Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 12, 2015
TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills
You are hungry and you want something different,
and this writer tells you to go to Robin’s Woodfire
BBQ on Rosemead, you say “ I have driven by that
place a thousand times and I thought it was just a
coffee shop”.
Do you have kids? I do, anyone need one until the economy picks up again, she is well mannered?
Just kidding honey, but I will need that iPhone back, with the receipt.
A certifiable winner on every Wednesday and Sunday Night is Robin's where the Kids eat for free!! I
have a feeling we can all afford that one. With each adult entrée your child can eat for free from the
kids menu. No kids, you say, well they also offer all you can eat Rib Tips for ($13.95). Wow!!!
Now let's review an American favorite!!! It is also one of my
personal favorites, BBQ, not the oven roasted version which
Tony Roma's panders. No, Barbeque is made low and slow.
Low heat and slowly cooked. There is only one authentic
BBQ in The San Gabriel Valley; you guessed it, Robin's
Woodfire BBQ and Grill in Hastings Ranch.
Owner and head politician Robin Salzer has perfected the
BBQ at his name sake. Robin, will readily admit it took a
few months to perfect the BBQ at Robin's. Robin hails from
Milwaukee and opened Robin's 33 years ago this month.
The original menu had everything from breakfast, to pizza,
nachos and little bit of the BBQ. About ten years ago Robin made the decision to go strictly BBQ.
"Everyone in the neighborhood, thought I was crazy," Robin recalled. But, "I decided to stay the
course". The result is some of the best BBQ in all of Southern California. The awards in the past five
years include: Best of City Search, numerous Best of Awards by local newspapers, write ups in the LA
Times and a feature in Westways Magazine.
Depending on the meat, each entrée is cooked between 4 to 6 hours on wood. The sauce is then put
on the meat about twenty seconds before meat is done. This is done to avoid burning the outside skin
of the meat.
Prices range from ($8.95) for salads to ($35.95) for the ultimate Garbage Can Combo. Check out my
food blog for pictures www.peterdillstumblr.com The combo includes chicken, beef ribs, tri tip, baby
back, spare ribs and a beef link. The garbage combo is big enough for two people
What to order: The Beef Ribs are a must!! Four rib dinner ($19.95) and the six Rib dinner is ($29.95).
Robin tells me the ribs are notched, thus insuring extra meat. For dessert order the peach cobbler,
its house made.
What to avoid: Mondays & Tuesday, the restaurant is closed. They don't take reservations on the
weekends, so I suggest making the visit on a Thursday Night. No separate checks.
Four Stars. Worth the drive from anywhere in Los Angeles. Check out the website. Robinsmenu.
com for updated prices and hours.
395 N. Rosemead Pasadena. (626) 351-8885
By Sean Kayden
John Jagos began experimenting with making
electronic music while attending Ohio University
in 2009. After adopting the name, Brothertiger, he
released his fanciful synth-laden debut EP “Vision
Tunnels.” Since then, Jagos has released the critically
praised LPs, Golden Years (2012) and “Future
Splendors” (2013). With his recent move to Brooklyn,
New York, Jagos is about to release his third LP, “Out
of Touch.” The ten-track endeavor is an emotionally
heavy outing, but it’s not overwhelming. Jagos takes
a lot of personal experience and embeds it into his
optimistic melodies. Underling themes of distress,
apprehension, and fearfulness are present, but that’s
only natural to explore for any artist in there twenties.
As noted by Jagos, “Out of Touch” is a deeply personal
record that explores the positive and negative aspects
of trying to find one’s self in society in a post-college
setting. Sure, the album focuses on all these things in
life, but does it sound any good? The short answer is
absolutely. Jagos’ chillwave arrangements, comforting
vocals, and poignant lyrics clearly make this an
entirely worthwhile experience to share. Often times,
I found myself looking back in my own existence and
“Out of Touch” is a prodigious piece of music that aids
one along their own footpath.
“Beyond The Infinite” is the grand opener for Jagos
and it’s a real beaut. The oscillating synths and lush
soundscape mixed with Jaogs lyrics that look inward
rather than outward all form perfectly together. So
right off the bat, we have something incredibly moving
to set the stage for “Out of Touch.” “Wake” features
warm, wistful vocals constructed around electronic
music that leans toward the soft-rock side. Jagos
showcases ambient tones over his sanguine lyrics. “Fall
Apart” is yet another lovely tune that encouragingly
moves forward as it progresses. Jagos utilizes his
signature ethereal quality again and everything just
falls into place effortlessly. In many ways, the album
is shaping up to be the feel-good record of the season.
While many life-changing themes are explored,
optimism is always center stage. With all that’s dark in
the world, Brothertiger tries to shed light in the most
unforeseen places.
The title track delves into 80s synth-pop and there’s
nothing to complain about here. It’s an electro-pop
track showcasing exceptional sounds that evolve
into something memorable. While Brothertiger stays
within a particular soundscape, no two tracks really
feel much the same. Jagos is able to craft something
new and special each go around. “Engulfed” starts off
with bouncy and tropical beats. The chilled vibe and
dreamy impression it gives off definitely makes the
listener feel at home. As the album moves forward,
we land on “Grenada,” a peaceful, nostalgic track that
really hits every note faultlessly. It’s utterly affecting
and meditative in every aspect of the song. Jagos has the
remarkable propensity of writing just the right lyrics
for his immaculate sounds. Everything goes hand in
hand making “Out of Touch” feel like the perfect
album. “Drift” ends this latest chapter for Brothertiger
and it’s another spotless example in perfection. The
impactful song is colorful and engaging with pleasant
vocals and comforting emotion throughout. In the
end, I was deeply moved, inspired, and enlightened by
the complete journey that was offered. “Out of Touch”
speaks volumes beyond the listener finishing the
record. It will linger with you, stick inside your mind,
and enter into your soul. Frankly, it’s captivating to say
the least. Brothertiger’s latest composition brings a lot
to the table as Jagos firsthand approach to songwriting
and outlook on life is splendid, touching, and authentic
all at the same time.
Grade: 8.5 out of 10
Key Tracks: “Wake,” “Fall Apart,” “Engulfed,” “Upon
Veridian Waterways”
Jeff’s Book Pics By Jeff Brown
All The Wild That Remains: Edward
Abbey, Wallace Stegner, and the
American West by David Gessner
An homage to the West and to two great
writers who set the standard for all who
celebrate and defend it.Archetypal wild
man Edward Abbey and proper, dedicated
Wallace Stegner left their footprints all
over the western landscape. Now, award-
winning nature writer David Gessner
follows the ghosts of these two remarkable
writer-environmentalists from Stegner’s
birthplace in Saskatchewan to the site of
Abbey’s pilgrimages to Arches National
Park in Utah, braiding their stories and
asking how they speak to the lives of all
those who care about the West.These two
great westerners had very different ideas about what it
meant to love the land and try to care for it, and they
did so in distinctly different styles. Boozy, lustful, and
irascible, Abbey was best known as the author of the
novel The Monkey Wrench Gang (and also of the classic
nature memoir Desert Solitaire), famous for spawning
the idea of guerrilla actions, known to admirers
as “monkeywrenching” and to law enforcement as
domestic terrorism, to disrupt commercial exploitation
of western lands. By contrast, Stegner, a buttoned-down,
disciplined, faithful family man and devoted professor
of creative writing, dedicated himself to working
through the system to protect western sites such as
Dinosaur National Monument in Colorado.In a region
beset by droughts and fires, by fracking and drilling, and
by an ever-growing population that seems to be in the
process of loving the West to death, Gessner asks: how
might these two farseeing environmental thinkers have
responded to the crisis?Gessner takes us on an inspiring,
entertaining journey as he renews his own commitment
to cultivating a meaningful relationship with the wild,
confronting American overconsumption, and fighting
environmental injustice, all while reawakening the
thrill of the words of his two great heroes.
Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by
Sarah Vowell
From the bestselling author of Assassination
Vacation and The Partly Cloudy Patriot, an insightful
and unconventional account of George Washington’s
trusted officer and friend, that swashbuckling teenage
French aristocrat the Marquis de Lafayette. Chronicling
General Lafayette’s years in Washington’s army, Vowell
reflects on the ideals of the American Revolution versus
the reality of the Revolutionary War. Riding shotgun
with Lafayette, Vowell swerves from the high-minded
debates of Independence Hall to the frozen wasteland
of Valley Forge, from bloody battlefields to the Palace of
Versailles, bumping into John Adams, Thomas Jefferson,
Lord Cornwallis, Benjamin Franklin, Marie Antoinette
and various kings, Quakers and redcoats along the
way. Drawn to the patriots’ war out of a lust for glory,
Enlightenment ideas and the traditional French hatred for
the British, young Lafayette crossed the Atlantic expecting
to join forces with an undivided people,
encountering instead fault lines between the
Continental Congress and the Continental
Army, rebel and loyalist inhabitants, and
a conspiracy to fire George Washington,
the one man holding together the rickety,
seemingly doomed patriot cause. While
Vowell’s yarn is full of the bickering and
infighting that marks the American past—
and present—her telling of the Revolution is
just as much a story of friendship: between
Washington and Lafayette, between the
Americans and their French allies and,
most of all between Lafayette and the
American people. Coinciding with one of
the most contentious presidential elections
in American history, Vowell lingers over the
elderly Lafayette’s sentimental return tour of America in
1824, when three fourths of the population of New York
City turned out to welcome him ashore. As a Frenchman
and the last surviving general of the Continental Army,
Lafayette belonged to neither North nor South, to no
political party or faction. He was a walking, talking
reminder of the sacrifices and bravery of the revolutionary
generation and what the founders hoped this country
could be. His return was not just a reunion with his beloved
Americans it was a reunion for Americans with their own
astonishing, singular past.Vowell’s narrative look at our
somewhat united states is humorous, irreverent and wholly
My Brilliant Friend: Neapolitan Novels, Book
One by Elena Ferrante
A modern masterpiece from one of Italy’s most
acclaimed authors, My Brilliant Friend is a rich, intense,
and generous-hearted story about two friends, Elena and
Lila. Ferrante’s inimitable style lends itself perfectly to a
meticulous portrait of these two women that is also the
story of a nation and a touching meditation on the nature
of friendship.The story begins in the 1950s, in a poor but
vibrant neighborhood on the outskirts of Naples. Growing
up on these tough streets the two girls learn to rely on each
other ahead of anyone or anything else. As they grow, as
their paths repeatedly diverge and converge, Elena and
Lila remain best friends whose respective destinies are
reflected and refracted in the other. They are likewise
the embodiments of a nation undergoing momentous
change. Through the lives of these two women, Ferrante
tells the story of a neighborhood, a city, and a country as
it is transformed in ways that, in turn, also transform the
relationship between her protagonists, the unforgettable
Elena and Lila.Ferrante is the author of three previous
works of critically acclaimed fiction: The Days of
Abandonment, Troubling Love, and The Lost Daughter.
With this novel, the first in a tetralogy, she proves herself to
be one of Italy’s great storytellers. She has given her readers
a masterfully plotted page-turner, abundant and generous
in its narrative details and characterizations, that is also a
stylish work of literary fiction destined to delight her many
fans and win new readers to her fiction.The above from
Amazon .com
On the Marquee: Notes from the Sierra Madre Playhouse
By Artistic Director, Christian Lebano
We have finally begun rehearsing Ira Levin’s
Deathtrap! This diabolical show was originally slated
to open on October 2 but because of the extensions
of Always…Patsy Cline we moved it to a January 15,
2016 opening. It is my great good fortune that the
cast and designers have all stayed with me through
the various postponements – and after the first two
weeks of rehearsals, I can say with certainty that
you are in for a real treat. This is a dynamite cast
and we are having a ball figuring out how to murder
each other (in the show!) and plotting just how much
blood we’ll use!
Acting is pretending. All of us in the theater
were probably once those kids with hyper-active
imaginations who jumped at the chance to play cops
& robbers, pirates or superheroes, or to re-enact our
favorite TV shows. So to get to work on a show where
part of the consideration is how to hold a crossbow so
it looks most menacing, or how to believably die on
the hearth rug, or exactly when to scare the audience
is just so much fun.
And for me it is such a pleasure (and relief) to be
back in the rehearsal room. It’s been a year since
I last directed and I’ve really missed it. Bringing
life onto the stage is always a challenge – you have
to balance making the characters real enough for
the audience to recognize them but also theatrical
enough to tell the story. As a director I have to make
sure that the story is being told and that the plot
points are clear (and in a thriller that is even more
important) – I think of that as making the dominoes
fall. You remember that thing we did with dominoes
when we were kids? arranging them to watch as a
pattern was made when the first one caused the
next to fall – that’s what I do in the rehearsal room.
One of the things you think about is the audience
being able to follow the action around the room – for
example, if an actor reacts immediately to something
another actor says or does the audience won’t see it.
So you have to build in little delays for the audience
to turn from one actor to another. That way they
will see both the thrust and the parry. It all gets very
technical and specific and is why it takes so long to
rehearse a show.
I am thrilled too that we’ve already begun
selling tickets! We haven’t done a non-musical
play since The Odd Couple last spring and haven’t
done a thriller in years – and clearly there is pent
up anticipation. I’ll let you know how things
are coming along – but I hope you’ll join us for
* * *
A Christmas Memory continues to delight
audiences. It really is perfect for all ages and speaks
to a time when Christmas was much simpler. A
Christmas Memory runs through the holidays to
December 27. Get your tickets soon as the Sunday
matinees are already sold out. There is still room
at several of the Saturday matinees and during the
evenings. There is no chance of extending this one.
Please visit our website at SierraMadrePlayhouse.
org or call Mary at 626.355.4318 to arrange your
Jeff’s History Corner By Jeff Brown
1.Abraham Lincoln is best known for abolishing
slavery and keeping the United States together
through the Civil War, but he also helped the country
become the scientific and engineering powerhouse
we know today.For example, Lincoln signed the
Morrill Act in 1862, creating a system of land-
grant colleges and universities that revolutionized
higher education in the United States, notes
famed astrophysicist and science communicator
Neil deGrasse Tyson.”Known also as the people’s
colleges, they were conceived with the idea that
they would provide practical knowledge and science
in a developing democratic republic,”. Notable
land-grant institutions include the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cornell University, the
University of Florida, the Ohio State University,
the University of Arizona and the schools in the
vast University of California system.Lincoln, the
16th president of the United States, also chartered
the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 1863,
establishing the august body that advises Congress
and the president about science and technology
matters to this day.The speech, which Tyson called
“The Seedbed,” reflects on the importance of the
NAS, and of science generally to the United States
and its future.”In this, the twenty-first century,
innovations in science and technology form the
primary engines of economic growth,” Tyson’s
speech reads. “While most remember Honest Abe
for war and peace, and slavery and freedom, the time
has come to remember him for setting our Nation
on a course of scientifically enlightened governance,
without which we all may perish from this Earth.”
2.Abraham Lincoln lost five separate elections
before being elected president.For Lincoln, electoral
successes had to be taken hand-in-hand with failures.
Since losing his first race for the Illinois General
Assembly in 1832 he had gone on to lose a race for
the U.S. Congress, two races for the U.S. Senate, and
one campaign for a vice-presidential nomination.
His ambition was unchecked, however, and by 1858
he was a national player in the new Republican
Party and perhaps its most prominent intellectual
voice. He won the 1860 Republican presidential
nomination after a tough battle at the national
convention, defeating notable opponents William H.
Seward, Edward Bates, and Salmon P. Chase, before
wading into the four-way general election against
Democrat Stephen Douglas, Southern Democrat
John Breckinridge, and Constitutional Unionist
John Bell. Lincoln and Douglas, rivals from the
Lincoln-Douglas senatorial debates of 1858, squared
off in the north while Breckinridge and Bell divided
the southern states between them. In the end the
demographic dominance of the Republican Party
gave Lincoln a victory, even though he lost every
single southern state by a large margin. By the time
he was inaugurated on March 4, 1861, seven southern
states had seceded.
Christopher Showerman (HaHa), Diane Kelber (Sook), and Patrick Geringer (Buddy) in A Christmas Memory.
Photo by: Gina Long
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com