Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, November 11, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:5

5Mountain View News Saturday, NOVEMBER 11, 2017 Mountain View News Saturday, NOVEMBER 11, 2017 
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side 

by Deanne Davis 

Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club honored local Veterans and our First Responders at their Tuesday 
luncheon. Above left, WWII Vets George Maurer and Jack with son in law Gary Hood(center); Above right, Susan McCreary with Korean War Veteran Bud Switzer. Far left, former 
California DAV Auxillary President Mary Lou Caldwell and Karen Keegan. Not picturedare other members of VFW 3208, Sierra Madre Police Department, SMFD, Sierra MadreSearch and Rescue and Sierra Madre CERT. 

“We seek tranquility in the midst of conflict anddanger, we strive to control our bodies, mind andemotions. We do our best to avoid conflict, defendourselves when necessary, and protect others.” G3Academy of Martial Arts Mission Statement

I met Gary Gapezzani, Owner and Chief Instructor,
a couple of years back when G3 Academy was fairlynew in town and discovered this was a happeningplace! I met Ashley Conlon last November when theSierra Madre Rose Princesses were practicing gettingon and off our float in case of fire or other emergency.
At that time she was a junior at La Salle and headedfor college to major in math and science. She wasinvolved in dance and theater, was an ambassador 
and football cheerleader for La Salle. Ashley wasalso part of the spiritual journey program through PiAlpha Chi, a St. Rita’s youth leader and altar server.

What I didn’t know about Ashley was that she wason her way to achieving her black belt in Martial Arts.
She was actually the first student to walk in the doorof the newly opened G3 and her brother, Jack, wasthe second. Ashley was 11 when she started martialarts, also involved in gymnastics but martial arts isher first love. She is the main teacher of the little kids 
from 6 to 12 and she received that coveted black belt 
on November 7th. 

What most of us may not know about martial arts

mats where the Little Dragons, kids 4-5, the Beginnerswho are 6-7, and the teens work out and learn the 
necessary skills to achieve the next level.

So far, four students, have achieved black beltstatus: Ashley Conlon, Sophia, who is 16, and guys:
Jack and Rocco who are 15 and 16 respectively.

There are adult classes for those 18 and up andGary assures me they have quite a few guys in their50’s and 60’s who train at G3 where they are involvedin a somewhat gentler but still aggressive dynamictraining. Sounds good to me.

G3 has a workout space in the back and thereare cardio kick boxing and regular fitness classesthroughout the day. If you’ve got a young someonewho could use a few of these life skills such as focus,
concentration, and discipline, you might give G3 alook. They’re at 303 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., 626-7736876. 
Their website:

“A black belt is a white belt who never quits!”
Renzo Gracie 

A big thank you to all the friends and neighborshere in town who attended my husband, John Davis’,
memorial service last Saturday. Your presence wassuch a comfort and our family appreciated seeing somany of you. We appreciate, too, your donations toWorld Vision’s Clean Water Project in John’s name.
Sierra Madre is truly a kind and loving place to live.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: 
training is that this is a confidence building activitywhere life skills such as learning to speak beforecrowds, motivating younger students, achievinggreater focus, concentration, discipline not to give up,
sharing skills they’ve acquired and learning the joy ofgiving back are part of the training. Ashley createdher own methods involving patience and confidenceto handle her kid’s classes. Ashley is a Sierra Madregirl and we are extremely proud of all she’s achieved.
Congratulations, Ashley Conlon!
While chatting with Gary Gapezanni, he showedme that they’ve redone the studio entirely since mylast visit. The front area is now filled with Hapkido 
God bless you every one!
My book page: Deanne Davis 
“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter”
is available there… 
As are all the Emma Gainsworth PumpkinAdventures 
Follow me on Twitter, too!
Last month the Sierra Madre Police Department uniformed personnel proudly wore our #Pink-
PatchProject shoulder patches in support of breast cancer awareness. This month many of our officerare sporting additional facial hair in support of men'shealth. 
For the first time Sierra Madre Police Departmentis participating in "Movember", also known as "NoShave November". Movember promotes growing facial 
hair in order to raise awareness for men's health 
issues, specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer,
and men's mental health and suicide preventionAll proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer 
Society, Prevent Cancer Foundation, and St. Jude’sChildren's Hospital. NO SHAVE NOVEMBER, andits funded programs are putting your donation dollarto work, investing in groundbreaking cancer research.
You are invited to join us in supporting the Movembercause. Donations of any size are welcomed and 100%
will go directly to the listed programs. Please go to: 
Any amount will be greatly appreciated. Thank youfor your support! 
SMPD Chief Joe Ortiz at the beginningof Movember. 
Stay Tuned!