motto on the show is, ‘Keep your facts, I’m going with
the truth’.”
- Stephen Colbert
I know it’s premature, but with the start of the New Year I look forward
to getting my taxes taken care of. If I’m due a refund, the sooner the
better. If it turns out I owe, I like to know how much I’ve got to get
together by April 15. I also like to have time to try to make the facts
and figures produce a desired outcome; establishing that practically
everything I spent money on over the past year was either a business
expense or somehow deductible.
I try – but it doesn’t work. Most all of what I get is taxable income, and I can squeeze out
only so many deductions. The facts and figures speak for themselves, regardless of what I’d
rather have them say.
This brings me to the incoming 114th Congress. The majority party has already made
news the week before it convenes: Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY) has resigned after settling
charges of felony tax evasion; Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) has been sued by a former
communications director for sexual harassment; House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-
LA), the third-most powerful member of the new Congress, first said he couldn’t remember
having spoken before a white supremacist group a dozen years ago, then later remembered
– but denied having been aware of the views of the group, the European-American Unity
and Rights Organization led by former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.
(Conservative RedState blogger Erick Erickson asked, “How do you show up at a David
Duke event and not know what it is?” Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) commented,
“Whip Scalise’s involvement with a group classified by the Anti-Defamation League as anti-
Semitic and the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group is deeply troubling for a top
Republican leader of the House.” Rep. Steve King (R-IA) compared Rep. Scalise to Jesus.)
It didn’t make as much news, but Republicans announced that under new rules the figures
pertaining to our nation’s budget will no longer speak for themselves, but will say whatever
the majority party wants them to; whatever it takes to produce that desired outcome,
regardless of the facts.
Their proposal involves a process called “dynamic scoring”, and blocking the
reappointment of Doug Elmendorf as head of the Congressional Budget Office. The
problem’s been that the CBO has let facts and figures speak for themselves. Under the
new rules, the CBO and House Joint Committee on Taxation would be required to factor
macroeconomic considerations into their scoring, such as how more tax cuts for the wealthy
and corporations lead to breaking open capital markets bringing wealth and prosperity to
Never mind they’ve been using the same “trickle-down” argument for decades, and
for decades it’s been shown to be wrong. It’s like requiring the IRS, in deciding whether
to classify all my expenses last year as deductible, to consider what the impact on the
community will be as I use the inflated refund check to support local charities; never mind
that refunds in the past have inevitably gone towards car repairs and credit card balances
House Ways and Means Chmn. Paul Ryan (R-WI) calls the proposed new dynamic
scoring rules “reality-based”. Prof. Robert Reich of UC Berkeley calls it “magical”; a term
borrowed from Reagan budget director David Stockman, who, in his report to Congress
rationalizing Reagan’s proposed cut in the top tax rate from 70% to 28%, dealt with
“embarrassing questions” with what he termed “magic asterisks”. As it turned out, the result
of that rate cut was a near-doubling of our nation’s debt.
Reich points out how the CBO, referred to by Newt Gingrich during his presidential
campaign as a “reactionary socialist institution”, has become a “truth-telling thorn in
the Republicans’ side”. It reported how the mostly-for-the-rich tax cuts of the first Pres.
Bush cost our nation some $3 trillion in revenue. It took a look at Rep. Ryan’s own budget
proposal, which entailed more tax cuts for the rich and corporations, slashing Medicaid and
turning Medicare into a voucher program. Rep. Ryan maintained it would cut the budget
deficit; the CBO clearly did not agree.
It’s not just tax policy and the CBO; Prof. Reich cites Republicans’ approach to topics as
diverse as climate change, wealth inequality, prevalence of “voting fraud” to justify voter
suppression, torture revelations and even evolution, concluding, “The pattern seems to be: if
you don’t like the facts, make them up.”
In its editorial, USA Today describes dynamic scoring as “the budgetary version of voodoo
math”, a process “tailor-made to produce the results that politicians want, enabling them to
avoid tough choices.” As for ousting CBO Director Elmendorf, “He is being targeted by
overtly political groups that want a CBO that will provide support for ideological arguments
on fiscal policy.”
It’s not the facts, but the messaging that matters. As reported by Media Matters last
July, segments dealing with economic issues on nation-wide broadcast and cable news
shows during the second quarter of 2014 featured a total of 654 guests, of whom 59% were
journalists and 25% were political.
The number of actual economists appearing in these segments on economic issues was 18,
or 3% of the total.
That fact and those figures speak for themselves.
Resolutions come and go, especially at
this time of year and especially in the
Congress. We, mere mortals, make our
solemn resolutions to do this or not do
that, and then within a few weeks return
to our old ways. Our higher and mightiers
in Congress do the same thing. They pass
“continuing resolutions”, which are at least
honest in their title, informing us that they
are going to continue doing what they’ve
been doing – spend money!! Or, they pass
“non-binding resolutions”, which I guess
are also honest in a way, informing us that
they have no intention of actually doing
whatever they said they want to do. Why
any of us make resolutions is beyond me,
but since it’s that time of year, here’s one
we can all support.
Be it resolved that the conservative
Congress will pass, and the Liberal
President will sign, a law that eliminates
taxation of corporations. It truly can be
a win/win.
Everyone seems to agree that the current
U.S. tax codes is ridiculous. It is overly
complex, means different things to
different people – even inside the IRS that’s
true – and distorts economic activity. I am
not the only person who has called an IRS
office for an explanation, received one,
and then learned the hard way the advice
given was wrong. If they can’t understand
it, my God, we need to replace this thing.
Even with near universal agreement
on that point, both Conservatives and
Liberals will want to write a new tax
code that still favors pet social issues. My
ultimate resolution would be for a 100%
economically neutral tax which neither
encourages nor discourages certain
economic activity. I want people free
to do what they want and then be taxed
the same on the outcomes. If you serve
food in a restaurant, make movies, or
build cars, I don’t want the government to
reward one of you and punish the other.
But since that ultimate resolution
is probably not realistic in today’s
environment, let’s return to the one which
is. Abolishing the corporate tax should
be easy. Both sides will benefit. To
understand that, we need to understand
what the corporate structure is and what
it accomplishes. Put simply, a corporation
is a group of people who have banded
together to pursue some economic activity.
Corporations are ultimately owned by
people. They’re called shareholders, and
“they” are you and me. Anyone who owns
stock or who has shares in a retirement
plan is a shareholder. What this corporate
structure accomplishes is (A) allows us
to accomplish larger economic projects
together than we could on our own, (B)
spreads the risk of those projects so that
a mistake isn’t economically devastating
for one person, and (C) allows every
shareholder to enjoy the
success of the venture.
It is this last functionality
of corporations which is
critical to understanding
how corporate taxes
hurt all of us. All of
the corporation’s profits
are “owned” by all of its
shareholders. One way or the other, all the
shareholders benefit from these profits. If
management distributes them in the form
of dividends, all of us shareholders get a
check. If management retains them to
expand operations, all of us shareholders
benefit from an increasing value in our
investment (our portfolio or our 401K
If the government steps in and taxes the
corporation, they are taxing us. They are
taxing people. Whatever the government
takes away in taxes (to spend as it sees
fit) is less money that can be paid to us,
to spend as we see fit, or is less money
to be retained to expand operations,
which increases employment. Taxing
the corporation taxes us and dampens
There is one other particularly nasty
component of the corporate tax code
that deserves its own special mention.
Dividends are not deductible. That means
any money earned by the corporation is
taxed once at the corporation level and
then is taxed again when we receive it.
Corporate profits sent to us as dividends
are taxed twice.
The bottom line is that corporate taxes
are people taxes!! And if the tax is on
dividends, it is double taxation. There
is no magic difference which insulates
shareholders from the effects. There is no
magic difference that protects workers.
If you hurt the corporation, you hurt the
owners (us) and you hurt the workers (us).
So, what would happen if we abolished
the corporate tax? Here’s the quick
list. 1) The economy would grow. The
system would be more efficient so more
investments in expansion would occur. 2)
More people would be employed. As the
expansion occurred, more factory workers
and management types would be needed.
3) Tax revenues would increase. As the
economy grew and all profits flowed to
individuals, total taxes would increase.
That’s a list of benefits Conservatives and
Liberals can love. The government would
interfere less in our lives, the economy
would become stronger, employment
would grow, and there’d actually be more
money available for legitimate social
programs. Let’s do it right this year. Make
the resolution to get rid of the damn
corporate tax!!
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