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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, November 4, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, November 4, 2017 Chamber Free ‘Lunch Martian Ridge BringsOut Rover’s Color Talents and Learn’ Webinar Color-discerning capabilities There is something forno cost for anyone older than 6Solutions, Inc., La Crescenta, that NASA’s Curiosity rover has everyone in November at themonths. Stop by the Welcome The Pasadena Chamber of CA..been using on Mars since 2012 Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. Desk or call 626-795-4331 to Commerce and ResultWorx “Cyber criminals posing are proving particularly helpful Holly St. You do not have to be amake a required appointment. Technology Solutions will as IT vendor companies are on a mountainside ridge the member to attend. Some events Healthy Holiday Meal jointly host a free ‘lunch and embedding ransomware in rover is now climbing. require advance reservations asPlanning – Thursday, Nov. learn’ webinar Nov. 16 to help official looking emails asking These capabilities go beyond noted. 9, at 10 a.m. Learn tips for San Gabriel Valley businesses users to download an upgrade,” the thousands of full-color Scenic Walkers Club – cooking healthy holiday mealsprotect their computer systems warns Macho who will also images Curiosity takes every Wednesdays, to Nov. 29, at 10 for your loved ones. Presentedand customer data against be conducting the webinar. year: The rover can look at a.m. Enjoy a series of leisurelyby Regal Medical Group. cyberattacks.Business owners, he says, are Mars with special filters helpful walks in the great outdoors Sole Desire: The Healthy The webinar is designed to starting to realize they can for identifying some minerals, at locations throughout the Feet Workshop – Thursday, create awareness that small “protect their data from attacks and also with a spectrometer west San Gabriel Valley.Nov. 9, at 2 p.m. Do you knowto midsized firms are as cost efficiently—for as little as that sorts light into thousands Alan Colville will give you ayour aching feet and anklesvulnerable to hackers as the $30 a month. We’ll explain both of wavelengths, extending list of items to bring, let youcan affect your knees, hips andwell publicized recent attacks the problems and the solutions beyond visible-light colors into know what to expect, provideback? Learn about the muscle- on Equifax and Target Stores in detail and in simple English.”infrared and ultraviolet. These detailed itineraries and arrangefascial network, the relationshipthat stole personal information To attend the webinar right observations aid decisions transportation. For more between foot/ankle movement small grain sizes in rocks on millions of their your desk at no cost, email about where to drive and information or to sign up, emailand the rest of the body, and found at this part of Mars to “Everyone is vulnerable and michaelm@biscomputer.cominvestigations of chosen targets.preferentially absorb some how to shape and it just takes an inopportune or register at One of these methods for wavelengths of green light. Domino Club – Thursdays,mold the fascia of the foot, keyboard click for you to be registration. Sign up and lunch discerning targets’ colors uses This gives it a purplish tint to Nov. 30, at 1 p.m. New and ankle, calf and shin. Presentedhit with a virus or have your will be delivered to your office.the Mast Camera (Mastcam); experienced players will enjoyby Kathy Bradhill. in standard color images computer network data stolen,” The webinar is open to anyone the other uses the Chemistry from Curiosity, due to more a rollicking version of ChickenSpirituality and Aging – says Paul Little, president of interested.and Camera instrument reflection of redder and bluer Foot Dominoes that will have Thursday, Nov. 16, at 10 a.m. the Pasadena Chamber of Resultworx Technology Group (ChemCam).light than reflection of the green everyone cracking up! For moreSpirituality is the measure ofCommerce. “We want to help is a full-service IT support and Each of the Mastcam’s two eyes information call Vicki Leigh athow willing we are to allow wavelengths. The additional our members be cautious, service company, part of BIS -- one telephoto and one wider color-discerning capabilities of 928-478-4654. grace, some power greater thancareful and protected.”Computer Solutions. Based angle --has several science Mastcam and ChemCam show Friday Movie Matinees – ourselves, to enter our lives The webinar will focus on in Los Angeles (and more filters that can be changed from hematite even more clearly.Fridays, Nov. 10 at 1 p.m. andand guide us along the way. the how to defend against the specifically La Crescenta), one image to the next to assess Johnson said, “We’re using Nov. 17 at 2 p.m. Nov. 10: “Now,Each person has a different current attacks by so-called BIS has provided software how brightly a rock reflects these multi-spectral and Voyager” (1942, NR) starringinterpretation of spirituality. Bad Rabbit Ransomware. “Bad applications to horizontal and light of specific colors. By Bette Davis and Paul Henreid. Local spiritual leader Doug hyper-spectral capabilities Rabbit sneaks in attached to vertical markets for a long time. design, some of the filters are A young woman stuck underEdwards, who brings for examining rocks right in faith an upgrade of the popular BIS Computer Solutions Inc. an for diagnostic wavelengths that front of the rover and also her domineering mother’s into aging and is director ofAdobe Systems program and extremely successful computer certain minerals absorb, rather for reconnaissance -- looking thumb goes on a cruise at theoutreach for, one ofcan paralyze or freeze an systems organization, with a than reflect. Hematite, one ahead to help with choosing suggestion of a therapist andCalifornia’s leading nonprofitentire company’s computer track record dating back to iron-oxide mineral detectable where to drive for closer discovers life, love and self-providers of senior housing, network whereupon a ‘ransom’ 1971, has the strength behind with Mastcam’s science filters, inspection.confidence. Nov. 17: “Maudie” will lead a discussion about this ” is demanded,” explains it of over forty employees. Our is a mineral of prime interest For example, a false-color (2017, PG-13) starring Sallyimportant topic. Michael Macho, president experience in quality computer as the rover examines “Vera Sept. 12 panorama combining Hawkins and Ethan Hawke. A Long-Term Care and of ResultWorx Technology solutions is evidenced by our Rubin Ridge.”recluse hires a young womanRetirement Income – Mastcam images taken through Solutions and division 700 plus installations in diverse “We’re in an area where three special filters provided a with arthritic hands from an Thursday, Nov. 30, at 10 a.m. president of BIS Computer industries. this capability of Curiosity map of where hematite could over-protective family to be hisDo you know which financial has a chance to shine,” said be seen in a region a few days’ you need to navigate Abigail Fraeman of NASA’s drive away. The hematite is A Toast to the Joys of Musicthrough your retirement? Jet Propulsion Laboratory, most apparent in zones around – Tuesdays, Nov. 7 to 28,Learn how to guarantee your Pasadena, California, who from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tom retirement income for the rest Pet of the fractured bedrock. The team leads planning for the mission’s drove Curiosity to a site in that Campbell will play guitar andof your life, maximize your investigation of Vera Rubin scene to check the possible sing songs in the Senior CenterSocial Security benefits and Week between fracture zones Lounge. Stop by and enjoy his avoid the biggest retirement This ridge on lower Mount and hematite. Investigation covers of traditional country,risks. Presented by New York Are you looking for an Sharp became a planned with Mastcam, ChemCam and country rock, blues, folk, gospelLife. active, playful pup? Meet destination for Curiosity before other tools, including a camera and classic rock originally For more information visit Kayla (A428755), a 3-year the rover landed five years ago. and brush on the rover’s arm, made famous by Willie Nelson, old terrier mix eager to find Spectrometer observations revealed that hematite is also Merle Haggard, Vince Gill,or call 626-795-4331. her forever home. Kayla from orbit revealed hematite in bedrock farther from the Elvis Presley, B.B. King, Neil Founded in 1960, the Pasadena loves all toys—from balls, here. Most hematite forms fractures once an obscuring Young, The Grateful Dead, TheSenior Center is an independentplush toys, ropes and rubber in the presence of water, and layer of tan dust is brushed Rolling Stones and many more.nonprofit organization that bones—she’ll happily play the mission focuses on clues away. The dust doesn’t coat the Flu Shot Clinic – Wednesday,offers recreational, educational, about wet environments in fractured rock as thoroughly.Nov. 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.wellness and social services away the day. The young Mars’ ancient past. It found That finding suggests that Seniors are at greater risk ofto people ages 50 and older dog is one smart cookie! Animal Hospitals, as well evidence during the first year dust and fractures cause the serious complications from fluin a welcoming environment. She’s earned her Blue as a goody bag filled with after landing that some ancient hematite to appear more than younger adults. Flu shotsServices are also provided Ribbon, which means she information about how to Martian environments offered patchy than it actually is. If the will be provided by the Pasadenafor frail, low-income and knows her sit, down and care for your pet.conditions favorable for life. hematite is broadly distributed, Public Health Department at homebound seniors. stay commands. Kayla is a Call the Pasadena Humane As the mission continues, it is its origin likely was early, rather regular out with our Wiggle Society & SPCA at (626) studying how those conditions than in a later period of fluids Veteran Salute and Tribute Show Waggle Wagon. She loves 792-7151 to ask about varied and changed.moving through fractures in Lake Avenue Church will Showtimes are Friday, 7:30 to greet people of all ages. A428755, or visit at 361 S. Curiosity’s ChemCam is best the rock. sponsor a Veteran’s Salute p.m.; Saturday, 2:30 and 7:30 If you are looking for your Raymond Ave. in Pasadena. known for zapping rocks with “As we approached the ridge and Tribute Show on Friday, p.m.; and on Sunday at 1:30 a laser to identify chemical next hiking buddy, consider Adoption hours are 11 a.m. and now as we’re climbing it, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. p.m. a veterans’ luncheon elements in them, but it also Kayla. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. we’ve been trying to tie what 17-19 in the church’s Family followed at 2:30 p.m. by a can examine targets near and The adoption fee for dogs to 5 p.m. Tuesday through was detected from orbit to what Life Center, room 300. These special veterans’ show. far without use of the laser. we can learn on the ground,” is $130. The adoption fee for Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. USO-style performances On Sunday veterans and one It does this by measuring said Curiosity science team Blue Ribbon dogs like Kayla Saturday. sunlight reflected by the targets honoring our military veterans guest may attend the luncheon member Danika Wellington is $100. All dogs are spayed Pets may not be available in thousands of wavelengths. will feature a variety of acts and show for free. Tickets are of Arizona State University, or neutered, microchipped, for adoption and cannot be Some patterns in this spectral spanning three decades, from available until November 16 Tempe. “It’s still very much a Bob Hope, Ella Fitzgerald, The at Search using and vaccinated before going held for potential adopters data can identify hematite or work in progress. The extent to Andrew Sisters, swing dancers, keyword: veteranshow to their new home. by phone calls or email. other minerals.which iron-bearing minerals excerpts from 1940s radio Lake Avenue Church is New adopters will receive a Directions and photos of “The colors of the rocks on here are oxidized relates to the shows, and more. The show located at 393 N. Lake Avenue the ridge are more interesting complimentary health-and-all pets can be found at history of interactions between will culminate on Sunday with in Pasadena, at the corner and more variable than what wellness exam from VCA water and rock.” a gourmet luncheon and show of Lake Avenue and the 210 we saw earlier in Curiosity’s JPL, a division of Caltech, honoring our veterans.Freeway. traverse,” said science team manages the Mars Science member Jeffrey Johnson of Laboratory Project for NASA’s PUSD Launches TK-1st Grade the Johns Hopkins University Mission Directorate, Science Applied Physics Laboratory, Washington, and built the Theater And Dance ProgramLaurel, Maryland. He uses both project’s Curiosity rover. Mastcam and ChemCam data Starting this fall, Pasadena Professional directors, For more information about for analyzing rocks. Curiosity, visit: mars.jpl.nasa. Unified School District playwrights, and actors serve Hematite occurs at sufficiently (PUSD) is offering theater and as artists-in-residence and gov/msl. dance lessons for more than will lead students through 2,900 students in transitional interactive, physicalized ALTADENA POLICE BLOTTERkindergarten and kindergarten. reading of age-appropriate 28 years old of Altadena was The Theater Arts/Dance & literature while introducing Sunday, October 22ndarrested in the 100 block of W. Community program was vocabulary and concepts 12:00 AM – A domestic battery Woodbury Road for residential developed by PUSD art during the Theater Explorations incident occurred in the area burglary and vandalism. education and early childhood program. of Lake Avenue and Calaveras Suspect entered the residence education staff in partnership In the Dance & Community Street. Suspect was taken into by kicking in the rear door. No with the Music Center and residency, professional custody. items reported stolen. independent teaching artists. dancers and choreographers Monday, October 23rdThursday, October 26th The program is supported by will introduce students to the 5:00 PM – A grand theft3:00 PM – A vehicle burglary the Los Angeles County Arts traditional folk dances from occurred in the 30 block of W. occurred in the 4000 block of Commission, in-kind services various regions of the world, Altadena Drive. Stolen: silver Chaney Trail Road. Suspect(s) from the Music Center, and and focus on the ways that Macbook Air, silver Toshiba entered the vehicle by an individual donor through movement can communicate laptop, silver Sony video shattering the window. Stolen: Pasadena Educational ideas. Through demonstrations, camera, gold jade ring, silver black Samsung cellphone, black Foundation (PEF).observations, discussion, ring and necklace with blue iPhone and a Polaroid camera. “This inventive and and dance activities, young stone and a black vaporizer. 4:05 PM – A theft from an developmentally appropriate students will learn dance skills Tuesday, October 24thunlocked vehicle occurred in program builds self-expression and related terminology. 6:00 AM – A vehicle was the 2100 block of Oakwood and learning skills of our “The Music Center is proud reported stolen from the 200 Drive. Stolen: orange Echo youngest students and prepares to continue its partnership block of W. Las Flores Drive. hedge trimmer, orange them to be the artists, writers, with the Pasadena Unified Vehicle described as a blue 2011 Kawasaki weed whacker and and citizens of tomorrow,” School District and help Chevrolet Cruze. Vehicle was orange Stihl chainsaw. said Superintendent Brian expand the district’s programs recovered by LASD Altadena. 5:45 PM – Danny Tejeda, 22 McDonald. “PUSD’s arts for its youngest learners,” Wednesday, October 25thyears old of Lake View Terrace education is thriving, thanks said Keith Wyffels, Associate 8:00 AM – A residential was arrested in the area of Fair innovative Vice President of Education to the long- burglary occurred in the 2500 Oaks Avenue and Woodbury term partnerships we have at the Music Center. “The block of La Venezia Court. Road for possession of a cultivated with top-notch arts program will give children the Suspect(s) entered the residence controlled substance. organizations in Southern opportunity to engage their by shattering the window and Friday, October 27th California.” imaginations, explore their removing the air conditioning 7:00 AM – A residential Young students will learn creativity, develop literacy unit. Stolen: white LG window burglary occurred in the to use voice and sound to skills, and fully utilize their A/C unit, brown Louis Vuitton 500 block of W. Terrace engage in dramatic play, sense of play – bringing joy to purse, black iPad, white iPad Street. Suspect(s) entered the and build collaboration and the learning process.” and checkbooks. residence by prying the rear social-emotional skills while For more information on 6:00 PM – Gaudencio Avelino, door. Stolen: unknown. expressing ideas and feelings PUSD’s vibrant visual and 44 years old of Pasadena was 1:36 PM – A residential through movement. Each performing arts program that arrested in the area of Fair Oaks burglary occurred in the student will participate in connects TK-12 students with Avenue and Woodbury Road 800 block of Figueroa Drive. the program which has two Pasadena’s arts and culture for possession of a controlled Suspect(s) entered the options: Theater Explorations organizations, visit www.pusd. substance. residence by shattering the or Dance & 10:35 PM – Michael Martinez, sliding door. Stolen: unknown. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: Free Events Roundup at thePasadena Senior Center | ||||||||||||||||||||