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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, February 11, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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B2 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 11, 2017 Jeff’s Book Pics By Jeff Brown On the Marquee: Notes from the Sierra MadrePlayhouse Spy Princess: The Life of Noor Inayat Khan by Shrabani Basu This is the remarkable biography of Noor Inayat Khan, code named “Madeleine”. The first woman wireless transmitter in occupied France during WWII, she was trained by Britain’s SOE and assumed the most dangerous resistance post in underground Paris. Betrayed into the hands of the Gestapo, Noor resisted intensive interrogation, severe deprivation and torture with courage and silence, revealing nothing to her captors, not even her own name. She was executed at Dachau in 1944. “Spy Princess” details Noor’s inspiring life from birth to death, incorporating information from her family, friends, witnesses, and official records including recently released personal files of SOE operatives. It is the story of a young woman who lived with grace, beauty, courage and determination, and who bravely offered the ultimate sacrifice of her own life in service of her ideals. Her last word was “Liberte”. The Women Who Lived for Danger: The Agents of the Special Operations Executive by Marcus Binney The Special Operations Executive was formed by Winston Churchill in 1940 to “set Europe ablaze.” In the SOE women were trained to handle guns and explosives, work undercover, endure interrogation by the Gestapo, and use complex codes. In The Women Who Lived for Danger, acclaimed historian Marcus Binney recounts the story of ten remarkable women who were dropped in occupied territories to work as secret agents.Once they were behind enemy lines, theirs was the most dangerous war of all, as they led apparently normal civilian lives while in constant danger of arrest. They organized dropping grounds for arms and explosives destined for the Resistance, helped operate escape lines for airmen who had been shot down over Europe, and provided Allied Command with vital intelligence. SOE women agents came from all walks of life: from the dazzling Polish Countess Krystyna Skarbek (alias Christine Granville) and the American Virginia Hall, who was from a rich Baltimore family, to Marguerite Knight, a secretary in Walthamstow. Petite Lisa de Baissac lived next to Gestapo headquarters in Poitiers playing the part of a quiet widow, while twenty-year-old student Paola Del Din was sent to find a way through the German front line in Florence. Hot-tempered Paddy O’Sullivan deflected a German officer from examining her suitcase by making a date with him, and Alix d’Unienville feigned madness when captured.The stories of these women agents -- some famous, some virtually unknown -- are told with the help of extensive new archive material. Their exploits form a new chapter of heroism in the history of warfare matched only by their determination, resourcefulness, and ability to stay cool in the face of extreme danger. Our Mothers’ War: American Women at Home and at the Front During World War II by Emily Yellin Our Mothers’ War is an eye-opening and moving portrait of women during World War II, a war that forever transformed the way women participate in American society. Never before has the vast range of women’s experiences during this pivotal era been brought together in one book. Now, Our Mothers’ War re-creates what American women from all walks of life were doing and thinking, on the home front and abroad. These heartwarming and sometimes heartbreaking accounts of the women we have known as mothers, aunts, and grandmothers reveal facets of their lives that have usually remained unmentioned and unappreciated. Our Mothers’ War gives center stage to one of WWII’s most essential fighting forces: the women of America, whose extraordinary bravery, strength, and humanity shine through on every page. THE ACTING BUG By Artistic Director, Christian Lebano When I was twelve, I was cast as King Richard the Lionhearted in a school performance of Robin Hood. I was thrilled that I was the only member of the cast who had a costume change (from disguised friar to King) – my mother, less so, as she was responsible for making TWO costumes. I remember so clearly the moment that I revealed myself as the King by lowering my hood. I remember feeling free and, strangely – or prophetically, being exactly where I belonged. Belonged being the operative word. The play was so well received by the school that we were asked to do a “command performance” for the PTA in the evening. In high school I was cast as Atticus Finch in our production of To Kill a Mockingbird (loyal patrons will remember that I reprised this role some 45 years later at SMP!) I remember so vividly the moment that I stepped downstage during the trial to give my summation to the jury and caught the light in my eyes and realized that the audience was listening, waiting for me to speak. I felt so powerful as the vehicle for telling that story. I felt so at home on that stage - and in that moment. Time stopped. It was that moment that made me want to make this my life. I have had the good fortune to have many more remarkable experiences on stage – in a production of Othello in Conservatory, in Cymbeline at Utah Shakes, in Henry V at Ashland, in Opus at the Fountain Theater here in Los Angeles. And in every play I have done at SMP. From the Stage Manager in Our Town (my introduction to SMP – which got me through my mother’s death during the run), to Atticus, to Jerry in God’s Man in Texas, and now as Sean in Bee-luther-hatchee. I haven’t been on stage in three years – I will never again let it go so long. Acting is indescribably fulfilling for me (though were you to see me minutes before a performance you might think you were looking at a condemned man – I get so nervous and anxious.) It is transporting and cathartic and liberating and fun – oh, so much fun – and it is HARD. I’ve forgotten how hard it is. Hard because it calls for a degree of concentration that we are not often asked to provide. And the moment that concentration breaks – even for the briefest of seconds – catastrophe looms. My eyes fall on someone that I know in the audience, I say a line a little differently, I overhear a comment from the house, something falls backstage, an ambulance goes by, your scene- partner skips a beat or gives you a different cue, all of these are invitations to “step away” for a moment. But if you do, you’ll miss your next cue or mangle the next line or be late in responding or you’ll initiate a cross at the wrong moment and then if you aren’t careful to bring yourself back these can cascade as you begin to think about your missteps! And yet, the peril is worth it. Telling a story, sharing an idea, exploring a theme with the audience, being “in the moment” with you scene- partners, being “someone else” for a little while is why I fell in love with this. It’s why I will always be an actor first. As always we here at SMP do all of this for you – our faithful patrons. I look forward to seeing you from the stage and in your favorite seats, at Bee- luther-hatchee! There are very few performances left – we close next Saturday, February 18. I do hope you’ll come – and stay to talk to me afterwards. For tickets please call Mary in the box office at 626.355.4318. Hope to see you soon! SEAN’S SHAMELESS REVIEWS: By Sean Kayden RETAIL SPACE - YOU CAN CATCH A LOBSTER WITH EGGS BUT NOT EGG SALAD Retail Space is the amalgamation of Brook- lyn-based duo, Isabelle Burnet and Jacob Rosse. The notion of quitting their day jobs to pursue their daydream became a reality for the two as they are set to release the strangely entitled sophomore record, “You Can Catch A Lobster With Eggs But Not Egg Salad.” The synth-pop group showcases their many strengths and talents with delicate storytelling, effective beats, and pushing their eclectic sound to new heights. Comparable to female-male duos such as Sylvan Esso and Tennis, Retail Space demonstrate a real knack for lyric writing since the record was pitched as a story about the end of a relationship between two people, with “one sinking into the depths of the sea and the other watching it from land.” The eleven tracks evolve into something quite exquisite, subtly alluring, and wonderfully executed. The journey from beginning to end is a vibrant and absorbing one that takes patience and a keen ear to fully appreciate it every step of the way. “You Can Catch A Lobster With Eggs But Not Egg Salad” isn’t a love story record, but a story about love and the diminishing of that very love. The album begins with the lush and fluid, “Blue Jeans.” It’s a nostalgic endeavor that shines throughout with Burnet’s longing, appealing vocals only to be matched with Rosse’s enchanting arrangements that feel contagious and glistening. Next up is “Calling Out Your Name For Nothing,” a gleaming alternative- pop jam that can be measured with great depth and insight. With lighthearted vocals, crisp guitar tones, and subdued drums, Retail Space starts off very strong with the first two tracks here. “Can’t You Tell How Much It Means” features Rosse on the vocals and it’s a nice switch up to say the least. His vocals are a bit deeper with more conviction to boot with a dreamlike, Fleetwood Mac style vibe to the arrangements. Nonetheless, “Can’t You Tell How Much It Means” breathes a rejuvenated life into the genre. It’s a highlight off the record and one that deserves much attention. “Don’t Ask Me Why” has Rosse in the frontman position again supplied with harmonies from Burnet. This one slows things down with an unhurried flow and more emphasis on story than sound. It still puts the listener in a hypnotic vortex with careful precision and grace. “How Far Would You Go” has Burnet back in the driver seat and the dreamy tones are kept in tact. A contemplative track seeking answers to many of life’s questions between two lovers, “How Far Would You Go” effortlessly seeps into the listeners’ minds and hearts. “Underneath” has Retail Space once again placing the listener in a dreamy state of mind as it moves along with gorgeous, colorful tones that create such a strong visual portrait. “Tide Tables” turns it up with an infectious drumbeat and a faster movement than previous tracks. One of the finer tracks here is called, “Pinky Swear.” It’s a tightly crafted, warm toned artistic piece of work that is hypnotic and the sprightliest configuration found on the record. “When You Were Gone” closes out the record in a melancholy sort of way. Not maudlin or sappy, but in a heartening and pondering approach. It’s real subtle and honest whilst wrapping up the record in a very quiet and unobtrusive manner. That’s how the record, for the most part, kind of is throughout. It never overstays its delightful welcome nor does it falsely take a misguided direction or approach in what it’s trying to convey and set out. “You Can Catch A Lobster With Eggs But Not Egg Salad” sheens with unique attraction, a solicitous approach to songwriting, and sentiments that linger well after its peaceful conclusion. All Things By Jeff Brown MORE RUPERT SPIRA QUOTES From the viewpoint of the earth, the sun comes and goes, whereas it is, in fact, always present. Likewise, from the viewpoint of the body and mind, our essential nature of pure Awareness comes and goes, but, in its own experience of itself, it is ever-present. All experience is illuminated, or made knowable, by the light of pure Knowing. This Knowing pervades all thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions, irrespective of their particular characteristics. We are this transparent, unchanging Knowing. Our self – luminous, open, empty Awareness – cannot be enlightened. It is already the light that illuminates all experience. Nor can a separate self be enlightened, for when the separate self faces the light of Awareness, it vanishes, just as a shadow does when exposed to the sun Artist: Retail Space Album: You Can Catch A Lobster With Eggs But Not Egg Salad Self-Released Release Date: February 10th, 2017 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS FAMILY MATTERS By Marc Garlett (RE)DEFINING FAMILY: ESTATE PLANNING FOR THE POST-NUCLEAR FAMILY Blended families, unmarried couples, assistive reproductive technology (ART) and same-sex marriages all challenge the traditional concept of “family” – at least as it’s been known for legal purposes. Significant changes in the way we define family culturally means families are often left without the valuable protection they need, in the event of a death or incapacity of a loved one. As these legal definitions and our personal situations expand, so do the priorities of the modern estate plan. No longer is estate planning just for the wealthy, who wish to save money on their taxes; it’s for all of us who want to ensure our legal system recognizes and protects the one’s we love. For example, if you are in a life partnership you may be “married” in the eyes of your community, but not in the eyes of the law. As such, your partner would have no legal right to see you or make decisions on your behalf, if you were hospitalized. Even if you are married, your spouse or partner would not be able to access your financial accounts without court intervention, without proper legal planning in advance. And, if you are not married, the Court is unlikely to give a non-legal spouse access and would instead appoint a professional fiduciary before allowing your unmarried partner access. If you are part of a blended family (meaning one or both spouses have children from a prior relationship) or have children who aren’t biologically both yours and your spouse’s (or non- spouse partner), you need to include provisions in your estate plan that clearly define the inheritance rights of all children, biological or not. It is vitally important that you clearly state any legally established relationships between you, your spouse (or non-spouse partners and loved ones) and your children, biological or otherwise, to ensure your wishes will be carried out in the event of your death or incapacity. If you do not do this, your kids could end up in the care of someone you would never want and taken out of the home of the non-biological parent they are living with. Whatever your family’s configuration may be, estate planning is your chance to safeguard the people you love and your assets on your own terms and per your own definitions. With the uncertainty of the current political and social climate, developing a carefully crafted plan tailored to your family’s needs is more important now than ever. Dedicated to empowering your family, building your wealth and delivering your legacy, A local attorney, father, and CASA volunteer (Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children), Marc Garlett is on a mission to help parents protect what they love most. His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love and financial security for your family by calling 626.355.4000 or visit www.GarlettLaw. com for more information. NUTS AND BOLTS OF ACTING TECHNIQUE A FOUR MONTH INTENSIVE Sundays, January 15 - May 7 (No class Easter, April 16) 2:00pm - 4:00pm Zydeco Casting Studios 626-355-4572 Nuts and Bolts begins at the beginning and proceeds in a clear and detailed step by step manner... clarifying your understanding of the process of acting... giving you a “tool kit” to own and use... providing you with a solid foundation from which to work. This will always be the most important step an actor can take on the path to a rewarding career. Career Launching Pad ZERO TO 6 weeks LEARN THE PROCESS ..step by step COMMERCIAL AUDITION TECHNIQUES... CAMERA TECHNIQUE... PROFESSIONAL TOOLS... CAREER ADMININSTRATION Be completely ready and... LAUNCH AT THE AGENT SHOWCASE! Can we brag? Over 80% of our graduates have signed with top industry agents. If working as an actor is your goal...this class was designed to meet it! COMMERCIALS A-Z Sundays, January 8 - Febuary 12 5:00pm to 9:00pm Zydeco Casting Studios Call: 626-355-4572 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||