Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 21, 2015
Officers from the Arcadia Police Department’s Traffic
Bureau will be deploying to stop and arrest alcohol
and drug-impaired drivers in the Department’s
ongoing traffic safety campaign. DUI Saturation
Patrols will deploy on November 25, 2015 between
the hours of 6:00 PM and 2:00 AM in areas with high
frequencies of DUI collisions and/or arrests.
In California, this deadly crime led to 867
deaths and over 23,000 serious injuries in 2013
because someone failed to designate a sober driver.
Nationally, the latest data shows over 10,000 were
killed by an impaired driver. Over the course of the
past three years officers have investigated 119 DUI
collisions which has resulted in 76 people being
Recent statistics reveal that 30 percent of drivers in
fatal crashes had one or more drugs in their systems.
A study of active drivers showed more tested positive
for drugs that may impair driving (14 percent) than
did for alcohol (7.3 percent). Of the drugs, marijuana
was most prevalent, at 7.4 percent, slightly more
than alcohol. Everyone should be mindful that if
you’re taking medication – whether prescription or
over-the-counter – drinking even small amounts of
alcohol can greatly intensify the impairment affects.
Law Enforcement emphasizes the preventable
nature of drunk driving reminding everyone that all
it takes is a little planning ahead. Designate a sober
driver or call a cab. But whatever you do, don’t drink
and drive. The California Office of Traffic Safety
DDVIP (Designated Driver VIP) mobile app is now
available for free download on iOS and Android
devices. Launched last year, the new DDVIP app
offers enhanced features, allowing users to “Map
a Spot” with their current location to find DDVIP
partnering establishments in their area or a “List
of Spots” to search all participating bars and
restaurants throughout California. Users will be
offered free incentives at each bar to celebrate their
life saving role. They can stay up-to-date with the
latest from DDVIP and see what other users are
saying via its social tab. Also through the app, for
those who want to imbibe but also make it a point to
plan ahead, users can easily order a sober ride from
Uber, Lyft or Curb – all from one screen.
The cost of a ride home is cheap, nothing
compared to a $10,000 DUI conviction and the
‘inconvenience’ of not driving your own car home is
nothing compared to the inconvenience of spending
time behind bars.
Funding for this DUI operation is provided to
the Arcadia Police Department by a grant from
the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
reminding everyone to ‘Report Drunk Driver – Call
Don’t forget to visit the Arcadia Police
Department News & Information Blog or follow us
on Facebook, Twitter or Nixle for other pertinent
news and information. Remember, the solution
begins with you!
For the period of Sunday, November 8th, through
Saturday, November 14th, the Police Department
responded to 1,133 calls for service of which 123
required formal investigations. The following is a
summary report of the major incidents handled by the
Department during this period.
Sunday, November 8:
Just before 8:01 a.m., officers responded to Jerry’s
Union 76 Gas Station, 102 East Duarte Road,
regarding a burglary report. An investigation
revealed unknown suspects cut a hole in the roll-
up service bay door, ransacked the cashier’s booth,
and fled undetected with cash and cigarettes. The
investigation is ongoing.
At about 11:47 a.m., an officer responded to a traffic
collision in the area of Huntington Drive and Sunset
Boulevard. Upon contacting the driver of one of the
vehicles, the officer detected a strong odor of alcohol
emitting from the driver’s person. Through a series
of tests, the officer determined the 52-year-old male
from Arcadia was driving under the influence of an
alcoholic beverage. The suspect was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Monday, November 9:
Just before 8:23 a.m., an officer responded to the 400
block of West Duarte Road regarding a stolen vehicle
report. The officer determined the victim’s unlocked
vehicle was stolen sometime during the previous
night from their carport. No suspects were seen and
no witnesses were located.
At approximately 6:25 p.m., an officer responded
to a residence in the 800 block of Arcadia Avenue
regarding a fraud report. An investigation revealed an
unknown suspect signed the victim’s check as “Ruth
Pratt” and fraudulently cashed it. The investigation
is ongoing.
Tuesday, November 10:
Around 2:28 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop
on a vehicle in the area of Santa Anita Avenue and
Camino Real Avenue for having expired registration.
Upon contacting the driver, the officer discovered the
31-year-old male from San Gabriel was driving with
a suspended license and did not have the required
ignition-interlock device installed on his vehicle. He
was cited and released in the field. The vehicle was
impounded for 30 days.
Just after 5:38 a.m., an officer responded to
the intersection of Fourth Avenue and Joyce
Street regarding a suspicious vehicle report. An
investigation revealed the driver, a 39-year-old female
from Alhambra, was in possession of marijuana,
methamphetamine, and two glass smoking pipes.
She was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City
Jail for booking.
Wednesday, November 11:
Shortly after 7:55 a.m., an officer responded to
a residence in the 2200 block of Highland Vista
Drive regarding a burglary. The officer determined
unknown suspects smashed the rear sliding glass
door, ransacked the residence, and fled undetected.
No loss was reported. No suspects were seen and no
witnesses were located.
Just after 6:08 p.m., an officer responded to a
residence in the 1700 block of Oakwood Avenue
regarding a vandalism report. An investigation
revealed unknown suspect(s) threw a rock causing a
small hole in one of the windows. A witness saw the
suspect(s) flee in a vehicle. No other suspect or vehicle
description was provided.
Thursday, November 12:
At approximately 6:37 p.m., an officer responded
to the parking lot of Pepper’s Mexican Grill, 181
Colorado Place, regarding an intoxicated subject. The
officer determined the suspect was unable to care for
himself. The 52-year-old male from Pasadena was
arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for
Around 8:02 p.m., an officer responded to a hit and
run, non-injury collision in the area of Santa Anita
Avenue and the 210 Freeway on-ramp. Party 2
stated he was rear ended by Party-1 while stopped
at a red light. Both parties agreed to pull over,
however, Party-1 fled the scene without exchanging
information. Vehicle-1 is registered to a business out
of Georgia. The investigation is ongoing.
Friday, November 13:
At about 6:26 p.m., an officer responded to a parking
structure at 411 East Huntington Drive regarding
a vehicle burglary report. The victim witnessed an
unknown male suspect run away from the victim’s
vehicle to a nearby white van before the victim
noticed his front window had been shattered and
miscellaneous property had been stolen from inside.
The suspect is described as a Hispanic male, in his
mid-thirties, approximately 5’8” tall, with a medium
build. The suspect’s vehicle is described as a white
van similar to a Chevrolet Astro van, with tinted
windows. The investigation is ongoing.
Just after 6:35 p.m., an officer responded to the Arcadia
Police Department front counter regarding a battery
report. An investigation revealed a battery occurred
between an uncle and nephew on November 7th at
Motel 6, 225 Colorado Place, in Arcadia. During
the fight, the nephew sustained lacerations to his lip
and hand. He did not request medical attention. The
investigation is ongoing.
Saturday, November 14:
Just after 9:43 a.m., an officer responded to a residence
in the 300 block of Sharon Road regarding a petty theft
report. The officer discovered unknown suspect(s)
stole the victim’s purse from her residence while she
was being treated by Arcadia Fire personnel. The
victim’s credit cards were then used for fraudulent
purchases amounting to $1,500. The investigation is
At approximately 8:05 p.m., officers responded to a
residence in the 2300 block of South Third Avenue
regarding two suspicious males in their backyard.
Surveillance footage revealed two unknown male
suspects were in the victim’s backyard looking in the
windows of the residence before they were scared off.
The suspects fled northbound on Third Avenue in a
black vehicle. The investigation is ongoing.
Attempt Grand Theft Auto November 18 at 7:42
a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 600
block of California Avenue. When the officer
arrived, the investigation revealed the incident was
actually an attempt grand theft auto, as the vehicle
was found to have a damaged steering column.
The vehicle is a blue, 2000 Chevy Blazer. The
investigation is continuing.
Commercial Burglary November 18 at 11:00 a.m.,
officers responded to a business in the 100 block of
West Walnut on the report of a burglary. Unknown
suspects had stolen welding equipment and gas
from the business. The investigation is continuing.
Driving Under the Influence of a Controlled
Substance – Suspect Arrested November 19 at
1:29 a.m., officers were dispatched to a residence
in the 200 block of East Fig Avenue regarding a
suspicious subject in the area. A female resident
returned home and reported that she was being
watched by a shirtless male subject who was
standing in the street in front of her home. The
resident’s husband exited the home and the
subject quickly left the area. Officers arrived and
located the subject in an alley in the 100 block of
Los Angeles Avenue. The investigation revealed
the subject is employed by a local business and
was under the influence of a controlled substance.
He was arrested and held for a sobering period. He
was later released with a citation to appear in court
on the charges.
By Joan Schmidt
Last Saturday I attended the PHA (Pulmonary
Hypertension Association) O2 Breathe Walk in
Monrovia. PHA‘s mission is to find ways to prevent
and cure PH and provide hope for the community
through support, education, research, advocacy
and awareness. PHA connects and works together
with the entire PH community of patients, families
and medical professionals. It relies on donations
to fund its many programs, including diagnosis
efforts, more than 245 support groups around the
country and continuing education for medical
Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) is high blood
pressure in the arteries of the lungs that can lead
to heart failure. There is no cure. In 1985, patients
had a 50% chance of surviving 2.8 years past date
of diagnosis but thanks to new treatments, the
prognosis is improving.
Saturday’s event at Library Park was most
enjoyable. Prior to the Walk, there was
entertainment by the Licata Brothers and Monrovia
High School Dancers. There were a Health Fair,
Pharmacy Advisors, Vendors, give-ways, raffles,
and many booths: Registration, Information,
Mission, Kids PHun Zone, Massage, and Survivors
Susie Alvarez, Co-leader welcomed everyone.
She thanked the Task Force who worked several
months for the Walk to happen and the many
volunteers who arrived early Saturday to set up.
Susie explained the disease, and its rarity, difficult
to diagnose and treat. No drugs were available until
1995. Currently there are about a dozen.
Joanie Yullie, a PHA survivor spoke. This little
bundle of energy, and an inspiration to all, has
lived in Monrovia her whole life. She said her
Community cared about the well-being of every
citizen and thanked the City Council for letting her
be on committees and volunteer although she had
PH. Joanie was the Grand Marshall for the Walk.
Eight years ago Joanie was diagnosed with PH.
She couldn’t breathe and her husband brought her
to the Emergency Room, where he was told she
wouldn’t survive the night. But Joanie’s a fighter
and prayed-she didn’t want to miss her grandson’s
birthday, three days later. The Lord convened,
Joanie survived the night and eventually met Dr.
Ronald Oudiz, from Torrance who treated her and
saved her life.
Dr Oudiz has been twenty-one years in the field
(PHA Specialist). PH is very rare; few physicians
have received training in this area.
We also were introduced to former NFL Coach
Wayne Nullely who donated a signed football from
a Pro Bowl in the 2000’s.
Mayor Adams, Mayor Pro Tem Spicer, Council
Members Becky Shevlin and Gloria Crudginton and
City Manager Oliver Chi participated in the Walk as
well as past Mayor May Ann Lutz and her husband,
Corey. Mary Ann also presented a Certificate on
behalf of Congresswoman Grace Napolitano.
Sponsors included Actelion, Bayer, United
Therapeutics Corporation, Gilead, Busy Hands
Party Rentals and K.B. Construction. Special
thanks to Monrovia’s Chamber of Commerce, Area
Partners, Old Town Merchants, Kyrie Design and
Volunteer Center of San Gabriel Valley who also
helped the event.
88.5% of funds raised by PHA go directly to
research and their support, education, advocacy and
awareness efforts. Please visit www.PHAssociation.
org to see how you can help make a difference.
PHA Grand Marshall Joa nie speaks
Sonya Yates, Executive Director of San Gabriel
Valley Habitat for Humanity has an amazing
story to share. In the 25 years the organization
has been here, they have built 75 homes for low-
income families. These families all contribute
over 300 hours of “sweat” equity into their
homes. They apply for their 0% mortgage with
Habitat and provide 1% down payment. In these
25 years there have been 0 (zero) foreclosures
– and 0 (zero) home sales. All of these homes
are owned by their original families – and many
have paid off their mortgages!
Habitat is always looking for new ways to
support our community. Finding affordable
land and appropriate partners is key. Their
latest project, Desideiro Project in Pasadena will
provide 9 homes for families in West Pasadena
on the land previously used by the Desiderio
Army Reserve Base. Habitat is also expanding
into exterior home repair programs as well. At
a recent meeting of the Duarte Kiwanis, Sonya
was able to share these stories and coordinate
potential volunteer opportunities through
Volunteer and Youth Programs Manager, Kathy
Karimi. Pictured (from left), Sonya Yates, Duarte
Kiwanis President, Cheryl Reynolds and Kathy
Karimi. For further information on speaking or
joining the club, contact Dr. Diane Hernandez
at drdiane@drhernandezoptometry.com
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com