Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, November 4, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 4, 2017 EDUCATION & YOUTH 7 Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 4, 2017 EDUCATION & YOUTH 7 


CSArts-SGV students enrich the “Enchanted: Forest of Light” Preview Party with 
music and dance performances and visual arts displays spread throughout the gardens 

La Cañada Flintridge, Calif. – Nov. 1, 2017 – CaliforniaSchool of the Arts – San Gabriel Valley (CSArts-SGV), aninnovative public charter school providing premier arts andacademic education for students in grades seven through 12,
offers an unmatched performance opportunity for studentsthrough a partnership with Descanso Gardens. On Saturday,
Nov. 18, CSArts-SGV students dazzle VIP guests with music,
dance and visual arts showcases during the Preview Partyfor the popular “Enchanted: Forest of Light.” Student artistsperform throughout the beloved nighttime light show, whichfeatures a one-mile walkway of awe-inspiring light displaysand beautiful colored lights projected on the plants and treesthroughout the gardens.

The CSArts-SGV partnership with Descanso Gardens,
a 160-acre botanical garden of historical significance in LaCañada Flintridge, brings together two San Gabriel Valleyorganizations dedicated to enhancing the community througharts and culture. As Dean of Arts Abbe Levine explains:
“Descanso Gardens is an important cultural destination in theSan Gabriel Valley, already boasting a beautiful art gallery andinventive programming throughout the year. We at CSArts-
SGV are thrilled to set the stage this November for a future ofjoint, community-minded arts programming that will enrichboth institutions for years to come.”

“We are excited to showcase the young performers ofCalifornia School of the Arts – San Gabriel Valley,” saysJuliann Rooke, executive director of Descanso Gardens. 
“We know they will bring an added element of magic toEnchanted.” 

The debut performance at Descanso Gardens’ “Enchanted:
Forest of Light” offers the CSArts-SGV student artists theopportunity to gain real-world performing experience, aswell as learn from industry professionals. Under the OaksStage is a performance by FUSION, the school’s high-energyperforming ambassadors, who preview “Magic to Do” fromtheir upcoming all-school musical, “Pippin,” along with othersong-and-dance numbers. Additional performances takingplace throughout the unique lighting experiences include: 

A jazz combo at the Center CircleA percussion ensemble at the Flower Power exhibitThe Vocal Arts Madrigal at the Starlight GardenForest Dancers in the Symphony of OaksA solo cellist at Fantasy Forest 

Production & Design Conservatory students help managethe performances. In addition, artwork from more than50 Visual Arts Conservatory students will be on displaythroughout the run of the exhibit, which ends Jan. 7, 2018.

“At CSArts-SGV we pride ourselves in giving our students 



Today’s topic: Why Does College Cost So Much?

This is the first of a seasonal series of columns that 
focus on college and life planning issues. As high schoolersbegin their college explorations earlier and earlier andwith more intensity, there are some important topics forstudents and parents to consider along the way. 

WHY does college cost so much? Simply put, it’sbecause you want it that way, and the college aspiranthas also been transformed into a consumer of a priceycommodity, purveyed by institutions, many of whichbring well-oiled marketing approaches to bear onimpressionable students and their families.

And, if you think about it, much of higher educationat the undergraduate level offers the double whammyof unbridled cost increases every year (surpassing thenational Cost of Living numbers for both public andprivate institutions), along with a paucity of evaluationof actual outcomes after four (or more) years of college.
I’ll talk in another column about what makes a college“good,” as in good for the learning style, budget and lifeaspirations of a potential enrollee.

Granted, all higher educational venues grapple withincreased costs, such as rising utility and insuranceexpenses and expanded (some would say ‘bloated’)
administrative staffs, but the key force driving thegaspingly quick increase in college costs is revealedquickly in the brochures and websites of institutions.

Colleges have fast-become mid-tier residentialhotels, with curricula and courses seemingly bonusattributes. One university president calls it the “Battleof the Amenities,” and it’s true that high schoolers oftenexamine colleges as if they were choosing a wedding 
venue. With costly Bally-level fitness centers, 24/7dining and grazing options, sumptuous stadia andspecialty sports facilities and more, colleges probablyoffer a spiffier lifestyle for enrollees than they’ll beable to afford for a couple of decades after graduating.
Even institutions that are almost entirely made up ofcommuter students have succumbed to the buildingboom. A typical college tour is essentially an annotatedtour of facilities, with little attention to the quality ofthe educational experience for the student.

Couple the race to ritziness with the fact that oursociety has systematically neglected alternative viablepost-secondary paths for many high school grads—thekinds of technical and artisanal training programs suchas those in Germany that offer paths to well-payingjobs for the many high school graduates who shouldn’tattend a traditional university in the first place. In ourtechno-society, there are lots of jobs for those whocan repair the hardware, write the code, do the visual 

fundamental training in the arts as well as pre-professionalopportunities that allow them a glimpse into what it lookslike to be a professional in their field,” says Levine. “Thisevent is a perfect opportunity for our students to not onlyshowcase their art, but to also learn about the hard work that 
goes into making an amazing event like this possible. Thissort of professional learning is essential to their growth asresponsible artists.”

The Descanso Gardens “Enchanted: Forest of Light”
Preview Party takes place Nov. 18 from 6-10 p.m. Tickets are$125 and include food and drinks. For more information or 
to purchase tickets, visit 

About California School of the Arts – San Gabriel ValleyCalifornia School of the Arts – San Gabriel Valley (CSArts-
SGV) provides a creative, challenging and nurturingenvironment that offers bright and talented studentsunparalleled preparation for higher education and aprofession in the arts. CSArts-SGV is modeled after theaward-winning arts and academic programs of OrangeCounty School of the Arts (OCSA), one of the premier artschools in the country.

The public charter school opened on Aug. 14, 2017in a unique public-private partnership with the DuarteUnified School District, and is a tuition-free, donation-
dependent program. For the 2017-2018 school year,
CSArts-SGV serves more than 700 students in gradesseven through 11. Next year the school will expand toinclude grade 12. Approximately 66 percent of enrolledstudents reside in San Gabriel Valley, with others travelingfrom Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino and Riversidecounties, among other locations.

CSArts-SGV students study in one of the 10 artsconservatories offered including acting, classical & 
contemporary dance, commercial dance, creative writing,
instrumental music, integrated arts, musical theatre, 
production & design, visual arts and vocal arts. Studentsreceive opportunities to participate in master classes, guestartist presentations, field trips and performances, as well as avariety of campus clubs and activities. Small student/teacherratios in academic and arts classes allow for personalizedattention to students. 

The public charter school was established in 2016 bythe California School of the Arts Foundation, a nonprofitorganization established to operate a network of high-
achieving, comprehensive public arts charter schools,
modeled after the nationally recognized Orange CountySchool of the Arts (OCSA). CSArts-SGV is located at 1401Highland Avenue, Duarte, Calif. For more information, visit 

Alverno Heights Academy200 N. Michillinda Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 
(626) 355-3463 Head of School: Julia V. FanaraE-mail address: 
Arcadia High School180 Campus Drive Arcadia, CA 91007Phone: (626) 821-8370, Principal: Brent 
Arroyo Pacific Academy41 W. Santa Clara St. Arcadia, Ca, 
(626) 294-0661 Principal: Phil ClarkeE-mail address: 
Barnhart School 
240 W. Colorado Blvd Arcadia, Ca. 91007 
(626) 446-5588 Head of School: EthanWilliamson 
Kindergarten - 8th gradewebsite: 
Bethany Christian School93 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024(626) 355-3527Preschool-TK-8th Grade 
Principal: Dr. William Walnerwebsite: www. 
Clairbourn School 
8400 Huntington DriveSan Gabriel, CA 91775Phone: 626-286-3108 ext. 172 
FAX: 626-286-1528 
Foothill Oaks Academy822 Bradbourne Ave., Duarte, CA 91010 
(626) 301-9809Co-Principals Nancy Lopez and Diane 
Frostig School971 N. Altadena Drive Pasadena, CA 91107(626) 791-1255Head of School: Jenny Janetzke 
The Gooden School 
192 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024(626) 355-2410Head of School, Carl Parke 
High Point Academy1720 Kinneloa Canyon Road Pasadena, Ca. 
Head of School: Gary Stern 626-798-8989 
La Salle High School3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, Ca. 
(626) 351-8951 website: 
Principal Mrs. Courtney Kassakhian 
Monrovia High School325 East Huntington Drive, Monrovia, CA 91016(626) 471-2800 Principal Darvin JacksonEmail: 
Odyssey Charter School725 W. Altadena Dr. Altadena, Ca. 91001 
(626) 229-0993 Head of School: Lauren O’Neillwebsite: 
Pasadena High School2925 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, Ca. 
(626) 396-5880 Principal: Roberto Hernandezwebsite: 
St. Rita Catholic School 
322 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 
Principal Joan Harabedian (626) 355-9028website: 
Sierra Madre Elementary School141 W. Highland Ave, Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 
(626) 355-1428 Principal: Lindsay LewisE-mail address: 
Sierra Madre Middle School 
160 N. Canon Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 
(626) 836-2947 Principal: Garrett NewsomE-mail address: 
Walden School 
74 S San Gabriel Blvd 
Pasadena, CA 91107 (626) 
Weizmann Day School1434 N. Altadena Dr. Pasadena, Ca. 91107 
(626) 797-0204Lisa Feldman: Head of School 
Wilson Middle School 
300 S. Madre St. Pasadena, Ca. 91107 
(626) 449-7390 Principal: Ruth EsselnE-mail address: 
Pasadena Unified School District 
351 S. Hudson Ave., Pasadena, Ca. 91109 
(626) 396-3600 Website: www.pusd@pusd.usrcadia Unified School District 
234 Campus Dr., Arcadia, Ca. 91007 
(626) 821-8300 Website: 
Monrovia Unified School District 
325 E. Huntington Dr., Monrovia, Ca. 91016 
(626) 471-2000 Website: www.monroviaschools. 
Duarte Unified School District 
1620 Huntington Dr., Duarte, Ca. 91010 
(626)599-5000 Website: 
online design work,
and keep us wired(and wireless). 
What’s missing is 
the early screeningand assessment 
of the strengths 
of middle-school 
children to identifythose with artisanal 
and the juniorapprenticeshipsduring high school to make them work-ready at 18.

College costs a lot, but going to college doesn’t haveto cost a lot. A clever high school student and his or herparents can find true bargains in the higher educationmarketplace at different price points. But this can’thappen unless the student introduces imaginativecareer exploration early in high school, and thusuncovers what we call the “TCE,” or the ‘total cost of 
education’ to pursue their likely career field. If the 
TCE for a potential attorney or medical doctor getscalculated early, student and parent alike can examinethe undergraduate enrollment choices with a coldblooded 
financial perspective.
We’ll explore ways high schoolers can cut theirundergraduate costs by over 50% in future columns,
and still get a powerful education that unlocks thedoors to formidable grad and professional schools.
Since most professional and graduate schoolingcomes with little if any discount from list price, it’smore important than ever not to overspend for one’sBachelor’s degree and carry crippling debt into the nexteducational destination. 
More to come, including tips on how to evaluate acollege’s true commitment to student engagement,
how to measure their career preparation approachesand professional outcomes, and why many highschoolers can benefit from taking a “Gap Year” aftergraduation. If the model has become a variant of aconsumer relationship with the vendor, we’ll figure outtogether how to be smart shoppers of this intangiblecommodity. 

Dr. Dan Golden was the founding director of LifePlanning at the Vistamar School in El Segundo. He 
was a professor, program director and Dean for Work& Service-Learning at Wheaton College (MA), andnow consults with individuals, schools and educational 
districts on college access, postgraduate study and careerplanning agendas. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: