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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, August 12, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 12, 2017 8JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 12, 2017 8 KEEPING IT COOL WITH YOUR CANINE by Chris Leclerc If you are a dog owner in Sierra Madre or in one ofthe neighboring foothill communities, you are mostWhen I heard about Jennifer & Sid’s weekend water likely among the many locals who’ve become quiteexcursion in San Diego, it prompted me to look intoconcerned about how to protect their pets from harmdog-friendly water sports in hopes of sharing a few Happy Tails You know you healthy and necessary. To keep growing and in the heat, and keep a good healthy exercise regimenfresh ideas on ways to help pet owners avoid the need yoga, but developing in yoga, you’ve got to keep your ears for them at the same time. heat with their dogs while ensuring that they are still where do you listening and your eyes open. Don’t be afraid to We all want to do what it takes to keep our fourgetting the exercise they need. begin? Getting exceed what you thought possible in your practice. legged furry friends cool during the summer months,Apparently one of the most popular water sports for started in yogaThe mental hurdles of progress don’t just come as but at the same time we don’t want them becomingcanines is dock diving which I find quite fascinating, can be a challenge.we are beginning yoga, they show up after we’ve but to me the most calorie-collecting canine been practicing a while. Consider studying an impressive canine water couch potatoes due to lack when it comes to pursuing what’s good for the bodyaspect of yoga that calls to you then meet with your sport is dog surfing! I’d of exercise. A client of mine and mind, especially if it’s a new experience. Notteacher privately or join a workshop or training. had heard about it before, told me about a creative to worry! Yoga adapts to benefit each individual.Yoga Madre is perfect for drop-in yoga! There are and had seen a few dogs and fantastically fun way There’s no one too inflexible or uncoordinated. enough teachers there with varying styles and levels known to be skilled surfers she chose to beat the heat Get your feet wet and try a few classes.of yoga to serve most people. Arrive 10 minutes on Animal Planet, one with one of her pups in of which appeared on aEventually-- maybe immediately-- you will find aprior to class and leave your shoes near the door. the summer months, and float in the Tournament teacher and style that speak to you. Do stick withThe studio has mats available to borrow until you I immediately thought herstory was worth sharing. of Roses Parade. But I had classes that feel safe to you and do take yoga fromare ready to get your own. You can find even moreWhen I first moved no idea how popular dogqualified, certified teachers. Although not all classesinformation on our website: to California in 1984, surfing had become untilare right for beginners, yoga focuses on inclusivityEnjoy exploring and finding a practice that is rightI lived in the Redondo I saw a video on Youtube - everybody is welcome. Not only can you becomefor you and that also nourishes you. & Hermosa Beach of an annual dog surfinga strong yogi, but dealing with the stresses of life orcommunities. I have happyevent designed to benefitchronic health conditions can be made easier. Namaste, memories of playing fetch in the sand and swimminganimal adoption and education programs.If you’ve been practicing a while, a consistentKeely Totten, E-RYT 500, Yogi, Mom, & Teacherand wading through the breakers with “Lady”, my dogI must say even if this fantastic fund-raiser didn’tdevotion to practice is required. Evolution is Trainer at the time, followed by leisurely walks on the strandhelp place animals into loving homes, I would still be inin the late afternoon cool ocean breezes. absolute awe of those darling dogs riding the waves on Back then, in the South Bay, there were a couple oftheir surfboards! Anyone who loves dogs and enjoys aspots where you could get away with having a dog ongood laugh should see the surfing video entitled ‘Bestthe beach, so I took full advantage of that privilege,of 2010 Helen Woodward Surf Dog Surfing Contest’particularly on a hot summer day. I truly treasureposted by user: SoCalBeachesMagazine. There those memories, because living in Sierra Madremay be more videos now posted on Youtube of themakes driving to the beach a lot less convenient, andannual event held in more recent years, but this one isfinding a beach that will allow dogs is not as easy asguaranteed to give you a good gut laugh. MIND THE GAP it used to be. Although there are still a few canine-After seeing that video, I am sure you will want tokind beaches and when you find them it is definitelyattend the next event with your own cool canine. This Malia Obama just finishedhelped me get back into shape. worth the drive, if it means keeping your canine cool.year’s Surf-A-Thon will be held on Sunday, September her gap year, and now she isIt was my first encounter with unconsciously Sierra Madre residents, Mike Bieber and Jennifer 10th beginning at 8:30am at Del Mar Dog Beach. Forstarting college as a Freshman.existing rather than living. For me, stayingCichocki, are pleased to be the proud owners of more information and to register your pet to participate,She wisely decided to wait until after her father leftconscious required effort and awareness. I began tothree delightful and absolutely gorgeous dogs visit Presidency to begin school. The gap year is anotice the gap between the life I was living versusnamed “Sid”, “Elijah” and “Utah“. Their 3 beloved There are lots of other ways to keep it cool withuniquely British concept. It is a period, typicallythe life that I wanted. ’boys’ sure got lucky when they found a home your canine right here at home, too. Backyard doggiean academic year, taken by a student as a breakIt is not easy to identify and recognize a gap; itwhere they are treated with the utmost respect pools and sprinkler parties are a great alternative forbetween secondary school and higher education. Irequires rigorous honesty. and unconditional love that they indeed deserve, beating the heat if you are not up to taking a drivethink it is a fantastic idea; I imagine that a youngAnother area that requires honesty is the desireand for that they are very grateful dogs. I enjoy to the beach. Whichever method you choose to keepperson would grow tremendously and it is a time offor a romantic connection. Many single womenspending time with Mike and Jennifer’s babes when your canine cool, remember to enjoy the time yougreat introspection. A gap year seems quite healthy.I know over forty years old have stopped beingthey call on me for walks or to stay over with them have together.I had a gap decade, and it wasn’t healthy at all. I dohonest with themselves about their desire for a while they are away. I consider it an honor to call Take good care of your pets, give them lots of lovenot remember my 30’s. I can logically reconstructromantic partner. They believe the lies they tell them my canine companions.and respect, don’t leave them out alone in the heat all the period if I think hard, I worked on my careerthemselves: that love is not for them. That they don’t Some readers might remember a story I wrote inday. Their systems need cooling just like ours and there and raised my daughter. I have very few memoriesneed love or that they are too old for love. Being in this column several months ago, about ‘Sid doingare laws I place to protect them from such neglect. of that time because I was merely going throughan intimate relationship is demanding. It requires the twist‘. Well, while I am still very impressed withIf you do right by your furry four legged friends, I the motions of life, but I wasn’t living. I rememberhonesty, maturity, and openness. It is also quite Sid’s dancing talents, I recently learned this preciouspromise they will reciprocate in more ways than you that I had developed the terrible habit of wearingrewarding and fulfilling. Being in a mature intimate pointer/pit mix is an agile athlete both on and off theexpect. Love and let live. CP Shades all of the time. They are glorified silkrelationship is available for all of us. To cross the dance floor! In fact, as it turns out, pajamas, but I was wearing them in public. Theygap from wanting to having is going to require us to Sid is a rather impressive paddle- had an elastic waistband and provided too muchgrow. Are curious about what you can do to make boarder! room to spread. My wake up call came when I waslove welcome? Contact me at That’s right, Sid is one cool canine on the news. When I saw myself on television, I waswhere I share more about how I can help and my whose balancing act on a board is mortified at my appearance and soon after a friend own story about finding a new love after age 50. potentially more impressive than that of some humans you might see on the surf. And, what better way for a canine to keep it cool than by hanging out with his favorite humans, taking a dip in the refreshing ocean water and strutting his stuff in front of the other doggy dudes at the beach? SHE’S PURR-FECT! Want the purr-in Pasadena. Call fect cat? Look no 626-795-4134 & further! DIGIT, ask for Rosie for age 6, a tabby &a Meet & Greet. white female, is See more pictures, sweet and petite!videos, adoption Healthy, too, and info & application on a polydactyl to our website, www. boot! She’s been a mama, Can’t adopt? Visit and she was veryour website for our good with her kittens. Just look at those gorgeouseasy Sponsor A Kitty green eyes, as she seems to say, “Please adopt mecampaign. and I’ll cuddle with you forever!” Digit is currentlyGood News: being housed at Whiskers to Tails Veterinary Office Morris and Whitney have been adopted. HOW ABOUT A NEW BEST FRIEND? Cleocattra is a very calm and steady progress adjusting to petite 2 year old tabby who shelter life. Cleocattra needs a was rescued from a life on the companion or family that willstreets. She doesn’t appear to be patient with her and give herhave been fending for herself the opportunity to be the Queenvery long. Her soft grey and of her new forever home. Please white coat was well groomed. come meet Cleocattra to see if At first Cleocattra preferred your home will give her thewatching the activity around adoration she is seeking and her from the safety of a deserves. Her adoption fee iscardboard box. She still is shy, $99 and includes spay surgery, but no longer needs to hide in a box. Cleocattra vaccinations, microchip and a free wellness examlikes people to approach her slowly and she clearlyat a participating veterinarian. Feel free to callrelaxes into a hand stroking her head and at (626) 286-1159 for more information. She She is becoming more interested in playing ascurrently resides at the San Gabriel Valley Humaneshe comes forward to investigate toys and is alertSociety located at 851 E. Grand Avenue in Sanfollowing flying feathers with her eyes. These are Gabriel which is located off San Gabriel Blvd, signs her next step will be pursuing the toy. Hernorth of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To name is a play on the famous Cleopatra, and whilearrange a ‘Meet and Greet’, please stop by any timeCleocattra is beautiful and regal; she does notfrom 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday. have the confidence of a Royal. Yet. She has made ID#29002. THE JOY OF YOGA HEALTHY LIFESTYLES GET YOUR FEET WET For some reason, there’s an initial mental hurdle THE MISSING PAGE Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||