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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, August 26, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 2017 SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 2017 SECTION B AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY SANTA ANITA MAIN TRACK SET TO RE-OPEN FOR TRAINING SEPT. 3, AS HORSES PREPARE FOR 2017AUTUMN MEET OPENER ON SEPT. 29 Stable area to begin welcoming horses on Sept. 1, Santa Anita’s popular breakfastvenue, Clockers’ Corner, open for business Sept. 2 ARCADIA, Calif. (Aug. 21, 2017)—Santa Anita Park’sBermuda turf course, newly installed in June and July ofstable area, closed for routine maintenance since mid-July,2016, has been reinvigorated through a variety of means, will re-open for business on Sept. 1, while Santa Anita’swith a large area, from the quarter pole to the Club Housetraining track and main track will re-open for trainingturn, completely re-sodded with brand new turf. on Sept. 2 & 3 respectively, roughly one month in frontWith the opening day Grade III Eddie D. Stakes servingof opening day for the track’s 19-day Autumn Meet onas a prep for the Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint at Del Mar Nov. Friday, Sept. 29.4, Santa Anita will present five Grade I, Breeders’ Cup Santa Anita’s popular breakfast destination, Clockers’“Win and You’re In” stakes on Breeders’ Cup ChallengeCorner, located at the top of the stretch, will be open toDay, Saturday, Sept. 30. One additional “Win and You’reboth horsemen and the public beginning Saturday, Sept.In” stakes, the Grade I Santa Anita Sprint Championship, 2, from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m., seven days a week.will be run on the second Saturday of the meet, Oct. 7. In addition to the stable area, Santa Anita’s sandy loamFirst post time on opening day, Sept. 29, will be at 1main track has also undergone maintenance over thep.m., while first post on weekends will be at 12:30 p.m. Forsummer, as soil has been removed, applied, and gradientsmore information on Santa Anita’s 2017 Autumn Meet, have been addressed and verified. Santa Anita’s Bandera please visit, or call (626) 574-RACE. COUNTY EXPANDS EFFORTS TO HELP FOSTER YOUTH ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS AS ADULTS WITH SELF SUFFICIENCY PROGRAM LOS ANGELES COUNTY —The Board of Supervisors“Foster youth are among our most vulnerable youngunanimously approved a motion by Supervisors Kathrynpeople in society. To the extent that they have uniqueBarger and Hilda L. Solis which seeks to organize and enhancechallenges, this population deserves our time, attentionefforts by county departments and community partners toand enhanced competency toward serving them,” saidhelp foster youth transition to successful adulthood.Supervisor Solis. “Our foster children are our county’s kids “Today’s Board motion asks the county to refine andand I am committed to seeing that responsibility throughfocus the collective initiatives to ensure we are providingwith this motion.” comprehensive programs and services to those vulnerableUnder the direction of the Chief Executive Office and young people for whom the county has become their dethe Office of Child Protection, the County will examine thefacto parent,” said Supervisor Barger. “Starting at theexisting system of care, and collaborate with communityearliest age possible, we must help foster youth achieveorganizations and partners who are experts in the fields offour foundational goals of educational attainment, stablehousing, employment, education and health to identify theemployment, permanent housing, and emotional andgaps and shortfalls in services, potential bureaucratic hurdles, social connections for well-being.” existing successful initiatives, and promising pilot programs. NEWCOMERS AND FRIENDS OF SAN GABRIEL VALLEY INVITES LOCAL RESIDENTS TO SEPTEMBER EVENTS August 22, 2017 – Arcadia and Pasadena,’s wide variety of daytime, weekday, fun activities. Are you interested in meeting new people, making newAnyone interested in joining is welcome to attend. friends, exploring well-known landmarks, and enjoyingAdditional Newcomers and Friends’ mostly-daytimenew activities? Newcomers and Friends of San Gabriel weekday activities include a Book Club, Bridge, Crafters, Valley, a social club, invites local residents to attend theirGames (Bunco, Rummikub, etc.), Hiking, Happy Hour, September meeting.Day Trips, Lunch Bunch, Mah Jongg, Movies, Golf, and On September 6, at 10:00 am, Newcomers and FriendsWine Tasting. of SGV’s “meet-and-greet” coffee will be held at the FiresideTo learn more about Newcomers and Friends of San Room, Santa Anita Church, 226 West Colorado Blvd., in Gabriel Valley, contact them via email at sgvnewcomers@ Arcadia. This general meeting is a great way to meet or visit them online at http://www. members of Newcomers and Friends and learn about the Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: PORTANTINO, LEYVA & RODRIGUEZ REQUEST FUNDS FOR GOLD LINE FOOTHILL EXTENSION FROM CAP AND TRADE GREENHOUSE GAS REDUCTION FUNDS Sacramento, CA – State Senator Anthony J. Portantino green travel for commuters and casual passengers (D – La Cañada Flintridge), along with State Senator and significant economic development to the Connie M. Leyva and Assemblymember Freddie San Gabriel Valley. I was pleased to be one of its Rodriguez, jointly sent a letter requesting that $280 biggest supporters while in the Assembly and I am million of the Cap and Trade Greenhouse Gas continuing to make it a priority. I know that my Reduction Funds (GGRF) be allocated for the Gold colleagues feel the same way about it and I am very Line Foothill Extension project. The funds would aid happy to join them in this joint letter,” commented the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Portantino. Authority’s efforts to bring the light rail project to the The Gold Line Foothill Extension project will San Bernardino County community of Montclair.increase public transportation from Los Angeles The letter was sent from the three legislators County to San Bernardino County. One of the to Senator Bob Wieckowski, Chair of Senate most cost-effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas Budget Subcommittee 2 and Chair of the Senate emissions is by taking cars off the road and providing Environmental Quality Committee, Senator Holly viable alternatives. This project will decrease these J. Mitchell, Chair of the Committee on Budget and emissions by increasing transit ridership while Fiscal Review, and Senate President Pro Tem Kevin reducing the number of independent vehicles on de León. The letter also requests that the issue be the road. Additionally, this project will alleviate agendized for public input on the Subcommittee traffic congestion between two counties and offer 2’s Hearing Agenda, and that the Construction disadvantaged communities another transportation Authority be allowed to testify.resource. The cities that would benefit with a station “The Gold Line continues to be one of the most platform are Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, important light rail projects in California, creating Pomona, Claremont, and Montclair. CHP PRESENTATION AND MUCH MORE AT MONROVIA ARCADIA DUARTE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING By Joan SchmidtCHP works with four Sheriff ’s Stations and 14 police The August Town Council Meeting gave so much agencies! We were told to call their number (626) 338good information that I couldn’t write fast enough! 1164 for assistance. County residents who don’t attend are making a big Debra Mendelsohn, Senior Field Deputy for mistake. Supervisor Barger mentioned a motion sponsored by The Guest Speaker was Tina Cherry, Director of Supervisors Barger and Hahn to establish a “Blue Ribbon Public Services for the City of Monrovia. She began Commission on Public Safety”, which passed. She talked thanking the Council for the opportunity to speak and about SEPTEMBER 13, Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte Day the partnership between our Communities. The City at the Fair. Tickets can be purchased at a reduced rate is beginning Phase 2 of their improvements to roads, with coupons available at all libraries. Ms. Mendlesohn sidewalks and sewers in south Monrovia. She explained also said the owners of the Mobile Home Park on Live that the Old Depot will have an upscale restaurant- Oak Avenue are trying to sell it. Their proposed project they are already building a platform to include outdoor fell through. The site is empty, has transients living there dining. The $3 fee is Metro, not the City. City Manager and neighbors complain of trash. Oliver Chi explained that Monrovia is a city with free Arcadia PD’s Mike Vercillo came and had so many parking and they were not happy over the parking fee flyers with tips on safety. Again, residents who attend at Station Square. We learned the Monrovia Station has the Council Meetings would have access to these. 90% parking full-the most of any cities. There also was Deputy April Nelsen spoke of the latest crime trends mention of a Marriott Suite Hotel in the future on the and second story burglaries and robbers going through northwest corner of Huntington Drive and Myrtle Ave.doggy doors. CHP Officer Rodrigo Dominguez had a power point Pamela Park’s Sam Estrada talked of a successfull presentation for us. It showed the extensive area served summer camp, and Parks After Dark. Thanks to the Life by the Baldwin Park office. A chart revealed over 16,000 Church for backpacks for the kids and the Probation traffic collisions occurred since July 2015 and broke Office and State for funding for After School Programs them into categories such as “hit and run”, “reckless and Field Trips! driving” and “fatalities.” Officer Jimenez revealed their See you in September! | ||||||||||||||||||||