Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, March 25, 2017

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Mountain View News Saturday, March 25, 2017 

There are only a few spots available, Register Today! 

 Saturday, May 27, 2017 
celebrates the 109th anniversary 
and 51st running of the Mount 
Wilson Trail Race (MWTR). 
The 8.6 mile running race is a 
unique, historic event, revered 
by the Sierra Madre community 
and by the 350 competitors who 
measure themselves against the 
mountain. As the second oldest 
run trail race in California, 
the Mount Wilson Trail Race 
is rich in history and has over 
the years developed strong ties 
to community members and 
organizations alike, making this 
event one to look forward to year 
after year.

 This Memorial Day weekend 
tradition brings together over 
1,000 runners, volunteers, and 
spectators. Activities include 
training runs for adults and kids, 
Kids’ T-shirt Design Contest, 
Pre-Race Pasta Dinner and 
Raffle and much more. Runners 
enjoy the small town charm of 
Sierra Madre prior to and after 
their grueling, yet scenic climb 
of the Mount Wilson Trail. From 
novice to elite runners, this event 
has something for everyone!

 Participants can register in 
person at Sierra Madre City Hall 
or on line at ActiveCommunities.
com. Be sure to register early, as 
the race usually sells out in the first few days.

 Sponsorships packages are still available and information can be requested by contacting Clarissa Lowe 
or Tim Shepard at (626) 355-7135, or

Adult Race Entry- $70

Youth Entry-$38

Entry fee includes official 2017 MWTR Tech Shirt and goodie bag

Additional information regarding the race is available at

Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side 

by Deanne Davis


“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they 
can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The 
great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer.” 

Abraham Lincoln

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” 

Benjamin Franklin

Friends and neighbors, good news! We are going to 
have a new craft brewery here in Sierra Madre by 
late summer....just when we’re going to need it most. 
Think of horrendously hot days, when you think you 
might melt, but relief is in sight. At the end of those 
days, you can stop in at 38 E. Montecito and enjoy a 
glass or two of RT Rogers beer. Oh, and what beer 
it is going to be! Ryan Rogers, the brewmaster of 
RT Rogers beer, has been brewing beer, working on 
his blends, tweaking, perfecting, tasting, sampling, 
tweaking again since he was 16 years old, fermenting 
grains in his closet and experimenting in the kitchen.

 Meeting Ryan, his mom, Joanna and dad, Kelly, 
along with lifelong family friend Dave Bergman was 
splendid. Ryan and Dave were waist-deep in a trench 
there in Units 1 & 2 of the Montecito property, getting 
ready to install pipes for the new restrooms, which 
will be ADA compliant (yep, handicap friendly and 
big enough to turn around in) and, in short, gearing 
up for the arrival of the cement trucks to lay the new 
floors in what will be their tap room and brew area. 
RT Rogers is going to be the place to go as they are 
planning so many great things to do, in addition 
to producing amazing beer. There will be a walled 
garden with partial shade, pleasing the sun lovers and 
the shade seekers, right outside the glass doors of the 
main tap room where one can sit and enjoy a moment 
of peace or a game of Quoits – the traditional game 
which involves the throwing of metal, rope or rubber 
rings over a set distance to try to land over or near 
a spike – in case you didn’t know. Inside there will 
be two standard dart boards and, for all the bicycle 
enthusiasts who make Sierra Madre their destination, 
a hanging bike rack on the outside wall. The Rogers 
family has thought of everything to make their guests 
feel at home. 

 Pasadena residents, the Rogers have been searching 
for the perfect place to realize son, Ryan’s, dream of 
a craft brewery. Son, Jesse, who is the family artist-
webmaster-social media guy, discovered Mother 
Moo’s and brought his mom and dad up to check out 
the best ice cream anywhere, right here in town. They 
fell in love with Sierra Madre, which is only natural, 
and started thinking maybe this could be the place. 
Sierra Madre realtor, Bill Derrick, brought them to 
the vacant units on Montecito and the new home of 
RT Rogers Brewing Co. was established. 

 Kelly and Joanna are both retired from the Los 
Angeles Unified School District where he started as 
a maintenance engineer and worked his way up to 
Complex Projects Manager, while Joanna was that 
woman no school can do without who ran the book 
store, got all the text books ordered and, in general, 
made it work for the teachers. Jesse, the Mother 
Moo fan, is an art teacher in the LAUSD and his 
wife, Deanna, is a speech pathologist. And Ryan is a 
brewing genius!

 The Rogers family has become fast friends with 
another of the Sierra Madre treasures, Ramon 
Navarro, our local coffee roaster up in the canyon – 
Java Madre. They met at last year’s Wistaria Festival. 

 I learned a lot about beer chatting with Kelly and 
Joanna and I’ll pass a few facts along. Brewing is 
complicated! Ryan is planning to start with a 15 
barrel system producing stouts and IPA’s. Starting 
with an on-line course in brewing, Ryan has read 
everything there is to read on grains, hops and yeast. 
For instance, California IPA’s are very heavily hopped, 
creating a brew which is higher in alcohol, not sweet, 
leaning toward a bitter taste. Hops lend aroma, a 
fruity or bitter taste and the amount of roasting the 
grains undergo create the tastes of chocolate or coffee. 
Let me go back to that brewing is complicated thing! 
There is no facet of brewing upon which Ryan is not a 
consummate expert. In short, best craft beer any of us 
has ever experienced is coming our way!

 RT Rogers Brewing Company plans to open their 
doors at 4:00 on weekdays and earlier on weekends. 
Our public parking lot is right across the street. They 
won’t be serving food as they are not licensed as a 
restaurant, but there will be peanuts and guests can 
bring in goodies or order in and there is talk about a 
future connection with a food truck. You can check 
out their website at or come by and say 
hello. This will be such a nice addition to our town as 
we haven’t had our own craft brewery for years since 
Sierra Madre Brewing left us and all the Rogers family 
are anxious to become involved in the community.

 I’m close to the end of Rise of the Rocket Girls: The 
Women Who Propelled Us, From Missiles to the 
Moon to Mars, which is the One Book One City 
selection, and finding myself overwhelmed with 
awe for these young women, the computers at JPL 
who transformed rocket design. So many failures to 
achieve success. And, in case you haven’t noticed, 
wistaria is blooming all over town now and looking 
just fantastic! We live in a beautiful place, don’t we!

 My book page: Deanne Davis


 “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter” is 
now available at Sunrise Books + Coffee at Pasadena First 
Church of the Nazarene – just down the road on Sierra 
Madre Blvd. Kindle readers, give yourself the gift of: 

The Crown – An Easter Story It’s on on my 
book page!

 Follow me on Twitter, too!


The Volunteer Sierra Madre 4th of July Committee is seeking nominations for the 2017 4th of July Parade 
Grand Marshal. The Parade will be held as always the morning of July 4th. 

 Parade Grand Marshal Nominees should embody the spirit of Sierra Madre, be an active volunteer in 
any of the local nonprofit organizations or in some way contributed to the betterment of Sierra Madre. 
Nominees may be an individual or volunteers or an organization. 

 Nominations must be submitted in writing by Thursday, April 27th and should be 
sent to the 4th of July Committee, PO Box 1073 Sierra Madre CA 91025 or emailed to Nominations should be no more than 1 page but at least a paragraph 
explaining why the honor should be given including contributions to the Sierra Madre community. 

 Previous Grand Marshals have included 2016 Pete Siberell and Hometown Hero Kris Lowe, 2015 Clem 
and Nina Bartolai, 2014 Pat & DeAlcorn & Hometown Heroes Sierra Madre Search and Rescue, 2013 
VFW Post 3208 & Hometown Hero Mama Pete; 2012 Nel and Bob Soltz (Wistaria Vine owners); 2011 
Gayle Bluemel & Hometown Hero John Shear; 2010 Lew Wantanabe; 2009 Midge Morash; 2008 Sierra 
Madre Fire Department; 2007 Ward Family (E. Waldo Ward & Sons); 2006 Judy Webb Martin & Toni 
Buckner & Hometown Hero Barbara Wamboldt; 2005 Police Chief Wayne Bailey; 2004 Doug Berkshire; 
2003 John Grijalva; 2002 Bob Quamstrom; 2001 Ty Gaffney; 2000 Dr. Bill White; and 1999 Jim & Barbara 

 This All-American friends and family event is made possible through the wonderful contribution of 
donors and sponsors. If you’d like to help please visit or follow us on 


The Sierra Madre 4th of July Committee in conjunction with the City of Sierra Madre has begun planning 
for the 2017 Sierra Madre 4th of July Celebration. Events will take place July 3rd and July 4th. 

 The Committee is seeking special assistance from local Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts in grades 6th – 12th 
to assist with this year’s 4th of July Parade. This specific request is for any interested Scout in the required 
grade who would like to march in the parade on the 4th of July carrying banners for award recipients 
and dignitaries. Scouts will be required to be in dress uniform and able to carry a banner during the two 
mile parade route. The parade begins promptly at 10:00 am sharp with staging activities beginning at 
9:00 am. This is an extraordinary opportunity for young leaders to represent themselves and the scouting 
community while participating in a small town celebration representing an All American City. 

 Interested scouts should contact the Committee by emailing 



 Interested in showcasing your 
classic car and chauffeuring 
community dignitaries for the 
Sierra Madre Fourth of July 

Please contact Tim Shepard or 
Clarissa Lowe for details and to 
register your hot rod today.

 Tim Shepard or Clarissa Lowe, 
Community Events, City of Sierra 
Madre 626-355-7135 ext703

During this time, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 272 day and 
night calls for service. 

March 14th, 2017 - 00 Olive Ave 

The garage at a home in the area caught on fire. Police and Fire responded and the fire was put out. 
No foul play was suspected at the time. 

March 16th, 2017 - 00 Lowell Ave 

A resident’s mail was stolen; a credit card was fraudulently activated, and approximately $2000.00 
was charged on the card. 

March 17th, 2017 - 100 E Highland Ave 

An unknown suspect(s) vandalized a vehicle by slashing the tires and scratching the paint. The 
incident occurred between 0200 hours and 1743 hours. There were no witnesses and no security 
recordings were located. 


Local students are invited to enter the City Bookmark 
Contest and win cash prizes this month; March 1 – 
31, 2017. 

 “Why is Sierra Madre Super?” is the theme. 
Children are asked to draw and write about what 
makes Sierra Madre unique and special to them. 
Artwork may be designed with any tools but must be 
completely original work. Entries should depict and 
describe specific places, events or people in Sierra 
Madre and express a love of the City. 

 Children in grades TK through 8th that attend 
school in Sierra Madre, live in Sierra Madre, or who 
have a Sierra Madre Public Library card are eligible 
to enter. Winning entries will be displayed in the 
Library and winners will receive a certificate and cash 
prize at a ceremony in their honor. Selected winning 
entries will be professionally printed. 

 Entry forms are available at the Sierra Madre 
Library, in the Library page of the City’s website, and 
at schools in Sierra Madre. Entries are due by March 
31, 2017 at the Library. 


Advanced metering systems allow customers to monitor utilities such as such as electric, gas, or 
water remotely. 

The systems are comprised of state-of-the-art electronic/digital hardware and software, which 
combine interval data measurement with continuously available remote communications. 

To request a water service meter upgrade to the Automated Metering Infrastructure (Smart Meter) 
technology for the property of which you are the owner please click below to download an application 
form and return to City Hall along with a one-time $25.00 application fee. 

Replacing water-consuming, high-maintenance, traditional landscapes and lawn with California 
native plants can reduce the average homeowner’s water consumption by 60%. For more information 
and the application go to:

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: