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Sierra Madre EditionBreaking News:Inside
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SIERRA MADRE EDITION SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2016VOLUME 10 NO. 23SIERRA MADRE POLICE BLOTTER SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2016 VOLUME 10 NO. 50 From the City of Sierra Madre BEWARE OF UTILITY SCAMS SIERRA MADRE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO HOST COMMUNITY MEETING Utility fraud calls are very common. While there have been no recent reports of any scams in Sierra Madre, neighboring communities are reporting an increase in fraudulent calls. What Do Scammers Do? Scammers impersonate City staff and utility workers. They may use fear and intimidation to force you to make a payment using a credit card or a prepaid money card immediately threatening that otherwise your service will be disconnected. They may use “spoofing software” that displays the name and phone number of City of Sierra Madre on your Caller ID. What Should You Do Next? Hang up! Do not give the callers any personal information and do not pay! Call City of Sierra Madre at (626) 355-7135 to check your account balance and to inform us about the scammer. Make payments 24/7 online at https:// www.municipalonlinepayments. com/sierramadreca Do not call any other number that the caller gives you. Do not give any information to the caller, not even an account number which can be used to threaten you in future phone calls. What You Need to Know: City of Sierra Madre NEVER makes outbound calls asking for payment or a customer’s credit card information. City of Sierra Madre NEVER visits residential customers to solicit program enrollment or ask for payments. If we do need to make a water quality check, we will inform you first or respond if you request this service. City of Sierra Madre employees never enter a home to check for water quality. Always ask utility employees for proper identification and look for City of Sierra Madre vehicles. Spread the Word! Share this information with your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to protect them from scammers. Business owners - educate all your employees about phone calls that may threaten service interruptions. Many times managers or employees who do not have account information are worried that if they don’t act quickly and pay, services will be shut off. Wednesday, December 14th - 6:00pm - City Hall Council Chambers It's that time of year again when burglaries and auto thefts are on the rise. Since October 30th there have been 10 residential burglaries, one commercial burglary, six thefts from vehicles, one stolen car and one attempted stolen vehicle in the City of Sierra Madre. In most of the vehicle burglaries the car was not locked and items where in plain view. In the case of the stolen vehicle the keys were left inside the car and the doors were unlocked. Successful crime prevention requires a joint commitment from the Sierra Madre Police Department along with the Sierra Madre community members. Please come out on Wednesday, December 14th and discuss how we can all work together to protect this community. Please do not set yourself up to be a victim! Here are a few crime prevention tips the Sierra Madre Police Department will be discussing and asking all our residents to follow: Always lock your vehicle! Whether it is in your garage, driveway or on the street. Do Not Leave Your Keys in Your Vehicle. Do not leave other items in your vehicle, especially in plain view. Make sure you set your alarm if you have a home alarm system and/or cameras. Set your alarm when you leave and check that your cameras are in working order. Pick up your mail promptly after delivery. Don’t leave it in your mailbox overnight. Do not leave packages on the front porch unattended after they have been delivered. If you see something suspicious – say something. Do not hesitate - call the Sierra Madre Police Department! 911 if it is an emergency or 355-1414 THE SPIRIT OF GIVING SIERRA MADRE CHAMBER IS LOOKING FOR THE 2016 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR! The Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the 2016 Citizen of the Year. To be eligible, a person must be a resident of Sierra Madre. The accomplishment(s) or project(s) for which they are being nominated must have been of benefit to the community of Sierra Madre and its citizens during 2016. They must have served without remuneration on the project for which they are being nominated, and members of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors are not eligible. If you would like to nominate someone, nomination forms are available at www.sierramadrechamber.com. You can also pick up nomination forms at City Hall, the Library, and the Recreation Center. Completed forms should be mailed to Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce, 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., No. 405, Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024. The winner will be selected by members of the Chamber Board of Directors, and will be honored at the annual Citizen of the Year/Board of Directors Dinner to be held in January 28, 2017. Young Sierra Madre residents Amelie Pirozko and Lidia Tsinoglou wanted to earn some spending money, so they picked lemons from our tree, squeezed them, and sold lemonade in front of the house. They earned $35...but instead of choosing to spend all of the money, they decided to donate half to a needy child that they support via their Sunday School class. What a wonderful example of The Spirit of Christmas. As it has been said, “..It is more blessed to Give than to Receive”. Congratulations Amelie and Lidia on being good citizens. ANNUAL CANDLELIGHT WALK DECEMBER 18TH God commanded, “Let there be light,” and what a sweet light we shall see. As the season dies in darkness Christmas reminds us of that glorious child who entered the world. The Sierra Madre “Candlelight Walk” is wrapped with the wondrous warm that encircles this great Season of Celebration. The Candlelight Walk is held each Christmas season to celebrate the journey Joseph and Mary made to Bethlehem where Jesus was born over 2,000 years ago. With “Mary and Joseph” leading the way, the procession will begin at St. Rita’s Catholic Church in Sierra Madre, accompanied by participants holding candles and singing traditional Christmas carols. The procession will end at Kersting Court in the center of town where the Christmas story will be read from the Scriptures. The event begins at St. Rita traveling down Baldwin to Kersting Court. It is recommended to arrive at 6:45p.m., as the walk will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |