Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, August 26, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:6

Mountain View News Saturday, August 26, 2017 


Arcadia Senior Services in partnership withTwo of the free screenings; memory assessmentMethodist Hospital is having its annual Health and hearing testing require an appointment. There 
Fair on Friday, September 8 from 9am-1pm. It is also a carotid artery screening for $7. Dr. Jaywill take place at the Arcadia Community Center,linuma, who specializes in family medicine, will365 Campus Drive. September is “Nationalpresent an informative lecture at 12pm, “Stress andSenior Center Awareness Month” and “Health High Blood Pressure: What is the Connection”. 
Aging Month”. To highlight these two nationallyIndividuals may purchase lunch tickets for $2designated events this health fair will have starting at 7:30am. Lunch will be served from 11informational 
tables available from 9-11:30am plus11:45am. To make an appointment or for additionalgiveaways, and raffle prizes. In addition, there will information please contact Arcadia Senior Servicesbe free health screenings; spine, balance evaluation,at 626.574.5130. This program is for individuals 
blood pressure, retinal, bone density and more. age 50 and over. 


This past week, we have had reports of at least four, 
third row seat thefts from SUV’s. The majority 
of these thefts have occurred in restaurant or 
shopping center parking lots, afternoon and 
evening hours. It only takes seconds for a thief to 
break a window, enter the vehicle, and make off 
with the third row seat. The seats are often then 
sold on the Internet, to salvage yards, and at flea 
markets. If your third row seat is not bolted down 
to the floor of the SUV, here are some tips to help 
prevent this type of theft:

Park in visible, well-lighted areas

Back into the stall against a wall or tree, makingaccess more difficult 

If not in use, remove the third row seat and store 
it at home 

Park in the garage or behind a gate, when possible 

The City of Arcadia Recreation & CommunityServices Department – Senior Services Division isoffering fall classes for adults (50 years of age andolder). The course offerings include oil painting,
yoga, strength training, line dancing, tai chi, zumbagold and aerobics. Registration is now open on-
line, for walk-in, fax-in or mail-in. Courses are 


MONROVIA, CA - City of Monrovia PoliceChief Jim Hunt has announced his plans toretire after 27 years in law enforcement. Chief 
Hunt will be retiring on Thursday, November2, 2017, after 26 years with the Monrovia PoliceDepartment. He has been with the City sinceJuly 1991, when he joined the force as a policeofficer. Since then, Chief Hunt has worked 
several specialized assignments throughout hiscareer, including Bike Officer, Field TrainingOfficer, Detective, Special Enforcement TeamSergeant, SWAT Team Sergeant, CommunityPolicing Sergeant, and Regional Tactical TeamCommander. Chief Hunt was also a Certified 
Drug Recognition Expert.

In 2002, Jim was promoted to Lieutenant, andin 2006, promoted to Captain, where he servedas the Operations Division Commander andthen the Services Division Commander. On 
May 1, 2011, he was promoted as Monrovia’seighth Chief of Police, and has served in this rolefor the last 6 . years. Jim has a Master’s degreein Public Administration from the Universityof La Verne, and is a graduate of the FederalBureau of Investigation’s National Academy andthe California Commission on Police Officer 
Standards and Training Command College.
Throughout his tenure with the Monrovia PoliceDepartment, Chief Hunt has worked diligentlyto expand the City’s Community Policingprograms aimed at building relationships withcommunity members and helping to find creativesolutions to long-standing crime issues in thecommunity. Under his leadership, Monroviareached its lowest levels of crime in over 50 years.
During his term as Chief, the Monrovia PoliceDepartment won the 2012 James Q. WilsonCommunity Policing Finalist Award from theCalifornia Police Chiefs Association for the 
Safe Neighborhoods program, the 2017 James

Q. Wilson Community Policing Finalist Awardfrom the California Police Chiefs Association for 
the Achieving Community Trust program, andthe 2017 Cisco Community Policing Award fromthe International Association of Chiefs of Police 
for the Achieving Community Trust program.
“Beyond the results and the awards and the 
recognition, what I will always remember about 
Jim is that fact that he is a truly good man,” 

vehicle burglary report. The officer discovered an unknownsuspect smashed the driver’s window and stole change, CD’s,
and cigarettes. No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated. 

At about 10:43 a.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 900 block of Arcadia Avenue regarding a fraud report.
The victim discovered an unknown suspect applied for atleast two credit cards in the victim’s name against the victim’sknowledge. The victim does not know how the suspectobtained her personal information. The investigation isongoing. 

Thursday, August 17:

Before 10:52 a.m., an officer responded to a residencein the 1000 block of West Foothill Boulevard regardingan audible alarm activation. An investigation revealedunknown suspects smashed an exterior door and fled oncethe alarm activated. The investigation is ongoing.

Around 7:51 p.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 1000 block of Loma Verde Drive regarding a packagetheft report. The victim stated her package was stolen fromher porch sometime between Monday, August 14th andtoday’s date. No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated. 

Friday, August 18:

At about 11:19 a.m., an officer responded to the frontcounter of the Arcadia Police Department regarding a theftthat occurred in the 5400 block of Peck Road. The victim 
stated her vehicle was repossessed on April 25th. Uponcollecting her belongings from the repossession company,
she discovered a diamond ring and her notary stamp hadgone missing. The investigation is ongoing.

Just before 9:09 p.m., during a DUI checkpoint, the officercontacted a subject for driving under the influence near theintersection of Santa Anita Avenue and California Street. 
Through a series of tests, the officer concluded the 42-yearold 
male from Monrovia was under the influence of an 
alcoholic beverage while driving a vehicle. He was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. A recordscheck revealed the suspect was also driving with a suspendedlicense. This violation was added to his list of charges. 

Saturday, August 19:

Shortly after 1:53 p.m., an officer responded toStorAmerica, 5630 Peck Road, regarding a burglaryreport. An investigation revealed unknown suspects stolethe victim’s car, located information indicating she hada storage unit, and then the suspect proceeded to breakinto her storage unit and steal jewelry, clothing, and a toy.
Surveillance footage revealed one of the suspects is a localtransient. The investigation is ongoing.

At approximately 9:36 p.m., an officer responded toa residence in the 1800 block of Tulip Lane regarding aburglary report. The officer determined unknown suspectslikely entered the house by opening the garage doors byunknown means. Once inside, the suspect(s) ransacked thehome and fled with miscellaneous jewelry. The investigationis ongoing. 

program means that law enforcement executivesfrom around the world are recognizing the goodwork being done in Monrovia, and that they considerour program an example for others to follow.

The ACT Program – which was developed inrecognition of the fact that police use-of-forceincidents across our country were eroding therelationships between law enforcement and the 
communities they serve – has been recognized as atruly innovative program through which communitytrust in law enforcement can be enhanced. The 
initiative was developed in cooperation and 
coordination with community members who sharedthe reasons why they lacked trust in the police. Fromthose discussion, we developed a three-pronged 
strategy that involved listening to disaffected 
communities, educating our youth about safeinteractions with law enforcement, and institutinga cutting-edge and innovative virtual police officertraining program. Monrovia’s ACT Program hasalso previously been recognized in California with a$200,000 grant award from the State of California, aswell as a James Q. Wilson Award for Excellence in 
Community Policing. 

Use a cable or other lock to secure the seat when 
in the vehicle 

Etch your VIN (vehicle identification number)
on the seat frame 

Report suspicious persons and vehicles. If youSee Something, Say Something!

Get detailed, up-to-date emails and text messagesspecific to your community from the Arcadia PoliceDepartment by registering for “Nixle” alerts at: You can also registerfor alerts and advisory text messages only by textingyour zip code to 888777. (Standard text messagingrates may apply, depending on your cell phone plan).
Nixle provides community wires nationwide. Onceregistered, you can subscribe to messages from otherareas that service your relatives or other loved ones,
or other locations of interest to you. 


offered at the Community Center, 365 CampusDrive. 

For specifics on class dates, times and locations,
please contact Arcadia Senior Services at 
626.574.5130 or log onto the City of Arcadia Websiteat 

said City Manager Oliver Chi. “I have had the 
privilege of working closely with him during 
the past three years addressing a variety of 
organizational, operational, and community-wide 
law enforcement issues. And in that time, what I 
have seen first-hand is that Jim has an authentic 
desire to serve people, and he employs an approach 
that I would describe as being laced with humility. 
Jim is one of those rare, special people, and all of 
us here in Monrovia are truly blessed to have had 
him as our Chief of Police.” 

Prior to starting his law enforcement career, 
Jim owned and operated a restaurant in the City 
of Covina. He brought his service-oriented, small 
business experience to his work here in Monrovia, 
and has been instrumental in developing many 
community policing programs aimed at creating a 
premier quality of life for the citizens of Monrovia.

In retirement, Jim is looking forward tospending time with family, and particularly hisnew 10 month old grandson. Additionally, Jimwill be kept busy in retirement making customguitars, fighting off sharks while surfing, andmaking delicious gourmet pizza for his familyand friends. 


For the period of Sunday, August 13th, through Saturday,
August 19th, the Police Department responded to 1,063 callsfor service, of which 128 required formal investigations. Thefollowing is a summary report of the major incidents handledby the Department during this period. 

Sunday, August 13:

Shortly before 1:10 a.m., an officer responded to the SantaAnita Race Track, 285 West Huntington Drive, regardinga battery report. The officer discovered an altercationoccurred between an ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriendresulting in the female suspect punching the male victimmultiple times in the face. The 25-year-old female from LosAngeles was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.

At approximately 7:54 a.m., an officer responded to the100 block of Wheeler Avenue regarding a vehicle burglaryin progress. Officers located the suspect and, during 
a consensual search, found burglary tools. A witness 
positively identified the 37-year-old male from Monrovia asthe burglar. He was arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking. 

Monday, August 14:

Just after 6:30 a.m., an officer responded to the 300 blockof North Santa Anita Avenue regarding a burglary report.
Surveillance footage revealed a white Ford F-350 was seendriving away from the location hauling a stolen dumptrailer. 

The suspects are described as a heavy-set male passengerand an unknown driver. The investigation is ongoing.

At approximately 3:12 p.m., an officer responded to theSanta Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding arobbery report. The victim stated he was approached by thesuspect who then forcibly removed his gold necklace andfled in an awaiting vehicle.

The suspect is described as a Hispanic male, 18 to22-years-old, approximately 5’10”, 140 pounds, with a“buzzed” haircut. He fled in an awaiting silver sedan. Theinvestigation is ongoing. 

Tuesday, August 15:

Around 9:14 a.m., an officer responded to Foothill MiddleSchool, 171 East Sycamore Avenue, regarding a vandalismreport. The officer discovered an unknown suspect usedspray paint or markers to graffiti various locations at theschool. No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated. 

Just before 9:25 a.m., an officer responded to the 00 blockof East Foothill Boulevard regarding a theft from vehiclereport. A witness reported seeing an unknown suspectexit their vehicle, approach the victim’s truck, and steal aleaf blower from the open bed. The suspect then enteredthe passenger side of a black Chevrolet Suburban. Theinvestigation is ongoing. 

Wednesday, August 16:

Shortly after 8:15 a.m., an officer responded to a carportin the 700 block of South Old Ranch Road regarding a 

This past week, the City of Monrovia was notifiedthat our Achieving Community Trust communitypolicing program has been recognized as the winnerof the International Association of Chiefs of Police 
(IACP) / CISCO Leadership in Community PolicingAward, sponsored by Cisco Systems. This is simplya tremendous honor for the City of Monrovia andthe Monrovia Police Department. Since 1998, IACP 
has recognized outstanding community policinginitiatives undertaken by law enforcement agenciesfrom throughout the world through the annual IACP/ CISCO Leadership in Community Policing Award.
The award identifies and rewards best practicesin community policing by recognizing policeorganizations that use the power of collaborationand partnerships to make local, national, and globalcommunities safer. The award winners provide amodel for improved police services on issues thatare specific to individual communities, but which arealso valuable for all communities around the world. 

It is also important to note that the award is onlygranted if there are programs worthy of recognition.
In many years, the award is simply not presented ifno new community oriented policing innovationsare submitted. All of us that are 


part of the Monrovia communityshould be tremendously proudof the advances we have made in 
developing innovative communitypolicing models that are beingrecognized on an international 

This latest recognition of our ACT 
program highlights Monrovia’s 
continuing commitment to 
community policing, a philosophywhich permeates our very high-
performing Monrovia Police 
Department. We have worked for 
years to promote organizationalstrategies that support the 
systematic use of communitypartnerships and problem-solvingtechniques to proactively addressthe root cause of the conditions that 
give rise to public safety issues suchas crime and social disorder. 

The IACP / CISCO Leadershipin Community Policing Award willbe presented at a formal dinnerrecognition ceremony at the IACPAnnual Conference in Philadelphiaon Tuesday, October 24, 2017.
Our most sincere thanks to the 
entire team at the Monrovia Police 
Department for the incredible 
work that has been done over the 
years to build community relationsand make Monrovia a safer place.
This latest recognition of our ACT 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: