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Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 2, 2015 

Jeff’s Book Picks By Jeff Brown



The Food Babe Way: Break 
Free from the Hidden Toxins 
in Your Food and Lose Weight, 
Look Years Younger, and Get 
Healthy in Just 21 Days! by 
Vani Hari 

A #1 National Bestseller. Cut hidden 
food toxins, lose weight, and get 
healthy in just 21 days.Did you know 
that your fast food fries contain a 
chemical used in Silly Putty? Or that 
a juicy peach sprayed heavily with 
pesticides could be triggering your 
body to store fat? When we go to the 
supermarket, we trust that all our 
groceries are safe to eat. But much of 
what we’re putting into our bodies 
is either tainted with chemicals or 
processed in a way that makes us 
gain weight, feel sick, and age before 
our time.Luckily, Vani Hari - aka 
the Food Babe - has got your back. 
A food activist who has courageously put the heat on 
big food companies to disclose ingredients and remove 
toxic additives from their products, Hari has made it 
her life’s mission to educate the world about how to live 
a clean, organic, healthy lifestyle in an overprocessed, 
contaminated-food world, and how to look and feel 
fabulous while doing it. Hari invites you to follow an 
easy and accessible plan to rid your body of toxins, 
lose weight without counting calories, and restore 
your natural glow in just 21 days. Including anecdotes 
of her own transformation along with easy-to-follow 
shopping lists, meal plans, and mouthwatering recipes, 
THE FOOD BABE WAY will empower you to change 
your food, change your body, and change the world. 

The Exercise Cure: A Doctor’s All-Natural, No-
Pill Prescription for Better Health and Longer 
by Jordan Metzl & Andrew Heffernan

Everyone wants to lose weight, feel better, and live longer. 
But what if that was just the beginning? What if readers 
could use specific workouts to prevent, improve, or cure 
what ails them?As Dr. Jordan Metzl says, “Exercise is 
medicine.” Now he puts that philosophy—along with 
cutting-edge research and a motivational bedside 
manner—into a groundbreaking 
book delivering a head-to-toe list 
of maladies that affect quality of 
life for millions. He then offers 
the specific exercise prescriptions 
that will help fix them—from 
type 2 diabetes to depression, 
from arthritic joints to PMS, 
from addiction to sleep apnea.The 
Exercise Cure received an amazing 
amount of publicity in hardcover 
for its simple approach to weight 
loss and better health for everyone. 
The book offers an exhaustive (and 
exhausting) collection of fun, fat-
torching, life-changing workouts 
that can be tailored to any fitness 
level.“Doctors have long focused 
on the treatment of disease. Now 
we have a manual that highlights a 
means of prevention. As Dr. Metzl 
touts, exercise is one of the world’s 
most effective medicines.” —Sanjay Gupta, MD, chief 
medical correspondent, CNN

Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body 
Connection by John E. Sarno 

Dr. John E. Sarno is a medical pioneer whose program 
has helped thousands of thousands of people overcome 
their back conditions--without or drugs or dangerous 
surgery. Now, using his grounbreaking research into 
TMS (Tension Mytostis Syndrome), Dr. Sarno goes 
one step further: after identifyig stress and other 
psychological factors in back pain, he demonstrates 
how many of his patiens have gone on to heal 
themselves without exercise or other physical therapy. 
Find out:Why self-motivated and successful people 
are prone to TMS .How anxiety and repressed anger 
trigger muscle spasms .How people “train themselves’ 
to experience back pain .How you may get relief from 
back pain within two to six weeks by recognizing TMS 
and its causes.With case histories and the results of 
in-depth mind-body research, Dr. Sarno describes 
how patients recognize the emotional roots of their 
TMS and sever the connections between mental and 
physical pain.

By Sean Kayden

No comparison, 
Future Islands was the 
breakthrough band 
of 2014. The band’s 
exhilarating and 
off the beaten path 
performance on The 
Late Night with David Letterman went viral last 
summer. It turned the Baltimore synth-pop trio 
into an over night sensation or so it seemed. No 
question about it, they are the hardest working 
guys in indie rock. They formed in 2006 and have 
been touring incessantly. ‘Singles,’ their fourth 
full-length record was released last year and like 
all their albums before, it was well received my 
critics. Up until that release, they garner a small, 
but strong following. The release came from 4AD, 
a major indie label. Perhaps it was the record 
label change, but this particular new enthusiasm 
was found layered onto their trademark sound. 
The results were absolutely invigorating. Other 
albums encompassed a theme about looking 
back and reflecting on particular times in one’s 
own life. On ‘Singles’ singer/songwriter Samuel 
Herring affectedly sings about the future that lies 
ahead. Such with earlier albums, questions are 
raised, but answers are seldom found, for both 
past and future situations. 

 While they didn’t release a full up follow-up 
to ‘Singles’ just yet, they did record a new single 
entitled “The Chase” with a B-side called “Haunted 
By You.” “The Chase” feels like something off 
‘Singles,’ which is a terrific thing to be in company 
with. It has their signature, cavernous synths 
along with Herring’s hoarse but sometimes 
smooth vocals. He doesn’t throw in his usual 
deep scream, in fact, he sounds crisper than ever. 
It’s a tightly constructed song while displaying 
infectious synths throughout its course. Herring 
fervently sings the line “Is it love or the love of the 
chase?” on numerous occasions during the length 
of the song with each time having more impact 
than the time before. It’s pure Future Islands in 
their new era of sound and once again it impresses 
on all levels. It’s incredible it took these guys this 
long to gain the success their finally receiving. 

 The real gem here is the B-side, “Haunted By 
You.” It’s a mildly slower tempo song than “The 
Chase,” but lyrically more effective and harrowing. 
The lyric “There’s no home, no home like the one 
I found in you,” is gorgeously and soulfully sung 
by Herring. This is not some radio friendly tune 
since it’s so profound in both delivery and on a 
lyrical standpoint. It flows with effortless grace 
and pensiveness. “Haunted By You” is pure beauty 
in the form of nearly four minutes making it the 
finest song of any artist from this year by a long 
shot. Like the title suggests, this one will definitely 
haunt the listener in the best possible way. Once 
again and with no surprise at all, Future Islands 
astonishes with utter elegance and true artistry. 
If you’re seeking truth, depth, and simply great 
music of the modern age, look no further than 
Future Islands. If ‘Haunted By You’ doesn’t stir 
up emotions after one listen, one best better 
check their pulse to see if they’re still even alive. 
‘The Chase’ single is out now on iTunes with the 
B-side ‘Haunted By You’ for purchase as well. 

Artist: Future Islands

Album: ‘The Chase’ (Single)

Label: 4AD

Release Date: April 28th, 2015

On the Marquee: 

Notes from the Sierra MadrePlayhouse




By Artistic Director, Christian Lebano

We are in the “crunch” period of putting a 
show up. We will be adding the technical 
elements (sound and lights) to The Odd 
Couple over the weekend. Tonight we 
have our “dry tech” - which is when we 
run through all the technical cues without 
the actors in preparation for our “wet tech 
- cue to cue” tomorrow with the actors. 
Last night our costume designer, Angela 
Nicholas, previewed all the looks for all 
the characters for us. She’s created a fun 
and period-appropriate looking show - 
wait until you see the mini-dresses on 
the Pigeon sisters! Today, I’ll be meeting with 
the artists creating the setting for the show to 
prioritize the last elements of the set and props. 
This show is huge - calling for so many props and 
so much set dressing - empty pizza boxes and 
take out containers, dead plants and live ones, 
tons of poker chips and period potato chips, OY, 
the list goes on and on that everyone is working 
over time to be ready by next Friday’s opening.

 I’ve commented before on how many people it 
takes to put on a show. So many artists working 
in concert with just one goal in mind - creating an 
experience for our audiences that will take them 
out of themselves and give them a break from 
their own lives, letting them enjoy the vicarious 
pleasures of watching someone else deal with a 
problem roommate, or try to sweet talk the pretty 
girls from upstairs, or deal with a burnt London 

 But why? Why do we do it? I ask myself that 
every time I leave my family just as we should be 
sitting down together for dinner or pass up an 
invitation with friends because I have to work 
on something at the theater or collapse into 
bed when my tired, middle-aged body tries to 
recuperate from hauling scenery into the theater. 
Obsession doesn’t explain it, nor does passion, 
nor compulsion…

 I think the simple answer (if there is one) is that 
I believe that theater is necessary. It is a safety 
valve for me and for many of our loyal patrons. 
I go to theater, I make theater, because I believe 
in its power. I believe in its value. A play is a 
shared experience - one of the few we have left 
in our now highly-mediated society. We come 
together as a community and sit in a dark room 
and watch ourselves on stage - we struggle with 
deep human truths and wonder at our fragility 
and insensitivity, we glory in our humanity and 
graciousness, we ask questions of ourselves and 
sometimes find answers - and sometimes we are 
simply diverted and find communion in laughter 
and joy. And when the lights come up at the end 
of the show and we return to our lives outside 
the world of the show, I hope that time together 
- laughing, crying, living - will influence us to 
connect with each other outside of the theater. 
E.M. Forster famously wrote “Only connect” 
and I believe that the theater provides us with an 
opportunity to do that. And making that possible 
for our patrons is why I do this. A worthy goal I 

 Please call Mary Baville in our box office at 
626.355.4318 to order your tickets for The Odd 
Couple. The show plays Friday and Saturday 
nights at 8pm and Sunday matinees at 2:30 with a 
talk back with the actors following every matinee. 
We open May 8 and run through June 27.


Reach me at ArtisticDirector@


A common estate planning mistake made by many 
people – including celebrities and the wealthy – is not 
ensuring the trust you have created actually holds all 
your assets. This process of transferring your personal 
assets into your trust is called “funding.” 

 Unfortunately, most lawyers do not make sure this 
is properly handled for their clients, so even if you’ve 
worked with an attorney you need to double check this 
critical issue. If you do not transfer your assets into your 
trust correctly, it is nothing more than an empty shell 
and will not accomplish the objectives (such as avoiding 
probate) you had in mind when you established it. 

 Here is a basic rundown of the proper procedures for 
funding your trust:

 Real estate – a new deed in the name of the trust 
must be drawn and recorded at the county clerk’s office. 
For properties with mortgages there may be additional 
issues to consider so always seek legal counsel before 
recording a new deed.

 Stocks, bonds, mutual funds – to transfer the 
ownership of these assets into your trust, you need to 
contact your broker, investment counselor or transfer 
agent for the proper paperwork and complete those 
documents as instructed.

 Savings bonds – you will need to obtain a reissue 
form from the Federal Reserve Bank and re-title the 
bonds in the name of the trust.

 Brokerage accounts – contact your broker for the 
proper forms that will enable the broker to close the 
existing accounts and transfer the assets into a new 
trust account.

 Stock certificates – you will need to send a completed 
“stock power” form as well as a W-9 form with your tax 
ID number with the original stock certificates to the 
company’s transfer agent.

 Bank accounts, CDs – new accounts will need to 
be established in the name of the trust. If your bank 
cannot transfer CDs until the maturity date, then mark 
them “in trust for” a beneficiary until the CDs mature 
and you can transfer them to the trust.

 Life insurance, retirement plans – these assets cannot 
be owned by a living trust but it may be appropriate 
to name your trust as beneficiary. Seek legal counsel 
before changing the primary or contingent beneficiary 
on these types of assets.

 Written confirmation – don’t just assume everything 
has been transferred correctly because you submitted 
the paperwork. Always ask for and keep a copy of a 
written confirmation indicating your assets have been 
moved into your trust.

 As your partner in planning for the financial security 
of yourself and your family, we would never let your 
trust go unfunded. That’s because our concern for you 
doesn’t stop with the signing of your legal documents 
-- we always follow up with clients to ensure everything 
has been done properly so they are fully protected.

 If you’d like to learn more about how a trust might 
benefit you and your family, call us to schedule a Family 
Estate Planning Session and get educated about your 
options. There’s no obligation and if you mention this 
article there will be no fee.

 To your family’s health, wealth, and happiness,




 A local attorney, father, and CASA volunteer (Court 
Appointed Special Advocate for Children), Marc 
Garlett is on a mission to help parents protect what 
they love most. His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin 
Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an 
appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring a 
legacy of love and financial security for your family by 
calling 626.355.4000 or visit for 
more information.



No Beans about the Annual Sierra Madre Kiwanis Chili Cook-Off is just around the corner. I am 
an old hand at these events; you see I put on the very popular Pasadena Chili Cook-Off for some 12 
years. At one point we attracted some 30 cooks and 1200 attendees. I invite all of you to this event, I 
judged last year and I was absolutely impressed with the quality of entrants. My idea of a true chili is 
one that has no beans, but I have a feeling that there will be all sorts of entrants that I will state “This 
is Chili?”…I did a little research on how this Chili 
Craze got started, and these are the two that make 
the most sense. See everyone Saturday Night at 
the Sierra Madre Room 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. 
Sierra Madre.

There is little doubt that cattle drivers and trail hands did more to popularize the dish throughout 
the Southwest than anybody else, and there is a tale that we heard one frosty night in a Texican bar 
in Marfa, Texas, about a range cook who 
made chili along all the great cattle trails 
of Texas. He collected wild oregano, chile 
peppers, wild garlic, and onions and mixed 
it all with the fresh-killed beef or buffalo 
- or jackrabbit, armadillo, rattlesnake, 
or whatever he had at hand - and the 
cowhands ate it like ambrosia. And to make 
sure he had an ample supply of native spices 
wherever he went, he planted gardens along 
the paths of the cattle drives - mostly in 
patches of mesquite - to protect them from 
the hooves of the marauding cattle. The 
next time the drive went by there, he found 
his garden and harvested the crop, hanging 
the peppers and onions and oregano to dry 
on the side of the chuck wagon. The cook 
blazed a trail across Texas with tiny, spicy gardens. 

The other story I like as well, is that a small Rio Grande Jail in Texas was home to the original chili, 
the story goes that the inmates gathered scraps of meat, any kind of spices or anything that was left 
over and made a think soup, as they added vegetables the “soup” got thicker and thicker. The inmates 
added gruel, bread and water to thicken it up. By the 1850’s each Texas Jail was rated by the chili that 
was served!!

Join me this Saturday May 9th. And decide for yourself, is this the stuff that legends are made from? 
For more info call (626) 627-3363

Listen to my talk show every Sunday at 5 PM AM 830 KLAA 

TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills


We hear this question all the time.

 One answer is – it depends.

 That answer sounds like a cop out but it really 
does depend on your audience, your business, 
your offer, your message, your business cycle and a 
few other factors.

 For example, if you have a restaurant and you 
have a loyal following of repeat customers, your 
business cycle is most likely daily. Your goal may be 
to let folks know about the daily special and entice 
them to come in for lunch. Given the frequency 
of the potential sales cycle, you may be able to get 
away with a daily email to let your customers know 
what’s cooking. But, you would also want to give 
your audience the option of receiving a weekly or 
monthly email in case a daily email is too much for 

 The other answer is – the best time to send is 
when you audience will be listening.

 For example, if you are a business-to-business 
then a good place to start developing your email 
sweet spot will most likely be in the middles. 
Schedule your emails for the middle of the day 
during the middle of the week. But, if you are a 
rock band you may want to schedule more towards 
the weekends and evenings.

 Of course you will need to monitor your email 
campaigns after you send them. Examine the open 
rate, the click through rate and the activity rate – 
did they take the action you wanted them to take? 
Over time you will start to see trends. These trends 
can act as a benchmark for your “best” time. But 
like everything else things could evolve or change, 
so keep experimenting. Change can be rewarding.

All of this begs the question, “when is the worst 
time to send?”

 That answer is easy. The worst time to send is 
– never. Businesses are missing the boat if they are 
not scheduling regular email campaigns.

 Bottom line – Don’t wait for perfection, and the 
stars to align before you schedule your next email 
campaign. Progress over perfection is a much 
better strategy.

 About MJ: MJ and her brother David own 
HUTdogs, a creative services business that helps 
their clients build a strong on-line presence. “Like” 
them on Facebook for trending news in social 
media, internet marketing and other helpful tips,


 Sign up for their upcoming workshops at: www. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: