Mountain Views News Saturday, December 12, 2015
What is neck pain?
Neck pain is a common condition — so common,
in fact, that the expression “a pain in the neck” is
an oft-used figure of speech in English. Because
of its position and range of motion, and because
it plays a vital role in the support of the head,
the neck is more subject to injury than any other
portion of the spine. While it is much less frequent
than back pain, neck pain can occasionally be
severe enough to warrant attention from a licensed
health professional.
Neck pain can have a variety of causes. Keeping
your head in an awkward position can cause your
neck muscles to fatigue and the joints in your neck
to “lock” in place, causing discomfort, stiffness
and limited range of motion. Neck pain can also
be caused by a sudden force (such as an automobile
accident), or a medical condition (swelling,
disease, tumors, bleeding, inflammation, etc.).
Some neck pain can also cause headaches (see
the “Acupuncture for Headaches and Head Pain”
section for more information).
Who suffers from neck pain?
Almost everyone will experience some sort
of neck pain or stiffness during their lifetime;
however, certain occupations appear to be
predisposed to neck symptoms. Manual laborers,
for instance, have more symptoms than office
workers, and the type of work seems to affect the
risk. A person’s age and a history of twisting and
bending during work can also contribute. Workers
who have been required to do repetitive tasks with
their upper extremities, or who undergo periods
of prolonged sitting with their head in a flexed
position (such as typing on a keyboard at a desk)
are at risk of developing mechanical neck pain.
What can acupuncture do for neck pain?
Studies have shown acupuncture to be effective
in relieving certain types of neck pain, particularly
those caused by whiplash. Some studies suggest
acupuncture can treat degenerative neck disorders
such as ankylosing spondylosis and cervical
spondylosis; in many cases, acupuncture has
worked for patients whose conditions could not
be solved using conventional approaches.
Acupressure and herbal medicine are sometimes
used in conjunction with acupuncture for neck
pain. Applying acupressure to the neck muscles
can reduce spasm and lessen pain, leading to a
relaxed state and a heightened sense of well-being.
Depending on the patient’s condition, certain
herbal products can be used to improve circulation
and blood flow and ease muscle contraction.
Practicing Yoga at
a yoga studio is a
unique experience.
It’s a community
experience. It’s an energetic experience. Very
different from taking a yoga class in a gym or multi
use environment.
As a student, I first began taking yoga classes
in a studio. Looking back I’m so grateful I started
this way. What a treat. I enjoyed the smell upon
entering the studio. It was instantly calming. I
liked the easy going people working the desk
and the yoga teacher greeting students as they
came in. And whoa, the practice space was clean,
spacious and relaxing. As I continued my practice,
I became picky about where I would practice yoga
in a group setting. When traveling, I looked for
yoga studios, not fitness places with yoga classes.
There’s a difference in tradition and reverence for
the practice.
Little did I know the effort put in by the yoga
studio to create the space. Clean wood floors,
simple, yet aesthetically pleasing decor, carefully
stacked blocks and blankets, cherished deities
displayed honoring any and all faiths. But the
biggest noticeable attribute was the energy in the
room. It had been created and gathered, class after
class. Only yoga, meditation and learning about
those things taking place in the room. It was a
sacred space. Many students say the yoga studio is
their second home. I’m not surprised at all!
Come and enjoy class at our lovely, sacred space
Last week I wrote about the definition of responsibility.
In short, responsibility means your children are “able
to be trusted to do what is right.”
So let’s see what that looks like in several different
contexts and explore how we can support our kids to
become truly responsible.
I’ll start with money because most parents want to
raise kids responsible in that area.
So what does it mean to be responsible with money?
What does it mean to be trusted to do what is right
with money?
To begin with, it means that we are confident our
children know how to make good use of the resources
that come to them.
But before we can ensure our children become
responsible in this area, we must look at whether
- and how - we are taking responsibility in this
area ourselves. So I ask you, can you be trusted to
make good use of the resources that come to you?
In my experience, many people do not feel confident
in this area. That lack of confidence may show up as
an over focus on money, an unnecessary stinginess
with money, or as an unwillingness to make the time
to really look and organize assets and resources.
If you see yourself in any of these examples,
supporting your children to become responsible with
money needs to begin with you.
You can take responsibility yourself by getting
clear on what you have and what you need to have
to provide a life of comfort and connection with
the ones you love. You can show your children what
responsibility looks like by creating a Family Estate
Plan which is more than just a set of legal documents
– it should engage your children in planning for their
own futures.
When you bring your children into the Family
Estate Planning process, in a well thought out
manner, you are helping prepare them for a life of
financial responsibility.
Whether you have young kids or adult kids, it’s
never too late - or too early - to start the process of
taking full responsibility for your money and leading
your kids by example.
Dedicated to your family’s wealth, health, and
A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a
mission to help parents protect what they love most.
His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G,
Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment
to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love
and financial security for your family by calling
626.355.4000 or visit www.GarlettLaw.com for more