Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, April 1, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 1, 2017 


If and hopefully you have been following me right 
here in the newspaper and my radio show on 
Sundays at 5 PM. With that said you know I have 
found many Mexican restaurants in Southern 
California. It makes sense, doesn’t hurt to have 
many Mexican Restaurants, but how many of them 
are good. I mean even acceptable. There are those 
that have above average food but the drinks plain 
stink!!! Or the drinks are good but the food sucks!!! 
Well my friends since I am high and dry this month, 
the food part of this equation was what I was 
looking for, so with my friend Janice, (claims to be a 
restaurant critic in waiting) I trekked down to East 
LA to the Original El Tepeyac Café on Evergreen in 
the heart of East LA.

 The restaurant is fairly small with a counter and 
plenty of parking. The atmosphere is lively and 
the patrons come from all and I mean all walks of 
life. So what is it that brings patrons from all parts 
of the city to this Café? It’s the food, and it’s darn 
good too. Portions are big and you’ll always leave 
with half of your food in a to-go bag. I’m telling 
you friends I tried to order the whole menu so that 
I could bring to you my loyal readers and viewers 
the best review possible, but I failed the portions are 
toooo big. So what did I have ? I asked the server 
on a few suggestions and I went with the Taquitos 
with Guacamole, as soon as saw this portion I knew 
I ordered too much food. Next was the Manuel 
tacos , friend Janice wouldn’t share but the look on 
her eyes I can tell she was pleased or was it that I am 
so handsome? Hmmm. The staple or the signature 
dish at El Tepeyac are the burritos my selection was 
the #2 A chile Colorado at this is a great dish and is 
pork slowly simmered in a red chile sauce, man it’s 
worth driving back for. If you are running from the 
cops stay away, El Tepeyac is a fav of the men in blue. 
The Hollenbeck Burrito is a favorite of the police 
and comes with chips and guacamole. Next time 
I’m going to order the Okie de Pollo…shredded 
chicken breast. So what does El Tepeyac mean? The 
Hill that the Virgin Mary was sighted!!! No beer or 
wine. My only complaint is this darn to go menu. I 
guess I’m just getting old the print is too small.

 Hey love to hear from you.. follow me on twitter 
or facebook, ot the old fashioned way… e mail me AM 830 KLAA Sundays 
at 5 PM

TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills

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