Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, November 4, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 4, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 4, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4
Supervisor Barger Announces
Appointees to the Blue Ribbon
Commission on Public Safety

 Supervisor Kathryn Bargerannounced that she has 
appointed Stephen Larson 
and Mark Holscher to the 
Blue Ribbon Commission on 
Public Safety.

 Mr. Larson attended 
Georgetown University for 
undergraduate studies, and 
earned his Juris Doctorate 
from the University of 
Southern California. For the 
past 28 years, he has servedcharitable organizations 

as a federal prosecutor, a

supporting justice causes 

federal district judge, and a

across Southern California.

criminal defense attorney 

 “I am honored that both 

representing governmental

of my appointees are active

entities, private companies,

community leaders who will

and individuals. He 

offer their extensive legal

has taught criminal and 

experience in shaping the

constitutional law at both the 

important work of the Blue

undergraduate and graduate

Ribbon Commission,” Barger 

level and worked with the 

said. “Their perspective will

U.S. State Department. In 
help the Commission create

addition to his criminal 

a roadmap for the County 

justice experience, he 

to improve public safety

has served as a director 

while supporting those who

for National CORE and 

require rehabilitative and 

a member of the Board 

other services which impacts

of Trustees of Catholic 

the well-being of our local

Charities. He has extensive 


experience regarding issues

 The Blue Ribbon 

involving homelessness, 

Commission on Public Safety 

health care, and social 

was established as a result 


of a motion by Supervisors

 Mr. Holscher is a graduate 

Barger and Hahn approved

of the University of 

by the Board of Supervisors

California Berkeley where 

following the tragic murder

he earned both his Bachelor’s 

of Officer Keith Boyer of the

Degree and Juris Doctorate.

Whittier Police Department.

He is currently an attorney

The Commission is 

at Kirkland & Ellis, LLP. 

tasked with thoughtfully 

Previously, he served as an

considering recent criminal 

Assistant U.S. Attorney with

justice reform efforts, and

the Department of Justice and

the circumstances that are 

was a partner at O’Melveny

impacting public safety. The 

& Myers. He has also been 

Commission convenes its 

involved in a number of 

first meeting Monday. 

Public Invited to Welcoming

of New City Manager

 A community reception for 
new City Manager Stephanie 
DeWolfe will be held from 

5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 
Wednesday, November 15 
at the Mayor’s Conference 
Room in the Amedee O. 
Richards City Council 
After an extensive 
recruitment and 
interviewing many excellent 
candidates, the City Council 
selected Stephanie DeWolfe 
(pictured right) to serve the 
community as its new City 
Manager. Ms. DeWolfe was recently has been serving 
introduced at the September the City of West Hollywood 
20, 2017 City Council as its Deputy City Manager 
meeting upon approval of since 2016, where she helped 
her employment oversee a staff of 225 
Ms. DeWolfe has nearly employees and a budget of 
30 years of experience in $134 million dollars.
city services, particularly Stephanie intends to fully 
in planning, community engage with the community 
development and services, and hit the ground running. 
and city administration. “I am excited to be part of 
She has worked in both team South Pasadena. I have 
the Pasadena and West always loved South Pasadena 
Hollywood City Manager’s and I am looking forward to 
Offices in Assistant and spending even more time in 
Deputy City Manager this wonderful community.”
functions, with outstanding The public is invited to 
qualifications and references attend the reception, which 
from all past employers. has been scheduled before 
Stephanie has been on a the regular City Council 
City Manager “track” in her meeting on November 15. 
professional career for the Refreshments will be served. 
past five years, and most No RSVP necessary. 

Change Your Clock,
Change Your Battery,
Update Disaster Supplies 

 The Pasadena Fire change your clocks back this 
Department reminds you Sunday, November 5th .
to check all of your Smoke Change Your Smoke Alarm 
Alarm batteries when you Batteries! Replace old 

batteries with fresh, high 

quality batteries to keep 
your Smoke Alarms ready 
to protect you all year- long. 
Make sure your emergency 
flashlights work when you 
need them by using fresh 
high-quality batteries.

 Check Your Smoke Alarms! 
After inserting fresh 
batteries in your Smoke 
Alarm, make sure the Alarm 
is working by activating the 
safety test button. The Fire 
Department recommends 
that you test all of your 
Smoke Alarms at least once 
each month. If you have any 
doubt regarding the working 
condition of a Smoke Alarm, 
replace it. Replace your 
Smoke Alarms with new 
devices every 10 years.

 Count Your Smoke Alarms! 
A properly functioning 
Smoke Alarm should be 
placed in every sleeping 
room -and- in the hallway 
directly adjacent to those 
rooms. If sleeping rooms are 
on an upper level, a Smoke 
Alarm should be installed 
in the center of the ceiling 
directly above the interior 

 Clean Your Smoke Alarms! 
Gently use a vacuum cleaner 
once a month to remove 
dust and cobwebs. If your 
Smoke Alarms have been 
accidentally painted or 
contaminated, replacement 
may be necessary.

 The Fire Department 
encourages you to practice 
your escape plans with your 
children because they are at 
increased risk of dying in a 
home fire since they often 
become scared and confused 
when a fire erupts. Make sure 
your children recognize the 
sound of your home’s Smoke 
Alarm and teach them to 
respond instinctively to its 
signal. Create at least two 
different escape routes from 
every room and practice 
them with the entire family. 

Poet, Dana Gioia, “Things

We Need From Heaven”

Disarmingly conversational was the first person in his 
is a valid description of Dana family to attend college. 
Gioia’s podcast produced by Now he is an internationally 
the BBC for “Every County recognized poet and critic. 
in the State of California”. He is the author of 
When Gioia was selected as five collections of verse, 
the Poet Laureate he vowed including Interrogations at 
to take poetry to all 58 Noon (2001), which won 
counties of our state. And he the American Book Award, 
is nearly there.and 99 Poems: New & 
On Sunday, November 5th, Selected (2016). His critical 
from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Holy collections include Can 
Family Church’s St. Joseph Poetry Matter? (1992), which 
Center, 1524 Fremont was a finalist for the National 
Avenue, South Pasadena, Book Critics Award. This 
CA 91030. Poet Laureate event is free and open to 
of California, Dana Gioia, the public. The Holy Family 
will present poetry centered Bookstore will have several 
on the theme, “Things We of Gioia’s books available for 
Need From Heaven”.sale and signing. For more 

 Dana Gioia was born in information, contact Nancy 
Los Angeles in a working-Bevins at 626-403-6107, or 
class family of Italian and visit:
Mexican heritage. He we-need-from-heaven. 

South Pasadena Community 
Garden Upcoming Events 

 The South Pasadena 
Community Garden is a 
place for harmony and 
beauty where we cultivate a 
community of individuals 
committed to sustainable 
land use in an urban setting, 
providing the opportunity 
for residents to grow 
their own organic fruits, There is currently a waiting 
vegetables and flowers.list for Community Garden 
Upcoming Eventsplots. If you would like 

December 2: Work day to be added to the waiting 
begins at 10:00 am list, please fill out the 

 Winter Chili Feast - Chili application and mail to the 
from 11:00 am to 12 noon South Pasadena Community 
Join them for our second Garden at 1028 Magnolia 
Annual Chili Feast and get Street, South Pasadena 
together. They’ll have several 91030.
kinds of chili on hand to 

For more information visit: 

Pasadena Humane 

Society Pet Parent 101 

Are you considering adopting a pet or have you recently 
adopted one? Our Pet Parent 101 workshop is the perfect 
place for you to learn more about basic dog and cat care.

 Questions such as “How do I choose the right pet?” 
and “Should I adopt a puppy/kitten or an adult?” will be 
answered by our training and behavior staff. 

 Additional topics include feeding, grooming, veterinary 
care, essential pet supplies, what to expect when you bring 
your new pet home and introducing your new pet to resident 
pets. This workshop is free. No RSVP required. Families are 
welcome, but please leave your pets at home.

 The work will be Saturday, November 11 from 2:30 p.m. to 

3:30 p.m. at PHS 361 S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena. 
One Arroyo Day Celebration

to be held at Brookside Park 

Saturday, November 1810 am – 2 pmBrookside Park- 360 N. Arroyo Blvd.
Come explore the Arroyo Seco and discover its rich natural 
and cultural history at One Arroyo Day! Find out about the 
One Arroyo vision and be part of a citywide celebration 
of all things Arroyo! Kids can earn a One Arroyo Nature 
Explorer Badge and everyone can be part of:
Planned activities include: 
*Arroyo Seco Trail Clean-Up * Nature Scavenger Hunt for 
Kids * Native Wildlife Reptile Station *

* Arroyo Exhibitor Booths * Lawn Games & Crafts * Raffles 
* Bring a picnic! Enjoy hot dogs grilled by the Pasadena Fire 
Department. First come, first serve!
Let us know you’re coming so we can buy enough hot dogs!
For more information and to RSVP, visit:
oad or call (626) 744-4128. 
South Pasadena 'Pathways 
to Art' – Street Sign Sale

 SPEF and the South Pasadena Arts Council (SPARC) are 
teaming up to sell 300 local retired city street signs. This joint 
project, “Pathways to Art,” will raise money to advance the arts 
within our community, such as SPARC’s utility box initiative and 
funds for an SPUSD Visual and Performing Arts Coordinator. 
These signs were generously donated to SPARC by the South 
Pasadena City Council.

 Signs are $100 per sign and the cost of shipping is not included. 
If you need to have a sign shipped please let us know.

 Please note: The signs are not in pristine condition, reflecting the 
character of their years of service, and sold as is. All sales are final. 
The city’s sign replacement will be an ongoing, three-year process, 
so as new signs become available this list will be updated.

 If the street you are interested in is not on this list please contact 
Stacey Petersen at or call the SPEF office 
at 626-441-5810 ext. 1163. We will give you a call as soon as your 
sign becomes available.
To learn more visit: 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: