Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, August 12, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 12, 2017 
Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 12, 2017 
Jeff’s Book PicsBy Jeff Brown 

The Inspirational Parent: The 

of the best trainers and life coaches in 

Magical Ingredients for Effective

the field of personal transformation and

Parenting by Alex Urbina 

have asked them to share their years ofTEEN AND PARENTING EXPERT 

insight and wisdom with you.This book 

was written for the committed parentWORKING WITH THOUSANDS OF 

to help you awaken yourself to the nextTEENS, PARENTS AND FAMILIES 

level of conscious parenting and help youALL OVER THE WORLD; TO HELP 

create extraordinary results for you, yourYOU BECOME MORE EFFECTIVE IN 

children and your family. 
PARENTING.Alex speaks to the powerof conscious parenting and the ways in

The Glass Castle: A Memoir by 

which it can irrevocably transform not

Jeannette Walls 

only the parent and the child, but the

The perennially bestselling, 
entire planet.Do you remember those

extraordinary, one-of-a-kind, “nothingdays when your child looked at you with

short of spectacular” (Entertainmentthose admiring eyes?Do you remember

Weekly) memoir from one of the world’swhen they used to ask you questions,

most gifted storytellers.The Glass Castlealways seeking answers from you, always

is a remarkable memoir of resilience 
wanting to know your opinion; eager to

and redemption, and a revelatorylearn from you?What happened to that

look into a family at once deeplychild?I tell you this, that child is still there.

dysfunctional and uniquely vibrant. 
They are quietly and patiently waiting for

When sober, Jeannette’s brilliant 
the day you to invite them back into a

and charismatic father captured his 
new and empowering relationship with

children’s imagination, teaching themyou. One that fosters a new context, filled

physics, geology, and how to embracewith love, understanding, compassion, 

life fearlessly. But when he drank, he 
and inspiration.Most young children, 

was dishonest and destructive. Her 
teens, and young adults desperately yearn

mother was a free spirit who abhorredfor a new and improved relationship

the idea of domesticity and didn’t wantwith their parents, most are either just

the responsibility of raising a family.
too afraid to ask for it, doubt that it is 

The Walls children learned to take care 
possible, or have given up seeking it from

of themselves. They fed, clothed, andyou.This book will take you on a journey

protected one another, and eventuallyof transformational growth, and inspire

found their way to New York. Theiryou to re-discover the inner qualities

parents followed them, choosing tothat you already have within yourself,

be homeless even as their children 
to create deep meaningful relationshipsprospered.The Glass Castle is trulywith your children, such that they get inspired by yourastonishing—a memoir permeated by the intense lovecourageous efforts and leadership.I have gathered some of a peculiar but loyal family. 

All Things By Jeff Brown 


The suicide rate for girls between the ages of 15 and 19exposure to violence, social isolation, conflict within 
doubled between 2007 and 2015 and reached a 40-year highrelationships, stigma and a lack of available support.
in 2015.”These data show that there’s substantial increases Dorian A. Lamis, an assistant professor in the departmentin suicide rates for both young males and young females,”of psychiatry at Emory University School of Medicine,
said Tom Simon, an author of the report and associatetheorized that use of social media and cyberbullying maydirector for science in the division of violence protectionaffect teenage girls more than boys, resulting in risingat the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”For suicide deaths among older teen girls. Puberty starts asyoung males, there was a 31% increase in suicide rates,early as 8 in some girls. The psychosocial and physicaland for young females, the suicide rate doubled,” Simonchanges may leave girls “vulnerable to depression, anxietysaid.”We know that overall in the US, we’re seeing increasesand other psychiatric disorders earlier on in life.” Thesein suicide rates across all age groups,” Simon said, puttingknown risk factors for suicide may catch up with a girlthe new report in perspective.If you suspect someone mayas she grows older.”If you look at suicide attempts bybe at risk:1. Do not leave the person alone.2. Remove anygirls, it’s typically that girls attempt suicide about four tofirearms, alcohol, drugs or sharp objects that could beone or three to one over boys, yet boys complete suicideused in a suicide attempt.3. Call the U.S. National Suicidein the reverse,” “That tends, we think, to have to do with 
Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).4. Take thethe modality of suicide attempt.””The message for parents,
person to an emergency room or seek help from a medicalteachers, coaches and religious leaders is to not be afraid toor mental health professional.It’s “unlikely” that increasestalk to a young person when they are concerned,” Anyonein suicide rates are due to any single factor. Possible riskcontemplating suicide or concerned for another shouldfactors for suicide include a history of substance abuse, reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 


WHAT: The Marvelous Wonderettes. The hit jukeboxthe stage and perform at their ten-year class reunion. Wemusical. learn about the highs and lows the young women haveWHO: Created and written by Roger Bean. Directed byexperienced in the past decade and are charmed to findRobert Marra. Musical director: Sean Paxton. Produced that no matter what life throws their way, they will conquerfor Sierra Madre Playhouse by Estelle Campbell andit together. Featuring over 30 classic 50s and 60s hitsChristian Lebano. (including It’s in His Kiss, It’s My Party, Son of a PreacherWHERE: Sierra Madre Playhouse, 87 W. Sierra MadreMan, Rescue Me), The Marvelous Wonderettes will keepBlvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. This is just east of smiling in this must-take musical trip down memoryThere is ample free parking behind the Playhouse.lane. 
WHEN: NOW through September 17, 2017.This production reunites director Robert Marra andFridays at 8:00 p.m. on August 11, 18, 25, September 1 andmusical director Sean Paxton, the team that delivered Sierra 

15. Madre Playhouse’s most popular show ever, Always…
Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. on August 19, 26 and September 2.Patsy Cline (in 2015). Last year, Robert directed Sierra
Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. on August 12, 19, 26 and SeptemberMadre Playhouse’s Ovation Award winning production
16. of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Sean
Sundays at 2:30 p.m. on August 13, 20, 27, and Septembercomposed original music for our 2017 production of A
17. Wrinkle in Time. 
Sunday at 7:00 p.m. on September 17.Roger Bean created and wrote The Marvelous 
ADMISSION: $35. Seniors (65+) $32. Youth (to age 21) $25.Wonderettes. He is the author of several jukebox musicals,
RESERVATIONS: (626) 355-4318.among them Life Could Be a Dream, Why Do Fools Fall in
ONLINE TICKETING: Love?, The Andrews Brothers, Summer of Love and more. 
The Marvelous Wonderettes premiered in Milwaukee in* * * * * * 1999. It subsequently received successful mountings in LosThanks to robust ticket sales and critical plaudits, TheAngeles and New York. The current production marks itsMarvelous Wonderettes is EXTENDING into Septemberfirst local staging in many years.
with six additional performances.Our cast includes Kelsey Boze, Kelly Klopocinski, Kate

At the 1958 Springfield High School prom, we mmetPonzio, Afton Quast. 
Betty Jean, Cindy Lou, Missy and Suzy, the MarvelousCostume design: A. Jeffrey Schoenberg. Stage manager:
Wonderettes, four girls with hopes and dreams as big asChloe Madriaga. Assistant stage manager: Lauren Dietezel.
their crinoline skirts. As we learn about their lives and Lobby display and exhibits are curated by Diane Siegel.
loves, the girls serenade us with classic 50s hits includingThe Marvelous Wonderettes will be the finger-snapping,
Lollipop, Dream Lover, Stupid Cupid, and Lipstick ontoe-tapping, feel-good musical event of the season. Don’tYour Collar. In act two, the Wonderettes reunite and take miss the party. 

if there’s money involved. And fights can lead judges 
to order the child into foster care until the matter is 
resolved. On the other hand, if you name a guardian, all 
of that can be avoided. 

How to Choose a Guardian 

Your child’s guardian can be a relative or friend. 
Here are some of the factors to consider when selecting 
guardians (and don’t forget to select back up guardians, 

. How well the child and potential guardian know and 
enjoy each other
. Parenting style, moral values, educational level, health 
practices, religious/spiritual beliefs 
. Location - if the guardian lives far away, your child 
would have to move from a familiar school, friends, and 
. The child’s age and the age and health of the guardian-
. Grandparents may have the time, but they may or may 
not have the energy to keep up with a toddler or teenager. 
. An older guardian may become ill and/or even die 
before the child is grown, so there would be a double 
. A younger guardian, especially a sibling, may be 
concentrating on finishing college or starting a career. 


Remember, it Doesn’t Count if You Don’t Document it 


I know it’s not easy, but don’t let that stop you. 

I’m happy to talk this through with you and legally 
I know it’s hard. Thinking about someone else raising document your wishes. And know that you can change 
our children stops us all in our tracks. But we must. If your mind and select a different guardian anytime you’d 
we don’t, and something happens to us, a stranger will like - also - the chances of needing the guardian you’ve 
determine who raises our children – and your child’s named are small; but, you’re a parent and your job is to 
guardian could be a relative you despise or even a provide for and protect your children no matter what, so 
stranger you’ve never met. It happens.if you haven’t taken care of naming legal guardians yet, 

No one will ever be you or parent exactly like you, but stop procrastinating and get it done.
you can’t let that stop you from naming a guardian. In Dedicated to empowering your family, building your 
fact the guardian of your children would easily become wealth, and securing your legacy, 
the most important person in their lives and could be the 
difference between them surviving the tragedy of losing 
you and going on to be happy, healthy, and successful or 
not. And while the likelihood of your guardian actually 
having to take over is slim, the consequences of having a 
stranger make that incredibly important decision could 
be dire. A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a mission 

If you have not named a guardian and something to help parents protect what they love most. His office is 
happens to you - a stranger who does not know you, your located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 
child, or your relatives and friends - will determine who 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down and talk 
will raise your child. Anyone can ask to be considered, about ensuring a legacy of love and financial security 
and the judge will have the authority to decide. Keep in for your family by calling 626.587.3058 or visit www.
mind, too, families tend to fight over children, especially for more information. 


The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques 

By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA 

Before you step up to accept a promotion to move into arole – that is, unless she was going to be paid overtime at amanagement position, be sure you’re not simply takingrate of $36 per hour.
on more work for a lower hourly pay rate. The distinction She shared that the other employees in the supervisorof being classified as an exempt versus a non-exemptpositions were routinely expected to work a minimumemployee is sometimes more about a perceived careerof two to three extra hours each workday, as well asstatus than it is about higher overall compensation forbeing required to put in an average of five extra hoursa more prestigious position. Although there are specificeach weekend just to keep up with their workloads. This 
legal distinctions, one of the most commonly understooddid not include the numerous last minute “other duties 
characteristics of exempt employees is that they are paid aas assigned” that seemed to disrupt or derail personalsalary. This is in contrast to non-exempt employees whoplans for the other supervisors on a routine basis. She 
are paid an hourly rate and must be paid extra for workingtook time to do some calculations and discovered that 
beyond their regularly-scheduled hours.the big promotion would result in a raise of $3.37 per

There are advantages to working as a salaried employeehour – and that was true if it only entailed working 40but you want to be certain that the advantages outweighhours per week.
what you may be giving up as an hourly employee. A Once she added the extra hours that required forcolleague of mine recently spoke with me about applyingthe new position, she discovered it would require afor a job to replace her supervisor who had left forcommitment of at least 55 hours per week. This meant 
a high-paying job at another company. Initially shethe big raise dropped to an increase of only $1.87 per hour.
was very excited about the possibility of moving into aSince she worked at least five hours of overtime each week 
salaried position with more responsibility in her currentat an overtime rate of $36 per hour, it added up to an extradepartment. With her current compensation at about $24$9,375 per year – at least $2,375 more than she would earnper hour (roughly $50K annually), she was being lured byin salary as a supervisor. For now, she’s chosen the less 
the prospect of earning up to $7K more per year. It seemedprestigious, yet better paying position that doesn’t includelike a no brainer until she considered the extra hours that all of the stress of endless meetings, nor the unreasonableshe would be expected to work above and beyond theexpectation of extra hours with no opportunity to earnmaximum of eight per day, or 40 per week in her current overtime. 

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