Happy New Year!
Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 3, 2015
Well, we’ve entered into another year and for that everyone
should be happy. We’ve lived to see another day, another year.
Most people hope that the New Year will bring more peace and
happiness than the last. I certainly do. Personally, I’ve been
blessed. Wonderful, loving family, good health – not perfect
but certainly nothing to complain about. I’ve completed my
eighth year of publishing this weekly newspaper in Sierra
Madre and surrounding communities with a fantastic group
of supporters, contributors, and staff; and much more. As my
parents used to say, “Be grateful you have a roof over your head
and food on your table”, and I certainly am. However, that
does not mean that for one minute I am not disturbed with
much of what I see in the world outside my little bubble.
2014 has been a year that has really poured salt into the
wounds of racial division that still exists in our country. And
it is not just against African Americans, it’s against Latinos
– “send them all back”, it’s against Asian Americans, “not in my backyard”, and everyone else who is
‘different’. But during the last year, the African American community has garnered the most attention
and people, including me, are upset about it. It is so hard to listen to people go on and on about how
“Michael Brown should have just stopped when the policeman told him to”. That’s correct, however, I’ve
read nowhere where the penalty for disobeying a police officer is immediate execution. Same goes for
Eric Garner, the man who died in a police chokehold for selling cigarettes in New York. And on and on.
Things are still not as they should be in this country when it comes to how we view each other.
I had someone who I thought was a friend (not of color) tell me once that “black people just shouldn’t
wear hoodies then we wouldn’t be scared”. Seriously. And what is so sad is that she, and probably some
of you who are still reading this column don’t see a thing wrong with that statement.
We’ve got to get a grip people. The problems that plague our society do not get better by trying to make
a particular group of people responsible for them. That goes for the racist who makes judgments based
on ethnicity as well as those who generalize all police officers as bad. I can’t offer you any instant way to
fix things but they must get better before our society implodes.
I take that back. I can tell you how we can start to make things better. We can start with ourselves.
Let’s stop the generalizations, even jokingly, that disparage people who are different. Let’s make a
concentrated effort for seeing people as individuals, and not as the twin of the last person we saw on the
news. And for heaven’s sake, let’s not take what we hear on social media or even network news as gospel
until you’ve heard the story for at least a week. Then you will know which parts are accurate.
Let’s deal with our fears in a rational manner. The other day I got on the elevator and before I
reached my destination, a young white man got on. A young man who was dressed like the average
twenty something, baggy pants, hoodie with a
demeanor that seemed to exude ‘I don’t give a
damn’. We rode together for what seemed like
forever and finally I reached the floor where I
got off. I was so relieved. And then I had to
stop and ask myself, “why were you afraid”?
What did that young man do to make you
concerned about your safety? Not a damned
thing. But, as a senior, black woman on an
elevator alone, every negative thing that you can
imagine flashed across my mind. Was I going
to be assaulted, was I going to be robbed or
what? For no reason other than my giving in
to the stereotypes that we have for young people
who dress like, well, young people. And, I was
really annoyed with myself because I think I am
really one of the most open minded people on
the planet. I suppose that with all the hysteria
and hype about violence and this craze of just
running up to people and hitting them, even I
was concerned.
But, I will tell you what I did do. When the
young man got on the elevator, I nodded my
head as to acknowledge his presence and when I
got off, I told him to have a nice day, respecting
him as an adult human being. That’s the kind of
thing we all can do to help make things better.
Show respect each other regardless of what you
think they ought to say or do.
Perhaps if we start with ourselves we can also
diminish the amount of hatred that permeates
the air. It will also help us fend off the insane
manner that we select people to run for public
office. In my opinion when you find a candidate
who can only spew forth vitriolic rhethoric about
what’s wrong and cannot articulate anything
that he/she will DO to make things right, let’s
pass on that candidate because they are doing
nothing but playing on our fears and emotions.
The government isn’t some alien entity, it is our
government and it is the sum total of what we
put into it.
So I guess my welcome to 2015 message is
let’s all do better. Let’s start with ourselves, one
person at a time. That’s how hatred spreads, so
let’s see if we can make love and respect spread
the same way. Let’s make 2015 the year when
we passionately, as individuals, work on real
change. Ujima!*
*Ujima is the Kwanzaa principle of Collective Work
and Responsibility which reminds us of our obligation
to the past, present and future, and that we have a role
to play in the community, society, and world.
Happy New Year!
Susan Henderson, Publisher/Editor