Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, November 11, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:4

Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 11, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO4Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 11, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO4 
The South Pasadena CommunityGarden is a place for harmony 
and beauty where we cultivate 
a community of individuals 
committed to sustainable land 
use in an urban setting, providing 
the opportunity for residents to 
grow their own organic fruits, 
vegetables and flowers.
Upcoming Events 
December 2: Work day begins at 
10:00 am 
Winter Chili Feast -Chili from 
11:00 am to 12 noon Join them 
for our second Annual Chili Feast 
and get together. They’ll have 
several kinds of chili on hand to 
enjoy together.
There is currently a waiting list 
for Community Garden plots. 
If you would like to be added to 
the waiting list, please fill out the 
application and mail to the South 
Pasadena Community Garden 
at 1028 Magnolia Street, South 
Pasadena 91030. 
For more information visit: 
is on the power of the written call 626.405.2100. 
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New Exhibition Collection/s:

WCCW/five at The Huntington

 An exhibition opening next 
week at The Huntington 
Library, Art Collections, 
and Botanical Gardens 
will present a fresh, vibrant 
group of new works by 
seven artists responding to 
research they conducted 
in The Huntington's 
vast collections over the 
past year. The exhibition 
"Collection/s: WCCW/five 
at The Huntington," on view chief curator of European 
in the Virginia Steele Scott art and interim director of 
Galleries of American Art its art collections and Jennyfrom Nov. 18, through Feb. Watts, The Huntington’s 
12, is part of an initiative curator of photography 
called "/five." The installation and visual culture. In /
features paintings, sculpture, five’s first year (2016), The 
textiles, video, and writings Huntington collaborated 
by artists Olivia Chumacero, with NASA’s Jet Propulsion 
Sarita Dougherty, Jheanelle Laborary (JPL) to present 
Garriques, Zya S. Levy, Kiki the sound sculpture “Orbit 
Loveday (née kerrie welsh), Pavilion,” which referenced 
Soyoung Shin, and Juliana The Huntington’s history of 
Wisdom, who were selected aerospace, astronomy, and 
in collaboration with the Earth science collections.
Los Angeles-based Women's For the second year of the 
Center for Creative Work initiative, The Huntington 
(WCCW). Objects in the chose WCCW, a Los 
exhibition include an archive Angeles-based nonprofit 
of Sappho-inspired love organization.
letters on handmade paper, “Henry Huntington was 
plaster castings of cacti, a a collector at heart,” said 
video created in uncultivated Watts. “He began with 
areas of the Huntington's books and moved on to 
grounds, and porcelain land, plants, and, with the 
vessels and a tapestry guidance of his wife Arabella, 
inspired by 18th-century British and European art. 
French masterworks.The Huntingtons—who 

The /five initiative excluded women from the 
is a contemporary art professional staff—surely 
collaboration between The never anticipated the myriad 
Huntington and five different challenging, provocative, 
organizations over five years and insightful ways in 
that invites artists to respond which these 21st-century 
to a range of themes drawn artists would interpret the 
from The Huntington’s deep collections, living and not.”
and diverse library, art, and Additional information is 
botanical collections. The available at
initiative is led by Catherine five. 
Hess, The Huntington’s 

Public Invited to Welcomingof New City Manager 

A community reception for 
new City Manager Stephanie 
DeWolfe will be held from 

5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 
Wednesday, November 15 
at the Mayor’s Conference 
Room in the Amedee O. 
Richards City Council 
After an extensive 
recruitment and 
interviewing many excellent 
candidates, the City Council 
selected Stephanie DeWolfe 
(pictured right) to serve the past five years, and most 
community as its new City recently has been serving 
Manager. Ms. DeWolfe was the City of West Hollywood 
introduced at the September as its Deputy City Manager 

20, 2017 City Council since 2016, where she helped 
meeting upon approval of to oversee a staff of 225 
her employment agreement.employees and a budget of 

Ms. DeWolfe has nearly $134 million dollars.

30 years of experience in Stephanie intends to fully 
city services, particularly engage with the community 

in planning, community and hit the ground running. 
development and services, “I am excited to be part of 
and city administration. team South Pasadena. I have 
She has worked in both always loved South Pasadena 
the Pasadena and West and I am looking forward to 
Hollywood City Manager’s spending even more time in 
Offices in Assistant and this wonderful community.”
Deputy City Manager The public is invited to 

functions, with outstanding attend the reception, which 
qualifications and references has been scheduled before 
from all past employers. the regular City Council 
Stephanie has been on a meeting on November 15. 

City Manager “track” in her Refreshments will be served. 
professional career for the No RSVP necessary. 

One Arroyo Day Celebrationto be held at Brookside Park

Saturday, November 1810 am – 2 pmBrookside Park- 360 N. Arroyo Blvd.
Come explore the Arroyo Seco and discover its rich natural 
and cultural history at One Arroyo Day! Find out about the 
One Arroyo vision and be part of a citywide celebration 
of all things Arroyo! Kids can earn a One Arroyo Nature 
Explorer Badge and everyone can be part of:

 Planned activities include: 
*Arroyo Seco Trail Clean-Up * Nature 
Scavenger Hunt for Kids * Native Wildlife 
Reptile Station *

* Arroyo Exhibitor Booths * Lawn Games & 
Crafts * Raffles 
* Bring a picnic! Enjoy hot dogs grilled by the 
Pasadena Fire Department. First come, first 
Let us know you’re coming so we can buy 
enough hot dogs!
For more information and to RSVP, visit: or call (626) 744-4128. 

Exhibition Marking the500th Anniversary of theProtestant Reformation 

The Huntington Library, 
Art Collections, and Botanical 
Gardens mark the 500th 
anniversary of the Protestant 
Reformation with an exhibition 
that explores the power of the 
written word as a mechanism for 
radical change. The exhibition 
draws almost exclusively from 
The Huntington’s collections 
and includes about 50 rare 
manuscripts, books, and prints 
made between the 1400s and 
1648 (the end of the ThirtyYears War). “The Reformation: 
From the Word to the World” is 
on view in the West Hall of the 
Library through Feb. 26.

 On Oct. 31, 1517, German 
priest Martin Luther, who 
believed church doctrines word to effect radical change. 
created an ever-growing Scholars, clerics, statesmen, and 
gap between believers and lay believers disseminated texts 
God, is said to have posted a to articulate their faiths, ignite 
document of what today are reforms, and attack adversaries. 
called the “95 theses”—his European governments and 
specific disputes—to the door religious councils banned 
of a church in Wittenberg to books to minimize the spread 
contest recent practices of of works they deemed to be 
the Catholic Church. Luther dangerous, regain control, and 
was looking to stimulate combat people and ideas theythoughtful debate that would believed to be radical. Words, 
clear away corruption and texts, images, and prints 
pomp, and reform the Church. blurred the divisions between 
What followed was a flurry of thinkers, heroes, and martyrs, 
written arguments and ideas said Wilkie. “The Reformation 
put forward by scholars, clerics, did not just play out in pulpits 
statesmen, and lay believers and on battlefields—it lived on 
to fuel a movement called the the page.”
Reformation. Items on display include a 

“This was an act of protest, 1514 papal indulgence (a 
yet it was also an act of faith,” remission of the punishment 
said Vanessa Wilkie, the of sin), an incunable (a book 
William A. Moffett Curator printed before 1501) annotated 
of Medieval Manuscripts by Martin Luther, early 16thand 
British History at The century prints by Albrecht 
Huntington, and the curator Dürer, the 1573 original 
of the exhibition. “Luther was manuscript proclamation 
closely tied into larger debates issued and signed by Queen 
taking place across Europe. Elizabeth I requiring the use of 
It’s important to note that he the Book of Common Prayer, 
was not the only cleric in the and a 15th-century manuscript 
early 16th century to publish of the Brut Chronicles in which 
theological justifications for a later reformer "erased" the 
his beliefs and actions. Luther’s word "Pope" from the text.
reformation was just one part While the exhibition addresses 
of the Reformation. And none the power of the written word 
of it would have been possible and the relationship between 
without manuscripts and it and radical change within a 
printed books.”specific historical moment and 

The spark of the Reformation geographical region, the themes 
spread through reading, and larger questions posed in 
writing, and printing practices the exhibition resonate across 
of the period. Reformers time in different ways. 
and counter-reformers “Voices from the past survive 
would often reinterpret older primarily through texts and 
images and ideas to fit the images, but today we convey 
current moment. Differing our own messages in a varietyideas and theological beliefs, of ways: podcasts, social media,
however, soon gave way to fashion, and even protest 
popular violence, warfare, and posters,” said Wilkie. “This 
ultimately colonial conquest. exhibition touches on how 
While “The Reformation: From we reinterpret and transform 
the Word to the World” focuses words and images from the past 
on Europe and addresses to engage in debates of our own 
important historical figures, time. In the end, it asks, ‘“What 
religious wars of the period, do you want to tell the world? 
the Catholic Church’s response How do you want to share your 
to the emergence of Protestant message?’” 
groups, and the political The Huntington Library is 
ideologies of countries with located 1151 Oxford Road San 
state religions, the main focus Marino. For more information 

Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528),
St. Jerome in His Study, 1514,