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SIERRA MADRE EDITION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 6 Sierra Madre News Briefs ARCADIA TACKLES COYOTE ISSUES It has come to the attention of the city that some of our residents might have been targeted for an attempted utility fraud scam. If you are ever suspicious of any interaction with someone claiming to be from the City of Sierra Madre please call the City of Sierra Madre at (626) 355-7135. What Do Scammers Do? Scammers impersonate City staff and utility workers. They may use fear and intimidation to force you to make a payment using a credit card or a prepaid money card immediately threatening that otherwise your service will be disconnected. They may use “spoofing software” that displays the name and phone number of City of Sierra Madre on your Caller ID. What Should You Do Next? Hang up! Do not give the callers any personal information and do not pay! Call City of Sierra Madre at (626) 355-7135 to check your account balance and to inform us about the scammer. Make payments 24/7 online at https://www. municipalonlinepayments.com/ sierramadreca Do not call any other number that the caller gives you. Do not give any information to the caller, not even an account number which can be used to threaten you in future phone calls. What You Need to Know: City of Sierra Madre NEVER makes outbound calls asking for payment or a customer’s credit card information. City of Sierra Madre NEVER visits residential customers to solicit program enrollment or ask for payments. If we do need to make a water quality check, we will inform you first or respond if you request this service. City of Sierra Madre employees never enter a home to check for water quality. Always ask utility employees for proper identification and look for City of Sierra Madre vehicles. Spread the Word! Share this information with your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to protect them from scammers. Business owners - educate all your employees about phone calls that may threaten service interruptions. Many times managers or employees who do not have account information are worried that if they don’t act quickly and pay, services will be shut off. At the February 7, Arcadia City Council meeting, one of the items on the agenda was how to deal with the growing presence of Coyotes in the city. City Manager Dominic Lazzaretto provided the council with a comprehensive report and requested direction from the council as to how to proceed. (To view the full report, go to: https://www.arcadiaca.gov/Home/ ShowDocument?id=9114) . The report noted previous attempts by Arcadia to address the problem in 2010 and included the review of a new technique in Coyote Conflict Management. In the pamphlet from the National Parks magazine entitled “Coyotes and the City”, it is noted that the coyote is a versatile animal, capable of easily adapting to its environment. As a result, the report states, “the urban coyote will often eat human garbage, pet food, road kill, and domestic pets, including cats and dogs. As is more commonly the case in urbanized environments, coyotes have been known to actively hunt cats and small dogs, and are able to leap fences as high as 8 feet to prey on domestic animals. Less frequently, bolder packs of coyotes have been known to shadow joggers and even approach humans while walking their pets on a leash. While extremely unusual, coyotes have been known to attack humans, including an incident in the City of Montebello this past summer. In the end, the council voted to hire a contractor with the responsibility for dealing with the city’s Coyote problem. That was Tuesday. On Thursday, People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sent a letter to Arcadia Mayor Tom Beck and the City Council objecting to the city’s plan to ‘trap and kill coyotes’. Below is the text of that letter: PETA’s headquarters has been informed that the Arcadia City Council has voted to hire a contractor to trap and kill coyotes. On behalf of our hundreds of members and supporters in Arcadia, we urge you to halt any plans to kill coyotes immediately. Ultimately, trapping and killing initiatives are ineffective at controlling coyote populations, as surviving pack members simply breed in order to replace lost family members while more coyotes move in from outlying areas for the available resources. Furthermore, trapping of any kind (including cage trapping) is extraordinarily stressful for any wild species, and snare traps are particularly inhumane, since ensnared animals often sustain horrific injuries in their frantic attempts to escape, even chewing or twisting off their own limbs. Killing or otherwise removing animals also tears wild families apart, leaving orphaned young to starve. And such devices are notoriously indiscriminate, posing definite risks to companion animals and “nontarget” wildlife, including protected species. Making areas unappealing via deterrents and curtailing food sources will encourage coyotes to move on naturally. Ammonia-soaked rags placed in dens will successfully “evict” coyotes, as they loathe the smell. Residents should be advised that trimming vegetation away from buildings, trails, and fence lines will eliminate or at least reduce the number of hiding places for coyotes as well as their prey. Sonic deterrents such as YardGard™, motion-activated sprinklers, flashing lights, and outdoor radios (all available at garden stores) also work effectively to deter coyotes and their prey. The Bird-X Transonic Mole will further deter burrowing animals who are a food source for coyotes, and the presence of rodents can be mitigated by keeping dumpsters locked, trash and compost securely contained, and grass cut shorter as well as by feeding animal companions indoors. Finally, a prohibition on feeding wildlife should be strictly enforced. This integrative approach is the only effective means of coyote control, and its nonlethal nature makes it acceptable to the public. We hope to hear soon that Arcadia will abandon this killing initiative. The letter was signed by Kristin Rickman, Cruelty Casework Associate Manager for PETA, S. Henderson/MVNews CELEBRATION OF LIFE "The Joy of Jan Reed" The public is invited to a celebration of the life of beloved Sierra Madrean Jan Reed on Saturday, February 11, 2017 from 3 to 6 p.m. The event will be held in the Sierra Madre Room and the Recreation Center, 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. | |||||||||||||||||||||
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