Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, August 26, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:5

Mountain View News Saturday, August 26, 2017 

Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side

by Deanne Davis 



USA Water Polo Cadet Men's Team goes undefeated in Serbia 

Three local athletes are breaking water polo recordsand achieving dreams by all three being named tothe USA National Cadet Water Polo Team and then 
going undefeated to win Gold. The athletes fromleft to right: George Avakian (Center) of Glendale,
Nolan Krutonog (Goalie) of Beverly Hills and NicoTierney (Center Defender) of Sierra Madre, areall members of Premier Water Polo Club (www. and students at Harvard-
Westlake High School. 

With their teammates from around USA the 
athletes traveled to Serbia to compete in theDarko Cucik Memorial Tournament August 1521 
in Belgarde, Serbia. On Sunday, the USA CadetMen’s National Team won the Gold medal at the 
Tournament in Serbia following a 9-6 victoryover Croatia. The win capped a 7-0 run at thetournament that included victories over Serbia, 
Croatia, Australia and the Netherlands. 

Team USA once again relied on defense andgoaltending to hold Croatia to just one goal inthe second half of the championship final. GeorgeAvakian lead all Team USA scorers with three 
goals, followed by Ethan Parrish of Santa Barbaraand Tanner Pulice of Orange County who addedtwo each. Tierney scored one. Nolan Krutonog didthe job in net turning aside 17 shots. Team USAand Croatia were even through the first quartertied at 2-2 before Croatia took a 5-4 advantageat halftime. The United States took control in the 
second half holding Croatia scoreless in the thirdquarter as they rallied with two goals for a 6-5 lead.
They surged ahead in the fourth outscoring Croatia3-1 on the way to the 9-6 lead. picture attached # # 
If you would like more information about this topic,
please contact 

From left to right: George Avakian,
Glendale;Nolan Krutonog Beverly Hillsand Nico Tierney of Sierra Madre 

The 2017 Solhiem Cup, played at The Des MoinesCountry Club, which matched the best womengolfers from Europe against the best Americanfemale golfers. The event was pure excitementfrom the opening ceremony to its closing. It was 
the most intense sporting event that this writer everattended, and including being present at Dodgers’stadium when Gibson limped out of the dugoutand hit the homerun that sparked the Dodgers totheir last World Series victory. That series paledcompared to the three days of golf that Europeanand American women provided for their fans. 

It is impossible to give a blow by blow account butlet me start by explaining the event. The SolhiemCup is played biannually, alternating venuesbetween the US and Europe. In 2015 it was hosted 
by the European women and played in Germanyand the US won. This year it was hosted by theUnited States and played in Des Moines, Iowa. If 
you are a golf fan it is enough to say that it is theRyder Cup for Women. Each team is composed oftwelve players, and they play a variety of games.

The USA went into Sundays’ final Single matches

Angel Yan of Arcadia 

leading Europe 10.5 to 5.5, needing 3.5 points toretain the cup and 4.0 points for an outright victory.
On Sunday, all twelve players from each side played,
thus the total points available was twelve.

The first match on Sunday was Lexi Thompson(USA) vs. Anna Nordqvist (EU). Lexi had been 
unstoppable all week. On Saturday Lexi andAmerican Cristie Kerr led their opponents by twoafter seven holes. The amazing thing was thatat one point in the match Lexie was eight under,
having recorded six birdies and an eagle. (Noteto non-golfers – that is amazingly great golf).
Howver, the two of them were only up by two asthe European team was matching them birdiefor birdie – absolutely incredible golf. However,
Sunday was a new day and Anna Nordqvist hadLexi down four thru the first four holes. On the 
back nine Lexi righted the ship ending the matchwith a half point. Since Lexi was the first match of

an 18-year-old rookie from Arcadia, California

the day it was important that she put points on the

battled nerves and an uncooperative putter to give

board for the USA. She did so in dramatic fashion 

the USA a half point, making the point total for the

recording four birdies and eagle on the back nine.

USA 13.5. Yin put the USA team in position for a

When the first match finished the score read USA 

guaranteed win. (There were 7 American players

11, Europe 6. (You need 14 points to win).

playing behind her, and it was certain that one of

With Lexi’s half point the USA needed to get to

them would at least get another half point for the

14 to retain the cup and 14.5 to win outright. The 

outright win). Playing one group behind Angel was

European team then had to contend with Paula

former USC Trojan from Azusa, California Lizette

Creamer and Cristie Kerr in the next two matches. 

Salas in her third Solheim Cup. Salas was up by two 

Both of whom won their matches, and now the

with two holes left to play. She lost 17 but made 

USA was at 13 points. (At this Solhiem Cup Crisite

the winning putt on 18 hole giving the American

Kerr became winningest USA competitor in the

team the victory! The final score was 16 . USA to 

cups’ history with 21 total career points.)

11 . because after that putt, the rest of players had

The next points that were made were from 

smooth sailing! IT WAS AWESOME! 

the San Gabriel Valley and they were the points

MVNews/Photos courtesy LPGA 

that secured the victory for the USA. Angel Yin 



 When Genevieve Stubbs joined the Woman’s Club in 1998, one of the first

things she did was take on the responsibility for our annual Fall Fundraiser –

the Craft Faire, which continued until attendees shifted focus to something

else. Between these annual events, and since she only lived a couple blocks

down Sunnyside, the Wistaria Thrift Shop became her second home. She 

loved being both prep crew (housewares, jewelry & Uncle Bill’s) and retail

crew, and brought her clear sense of fashion and delight with her everywhere.

During the big shop events – Reopening, Holiday and Spring Extravaganzas

and Brown Bag Sale - she was a primary spirit for the “end of day / end of

event” supper socials, just down the street at her so-lovely house. For the

December Holiday Boutiques, her jams, jellies and pickles were among the

first items to sell, and she loved helping with the Trail Race.

 When her daughter, Rosemary Morabito, joined the club in 2007 and got

involved in the Thrift Shop, then becoming its Board Liaison, moving into

becoming our club’s President in 2010, getting involved at the SGVD District Level, and becoming SGVD

President in 2012, Genevieve was so proud. Once Rosemary moved to Riverside, it was inevitable that she

would want Genevieve there, as well. This was devastating for both us and Genevieve - if she’d been local, 

someone would have ensured she could still get to our club. Because of Genevieve’s passionate involvement

in all our activities, she was awarded Life membership in 2014. Rosemary said that Genevieve’s years with

the Club were her happiest. Those of us who knew her continue to miss her very much. Sadly, by the time we

learned of Genevieve’s passing, she had already been buried, and the memorial service was over.

Cards may be sent to Rosemary Morabito & Family 17220 Andromeda Lane Riverside, CA 92504 


Memorial services for Sierra Madre resident, Carl Foote are tentatively scheduled for late September - EarlyOctober says a source close to the family. Foote's body was found by Sierra Madre Search and Rescue twoweeks ago near Jones Creek in Bailey Canyon. Additional information on services in his memory will be 

Lizette Salas of Azusa 

Tuesday, my best walking buddy, John, and I, cameforming a human chain to save a family of 9 from theacross this nifty Free Library setting, complete with ariptide. This will warm your heart and give you hope!
bench to enjoy your book. I love these things and amPage B2 – Stay cool, dearso delighted every time I see one. After encouragingfriends and neighbors, the heat is returning!
the ever-obliging John to take a seat on the bench, heThursday, August 31st from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Dr.
quickly discovered that it was awash in dew...and soWilliam White will be at The Kensington talkingwas he! Also, Tuesday, a landmark event: I enjoyedabout the Pack Trains of Sierra Madre! Call and 
the last two figs on our fig tree. They were exquisiteRSVP. 
and I was delighted to have beaten the squirrels tomost of our fig crop. High Five!My book page: Deanne Davis 

Had dinner with our Huntington Beach son, alsoBlog: 
John, at Only Place In Town Café and enjoyed sitting“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter” isoutside and relaxing with this neat guy, sans available at Sunrise Books + Coffee at Pasadena 
A little reminiscing over the fish tacos and BBQ beefFirst Church of the Nazarene – just down the roadsandwich included a great story about getting a ticketon Sierra Madre Blvd. 
from a motorcycle policeman back when he was butKindle readers, give yourself the gift of: All 3 of 
a boy, for making a U-turn in a business district.the Emma Gainsworth Short Stories – You’ll see 
John and I laughed heartily and allowed as how wepumpkins differently!
watch people on a daily basis do this all over the placeThey’re on on my book page!
with complete impunity! Anyhow, as the officer wasFollow me on Twitter, too!
writing his ticket, John noticed an ant crawling on playwrightdd 


“I’d seen a great many partial eclipses, but a partialeclipse has the same relation to a total eclipse asflirting with a man does to marrying him. It’scompletely different.” Annie Dillard 

“Once upon a time I was falling in love but now I’monly falling apart. There’s nothing I can do, a totaleclipse of the heart.” Bonnie Tyler 

Monday! First total eclipse of the sun in a while.
In case you didn’t know, in the period of 1901 to2000, there were 228 solar eclipses across the globe,
including 71 total eclipses. We, having attempted tobuy glasses at Best Buy a little too late, watched it onTV, while the rest of the world was out there actuallyseeing it. Well, there’s going to be another one in2024 and we’ll get our glasses in plenty of time to getout there. It was really neat to see all the school kidsout on their playgrounds viewing this event.

This total eclipse made me think of “Little Shopof Horrors,” one of my favorite movies, starring RickMoranis, Steve Martin, Bill Murray and a bunchof other talented folks. You remember, nerdy SkidRow flower shop assistant, Seymour, longs for coworker, 
Audrey, who is dating “a dentist, a semi-
sadist.” Seymour discovers an unusual plant, whichhe names Audrey II, which only thrives on a diet ofhuman flesh and blood. As I recall, Seymour buysthe plant for $1.99 during a total eclipse of the sun.
Steve Martin as the dentist is hysterical and LeviStubbs as the voice of the insatiable, carnivorous 
Audrey II is wonderfully creepy. If you haven’t seenit, treat yourself!

Speaking of school kids, our Texas girls, Jessie andEmily, started 4th and 2nd grade and their mommyand a bunch of her mommy friends celebratedby having a Margarita party, which I thought wasexceptionally cool. Actually, there has been a hugesigh of relief all over the place as schools haverecommenced. St. Rita’s is still under construction 
and I think they kick off their new school year afterLabor Day.

his helmet. He politely pointed this out to the copand asked if it would be OK if he flicked it off. After 
taking a long hard look at our son, he consented,
the ant was flicked and the ticket handed over. This 
was the first time we had heard this story. Just oneof those little secrets your children keep from you...
fortunately! There’s a lot we don’t need to know.

What has happened to T-Neer?? Going downthere tomorrow to take a look as that was such a 
lovely, gracious place here in our city. We were sovery sad to hear of Carl Foote’s death and send ourlove and sympathy to his family and friends.

Did you happen to read “All Things” by Jeff Brownin the Mountain Views News last week? If youdidn’t, go online and read it...that wonderful storyof the 80 people on Panama City Beach in Florida,

August 13, to August 20, 2017

During this time period, the Sierra Madre PoliceDepartment responded to approximately 360 day andnight time calls for service. 

Tuesday, August 15

A traffic stop was conducted for a vehicle codeviolation on Baldwin Ave. south of Orange GroveAve. at about 12:40 a.m. The driver was in possessionof a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia.
The driver was arrested and transported to thePasadena jail. The vehicle was impounded.
Case to the DA’s office for filing 

Thursday, August 17

At about 8:50 p.m., officers responded to a report of 

battery in the 700 block of W. Sierra Madre Blvd. The 
officers determined after speaking with both partiesthat the female spouse was the primary aggressorand was arrested for domestic battery. The wife was 
transported to Pasadena Jail for booking.
Case referred to the DA’s office 

Friday, August 18

Officers responded to the 200 block of W. SierraMadre Blvd. for a suspicious persons call. A male 
and female were detained on scene. The female was in 
possession of hypodermic needles and had warrantsfor her arrest. The female was arrested, and the male 
was released. The female was medically cleared, thenbooked for cite and release at the Pasadena Jail. 
Case to the DA’s office 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: