Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, September 10, 2016

MVNews this week:  Page B:1






Donors to give blood to help ensure a stable 
and diverse blood supply for patients in need.

 Blood donors may be helping patients like 
11-year-old Martin Mwita who has sickle cell 
disease. His body doesn’t produce enough 
healthy red cells to carry adequate oxygen 
through his body, so he relies on monthly 
transfusions to stabilize his health.

 A diverse blood supply is important to ensure 
the needs of all patients are met. Red blood cells 
carry markers that determine one’s blood type, 
and some blood types are unique to certain 
racial and ethnic groups. Because blood from 
donors of the same ethnic background as the 
recipient is less likely to cause complications, 
the Red Cross must maintain a diverse blood 
supply to meet these diverse patient needs.

 Whether blood is needed for a chronic 
condition such as sickle cell disease, a surgical 
procedure or a large-scale emergency, it’s the 
blood already on the shelves that helps save 
lives. Donors of all blood types are needed.

 To make an 
appointment to give 
blood, download the 
Red Cross Blood Donor 
App, visit redcrossblood.
org or call 1-800-RED 
CROSS (1-800-733-2767). 
Donors are encouraged 
to make appointments 
and complete the 
RapidPass online health 
history questionnaire 
rapidpass to help reduce 
wait times.

 Those who come out 
to give blood or platelets 
Sept. 1-30 will receive 
a free haircut coupon 
via email, courtesy of Sport Clips Haircuts. 
The coupon is valid through Nov. 6, 2016, at 
participating Sport Clips locations, and donors 
must have a valid email address on record to 
receive the coupon.


Upcoming blood donation opportunities



9/19/2016: 1 p.m. - 7 p.m., American Red Cross 
Arcadia Chapter, 376 W Huntington Dr



9/22/2016: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monrovia High 
School, 845 W. Colorado Blvd.



9/19/2016: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Wal-Mart 
Supercenter, 1827 Walnut Grove


San Gabriel

9/29/2016: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., San Gabriel Valley 
Medical Center, 438 W Las Tunas Drive

 South El Monte

9/25/2016: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Epiphany Catholic 
Church, 10911 Micheal Hunt


South Pasadena

9/25/2016: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Calvary Presbyterian 
Church, 1050 Fremont 


West Covina

9/17/2016: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., West Covina 
Community, 1201 S Orange Avenue

9/20/2016: 3:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m., Intercoast 
College, 2235 East Garvey Ave North

9/23/2016: 1 p.m. - 7 p.m., West Covina 
Masonic Center, 1201 S Orange Avenue

9/24/2016: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., West Covina 
Community, 1201 S Orange Avenue


How to donate blood

Simply download the American Red Cross 
Blood Donor App, visit or 
call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to 
make an appointment 
or for more information. 
All blood types are 
needed to ensure a 
reliable supply for 
patients. A blood donor 
card or driver’s license 
or two other forms 
of identification are 
required at check-in. 
Individuals who are 17 
years of age (16 with 
parental consent in some 
states), weigh at least 
110 pounds and are in 
generally good health may 
be eligible to donate blood. 
High school students and 
other donors 18 years of 
age and younger also have to meet certain height 
and weight requirements.

 Blood donors can now save time at their 
next donation by using RapidPass to complete 
their pre-donation reading and health history 
questionnaire online, on the day of their donation, 
prior to arriving at the blood drive. To get started 
and learn more, visit 
and follow the instructions on the site.


About the American Red Cross

The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and 
provides emotional support to victims of 
disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the 
nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; 
provides international humanitarian aid; and 
supports military members and their families. 
The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization 
that depends on volunteers and the generosity 
of the American public to perform its mission. 
For more information, please visit redcross.
org or, or visit us on 
Twitter at @RedCross.

By Joan Schmidt

 On Labor Day, sixty plus years later, 
Congresswoman Judy Chu presented Korean War 
Veteran Buddy Leland Brower with military medals 
he earned during the Korean War but did not receive 
at the time!

 Nineteen year old Buddy Brower enlisted in the 
Army in 1951 and did his basic training in Hawaii. 
Soon Corporal Brower was transferred to Korea 
with the 124th Infantry Division and saw action in 
the War. He was wounded by enemy fire during an 
attack. Soon it was apparent his group was greatly 
outnumbered and in great danger, so there was a 
decision to retreat. Although he was wounded, 
Corporal Buddy Brower and a fellow soldier put 
themselves in harm’s way when they wouldn’t leave 
till they were able to carry a wounded comrade to 

 Congresswoman Judy Chu wanted to give Brower 
a “proper Thank You” for his service during the 
Korean War. Chu was appalled that Buddy had 
never received any of his medals. Not only did she 
have his medals in a glass display frame, but also had 
a special framed Certificate of Recognition and a 
folded American Flag in the triangular glass case.

 The Medals earned by Brower include the Purple 
Heart, Good Conduct Medal, Presidential Unit 
Citation, Army of Occupation Medal and Japan 
Clasp, National Defense Service Medal, Korean 
Service Medal and 2 Bronze Star Attachments. 
During her Presentation, the Congresswoman 
gave us an account of Buddy’s time in the service, 
and explained why each Medal was earned. 
She had alerted the major television networks. 
It was gratifying to see Channel 4 interview 
Buddy in depth, as well as other major networks’ 

 Monday’s event was well-attended. About 50+ 
attended. They included Buddy’s older brother 
Marty, whom he lives with in Altadena. Nieces 
Laura and Debbie drove up from Whittier and 
several Church members from two groups. Buddy 
belongs to a Bible Study at Lake Avenue Church in 
Pasadena and among the attendees were Gary and 
Susie. Buddy and Marty worship in Altadena and it 
was so heartwarming to see families come with their 
small children in their Sunday best to see Buddy 

 Prior to the ceremony Marty told me that their 
mom had FOUR sons in the service during the 
Korean War. They included Bob, Air Force; Frank, 
Navy; Wally Marines; and Buddy in the Army! 
Marty explained that he had married a year before 
the War and had a young child when the war began, 
so he could not enter the service. What a contribution 
this family did for our country.

 I would like to thank Congresswoman Chu for 
making this ceremony so special. She has so much 
enthusiasm and is the champion of all our service 
members. She made Buddy and his family feel so 
special. When Buddy was asked to say a few words 
at the end, he said, “I am overwhelmed.” He was so 
thrilled. He then looked around-the Presentation 
Room was packed, many were standing in the 
hallway and there were even people in the entry 
lobby. He said, “I am loved.”

 God bless you, Corporal Buddy Brower. Thank 
you for serving our country and saving the life of a 
fellow soldier. And thank you Congresswoman Chu 
for the great recognition for Corporal Buddy Brower. 
It meant so much to him, his family and friends.


Foothill Municipal Water District (Foothill 
MWD or District) is pleased to announce the 
availability of rebates for conversion of overhead 
spray irrigation systems to drip or microspray 
irrigation systems. Traditional overhead 
spray systems often cause uneven distribution 
uniformity and lead to water use inefficiency. 
Drip systems irrigate with flow rates as low as 0.5 
to 2 gallons per hour and place water directly over 
or near the roots of plants.

 The offering of a Spray-to-Drip rebate will be 
for a limited time only. Rebates start at $0.20/
square foot for conversions that are a minimum 
of 100 square feet up to a maximum of $1,000 per 
customer. A pre-inspection and post-inspection 
are both required.

 “As we look beyond turf removal and into other 
alternatives, the offering of a Spray-to-Drip rebate 
program aligns with the District’s commitment 
to promote broader water use efficiency,” said 
General Manager Nina Jazmadarian.

 Residents interested in the rebate program must 
visit to access 
an application. Residents are encouraged to read 
all program requirements and recommendations 
prior to applying. Please submit completed 
applications to 4536 Hampton Road, La Cañada 
Flintridge, CA 91011 or email ddrugan@fmwd.

 Rebates will be on a first-come, first-served 
basis until funds are depleted.

 Foothill Municipal Water District provides 
imported water to Crescenta Valley Water 
District, La Cañada Irrigation District, Mesa 
Crest Water Company, Valley Water Company, 
Lincoln Avenue Water Company, Las Flores 
Water Company and Rubio Cañon Land 
& Water Association. Kinneloa Irrigation 
District, another retail agency, takes no water 
from Foothill.


 LOS ANGELES COUNTY -- The Board of 
Supervisors has allocated nearly $1.5 million in 
grant funds for projects in the San Gabriel Valley, 
Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich announced.

· $950,000 to the Kare Youth League in Arcadia 
for the proposed Kare Park Development Phase 
III Project. 

· $188,000 to the San Gabriel Valley Conservation 
Corps for the proposed Sturtevant Camp 
Rehabilitation Project at Camp Sturtevant in the 
Big Santa Anita Canyon, Angeles Forest.

· $250,000 to the Rose Bowl Legacy Connections 
for the proposed Rose Bowl Area H General 
Improvements at the Rose Bowl Stadium.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: