Mountain View News Saturday, May 2, 2015
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side by Deanne Davis
“The soft sound of rain…exquisite purple droplets,
The Jacaranda tree weeps wet purple kisses,
A welcome shower of love…royal messengers of Spring.”
Jade Celeste
The Jacarandas are blooming and they are fabulous.
All over town there are purple clouds of blossoms and
my arborist walking partner, John, and I are anticipating
the moment when all the trees on our street are in lavish
bloom. Yes, I know we then track the fallen ‘wet purple
kisses’ in the house, but that’s a small detail when looking
up at them is such a pleasure.
I’ve just gotten back from Texas, friends and neighbors,
where I spent ten days with family there, youngest daughter,
Crissy, her husband and their two little girls, seven year old
Jessie and four year old Emily. Emily is absolutely positive
that unicorns are real and informed us, while I was mixing
up pumpkin pancakes, that, “If you give a unicorn a
pancake, he will eat the plate!” Visited Jessie’s school where
she’s a First Grader, Wally W. Watkins Elementary, while
we were there, and were so delighted with the sign we
saw on the wall: “We are each unique and beautiful, but
together we are a masterpiece.” Nice.
About pumpkin pancakes…we love them and have
enjoyed them at CoCo’s, Mimi’s, Dish Restaurant, and
every brand of mix available from Trader Joe’s, Cost Plus
World Market, and wherever else I found it. I’ve tried so
many recipes, but the bottom line has always been kind of “meh”
“blah” “eh” or “What were you thinking!” But I had never come
across the mix we had in Texas, which is Target’s house brand,
Archer Farms Pumpkin Pancake Mix. It was great! Now I have to
see if our local Target carries it, too.
OK, back to being in Texas, where they tell you constantly they
are in a drought, have been in a drought, and will always be in a
drought. Now, being from here, we know what drought looks like,
and it doesn’t look a thing like the Dallas area of Texas! While I was
there, we had torrential rains, hail, tornado watches, flash flooding
and more rain. Construction of housing developments is going on
everywhere and I don’t see how they can build anything as all these
fields, littered with earth-moving equipment, are giant morasses of
mud! And it’s green there. Green like you can’t believe! There are
ducks all over the place, floating in ponds and lakes…water, water,
everywhere! The bluebonnets – Texas state flower – were blooming
and folks were plowing through the mud to take pictures. That’s the
kind of drought we need to have! They even flush their toilets!
We had rain here last Saturday but not enough to make a dent in
our dry, I’m afraid. It’s time to feed our citrus trees, time for you to
feed yours, too…just saying…and I figured Tuesday morning that it
would be easy as the ground would still be wet from Saturday’s rain.
Heavy sigh…it wasn’t.
The Art Fair is this weekend and we can’t wait to
see all the beautiful things, new artists, new concepts
and ideas that will be covering Memorial Park. We are
crossing our fingers hoping that David Van Noppen,
the glass blower, will be back. His Venetian-style
glass sculptures of bowls, vases, vegetables, flowers,
and hanging gardens took my breath away and I’ve
been waiting all year to buy one of his gorgeous
pumpkins. Featured artist, Frank Yee’s, Bonsais will
be spectacular. There are special activities for kids,
food trucks, live music. It’s 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on
Saturday and 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. As it
will all benefit our own Sierra Madre Public Library,
why not plan to buy your Mother’s Day present. You’ll
see something wonderful there, guaranteed!
My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
Blog: www.authordeanne.com
“Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” is
available there…
During the week of Sunday, April 19th, to Sunday, April 26th, the Sierra
Madre Police Department responded to approximately 324 calls for
Monday, April 20th
At 2:52 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to the station lobby to take a
report regarding use of another person’s identity. The victim informed
Officers that they received notification that $700 had been withdrawn
from their bank account using their ATM information, even though the
victim had possession of his ATM card at the time. The victim canceled
the card and notified his bank. This case has been forwarded to the
Detective Bureau.
Tuesday, April 21st
At 8:15 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the station lobby to take
a report regarding the use of another person’s identity. The victim
informed Officers that when he attempted to file his tax return online,
he received notification that his request was rejected due to his personal
information already being used to file a tax return for this year. The
victim has no knowledge of who may have used his information. This
case has been forwarded to the Detective Bureau.
Saturday, April 25th
At 10:41 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the station lobby to take
a report regarding a possible domestic dispute. Officers were informed
by the victim that the day prior, she was hiking with her short-term
boyfriend at a local trail when he started to rough house with her and
pretend box her, and hit her several times on her shoulder. When the
victim told the man to stop, he continued. The victim stated she felt
threatened, and ultimately punched the man in the face in an effort to
make him stop. She was then struck in the back by the man causing her
to receive a significant bruise. Upset, the victim returned to her vehicle
and the man followed. As she was driving away, the victim stated the
man smashed her rear windshield with his hand. Upon interviewing
the man, he stated the windshield was broken because his girlfriend
had unintentionally backed up into him and he hit the windshield with
his hand in an effort to make the vehicle stop and denied any physical
altercation. Officers determined the man was the main aggressor of the
altercation. The woman refused to pursue charges against the man, but
requested he be required to replace the windshield. This case has been
forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office for filing and review.
Sunday, April 26th
At 12:25 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the area of 300 East
Laurel regarding a disturbance report. Upon arrival, Officers were
met with the homeowner who claimed his spouse had broken into
his home and threatened him. Officers observed the shattered glass
doorway upon entering the home and located the spouse in the home’s
bathroom. Officer were able to detain the spouse without any incident.
Upon interviewing the homeowner, he informed Officers that he was
married to his spouse but recently things had been getting bad. He
obtained a restraining order against his wife, but several months later
allowed her to move back in. When things started to get bad again, he
served his spouse with divorce papers and things escalated over the
next couple of days. He stated he heard pounding on his back door, and
upon investigating he discovered his spouse throwing a brick through
the door to gain access. An altercation ensued and when his spouse
threatened him with a weapon, the homeowner called police. The
spouse refused to be interviewed by Officers. The spouse was taken into
custody and released to Pasadena Jail. This case has been forwarded to
the Pasadena District Attorney’s Office.
The City of Sierra Madre Senior Community Commission is hosting
the 5th Annual Community Yard Sale on Saturday, June 6, 2015
from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. located in the Sierra Vista Park (611
E. Sierra Madre Blvd). Community organizations and members are
invited to come together with their neighbors to participate in a
community yard sale. The fee for a selling space is $30.00 and a yard
sale permit does not need to be purchased; proceeds will benefit
senior programs and activities. If you would like to participate in
the Community Yard Sale, you must register in person at the City
Hall, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.. The Community Yard Sale will
encompass the west parking lot and basketball court in Sierra Vista
Park. The deadline to register is Thursday, May 28 or until spaces
are filled. Spots are filled on a first come, first serve basis. For more
information please call the Community Services Department at
(626) 355-7135.
The Spero Foundation will be hosting their fifth annual “Fire Cracker Fun Run” as part of the Sierra Madre Fourth of July Festivities.
This is an “unofficial 5K event,” but a running clock is provided. We welcome runners and walkers of all ages. Walkers with strollers
and dogs on leashes are encouraged to participate as this is a true community event!
The Firecracker Fun Run is held on Saturday, July 4, 2015. Check-in and registration is at Kersting Court from 7:00am-7:45am the
morning of the race. The race begins at 8:00am.
Registration is available online at www.cityofsierramadre.com/onlineregistration and begins Monday, May 4, 2015. Prior to June 15th
registration costs for adults are $21.00 and youth under 10 are $16.00. After June 15th the cost is $26.00 per entry regardless of age. If
you pre-register online before June 15, you will be guaranteed a t-shirt. For registrations taken June 15 or after, race t-shirts are available
until supplies run out.
All participants will receive a custom 2015 Firecracker Fun Run medal! Also as a new twist- this year there will be awards for the “Best-
Showing” of RED, WHITE & BLUE- so show your support for the Stars and Stripes. We highly encourage everyone to dress up and
show their patriotism with the most creative outfit possible.
The Spero Foundation was formed in 2009 to raise awareness, bringing hope to people in need. In the last year the Foundation has
donated over $28,000 to support local community programs and delivered over 50 food baskets during the holiday season to families
in our own community. 100% of the proceeds from this event will support their Holiday Food Basket Program. Hope is not our wish…
it is our goal.
Register online: www.cityofsierramadre.com/onlineregistration
Fourth of July Website: www.sierramadre4thofjuly.com
The Sierra Madre 4th of July
Parade is an annual tradition
that is an integral part of the
Sierra Madre community!
This hometown parade
features community members,
organizations, classic cars, a
marching band, kids on their
decorated bikes and so much
more. Join us for the 2015
parade on Saturday, July 4,
from 10:00am – 12:00 pm. The
parade route will begin at the
corner of Sierra Madre Blvd.
and Sunnyside Avenue, and
will travel the length of Sierra
Madre Blvd. to Sierra Vista
Parade participation is open
to all; young, young-at-heart,
and everything in between.
There is NO FEE to participate
in the parade this year thanks
to a sponsorship from the
The Kensington. If you are
interested in participating in
the 4th of July parade, please
visit the 4th of July Website for
online registration.
Parade registration opens
Friday, May 1st and all
applications must be submitted
by Monday, June 1st. Due
to staging concerns, no late
entries will be accepted. Please
make sure to fill out all fields
and hit the submit button!
For questions regarding parade
registration please contact
the 4th of July Committee
at 4thofjulysierramadre@
gmail.com or the Community
Services Department at
There is still funding for the Turf Removal Rebate Program!
Property owners may be eligible to receive a rebate of $1.00
per square foot of turf that is removed. The maximum rebate
is $1,000 per property owner.
Applications are available at City Hall, and applications will
be processed on a “first come, first served basis.” There is
a total of $48,000 in grant funds available. To be eligible,
rebates are only available for turf removed from private
property yard areas visible from the street. Rebates do
not apply to parkways or back yards. The rebates are not
retroactive, meaning that the program does not apply to
properties where turf has already been removed. There are
additional regulations, which are available in full at City Hall
and on the City’s website.
Applications are available on the City’s website at www.
cityofsierramadre.com, but applications must be submitted
in person to City Hall. Emailed or faxed applications will not
be accepted.
For additional information, please visit City Hall on Monday
to Thursday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, or call (626) 355-7135.