Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 21, 2015
I love to having the
ability to take a step
back in moments
of reaction or
emotion and have
a chance to act or
not act. Not always, but eventually, I reach a point
when I’m not overwhelmed or dominated by my
emotions or stuck in the actions of others. It is
incredibly empowering to experience this, as it is the
very beginnings of non attachment. Applying this
philosophy is not easy at all, but the pay off is immense.
In the effort to have the ability to observe rather
than react, attention must first be directed toward
my physical well being. How can I be expect to
keep a cool head when I missed lunch? What if
I didn’t sleep the night before? How smoothly
can I handle situations or emotions in that case?
Although, we cannot apply asana to our diet,
we can use yoga to raise our heartbeat, strengthen
and stretch our muscles, improve sleep and
balance our energy. Through movement in
asana, we unblock energetic snags and tone the
internal systems of the body. Most importantly,
we use asana to breathe in a way that’s nourishing,
rejuvenating, and calming to the nervous system.
All of this work has a direct effect on the mind.
As we settle the mind and the emotions, there’s a
chance to view ourselves from a non judgmental
“witness” point of view. We can take a step
back, focus and really notice what’s going on.
You’ll often hear this in class from the teacher,
“check in”, “how are you?”. In our everyday
comings and goings, we often forget to do this.
This method of “checking in” can be applied in
regular everyday living. The more often we do this,
the better chance we have at remaining objective
in times of stress, indecision or big emotions. We
can choose our non-reaction. We can choose to
remain happy and joyful under any circumstances
and not be diverted from what we want in our life.
As you’ve heard before, it all
begins on the mat! See you in class.
Keely Totten
Less than 2% of
Americans get an
adequate intake
of potassium, and
why is this you may
ask? It is because
we don’t eat enough
plant foods. When
you think of a food
source for potassium,
how many of you
immediately thought
of bananas? Well,
bananas are a good
source of potassium
but there are almost
50 better ones. Every
cell in the human
body requires potassium to function. Potassium
is an electrolyte or a mineral which means it helps
your body to conduct electricity. People who eat
a potassium rich diet have a lower risk of stroke.
They also have lower levels of inflammation. Not
enough potassium in our diets can cause fatigue,
irritability, and even hypertension (high blood
pressure). We need to consume potassium rich
foods every day.
Here is a list of some great foods that are very
high in potassium (most if not all are higher than
bananas) that you can add to your daily diet.
• White potatoes w/skins
• Papaya
• Edamame
• Sweet Potatoes
• White beans
• French beans
• Lima beans
• Dried apricots
• Spinach (raw)
• Dark Leafy Greens (raw)
• Pumpkin
• Parsnips
• Raisins
• Winter Squash
• Prunes
• Acorn Squash
• Mushrooms
• Seaweed
• Avocados
• Beet Greens (cooked)
Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutritionist
at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center
You can be sure of this, things do change; A new day, a new challenge, a new opportunity, a new
way of seeing things. You wish you could count on things and some things you can (like death and
taxes) but surprises pop up.
In regards to health, challenges can manifest seemingly from nowhere. In my office I see patients
who hobble in with a problem and in questioning them more than often they say, “I woke up with it.
I didn’t do anything.” Yet they are really suffering. How does this happen?
In one’s personal health there are certain things you must do to have the best chance of staying
healthy and avoiding injury and illness. In regards to the patient who showed up in crisis, but did not
‘do anything’ to cause it, the questioning that follows exposes the cause of the problem.
“How much exercise have you been getting lately?” “How has your diet been?” “How have you been
sleeping lately?” “When was the last time you were checked for nerve interference and adjusted?”
Usually the answers are as follows: No exercise (too busy), Bad diet (too busy), Not enough sleep
(Stressed from being too busy) and have not seen their chiropractor because they haven’t had any
problem and/are too busy.
I have to tell them, “Yes, you didn’t do anything before this crisis hit today. You’re not making good
choices and not living the 100 Year lifestyle so this is the result. You weren’t too busy today to come
in but as we know pain is a great motivator.”
The things you can be certain about, the disciplines you can put yourself through, can help you
navigate the uncertainties of life. Unforeseen problems and challenges will pop up, this we are
certain of, but it is the uncertainty of when and how that can strike you down that catch us off guard
and when we look back we realize we weren’t doing the things we know we should do on a regular
basis to be proactive and protect our health.
Regular exercise,
great nutrition, proper
rest and a spine and
nervous system that
is free of interference
will certainly help
you deal with the
uncertainties of life.
Be prepared. See
your chiropractor
and get checked and
receive lifestyle care
or most certainly you
will need to go for
crisis care.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com