The Good Life | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, April 8, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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THE GOOD LIFE 10 Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 8, 2017 SENIOR HAPPENINGS HOW WORKING IN RETIREMENT CAN AFFECT YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …April Birthdays* Howard Rubin, Hattie Harris, Mary Harley, Bette White, Dorothy White, Doris Behrens, Freda Bernard, Beth Copti, Terri Cummings, Marilyn Diaz, Virginia Elliott, Elma Flores, Betty Jo Gregg, Barbara Lampman, Betty Mackie, Elizabeth Rassmusen, Maria Reyes, Marian DeMars, Anne Schryver, Chrisine Bachwansky, Colleen McKernan, Sandy Swanson, Hank Landsberg, Ken Anhalt, Shannon Vandevelde * To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required ................................................................... ACTIVITIES: Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart Park House (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre Hawaiian & Polynesian Dance Class: Every Tuesday morning from 10a.m. to 11a.m. Join instructor Barbara Dempsey as she leads you in the art of Hula. Bingo: Every Tuesday beginning at 1:00p.m. Cards are only $0.25 each! Everyone is welcome to join. May be canceled if less than five people. Free Blood Pressure Testing: 2nd Tuesday of the month from 11a.m. to 12p.m. No appt. is necessary. Brain Games: Thursdays, 10:30a.m. to 11:30a.m., improve your memory and strengthen your brain. Activities facilitated by Senior Volunteers. Free Legal Consultation: Wednesdays from 10:30a.m. to Noon. Attorney Lem Makupson is available for legal consultation. He specializes in Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Estates, and Injury. Appointments are required by calling 626-355-7394. Senior Club: Meets every Saturday at the Hart Park House Senior Center. Brown Bag Lunch at 11:30a.m. Tax Assistance: Every Wednesday beginning on February 1st through April 12th from 1:00p.m. to 2:00p.m. - Don Brunner is available for income tax consultation. Appointments are required by calling 626-355-7394. Chair Yoga: Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00 to 11:45a.m. with Paul Hagen. 3rd Monday of each month, a variety of balance exercises are practiced. All ability levels are encouraged and welcomed! *A suggested donation of $5 at one of the classes is requested, but is not required. Case Management: Case Management services are provided by the YWCA and provide assistance in a variety of areas. Appointments are required and can be scheduled by calling the Hart Park House Office at 626-355-7394. Birthday Celebrations: Every 2nd Thursday of the month at the Hart Park House, share some free birthday cake provided by the Sierra Madre Civic Club. Game Day: Every Thursday starting at 12:00p.m. Come join this group of Seniors in a poker game. Other games are offered to all. Please note time change. Free Strength Training Class: Every Friday from 12:45p.m. to 1:30p.m. with Lisa Brandley. This energetic class utilizes light weights for low impact resistance training. All class materials are provided. Stress, Resilience, Positivity: Finding Balance - by The Kensington Sierra Madre Four Tuesdays, March 7 - 28th from 2:00 - 4:00p.m. Register by calling 213-821-6919 or 213-821-6908. SENIOR EXCURSIONS APRIL EXCURSION APRIL EXCURSION - SAVE THE DATE Tanaka Farms Strawberry Tour (Irvine) Date: Thursday, April 27th Time: 9:30a.m. to 2:30p.m. Meeting Location: Hart Park House Cost: $20.00 (Not including Lunch) Come experience a real working farm in the heart of Orange County. Tour includes a guided wagon ride around the 30-acre Farm. Learn about and sample different fruits and vegetables in season. Pick and eat fresh, juicy strawberries. You will be given a one-pound container to fill with berries. Things to consider: - Wear comfortable shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty. - The farm is not handicapped accessible; and wagon rides on dirt roads will be bumpy.... and lots of bending to pick berries. - Bring your sack lunch to eat at the picnic tables. - Spending money is optional for market shopping. Level of walking: Medium – High. Please call the Hart Park House for reservations at 626-355-7394. Dear Savvy Senior, I’m considering retiring later this year and starting my Social Security benefits, but would also like to work part time. Will this affect my benefits, and if so, how much? Ready to Retire Dear Ready, You can collect Social Security retirement benefits and work at the same time, but depending on how old you are and how much you earn, some or all of your benefits could be temporarily withheld. Here’s what you should know. Working Rules Social Security says that if you’re under your full retirement age – which is 66 if you were born between 1943 and 1954, or 66 and 2 months if you were born in 1955 – and are collecting benefits, then you can earn up to $16,920 in 2017 without jeopardizing any of your Social Security if you don’t reach your full retirement age this year. But if you earn more than the $16,920 limit, you’ll lose $1 in benefits for every $2 over that amount. In the year you reach your full retirement age, a less stringent rule applies. If that happens in 2017, you can earn up to $44,880 from January to the month of your birthday with no penalty. But if you earn more than $44,880 during that time, you’ll lose $1 in benefits for every $3 over that limit. And once your birthday passes, you can earn any amount by working without your benefits being reduced at all. Wages, bonuses, commissions, and vacation pay all count toward the income limits, but pensions, annuities, investment earnings, interest, capital gains and government or military retirement benefits do not. To figure out how much your specific earnings will affect your benefits, see the Social Security Retirement Earnings Test Calculator at RTeffect.html. It’s also important to know that if you do lose some or all of your Social Security benefits because of the earning limits, they aren’t lost forever. When you reach full retirement age, your benefits will be recalculated to a higher amount to make up for what was withheld. For details and examples of how this is calculated, see SSA. gov/planners/retire/whileworking2.html. For more information on how working can affect your Social Security benefits see whileworking.html, or call the Social Security at 410- 965-2039 and ask to receive a free copy of publication number 05-10069, “How Work Affects Your Benefits.” Tax Factor In addition to the Social Security rules, you need to factor in Uncle Sam too. Because working increases your income, it might make your Social Security benefits taxable. Here’s how it works. If the sum of your adjusted gross income, nontaxable interest, and half of your Social Security benefits is between $25,000 and $34,000 for individuals ($32,000 and $44,000 for couples), you have to pay tax on up to 50 percent of your benefits. Above $34,000 ($44,000 for couples), you could pay on up to 85 percent, which is the highest portion of Social Security that is taxable. About a third of all people who get Social Security have to pay income taxes on their benefits. For information, call the IRS at 800-829-3676 and ask them to mail you a free copy of publication 915 “Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits,” or you can see it online at In addition to the federal government, 13 states – Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont and West Virginia – tax Social Security benefits to some extent too. If you live in one of these states, you’ll need to check with your state tax agency for details. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. “EMPIRE OF THE ANTS!” As promised last week, I have a great offering from my dad’s seemingly endless collection of cheesy movies from the 70’s. This time it’s “Empire of the Ants,” a sci-fi gem from 1977 starring Joan Collins vs. giant, mutant ants. The film starts off with anonymous “government agents” dumping barrels of radioactive waste, conveniently labeled “Radioactive Waste: Danger! Hazardous! Skull & Crossbones!” into the ocean. They wash ashore and ooze mercury-colored liquid which the resident ants start to eat. Cut to Joan Collins, who plays a crooked realtor trying to sell worthless property in the Florida everglades under the premise that the adjacent land will soon be developed into a resort town. The majority of her potential buyer-victims are equally shady. We get little snapshots of them as they leave on a boat ride and bus tour around the properties. One philandering man abandons his wife to hit on another female passenger. Another man on board admits that he’s just out of a bad divorce and is having trouble with his child from the marriage. One of the women describes how she broke up with the man who was cheating on his wife with her, and that now she’s going to use the money he gave her to buy real estate. An older couple frankly admits that they have no intention whatsoever of buying anything, and are just here for the free food and boat ride. How lovely. What struck me the most during all of this was the gratuitous references to sex and overly raunchy language. “This is 1977!” I thought. My parents were married that year! People back then weren’t the crude animals they are today, at least their movies weren’t as crass as they are now, or so I thought. Interestingly, after the first 15 minutes, the language improved and the innuendo stopped. So while the humans are busy trying to rip each other off and commit other nefarious acts, the ants, now grown to gargantuan size after their radioactive cocktail, have been industriously working away at the everglades, creating barriers among the forests, and dams in the river. Eventually the humans happen upon the ants, and start getting picked off, one or two at a time. Like all great cheesy sci-fi horror pics, the victim either trips and unexplainably can’t get up, or gets “cornered” somewhere while their oversized, slow- moving predator overtakes them at a snail’s pace, amid much screaming. Predictably, their group gets split up, making self defense all the more difficult. While they’re separated, the creep who tried to pick up the girl lets his wife get eaten by the ants. When he rejoins the group he launches into a guilty rant about how the others are blaming him for the death of his wife, whom he claims he tried to save. Next time their boat is attacked by ants, they go for him --the ants know which ones are jerks! Meanwhile, the old couple hide in an abandoned shack, thinking they’ve waited out the danger, only to discover when they open the door that they’re surrounded. Of all the bad acting in this movie I think this scene takes the cake! The couple stand next to each other (“clutch” is too strong a word) and lethargically scan from side to side at the oversized ants with unfocused stares. Their expressions are something between dazed confusion and heart burn. Needless to say, they don’t make it out alive. The little band of survivors manage to reach civilization, only to realize that something about the locals’ behavior isn’t quite right... They get captured and taken to the infamous sugar processing plant. There, they’re forced into a queue with other zombie-like individuals, helplessly making their way toward an air tight chamber housing the queen ant, who emits a cloud of pheromones to each victim individually. The pheromones alter the person’s state of mind, causing them to bend their will to serve the ants, namely, supplying them with an endless amount of sugar from the factory. Joan Collins is the first to get it, but even her fellow prisoners don’t care, since no one liked her anyway. Meanwhile, one of their group members broke free and started dousing the facility with gasoline and then set it ablaze. He rescues the others and they sail away on a little dingy through the winding rivers of the everglades. Dampening the success of their escape is the nagging suspicion that the next town, and perhaps the whole country is now under the sway of the... “Empire of the Ants!” Great stuff. You must watch it, if only to laugh at some bad acting, bad special effects, and bad fashion from the 70’s. And while you’re at it, be sure to dispose of your radioactive waste properly! Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||