Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, October 22, 2016

MVNews this week:  Page B:2



Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 22, 2016 

On the Marquee: 

Notes from the Sierra MadrePlayhouse

Jeff’s Book Pics By Jeff Brown

The Nature of Technology: What It Is and 
How It Evolves by W. Brian Arthur

Leading scientific theorist W. Brian Arthur puts 
forth the first complete theory of the origins and 
evolution of technology, in a 
major work that achieves for the 
invention of new technologies 
what Darwin’s theory achieved 
for the emergence of new species. 
Arthur is a pioneer of complexity 
theory and the discoverer of 
the highly influential “theory of 
increasing returns,” which took 
Silicon Valley by storm, famously 
explaining why some high-tech 
companies achieve breakaway 
success. Now, in this long-awaited 
and ground-breaking book, he 
solves the great outstanding 
puzzle of technology—where do 
transformative new technologies 
come from?—putting forth the 
first full theory of how new 
technologies emerge and offering 
a definitive answer to the mystery 
of why some cultures—Silicon 
Valley, Cambridge, England in 
the 1920s—are so extraordinarily inventive. He has 
discovered that rather than springing from insight 
moments of individual genius, new technologies arise 
in a process akin to evolution. Technology evolves by 
creating itself out of itself, much as a coral reef builds 
itself from activities of small organisms. Drawing on a 
wealth of examples, from the most ancient to cutting-
edge inventions of today, Arthur takes readers on a 
delightful intellectual journey, bringing to life the 
wonders of this process of technological evolution. 
The Nature of Technology is the work of one of our 
greatest thinkers at the top of his game, composing 
a classic for our times that is sure to generate wide 

Paths of Anguish (Primeval Origins Saga #1) 
by Brett Vonsik 

Adult Book of the Year, 2014/2015 
Reader Views Literary Awards. An 
epic tale of man’s heroic struggles 
against ageless tyranny, deadly 
dinosaurs, and ancient gods. At a 
remote paleontological dig deep 
within the mountains of South 
America, a graduate student Nikki 
suffers an accident with an ancient 
device releasing into our world 
dreadful dangers while sending 
her into a primeval world of long 
ago reliving the life of the young 
aspiring warrior Rogaan. Rogaan, 
a skilled archer, seeking to join 
the elite ranks of the Kiuri’Ner, 
must first demonstrate his skills 
as a capable hunter and warrior 
surviving the cretaceous world of 
our deep past. Desperate to prove 
himself worthy of the Kiuri’Ner, 
and against his father’s wishes, Rogaan takes his 
sacred Shunir’ra, a masterfully crafted bow of blue 
steel. Having to prove his mettle, Rogaan with his 
friend Pax brave the wilds trying to survive the 
Valley of the Claw and return with proof of a kill of 
a dangerous dinosaur in Brigum’s Great Hunt. In 
his journey, Rogaan struggles against those set on 
keeping him from success and meaning to take his 
life while ancient forces act on schemes unrevealed. 
Join in the journey as Rogaan battles packs of hungry 
leapers and malicious ravers and Nikki faces these 
ancient powers now loose on our world. 


By Artistic Director, Christian Lebano

We’ve heard the expression “Music hath charms to 
soothe the savage beast.” But I would emend it to: 
“Theater hath charms….” I spent the evening yesterday 
at SMP preparing for the arrival of Sister and her Late 
Nite Catechism . We got her room ready, her blackboard 
cleaned, her pencils sharpened; we hung the religious 
posters and polished the furniture. No detail is too small 
for Sister.

 Estelle Campbell and Ward Calaway, my partners 
in managing SMP, and Derek Copenhaver, our Stage 
Manager, were there last night, as well. And we all 
were giddy with excitement far beyond the tasks we 
were engaged in preparing for Late Nite Catechism. I 
realized that we have ALL been charmed – or infected 
–with a love of making theater. As we reviewed
the needs for Sister’s class and made preparations, I 
noticed that we were smiling a lot and all happy to be 
together in that room.

 I’ve written about how much I love making theater, 
how much I love our Playhouse, how much joy I get 
from just being in our theater. I was reminded of 
it again last night. It is so complicated and rich – a 
mixture of joy of story-telling, a desire to make people 
happy, a hope of making a difference and an impact 
on people, a belief in the power of community and 
coming together to share an experience, and maybe a 
bit of delight in make-believe. Whatever it is – I know 
we all felt it last night.

 The break in our schedule when we had to postpone 
Bee-luther-hatchee has meant that coming back to 
the Playhouse last night was even sweeter because of 
having been away. I’m so happy – so charmed - we are 
back to producing wonderful memories for you and 
for me. I can’t wait to see you in the lobby again.

 Late Nite is selling well – Sunday is sold-out and 
we have strong sales on all of the other days. We’ve 
placed an ad in this paper and several others – I really 
want the show to sell out so I can convince the Board 
to let me bring it back for a longer run or in a different 
version. Please come – I promise you, you’ll laugh 
yourselves off your chairs. A reminder that it plays 
through Saturday night, October 22.

 Our next reading is Foxfire on Monday night, 
October 17. This one is directed by Karesa McElheny 
who played Helga in Deathtrap. Come and hear them 
and tell me what you think. I’m excited about these 
free readings, these are all plays I’m thinking would 
be a good fit for a full production. At the last reading 
we had about 40 people. Makes me so glad to be able 
to share another event with you.

 As always we do it for you – our SMP family – 
whose support and loyalty mean so much to us and for 
whom we hope we bring pleasure and joy and moving 
experiences in the theater. For tickets please call Mary 
in the box office at 626.355.4318. Hope to see you soon!

All Things By Jeff Brown



 Hillary Clinton spent her initial days as Secretary of 
State telephoning dozens of world leaders and indicating 
that U.S. foreign policy would change direction: “We have 
a lot of damage to repair”She advocated an expanded 
role in global economic issues for the State Department 
and cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic 
presence .Clinton announced the most ambitious of her 
departmental reforms, the Quadrennial Diplomacy and 
Development Review, which established specific objectives 
for the State Department’s diplomatic missions abroad.
The first such review was issued in late 2010 and called 
for the U.S. leading through “civilian power” as a cost-
effective way of responding to international challenges and 
defusing crises.

 In 2009, Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister 
Sergey Lavrov with a “reset button” symbolizing U.S. 
attempts to rebuild ties with that country under its new 
president, Dmitry Medvedev. The policy, which became 
known as the Russian reset, led to improved cooperation 
in several areas during Medvedev’s time in office, but 
relations would worsen considerably following Vladimir 
Putin’s return to the position in 2012.In October on a 
trip to Switzerland, Clinton’s intervention overcame last-
minute snags and saved the signing of an historic Turkish–
Armenian accord that established diplomatic relations 
and opened the border between the two long-hostile 
nations.In Pakistan, she engaged in several unusually 
blunt discussions with students, talk show hosts, and tribal 
elders, in an attempt to repair the Pakistani image of the 
U.S. Beginning in 2010, she helped organize a diplomatic 
isolation and international sanctions regime against Iran, 
in an effort to force curtailment of that country’s nuclear 
program.Clinton and Obama forged a good working 
relationship without power struggles; she was a team 
player within the administration. The president had trust 
in her actions.During April 2011 internal deliberations of 
the president’s innermost circle of advisors over whether 
to order U.S. special forces to conduct a raid into Pakistan 
against Osama bin Laden, Clinton was among those who 
argued in favor, saying the importance of getting bin 
Laden outweighed the risks to the U.S. relationship with 
Pakistan.Throughout her time in office, and in her final 
speech concluding it, Clinton viewed “smart power” as 
the strategy for asserting U.S. leadership and values—in 
a world of varied threats, weakened central governments, 
and increasingly important nongovernmental entities—by 
combining military hard power with diplomacy and U.S. 
soft power capacities in global economics, development 
aid, technology, creativity, and human rights advocacy.

 She became the first secretary of state to methodically 
implement the smart power approach in debates over 
use of military force, she was generally one of the more 
hawkish voices in the administration.Clinton greatly 
expanded the State Department’s use of social media, 
both to get its message out and to help empower citizens of 
foreign countries vis-à-vis their governments. And in the 
Mideast turmoil, Clinton particularly saw an opportunity 
to advance one of the central themes of her tenure, the 
empowerment and welfare of women and girls worldwide. 

 Moreover, in a formulation that became known as the 
“Hillary Doctrine”, she viewed women’s rights as critical 
for U.S. security interests, due to a link between the level 
of violence against women and gender inequality within 
a state and the instability and challenge to international 
security of that state. In turn, there was a trend of women 
around the world finding more opportunities, and in some 
cases feeling safer, as the result of her actions and visibility.
Clinton visited 112 countries during her tenure, making 
her the most widely traveled secretary of state (Time 
magazine wrote that “Clinton’s endurance is legendary”)
She believed that in-person visits were more important 
than ever in the virtual age.

We’d like to hear from you! 

What’s on YOUR Mind?

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 In conjunction 
with Sierra Madre’s 
Halloween festivities 
which occur on 
Monday the 31st, The 
Symbiotic Society 
will present “Return 
of the Tingler”. This 
free show is a parody 
of the 1959 hit film, 
“The Tingler” starring 
the legendary Vincent 
Price. Audience 
interaction will be 
featured, along with 
activities outside the 
Playhouse. Free shows 
will run every half 
hour from 6:30 to 9:30 
Returning from last 
year will be the TIME 
MACHINE; plus a new 
attraction, RODDY 
ROBOT. These vintage 
attractions are part of 
our retreat to the 50-

“Return of the Tingler”, 
is loosely based on the 
film by William Castle 
who was famous for 
low budget B-Movie 
thrillers. Many films 
featured gimmicks to 
attract audiences. Our 
presentation will offer 
our own contrivance 
collection in his honor. 

–It is a full size replica
of the time machine featured in the 1960 movie, The Time Machine. The movie is based on the famous H.G. Wells book of the same name, starring Rod Taylor and Yvette Mimieux. It differs from the original in 
having fun lights controllable by the rider. Those wishing to return to their younger years can ride the Time Machine before or after the shows. 

RODDY ROBOT – He invokes memories of the 50-60’s era anthropomorphic robots featured in many sci-fi B-movies. He joins the Time Machine as a great photo opportunity. A professional photographer will 
take photos free of charge. ABOUT THE SYMBIOTIC SOCIETY – this deranged group of volunteer individuals, formerly known as the Zombie Players Association, creates an annual event at the Sierra Madre Playhouse during Halloween. 
Since the group is primarily senior in nature with signs of dementia, the presentations are nutty and over-the-top. The whole purpose is to provide free fun entertainment, primarily for kids and those wishing to be kids again. The Halloween 
activity is a drastic switch, maybe its cathartic in nature, from the Society’s primary goal of promoting the Human and Tingler alliance. To find out more visit Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @yourtingler. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: