Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 16, 2016
Encouragement is
the action of giving
someone hope,
confidence and inspiration. It’s one of the most
important tools in personal development. Everyone
needs it! In my yoga practice, I literally count on the
encouragement from the teacher. Most times it is
soft and straight forward, like “hey, great job, keep up
the hard work” or “wow, you’ve come a long way. “
Other times, the support, or encouragement
comes from different places. Personal and spiritual
growth isn’t always sparked by doing the easy thing.
It takes perseverance, and at times, painstaking effort.
I’ve continuously received hope and confidence, by
completing a hard task or some awful tedious job that
I never wanted to do in the first place. It’s an unlikely
source of accomplishment and development.
Sometimes encouragement can come from within.
We all need friends and mentors in our life who
know us well and can lend support, but I’ve also
found that I don’t get to choose from who or where
the encouragement comes. Teachers are everywhere!
The best kind of support is one that fosters
growth. Our yoga practice is a perfect platform
for growth in all areas. Some of us may do more
asana, others more service or meditation. At each
stage, we need to receive and give encouragement.
But, don’t shy away from embracing the harder
lessons, as they may bring the greatest inspiration.
Namaste, and see you in class!
Do you remember when I told the story
of Dom Perignon tasting stars and calling
for his brother monks to come quickly to
taste this wonderful champagne? Many
dishes, drinks, and even the Sunday
brunch have come in question. Just the
other day I asked Paul Little, President of
the Chamber of Commerce of Pasadena,
if the cheeseburger was really invented in
Pasadena. Time has a nice way of making
stories better; let’s not muddle the truth with the facts or something like that.
The Mai Tai is one of my favorite drinks - done right it is the perfect afternoon drink. It is said to have
been invented in the 1940’s in Tahiti by trader Victor Bergeron (Trader Vic’s Restaurant). Vic’s story
of its invention is that while his guests were sipping his drink, one of his guests yelled “mai tai!” which
loosely translates to “wonderful” in Polynesian, but others have also taken credit for this rum-based
So, where can one get the best Mai Tai in our area? I’m glad you asked. My friend, actor Jesse James
Youngblood, swears that Panda Inn restaurant on Foothill in Pasadena makes a good one. Jesse goes
one up and orders a Black Tai - I have had one of those, and they aren’t for the faint of heart (here’s a
tip: check out Panda Inn’s Sunday Brunch - for $26.95 you can eat kung poa chicken and other Panda
favorites, and drink Mai Tais, to your hearts content). To me, Canoe House in South Pasadena has one
that is pretty close to perfect as it can get - crushed ice and a float of Meyers rum, and I feel I’m on island
somewhere. They have happy hour on Monday nights, and for $5 you can’t go wrong. Damon’s on
Brand in Glendale has been serving their “famous” Mai Tai for many years. Like McDonalds’ french
fries they have probably mixed the most servings out of my picks, but like McDonalds’ french fries,
I don’t know if they’re the best, even though city slicker and Glendale Development guru Dan Bell
confirms it to be the “legit” Mai Tai. Islands does make my list with a stand-out Mai Tai, no fancy glass
like the Canoe House, but it is right on the mark!
Did I miss one of your favorites in the area? Email me at diningwithdills@gmail.com and tune into
my radio show at 5 PM Sunday KLAA AM 830
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