Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, April 8, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page B:2



Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 8, 2017 




I know it’s hard. Thinking about someone else raising our 
children stops us all in our tracks. But we must. If we don’t, and 
something happens to us, a stranger will determine who raises 
our children – and your child’s guardian could be a relative you 
despise or even a stranger you’ve never met. It happens.

 No one will ever be you or parent exactly like you, but you can’t 
let that stop you from naming a guardian. In fact the guardian of 
your children would easily become the most important person 
in their lives and could be the difference between them surviving 
the tragedy of losing you and going on to be happy, healthy, and 
successful or not. And while the likelihood of your guardian 
actually having to take over is slim, the consequences of having a 
stranger make that incredibly important decision could be dire.

 If you have not named a guardian and something happens 
to you - a stranger who does not know you, your child, or your 
relatives and friends - will determine who will raise your child. 
Anyone can ask to be considered, and the judge will have the 
authority to decide. Keep in mind, too, families tend to fight 
over children, especially if there’s money involved. And fights 
can lead judges to order the child into foster care until the matter 
is resolved. On the other hand, if you name a guardian, all of that 
can be avoided.

How to Choose a Guardian

 Your child’s guardian can be a relative or friend. Here are 
some of the factors to consider when selecting guardians (and 
don’t forget to select back up guardians, too). 

. How well the child and potential guardian know and enjoy 
each other
. Parenting style, moral values, educational level, health 
practices, religious/spiritual beliefs 
. Location - if the guardian lives far away, your child would 
have to move from a familiar school, friends, and neighborhood
. The child’s age and the age and health of the guardian-
. Grandparents may have the time, but they may or may not 
have the energy to keep up with a toddler or teenager. 
. An older guardian may become ill and/or even die before the 
child is grown, so there would be a double loss. 
. A younger guardian, especially a sibling, may be concentrating 
on finishing college or starting a career.

 Remember, it Doesn’t Count if You Don’t Document it

 I know it’s not easy, but don’t let that stop you. I’m happy to 
talk this through with you and legally document your wishes. 
And know that you can change your mind and select a different 
guardian anytime you’d like - also - the chances of needing the 
guardian you’ve named are small; but, you’re a parent and your 
job is to provide for and protect your children no matter what, 
so if you haven’t taken care of naming legal guardians yet, stop 
procrastinating and get it done.

 Dedicated to empowering your family, building your wealth 
and securing your legacy,

A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a mission to help 
parents protect what they love most. His office is located at 49 
S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an 
appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love 
and financial security for your family by calling 626.587.3058 or 
visit for more information.


By Sean Kayden


Generationals, a new wave duo 
from New Orleans, Louisiana 
returned to Los Angeles last 
Friday night after an absence of a 
few years to showcase new jams 
and fan favorites. The Teragram 
Ballroom, located in downtown Los Angeles was buzzing 
on this crystal clear night as the true, zealot fans made it out 
to support a band that’s been around for nearly decade. Ted 
Joyner and Grant Widmer are the masterminds and beat 
makers behind Generationals. They focus on vivid, buoyant 
snyth-pop tunes that are very appealing and deliver good 
vibes for the listener. The two core members switch off on 
vocal duties as well, which always keeps things fresh. The 
opening band was Raindeer, a psychedelic pop band from 
Maryland that generated a fair amount of momentum from 
the crowd seemingly in attendance for Generationals. Joyner 
and Widmer have a deep catalogue of songs to shuffle through 
and that’s exactly what they did that night. Over the course 
of 17 performed songs, Generationals made sure to touch 
upon each of their 4 LPs and 2 EPs as well as showcasing their 
strongest tracks to date, 2017’s “Avery,” “Turning The Screw,” 
and “Keep It Low,” all of which are expected to be found on a 
future fifth LP due out sometime later this year. The crowd, a 
diverse group of 20 and early 30 year olds shared a rewarding 
experience that was both exciting and in a way, nostalgic. 
Generationals may be seasoned veterans, but with new songs 
coming out and a rejuvenated attitude, the duo, in more ways 
than one, are new all over again. 

 The band came out to a dark stage to get things started with 
their recent single, “Turning The Screw.” It featured heavy 
snyths and distorted vocals while flashing lights flickered 
behind them to create a distinctive mood. The crowd, maybe 
not too familiar with this new track, was gearing up as they 
moved their bodies to the latest beats. There was a huge 
applause that proceeded and an uproarious cheer when the 
band started up the following track, “Gold Silver Diamond.” 
The tune is under the guise of R&B pop. The vocals are at the 
forefront, but it’s the infectious beats that carry this tightly 
constructed tune. “Black Lemon” off the record, Alix, was 
treated with much exhilaration. The light beats, airy vocals, 
and hazy feeling make up for one fantastic track that kept the 
energy alive and strong. In fact, there wasn’t a dismal moment 
to be found on Friday night, as Generationals kept performing 
at a rapid pace. The audience knew “Black Lemon” very well 
as they sung along and maintained their dancing ways. In fact, 
I’m positive there was not a single soul who wasn’t dancing 
or swaying their bodies to the beats of Generationals. Have 
you heard their songs because I don’t see how you couldn’t 
dance the night a way? The band’s sound was absolutely 
addicting and Generationals had a way of conveying songs 
in a distinguishing manner that had the listener forgetting 
everything outside the walls of the venue.

 One of the band’s earlier tracks found on ActorCaster, 
“TenTwentyTen,” was greeted with much adoration and 
warmth. The same can be said from another one off that 
record, “Yours Forever.” With the band playing former cuts 
and the crowd exhibiting the most excitement for those, you 
knew you were surrounded in a room by keen fans. There 
was also a moment where Joyner stepped down from the 
stage to perform right in the middle of the crowd on ground 
level. In attempt to be closer to the fans, it worked seamlessly 
while all eyes shifted on him garnering all the attention for 
that brief moment during the set. I think the best of the new 
songs was “Avery.” It has a vintage Generationals feel to it as it 
explores the band’s sonic palette even deeper. The charming 
effort shows a lot of new promise for a band with knack for 
supercharged pop tunes and crafty songwriting. In a strange 
dichotomy, “Avery” could have been something you heard 
from the band years ago yet at the same time feels innovative 
and current for 2017. It just shows Generationals have a grasp 
on not completely abandoning their original style, but are 
clever enough to breathe new life into future material. 

After “Nobody Could Change Your Mind” concluded 
their set, the band swiftly came back onto stage for a three-
song encore. Two of those tracks were found on Heza, “You 
Got Me” and “Spinoza” that is. The latter cut proved to be 
enthralling as a sudden burst energy lit up the crowd. It was 
a crowd, I might add, not willing to part ways with the band’s 
concluding set. “Spinoza,” with its dance-to-me vibe written 
all over it was swiftly performed and featured a breakdown 
toward the end with the following lyrics: “Holding on to no 
one / Holding on to nothing / Don’t deny it happened / Don’t 
deny me no.” Somehow, it was this track, which really had the 
crowd united as one. The band finished the lovely night with 
“Trust,” an early gem in their career that touches upon some 
surf-y rock elements. Once again, the audience sung along to 
closing lyrics such as “My friend Olivia said to me / What’s 
the use in trusting more than we have to?” We all knew the 
end was approaching, but man, we didn’t want it to be true. 
In a fleeting moment, the band thanked everyone and it was 
suddenly all over with. However, I could tell this LA crowd was 
longtime fans, probably seeing the band perform on multiple 
occasions throughout their steady career. I’m glad I finally 
(and well overdue) had the chance to see Generationals put 
on a memorable and in many ways, completely enlightening 
performance. If you want to feel good, listen to Generationals. 
It’s impossible for them to let you down. 



The City of Pasadena is seeking proposals from 
artists, artist teams and galleries for the selection 
or commission of artworks as a part of the citywide 
Rotating Public Art Exhibition Program. Loaned 
artworks or site specific artworks will placed for 
a period of 3 years at various highly visible, key 
locations within the City in every Council district. 
Honorariums range from $6,000 (for loaned 
works) to $12,000 (commissioned site specific 

 The Rotating Public Art Exhibition Program 
was established in 2011 to enliven neighborhoods, 
engage community and expand access to public 
art. The deadline for submissions is Monday, May 
15, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. PST. A Community Meeting 
will be held to review the Request for Proposal on 
Monday, April 17, 2017 at the Permit Center (175 
N. Garfield Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101) at 6:00 
p.m. Applicants need not attend the Community 
Meeting to apply.

 For more information, please see the attached 
Request for Proposals or visit the Cultural 
Affairs Division webpage: www.cityofpasadena.

All Things By Jeff Brown


MNT Knowledge Center

Written by Honor Whiteman

What is the recipe for a happy marriage? According to 
a new study, sex is a key ingredient. Researchers have 
found that sexual intercourse produces an “afterglow” 
that lasts for 2 days. What is more, this afterglow may 
boost long-term relationship satisfaction.Researchers 
suggest sex leads to an afterglow that plays a role in 
long-term marital satisfaction.A number of studies 
have shown that sex contributes to short-term bonding 
between partners, but the researchers note that the 
majority of couples do not engage in sexual activity 
every day.According to the International Society of 
Sexual Medicine, only 21 percent of married men and 24 
percent of married women have sex on 4 or more days 
each week.So what bonds partners in between sexual 
activity?Meltzer and colleagues speculated that sex 
produces an afterglow, or a period of sexual satisfaction, 
that enhances partner bonding in the periods between 
sexual activity, and that this boosts relationship 
satisfaction in the long term.Stronger sexual afterglow 
linked to greater marital satisfactionNot only was sexual 
activity associated with same-day sexual satisfaction, 
but also the researchers found that a single act of sex 
produced an afterglow that persisted for 2 days.Lead 
author Andrea Meltzer, of Florida State University, 
and colleagues recently reported these findings in the 
journal Psychological Science.

Jeff’s Book Pics By Jeff Brown

My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell 
You She’s Sorry by Fredrik Backman 

A charming, warmhearted novel from the 
author of the New York Times bestseller A 
Man Called Ove.Elsa is seven years old and 
different. Her grandmother is seventy-seven 
years old and crazy—as in standing-on-the-
crazy. She is also Elsa’s best, and only, friend. At 
night Elsa takes refuge in her grandmother’s 
stories, in the Land-of-Almost-Awake and 
the Kingdom of Miamas, where everybody 
is different and nobody needs to be normal.
When Elsa’s grandmother dies and leaves 
behind a series of letters apologizing to people 
she has wronged, Elsa’s greatest adventure 
begins. Her grandmother’s instructions lead 
her to an apartment building full of drunks, 
monsters, attack dogs, and old crones but also 
to the truth about fairy tales and kingdoms and a grandmother 
like no other.The book is told with the same comic accuracy 
and beating heart as A Man Called Ove. It is a story about life 
and death and one of the most important human rights: the 
right to be different.

A Divided Spy: A Novel by Charles Cumming

From the winner of the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger 2012 
for Best Thriller of the Year comes a gripping and suspenseful 
new spy novel. Perfect for fans of John le Carré, Charles 
Cumming is ‘the master of the modern spy thriller’ (Mail on 
Sunday)Thomas Kell thought he was done with spying. A 
former MI6 officer, he devoted his life to the Service, but it has 
left him with nothing but grief and a simmering anger against 
the Kremlin.Then Kell is offered an unexpected chance at 
revenge. Taking the law into his own hands, he embarks on 
a mission to recruit a top Russian spy who is in possession 
of a terrifying secret. As Kell tracks his man from Moscow 
to London, he finds himself in a high stakes game of cat and 
mouse in which it becomes increasingly 
difficult to know who is playing whom.As 
the mission reaches boiling point, the threat 
of a catastrophic terrorist attack looms over 
Britain. Kell is faced with an impossible 
choice. Loyalty to MI6 – or to his own 

The Little Book of Hygge: Danish 
Secrets to Happy Living by Meik 

Embrace Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) 
and become happier with this definitive 
guide to the Danish philosophy of comfort, 
togetherness, and well-being.Why are Danes 
the happiest people in the world? The answer, 
says Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happiness 
Research Institute in Copenhagen, is Hygge. 
Loosely translated, Hygge—pronounced 
Hoo-ga—is a sense of comfort, togetherness, and well-being. 
“Hygge is about an atmosphere and an experience,” Wiking 
explains. “It is about being with the people we love. A feeling 
of home. A feeling that we are safe.”Hygge is the sensation you 
get when you’re cuddled up on a sofa, in cozy socks under 
a soft throw, during a storm. It’s that feeling when you’re 
sharing comfort food and easy conversation with loved ones 
at a candlelit table. It is the warmth of morning light shining 
just right on a crisp blue-sky day.The Little Book of Hygge 
introduces you to this cornerstone of Danish life, and offers 
advice and ideas on incorporating it into your own life, 
such as:Get comfy. Take a break.Be here now. Turn off the 
phones.Turn down the lights. Bring out the candles.Build 
relationships. Spend time with your tribe.Give yourself a break 
from the demands of healthy living. Cake is most definitely 
Hygge.Live life today, like there is no coffee tomorrow.From 
picking the right lighting to organizing a Hygge get-together 
to dressing hygge, Wiking shows you how to experience more 
joy and contentment the Danish way.



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Zydeco Casting Studios 


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Sundays, January 8 - Febuary 12 

5:00pm to 9:00pm 

Zydeco Casting Studios 

Call: 626-355-4572

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: