Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, August 12, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:11

Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 12, 2017 11THE WORLD AROUND US 
Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 12, 2017 11THE WORLD AROUND US 
More than 300 million people in the United Statespotentially could directly view the Aug. 21 total solareclipse, and NASA wants everyone who will witnessthis celestial phenomenon to do so safely.

That Monday, a partial eclipse will be visible inevery state. A total solar eclipse, which is when theMoon completely covers the Sun, will occur across14 states in the continental U.S. along a 70-mile-wideswath of the country.

It’s common sense not to stare directly at the Sunwith your naked eyes or risk damaging your vision,
and that advice holds true for a partially eclipsed Sun.
But, only with special-purpose solar filters, such aseclipse glasses or a handheld solar viewer, you cansafely look directly at the Sun.

NASA recommends that people who plan toview the eclipse should check the safety authenticityof viewing glasses to ensure they meet basic propersafety viewing standards.

Eclipse viewing glasses and handheld solar viewersshould meet all the following criteria:

* Have certification information with a designatedISO 12312-2 international standard 
* Have the manufacturer’s name and address 
printed somewhere on the product
* Not be used if they are older than three years, orhave scratched or wrinkled lenses 
* Not use homemade filters 
* Ordinary sunglasses –even very dark ones—
should not be used as a replacement for eclipseviewing glasses or handheld solar viewers.
“While NASA isn’t trying to be the eclipse safetyglasses ‘police,’ it’s our duty to inform the public aboutsafe ways to view what should be a spectacular skyshow for the entire continental United States,” said 
Alex Young, associate director for science in the

Heliophysics Science Division at NASA’s Goddard such as a piece of paper or the ground. It’s importantSpace Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “It’sto only watch the screen, not the Sun. Never look atimportant that individuals take the responsibilitythe Sun through the pinhole—it is not safe.
to check they have the proper solar eclipse viewingNASA has coordinated with medical and science 
glasses.” professionals to provide additional safety information:

An alternative method for safe viewing of the Sun is with a pinhole projector. WithMore than 6,800 libraries across the U.S. are 
this method, sunlight streams through a small hole—distributing safety-certified glasses. Many are 
such as a pencil hole in a piece of paper, or even theworking with scientists to hold viewing events andspace between your fingers -- onto a makeshift screen, activities before and during the eclipse. Listing of 


[Nyerges is the author of the sun. The mounting mechanism includes a waymany books who teaches to rotate the dish up or down to the sun, dependingclasses in self-reliance and on how far above the equator you live, and time ofsurvival. He can be reached year. There is also a gearing mechanism so you canat Box 41834, Eagle Rock,rotate the reflective dish from side to side, so youCA 90041, or]can easily move it as the sun moves across the sky.

I made my first solar oven over 40 years ago,Once set up, this cooker is remarkably easy to use,
after reading an article in the old Mother Earthand the most efficient solar cooker I have used to 
News. I built several of the designs published indate. In fact, on a clear day in the 80s, we found thatthe magazine using most scrap materials. Still, Ithis cooker cooked food as fast as it would cook on 
learned that although the sun was “free,” the abilitya conventional gas oven!
to capture the sun in a cooker of some sort still The frame that supports the solar dish also 

participating libraries: https://www.starnetlibraries.point for the eclipse. Additionally, the broadcast willorg/2017eclipseinclude live coverage of activities in parks, libraries,

NASA Television is offering a special live program,stadiums, festivals and museums across the nation, 
“Eclipse Across America: Through the Eyes of NASA” and on social media. Watch the Aug. 21 NASA TVwith real-time coverage of the event from coast toeclipse broadcast online and access interactive webcoast. The nearly four-hour program will includecontent and views of the eclipse at https://www.nasa.
unprecedented images of the Aug. 21 eclipse fromgov/eclipselive 
numerous spacecraft (including the InternationalSpace Station), high-altitude aircraft and balloons, andYou can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@ 
ground observations. Each will offer a unique vantage 


A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder 


I find too often I get all caughtlittle bit of fun while I’m eating.
up with the busyness of life that ITo my great delight, without even blinking an eye, the
forget some things. For example,manager said, “I’m so glad because we’ve been saving
last week the Gracious Mistress that spaghetti for the last six months just for you.” 

of the Parsonage and I had birthdays.That was just the beginning of our joking back and

Our birthdays are only two days apart, which isforth. The patrons surrounding us were laughing andconvenient for me. My birthday is first, and if my wifeit was a wonderful joke. He could give-and-take, and Igets me anything for my birthday, it reminds me I needcould give-and-take as well. I love it when a plan comesto get something for her birthday two days later. I couldtogether.
not plan it out any better had I tried.Our waitress came and served our meal and I still 

When we celebrate our birthdays, I know which onecould not get away from my state of giggleization. OnceI was celebrating but I’m not allowed to mention the oneI’m there, it’s a hard road for me to back out. So I said to 
my wife was celebrating. I did that once, but I learnedher, “I was just talking to your manager, Michael, and hemy lesson and I will never, ever do it, ever again. Did Isaid if I mentioned to you how lovely you look today youmention ever? would give me a discount on my bill.” 

Our week was so busy we really did not have time toAll the patrons around us were laughing and sheformally celebrate our birthdays. We try to do that everylooked at me and said, “Okay, I’ll talk to him about it andyear, but this year our schedules did not permit such asee what we can do.” 
celebration. I thought she was just joking and everybody around

The following week, however, went a little bit slowerus was laughing and giggling about it.
and we had a day where by lunchtime we were finished. IThen, she brought the bill for our birthday supper.
suggested to my wife, “Why don’t we go out and celebrateAs I looked at it, I noticed there was a discount line on 
our birthdays at some restaurant?”our ticket. The discount was for one cent. I looked at it, 

Without even blinking, she responded in theshowed it to my wife and we both burst out laughing. Aaffirmative. penny discount, as my father used to say, is a penny in my

“You,” I said as I always say, “pick out the restaurantpocket.
you would like to go to and we’ll celebrate our birthdaysI took the ticket up to the cash register to pay it andtogether.” the cashier looked at it and said, “What’s this?” pointing

This has been the procedure all through our the discount line on the ticket. She had no idea what it 
She gets to pick the restaurant, and I get to pick up thewas. 
ticket. This has worked most famously for us and as far“It is,” I said, holding back as much of my giggle asas I’m concerned, I’m not going to change anything thatpossible, “a discount on my meal for this evening.” 
still works. I have been married too long to jeopardize“A discount?” she said quizzically, “a discount foranything that works.what?” 

We got ready and got in the car, I allowed her to driveI could tell she was confused and so I told her, 
as I always do, and we headed for the restaurant of her“Michael, the manager, said if I told our waitress howchoice. I love it when a plan comes together.lovely she looked tonight we would get a discount on our

All the way to the restaurant, we were smiling, gigglingbill.” 
and just enjoying ourselves.I think that was the first time that ever happened in

At the restaurant, the hostess took us to our seat and that restaurant and I’m so glad it happened what we weregave us our menus. We still were smiling and gigglingcelebrating our birthday together.
because we had a whole night with nothing to do exceptWe giggled all the way home that night and I wascelebrate our birthdays.reminded of one of my favorite Bible verses. “A merry

About halfway through our meal the manager of theheart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spiritrestaurant was going around greeting his customers. Hedrieth the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).
came to our table and cheerfully said, “How’s everythingSome people take life way too seriously. If you knowgoing tonight?”what to laugh at, it certainly will medicate your soul to

I’m the kind of person that does not like to missthe point of joyfulness. 
opportunities. Since we were in a state of giggleization, Iforgot my manners and responded back to him.Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God

“This is the best,” I said, trying to hold back someFellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He livesgiggles, “spaghetti I have ever eaten.” with his wife in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687Of 
course, the restaurant we were in did not serve 4240 or e-mail The church web sitespaghetti in any shape, size or form. I just like to have a is 

required an output of time and dollars. And I alsolearned that the more time and the more dollars 
you spend, the more likely you are to create a solarcooker that will actually cook your food.

Over the years, I have made dozens of solar boxcookers and reflector ovens, and have learned that 
solar cookers are indeed a practical every-day wayto cook many of my meals. The details of my earlysolar ovens can be found in my book “ExtremeSimplicity: Homesteading in the City,” and the 
step-by-step instructions for making your own arefound in my “How to Survive Anywhere” book.
In the beginning, many of the companies and nonprofits 
who were promoting solar cooking werefocusing on Third World countries, where woodfuel for cooking was scarce.

It’s been a long road, and many are realizing 
today that the sun is a viable way to cook our food 
most of the year. Many top-quality solar cookers 
are being manufactured today are highly efficient, 
and will generally out-perform any solar cooker 
that you’d make with scrap materials in your 


I recently acquired the new SolSource dishcooker, and had several chances to test it. It arrived 
in a very large box, but still had to be assembled. Ilaid out all the pieces in the backyard, and – usingonly the few tools they provided – I assembled theentire dish and mount of the cooker in about an 

On a warm clear day with temperatures in thehigh 80s (f.), I pointed the reflective dish towards 

contains a rest where a pan or pot is placed to cook.
See the picture. When cooking, the first step is tomake sure the solar dish is pointed directly at thesun. Then you add your skillet or pot onto the grill,
and step away.

We have cooked omelettes, hot dogs, sunnyside eggs, stews, and other dishes with this cooker,
and in all cases, the cooking took no longer thana conventional stove top. Each day was sunny withsome cloud cover. The device is engineered so thatthe cook can stand directly behind and stir or mixthe food being cooked. 


One Earth Designs – the company that makesthe SolSource cooker – started in the Himalayas,
where the founders worked together with nomadicfamilies to develop the SolSource dish cooker as asolution to extreme energy poverty, where familieshad to search around to find firewood everyday.
The company made 58 prototypes in the courseof developing the original SolSource design. Sincethen, they continued evolving the SolSource line ofsolar-powered stoves and working to bring cleansolar energy to people.

In most of the villages, women bear the burdenof finding fuel, cutting down trees and often riskpersonal injury. There is a lot of smoke inhalationwhen cooking with woods indoors. And purchasingother fuels takes a large chunk out of the householdincome. 

With the SolSource, meals can be prepared morequickly, and more time can be devoted to the family,
because time and money are saved. 

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