Sierra Madre | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, June 10, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain View News Saturday, June 10, 2017 COUNCIL SET TO DISCUSS RENT CONTROL/ STABILIZATION IN SIERRA MADRE On Tuesday, the Sierra Madre City Counciltenancies for single-family homes, if the tenancy discuss the subject of Rent Control/Stabilizationbegan after January 1, 1996. Also, most cities for the first time in at least 15 years, perhaps theexempt new construction built after the date of first time ever. the ordinance, and owner-occupied buildings In response to request from citizens, Formerwith four (or sometimes three or two) units. Mayor John Harabedian agreed to bring theTenancy rent control -The most common form of rent control is where rents are initially freely subject before the full council. In preparation negotiable but there is a limit on the amount of for the meeting, city staff prepared a thorough rent increase. preliminary report on the matter. You can read the full text on the city’s website by going Rent stabilization Board to: The matter Most jurisdictions with a rent stabilization has already become a controversial one with policy enact a rent stabilization or rent advisory letters for ( board. The purpose of a rent stabilization board n22/p19.htm) and against such controls. (See is to regulate residential rent increases and to LETTER TO THE EDITOR - Page B7 of this protect tenants from unwarranted rent increases edition). Excerpts from the Staff Report: Housing Distribution in Sierra Madre Rent Control or rent stabilization is a collection of laws that restrict the rents a landlord can charge and limits the reasons for eviction. Rent stabilization is not a state law because it is considered a local issue. Rent stabilization is a law passed by cities where the supply of housing is limited resulting in increased rents. A total of 15 California cities provide some form of rent control stabilization. In Southern California those cities include Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, Santa Monica, Thousand Oaks and West Hollywood.. Rent control is typically only necessary where the vacancy rate in the area is below 5%. The vacancy rate measures the overall housing availability in a community and is often a good indicator of how Owner-Occupied Dwellings efficiently for-sale and rental Renter-Occupied Dwellings housing units are meeting the Housing Units Unoccupied current demand for housing. A lower vacancy rate can indicate that Source: Sierra Madre 2014 Housina Element households are having difficulty finding affordable housing, which can lead to overcrowding and/or overpayment. and to act as a mediation board to resolve renter A particularly tight housing market with disputes. If the City of Sierra Madre pursued insufficient vacant units for normal mobility a rent control policy, the City would need to may also lead to high competition for units, appoint a rent stabilization board. placing upward pressure on rents and for-sale housing prices. Housing Department A vacancy rate of about 5% for rental housing A city housing department typically administers is generally consider healthy and suggests that rent stabilization policies for the local there is a balance between supply and demand jurisdiction. Typical programs administered for housing. According to the Department of through a housing department include Section Finance Population and Housing Estimates, 8 Housing (authorizes the payment of rental residential vacancy rates for Sierra Madre housing assistance to private landlords), fair is at 6.4% as of January 1, 2017, indicating a housing programs (the right to live where healthy balance between supply and demand for you choose without fear of discrimination), housing. In comparison, Table B below shows inclusionary housing (requires that a percentage the vacancy rates in nearby San Gabriel Valley of all newly constructed residential units be Cities; and Table C shows the distribution of sold or rented to low and moderate income owner occupied housing to renter occupied households), city subsidized affordable housing housing units.programs, and first time home-buyer programs. Not all rental housing within rent-controlled cities is subject to rent control. Under state The Sierra Madre City Council will meet on law in California, property that was issued a Tuesday, June 13, 2017 in City Hall at 6:30 pm certificate of occupancy after February 1, 1995 is S. Henderson/MVNews exempt from rent control. State law also exempts COFFEE WITH SIERRA MADRE'S FINEST TEEN SUPER SUMMER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Linda LaRoche launches her first novel, Dust Unto Shadow, at the Sierra Madre Public Library onSaturday, June 10, at 2:00 pm. LaRoche will read aselection from her book, answer questions, and willhave copies of her book available. A powerful story about a family, bonded by honorand separated by circumstances and culture, DustUnto Shadow paints an unforgettable portrait ofrelationships during a dark period in history andcelebrates the bond of love that connects mothers and daughters. Applications are available at the Library for: Summer ReadingVolunteer, Reading Buddies, & Teen History Docents. Summer Reading VolunteerGrades 7 and up (6th graders going into 7th grade areperfect). Help sign people up for the summer readingprogram and assist with general maintenance of thelibrary and other projects throughout the summer. Reading Buddies ProgramNew this year, for students going into high schoolonly. This program will ask kids to sit and read withchildren ages pre-k through 3rd grade. Teen History DocentsFor grades 7 and up, learn about local history, andlearn to feel at ease speaking in front of people MADRE PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Media Contact: Meegan Tosh, Associate Librarian Agency Name: City of Sierra Madre Email: Telephone Number: 626.355-7186 Website: Sierra Madre, CA. – June 5, 2017 LOCAL AUTHOR DEBUTS NEW BOOK AT SIERRA MADRE LIBRARY Linda LaRoche launches her first novel, Dust Unto Shadow, at the Sierra Madre Public Library Saturday, June 10, at 2:00 pm. LaRoche will read a selection from her book, answer questions, have copies of her book available. A powerful story about a family, bonded by honor and separated by circumstances and culture, Unto Shadow paints an unforgettable portrait of relationships during a dark period in history celebrates the bond of love that connects mothers and daughters. Linda LaRoche, author of Dust Unto Shadow Read, Discover, Connect @ Sierra Madre Public Library, 440 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, 91024, Telephone (626) 355-7186, Text (626) 662-1254, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Media Contact: Meegan Tosh, Associate Librarian Agency Name: City of Sierra Madre Email: Telephone Number: 626.355-7186 Website: Sierra Madre, CA. – June 5, 2017 LOCAL AUTHOR DEBUTS NEW BOOK AT SIERRA MADRE LIBRARY Linda LaRoche launches her first novel, Dust Unto Shadow, at the Sierra Madre Public Library Saturday, June 10, at 2:00 pm. LaRoche will read a selection from her book, answer questions, have copies of her book available. A powerful story about a family, bonded by honor and separated by circumstances and culture, Unto Shadow paints an unforgettable portrait of relationships during a dark period in history celebrates the bond of love that connects mothers and daughters. Linda LaRoche, author of Dust Unto Shadow Read, Discover, Connect @ Sierra Madre Public Library, 440 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, 91024, Telephone (626) 355-7186, Text (626) 662-1254, On Thursday, SMPD Chief Joe Ortiz (aboveleft) andmembers of the SMPD took a little time out to mix and minglewith local residents. Below, Officer Lou Oronoz with resident and business woman Laura Hirsch. Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side by Deanne Davis “Summer means happy times and good sunshine. ItDisneyland and we had coupons – A through E - formeans going to the beach, going to Disneyland, havingthe rides. “A” tickets being for boring stuff and all thefun.” Brian Wilson good/scary rides were “E’s”. I also don’t remember it “Disneyland is a work of love. We didn’t go intocosting a lot. Of course, I could be confused, but I canDisneyland just with the idea of making money.” Walt see us all now riding the Mad Hatter’s Teacups, SpaceDisneyMountain, Peter Pan, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Pirates of Summer is, indeed, here, and our Texas girls,the Caribbean and, of course, Small World, without daughter, Crissy, and granddaughters Jessie and Emily,having to take out a second on the house. 9 and 7 respectively, have finally arrived. We have beenTalking over coffee with Aunt Patti, who is takingplanning their trip to California for what feels likeCrissy and the girls to Disneyland tomorrow, with bigyears and it’s utterly delightful to have them here incousins, Nicole, Blake and Luke who all have annual our clutches where we can take them all the places wepasses, she casually dropped the information that itlike to go, surround them with cousins they’ve neverwill be “just $318.00 to get in but then there will bemet, and have them smile one million times while food and drinks, too.” You know that feeling when thesomebody else takes their picture....well, actually, thatworld sort of goes dark and you think you might faint? someone is usually me... and here is one of the picturesI felt that. $318.00? Seriously? Yep! But they will haveI’ve taken. an unforgettable time and John and I will, too, as we They arrived last Thursday and will be here till nextwon’t be going! Saturday, which is way too short a visit, but VacationWalt said he didn’t go into Disneyland with the ideaBible School at Wylie First Baptist starts on Mondayof making money, but I think something’s changedthe 12th. They’re registered, the shirts are boughtthere at the Happiest Place On Earth. So we dug downand they’ll be there! We headed to P F Chang’s indeep in our pockets, looked under the couch cushions, Victoria Gardens off the 15 as soon as they landedtold each other we’re pathetically out of date and areat Ontario for the traditional lunch...our family’ssending the girls off tomorrow loaded with enoughtradition... whenever anybody gets off a plane, we headdough to get in, ride everything, eat their way throughimmediately for P F Chang’s for steamed dumplings,the entire Magic Kingdom and buy a few dozenkung pao shrimp, crispy honey shrimp, a glass of wine,souvenirs. Hey! You don’t get to Disneyland every day, pictures with the big horse in front, and to scheduleespecially if you live in Texas! plans. Friday we went to see “Captain Underpants”Crayons and coloring books, puzzles, damp bathingwhich was an absolute hoot. We all loved it, laughedsuits and very small pieces of clothing are all over theourselves silly then went to dinner with Aunt Leah andplace, but we couldn’t be happier. Those of you outUncle Chuck for another fabulous time. there who are looking forward to a visit from small Saturday was pool party at Aunt Patti’s and Unclepeople, just remember to enjoy every moment andDave’s and cousins, uncles, aunts, great-uncles anddon’t worry about anything else. “It’s a Small Worldall sorts of folks from two year old Brady to 91 yearafter all!” old Uncle Jay had a great time swimming, eatingMy book page: Deanne Davis hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, fruit and potato salad.Blog: Sunday after church was a repeat of Saturday and“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter” isMonday they’re all off to KidSpace and John and I arenow available at regrouping. Regrouping means a nap.Sunrise Books + Coffee at Pasadena First Church of Some weeks ago, Emily, who is 7 and just successfullythe Nazarene – exited First Grade with an award for reading, called usjust down the road on Sierra Madre Blvd. to tell us what she had in mind for her visit. I quote,Kindle readers, give yourself the gift of: “Grandma! I want to go to Disneyland and the beachA Treasure Map, A Drunken Owl, and 47 Rattler’s inand LegoLand and everywhere!” We’re planning a tripa Bagto the beach on Wednesday and tomorrow is the longIt’s on on my book page! awaited, greatly anticipated trip to Disneyland. JohnFollow me on Twitter, too! and I used to take the kids, when they were little to playwrightdd LOCAL AUTHOR DEBUTS NEW BOOK AT SIERRA | ||||||||||||||||||||