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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, June 10, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 2017 SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 2017 SECTION B AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY ANTHONY PORTANTINO CONTINUES DEPUTY JOHN M. SLOBOJAN MEMORIAL SUCCESSFUL LEGISLATIVE LEGACY NOW AT TEMPLE STATION 19 Bills & Resolutions Pass the State Senate Sacramento, CA: State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D – La Cañada Flintridge) continues to move his positivelegislative agenda through the legislative process with aseries of bills and resolutions passing the State Senate. In all, Portantino has 16 bills that have passed on tothe State Assembly and three important resolutions. Portantino’s agenda includes a strong commitment topublic education: ensuring school start times matchhealth science, helping community college studentsgarner financial aid and transfer degrees, helping ourveterans get into community colleges, helping studentsleaving court schools prepare for success, and translatingIndividualized Education Programs for families thatdon’t speak English. Senator Portantino has also worked closely onseveral important public safety and community issues: stemming the flow of rifles on main street California, increasing transparency for elected officials, freezing rentsfor the 710/Caltrans tenants, and increasing financialtransparency and accountability for politicians. In addition, Portantino is the Joint Author with Senate Pro Tem Kevin de León on SB 569, the most significanthigher education bill before the legislature this year. SB 569 will increase Cal Grants to ensure college affordabilityfor our most needy students and allow grant money to beused for transportation and other related costs. The following Portantino bills have passed the StateSenate: EDUCATION SB 25 – Veterans: Nonresident Tuition Exemption Recent changes to federal law regarding educationbenefits for eligible veterans and dependents requiresstatutory changes to maintain compliance by publicinstitutions of higher education in California. If thestatute is not revised, the state of California would lose federal funds supporting the educational goalsof eligible veterans and dependents, specifically $68million. This bill requires a California CommunityCollege or California State University student, as aneligibility requirement for the nonresident tuitionexemption, to be eligible for education benefits undereither of the 2 federal “GI Bill” programs, specificallythe Post-9/11 GI Bill and Montgomery GI Bill. SB 304 – Juvenile Court School Transition Plans This bill requires the county office of education andcounty probation department to develop and implementan individualized transition plan to meet the academic, behavioral, social-emotional, and career needs of each court school pupil detained for more than fourconsecutive school days. SB 318 – CSU Personal Service Contracts This bill establishes standards for the use of personalservices contracts by the California State University(CSU) Trustees. This bill will ensure that CSU personalservice contracts result in cost savings to the state, and willprovide oversight and accountability of the CSU that havebeen applied to all other state agencies for the past 30-plus years. SB 328 – School Start Time In accordance with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, this bill requiresschool start time for middle schools and high schools inCalifornia to begin no earlier than 8:30 a.m. SB 354 – Special education: individualized educationprograms: translation services This bill requires local education agencies (LEAs) toprovide the parent, guardian, or educational right holderthe individualized education program (IEP) translatedinto their primary language within 30 days of the IEPmeeting, as well as certain documents discussed at theIEP meeting within 45 days; it would further require thatthe IEP be translated by a certified translator. SB 478 – Public postsecondary education: transfer ofcommunity college students to the California StateUniversity or University of California This bill requires the governing board of each communitycollege district to direct the appropriate officials at theirrespective campuses to identify those students who havecompleted an Associate Degree for Transfer in a mannerthat can be accessed electronically by the California StateUniversity and the University of California enrollmentsystems. The bill would require that a student who hascompleted an Associate Degree for Transfer be added tothis identification system maintained by a communitycollege campus within 45 days of completion of thedegree unless the student affirmatively opts out of beingincluded. TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY SB 24 – Update and increase transparency in thePolitical Reform Act of 1974: Economic Interest Disclosure Form 700 Revises the dollar amounts associated with the rangesin the Political Reform Act of 1974 to provide for 8total ranges of fair market value of investments and realproperty interests and 10 total ranges of aggregate value ofincome. PUBLIC SAFETY SB 378 – Alcoholic Beverages: licenses: emergency ordersThis bill will allow the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to suspend the alcohol license ofa business if the business is found to be involved in severe illegal activity such as human trafficking, prostitution, drug trafficking, illegal gambling, or violence involvingsevere injury or death. SB 497 – Firearms Current California law prohibits the purchase of morethan one handgun per month in California, but containsa loophole for rifles and other long guns. This bill closes that loophole and prohibits a person from making morethan one application to purchase a firearm within any 30day period. PUBLIC HEALTH SB 565 – Mental Health: involuntary commitment This bill would require mental health facilities to makereasonable attempts to notify family members or anyother person designated by the patient at least 36 hoursprior to the certification review hearing. Currently, patients on 14-day holds do not have the benefit of havingtheir families/loved ones communicate with their healthcare evaluators. SB 502 – California Voluntary Tattoo RemovalProgram This bill will reestablish a recently repealed programknown as the California Voluntary Tattoo RemovalProgram, to be administered by the Board of State andCommunity Corrections to the extent that funds areappropriated, to provide funding for the removal ofcertain tattoos for individuals between 14 and 24 yearsof age who are in the custody of the Department ofCorrections and Rehabilitation or county probationdepartments, who are on parole or probation, or whoare in a community-based program serving at-riskyouth and meet specified criteria. Transportation/HousingSB 275 – Surplus Residential Property: State Route 710 This bill requires any property purchased at an affordableprice in the State Route (SR) 710 corridor to be assessedat its affordable price for property tax purposes, and anyproperty purchased at a reasonable price in the SR 710corridor to be assessed at a reasonable price for property tax purposes. SB 400 – Highways: surplus residential property This bill will, until January 1, 2020, prohibit theDepartment of Transportation from increasing the rent oftenants who reside in surplus residential property locatedon State Route 710 in the County of Los Angeles. Public Employment, Retirements, and Social Security SB 599 – Peace Officers Research Association of California Insurance and Benefits Trust This bill will allow the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC) to offer regional rates to theirmembers for their Health Benefits Trust. Governmental OrganizationSB 165 – Horse racing: national thoroughbred racingmarketing program This bill addresses the state’s racing industry participationin the NTRA, which is intended to increase interest in horse racing through national marketing and advertising. The California thoroughbred owners’ participation inthe National Thoroughbred Racing Authority expiresJanuary 1, 2018. SB 165 simply extends the sunset date toJanuary 1, 2022. SB 254 – Delivery Network Companies SB 254 seeks to give clear statutory authority to theDepartment of ABC to regulate Delivery NetworkCompanies, while at the same time establishing basicconsumer protections, including that the driver is overthe age of 21, the person they are delivering alcohol to isover the age of 21, and that the delivery is made person- to-person instead of dropping off at a doorstep. Resolutions SCR 8 – President Barack H. Obama Highway This resolution names a specified portion of StateHighway 134 between State Highway 2 and Interstate 210in Los Angeles County as the President Barack H. ObamaMemorial Highway. SCR 25 – State highways: Pasadena Armenian GenocideMemorial This resolution requests the Department of Transportationto erect informational signs on the Fair Oaks Avenueexit of Interstate 210 in the City of Pasadena, directingmotorists to the Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial. SR 29 – Relative to Commemoration of the Anniversaryof the Armenian Genocide of 1915–1923 This Senate resolution hereby designates the month of April2017 as “State of California Month of Commemoration of the 102nd Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of1915–1923.” Sen. Portantino represents nearly 930,000 people in the25th Senate District, which includes Altadena, Atwater Village, Bradbury, Burbank, Claremont, Duarte, Glendale, Glendora, La Cañada Flintridge, La Crescenta, Lake View Terrace, La Verne, Monrovia, Montrose, Pasadena, San Dimas, San Marino, Shadow Hills, Sierra Madre, South Pasadena, Sunland-Tujunga, and Upland. By Joan Schmidt November 7, 1964, was the End of Watch for Deputy John M. Slobojan, when he suffered a fatalheart attack during a foot pursuit of a juvenilerobbery suspect. Deputy Blevens and his partnerarrived in their patrol car. After a witness account, Slobojan exited the patrol car, went in that directionand jumped over a fence in pursuit. Citizens noticedSlobojan seemed tired and stopped to rest. Theyoffered assistance, but he said he was fine. A short time later, he collapsed. His partner arrived, foundhim unconscious, and began CPR till paramedicsarrived. They continued CPR and rushed him toa local hospital, where doctors administered CPRfor fifteen minutes, but to no avail. He was declared dead. Only 31 years old, he left behind his youngwife, two young sons and a baby daughter. Because he died in the line of duty, DeputySlobojan’s name is on the Sheriff ’s Memorial Wallat Biscailuz Training Center in East LA. Howeverhis portrait was not on the wall at Temple Sheriff ’sStation. Temple Station Deputy Dave March was killed onApril 29, 2002 in Irwindale. The generosity of theirPolice Officers Association and local businesses provided the Dep. March’s beautiful Memorialat that site. However, Dave was greatly loved andrespected by his co-workers at Temple Station; theywanted a Memorial there. That is why his beautifulportrait is hanging in the hallway. There also is aportrait of Deputy Harold Blevens who died onOctober 12, 1957. Blevens’ portrait was placedaround the time of March’s-I attended and so did his retired partner and family. How did Deputy Slobojan’s portrait finally cometo Temple Station? Sergeant Mario Avola currentlyworks in Operations at Temple Station. Twentyyears ago, when his daughter was in Kindergarten, Avola met another parent whose father had been atTemple Station several years before, but died in theline of duty. It saddened Avola to learn of DeputySlobojan’s untimely passing. Years passed, andAvola was again assigned to Temple Station. Butthere was a change. There were Memorial Portraitsfor Deputies March and Blevens. “Shouldn’t therebe one for Deputy Slobojan.”? After speaking to the Temple Commander, Captain Jacob, the plan was set into motion. Fundingwas attained and the painter commissioned. And that is why this past Wednesday, there wasa memorial for the unveiling of Deputy Slobojan’s CHARTER OAK/DUARTE SUMMER BEACH BUS SERVICE BEGINS, JUNE 7 LOS ANGELES COUNTY - Supervisor KathrynBarger announced that the Charter Oak/DuarteSummer Beach Bus service to Santa Monica Beach will start on Wednesday, June 7. “The Beach Bus service runs through Labor Day, providing our residents an opportunity to travel tothe beach without having to drive through traffic, find a parking space or feed a parking meter,” Supervisor Barger said. Passengers can board the Summer Beach Busevery Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday fromJune 7 through Labor Day, Monday, September4, 2015. The stop locations are as follows: at theintersection of Cienega Avenue and Sunflower Portrait. When I arrived, I met his family whoposed in front of the station. His widow, two sons, daughter and their families all attended. ChiefParra and Commanders Halm and Scroggins fromSheriff ’s Headquarters attended the Ceremonywhich began in the briefing room. CaptainFlores welcomed us and acknowledged DeputySlobojan’s family. Sergeant Avola gave an accountof Deputy Slobojan’s passing. A representativeFrom Supervisor Solis presented a Certificate to hiswidow. Stephanie English from Supervisor Bargar’soffice and Temple City Councilmember NannetteFish spoke of the dangers and sacrifices of our lawenforcement officers who daily put their lives onthe line and how they support and appreciate them. Fish also mentioned she is from a law enforcement family, her father-in-law and brother were deputysheriffs. In addition, Chief Eric Parra, Commanders Jeff Scroggins and David Halm and Media SergeantBoese came from Sheriff ’s Headquarters. On dutypersonnel including Lieutenants Mc Neal and McClure also were present. Retired Deputy ChrisMiller was on hand to take outstanding photos. After the speeches and presentation, we went tothe hallway and the portrait was unveiled. Therealso was a banner. It was a very special day for thefamily. Thank you for all who helped bring thisproject to fruition. Avenue; at Charter Oak Park across from Charter Oak High School; and at Pamela Park in Duarte. Reservations are available and stronglyrecommended to ensure seating availability. To reserve a trip, please visit The fare is $3 per round-trip for children and adults. For senior citizens (age 60 and older) and peoplewith disabilities, the fare is $1.50 per round-trip. A fare-paying parent or guardian must accompanychildren under 12 years of age. For more information about this service, youmay call toll-free at (888) 769-1122 or visit www. When it's time to BUY OR SELL a home, I can help you make the right decision at the right price! | 626.975.4033 | 30 N. Baldwin Avenue, Sierra Madre 91024 Real Estate byJAN GRETEMAN CalBRE #01943630 REALTOR®, SRES, GREEN Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||