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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, February 25, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS 8 Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 25, 2017 LOOKING FOR A BEST FRIEND KEEPIN’ IT LIGHT AT NIGHT Kermit is a four-year old “Red” or “Irish Red” Staffordshire terrier mix with great looks and a fun loving personality that is just as silly as the other famous Kermit. He has a beautiful butterscotch- colored coat with white patches on his chest and paws and a big smile that is literally from ear to ear. Kermit came to the shelter after officers from the San Gabriel Police Department found him tied to a fire hydrant. It is unknown how long he had been tied and abandoned in such manner but we are glad that he was first found by the officers who in turn brought him to the shelter. Despite being abandoned this way he still trusts and loves people. He does well on the leash, responds well to commands, and has been known at the shelter for being a “leaner” dog. This means that he really enjoys walking next to his human very closely, as if he’s leaning on him or her. If you are looking for a loving dog who’s looking for someone to lean on; please come on by and meet Kermit the dog! Kermit’s adoption fee is $145 and includes neuter surgery, vaccinations, microchip and a free wellness exam at a participating veterinarian. Feel free to call us at (626) 286-1159 for more information on Kermit. ID#24406. He currently resides at the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society located at 851 E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel which is located off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’ with Kermit, please stop by any time from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Happy Tails by Chris Leclerc During the months of daylight savings time, when the sun light is somewhat harder to come by, it can be a challenge to work in a walk with the dog before dark. This is particularly true for those folks who have a regimen of leaving the house at the crack of dawn to embark on that commute that will, hopefully get them to work on time. Then there are those who prefer an evening walk but for whatever reason, can’t get it done before dark. I’m happy to say that I don’t have to embark on a long journey to get to work, because the pets I get to spend time with are all here in town where I live. But I will say that when I do have to drive during the wee hours of the morning before sunrise, or in the evening after sundown, there have been many occasions when I’ve been caught off-guard by pedestrians attempting to use a cross-walk to get from one side of the street to another. There have even been times when I’ve failed to see pedestrians along the street until I’ve passed by and noticed a dark form in my peripheral vision. It always concerns me, in retrospect, that a person could be walking so close to my moving vehicle or standing there trying to cross the street, waiting for me to stop and I didn‘t even see them. I try to be vigilant and cautious while driving in the dark, and while driving in the light of day for that matter, but even still those early morning and evening walkers can be quite elusive. It is especially concerning to see people walking their dogs in the dark without reflective or lighted devices to help illuminate their presence to unwitting motorists such as myself. Actually, I think both motorists and pedestrians could try a little harder to ensure that walking along a darkened street is a safe activity for all involved. And considering the inherent risks associated with embarking on a dark outing with one’s beloved little wiggle-waggler, a wise walker will be prepared with the proper gear to steer clear of any potential obstruction - not the least of which is a moving vehicle. Fortunately for us evening and early morning dog walkers, there are a number of devices specifically designed to keep it light at night for a safer walk around the block. With visibility enhancers, reflective vests, arm cuffs, glowing collars, flashing lights and day-glo coats now available on the shopping shelves there is, no doubt, something for everyone! Remember, a vital key to a safe walk in the dark is ensuring that you and your pet are overtly obvious to passing motorists and what better way to make yourselves obvious than for both of you to wear lighted and/or reflective gear? Indeed it is a must for a safe walk in the dark. But common sense says lighting up isn’t the only way to stay safe on a night excursion. There are a few additional safety precautions that one should take if they wish to walk safely in the dark. Be a vigilant pedestrian on behalf of yourself and your dog. Don’t walk down the middle of the street, even if you think you are safe because you don’t see headlights. There are too many motorists who speed at night when they think they can get away with it. You may not see headlights at the moment, but it only takes a second for a speeder to blow through a stop sign at a cross street and spin around the corner heading in your direction. And, as we Sierra Madreans all know very well, we are not alone in this small mountain side village. We share our living space with a variety of other creatures who may or may not be passive observers of our presence on the streets. During the six years that I have been in the business of walking dogs, I have seen at least one of every kind of furry four-legger you can imagine while I am out and about with my four-legged buds, both in the light of day and in the dark. I’ve seen coyotes, bears, big cats, skunks, opossum and deer lurking about in our town on any given day, and while they may tend to stay away from us passers by, we don’t always know how our beloved canines may react to seeing them suddenly appear on our path. I like to be prepared for such a surprise encounter whenever possible. One way to help prevent a mishap with a wild animal is to maintain a strong hold on your dog’s leash at all times. This is not to say that I keep a tight rein on their collar at all times. It just means that I am conscious of keeping a firm grip on the leash. I hold the loop end of the leash in one hand and I keep a tight hold on the leash about half way down, to ensure that one hand or the other will catch the leash in good time before the dog is too far out my reach. Some pups are pretty passive when it comes to meeting up with other animals on the street, while others tend to me a bit more aggressive. This may be due to having been startled by the presence of an unknown animal, or simply because they are acting on their own instincts to protect you from the other creature. For whatever reason, it is very important to prevent that close encounter for the safety of your pet and yourself. There are also other devices to help ensure a safe walk with your dog, whether it be during the light of day or after dark. There are air-blowers that make a loud noise to scare a wild beast away and some folks use whistles for this purpose as well. And while I personally don’t use it, there is also pepper spray available to force a would-be wild attacker to back off. Safety preparedness is a smart way to start a walk with a dog, and the tips mentioned here are certainly attainable means of being prepared. Ultimately, however, it is my opinion that the most clear and present danger one might face during an after-dark walk in Sierra Madre is the potential to not be seen by a passing motorist. For this reason, I highly recommend a stop at the local pet shop, or a visit to one of the many pet supply web sites on line, to find the right light and reflective device(s) for yourself and your pet to wear on your walk. Better safe than sorry! It only takes one time for the kind of injury that can occur when a fast moving vehicle inadvertently comes into contact with a fragile body, be it a two- or four-legged one. Be safe, keep it light at night, love and let live! Even skittish kitties deserve a loving home! Please take another look at SCOUT, age 7. Scout is a gentle and sweet little guy. He’s beautifully all shiny black. Scout will be shy at first until he gets to know you, but after that he will love to be next to you and be petted or get a tummy rub. Black kitties are often overlooked by adopters, and, being shy, Scout has been waiting for a real home for 7 YEARS!! Please make it Scout’s lucky day & help him find a home by St. Patrick’s Day! Call 626-676- 9505 for a Meet & GreeAdoption fee is $100, but may be discounted if you ask, which includes spay, microchip, exam & vaccines. A great savings! Our cats are negative FELV/FIV unless otherwise indicated. See more pictures, videos, adoption info & application on our website, Sorry, we are not accepting cats at this time. GOOD NEWS: WILBUR has been adopted! HEALTHY LIFESTYLES THE JOY OF YOGA MIND-BODY CONNECTION In many ways, our yoga practice is always about establishing and re-establishing the mind-body connection. The connection is so deep, so continuous and completely interdependent. All of our experiences--birth until present moment-- are held, absorbed and “seated” in the body, down to the cellular level. Think of the amount of experiences that take place between the hips, for example. Creation of life happens here, emotions are held here. Our backs often carry our burdens, hence the pain in the lower back. Our lungs and breath are affected when we’re anxious, scared or repressing our feelings. Sickness can evolve when our feelings haven’t been expressed fully or in a healthy way. You can imagine that the way we think affects our body, and our body affects the way we think. Thus, our yoga practice can bring stuff up and release emotions. It also can facilitate healing. Step one to healing and letting go is to become aware of what’s going on with the body. Step two is to notice the mind’s reaction to this stirring of emotions or resistance. In our practice, we want to cultivate what’s called, Adhikara, or a sensitivity to our awareness of the subtle body. It also means being “spiritually ready” for self- study. We peer back to the observer point of view, just noticing what’s easy or hard. What’s the condition of the breath? Does the mind want to check out? What’s our reaction to what’s taking place? Practicing awareness, deepening our sensitivity to what’s going on internally, and paying attention to the body can help us when we’re not practicing yoga. We may notice the same resistance in other situations. Ultimately, the fruits of this work will be a pause in our reaction time and a present-moment oriented mind. And there is nothing unmanageable in the present moment. Let’s explore this mind-body connection through practice. Come see us at Yoga Madre! Namaste, Keely Totten Teaching @ YOGA MADRE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY - BARK FOR LIFE! SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 2017 - 10AM – 1PM WHAT: BARK FOR LIFE – A Canine Event to Fight Cancer WHERE: Arcadia Dog Park (Eisenhower Park) located on the corner of Colorado Boulevard and Second Avenue: 601 N. Second Avefnue, Arcadia, CA 91006. WHO: All dog owners and (and lovers); the Hope Can Cure Cancer Club from Arcadia High School; the American Cancer Society Relay for Life; and the City of Arcadia’s Recreation and Community Services Department. WHEN: Saturday, March 4, 2017 Registration begins at 9:15am; Opening Ceremonies start at 10:00am Registration: $15.00 per dog, $10.00 for the second dog! The City of Arcadia along with the Hope Can Cure Cancer Club from Arcadia High School is hosting a Bark for Life Event. Bark for Life is a noncompetitive walk event for dogs and their owners to raise funds for the American Cancer Society’s fight against cancer. Bark for Life is directly related to Arcadia’s Relay for Life and shares the theme, “Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back.” So bring your best canine friends and join us for a fun-filled day starting with a walk, and continuing with demonstrations, contests, and games. Please remember dogs must be on a leash and please be ready to clean up after your four legged friends. By supporting Bark for Life, you help the American Cancer Society save lives, and that helps us move closer to our ultimate goal of creating a world with less cancer and more birthdays. To register your dog, please visit: www. The cost is $15 for your first dog and $10 for your second dog. For information contact: City of Arcadia, Recreation and Community Services, 626.574.5113 or Carter L. Spruill at or call 323.309.3954. About the City of Arcadia Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile community with a population of just over 56,000. Located approximately 20 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Arcadia is known for combining small-town charm with the conveniences and amenities of a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-service charter city governed by a five- member City Council, elected at large. Recognized for exceptional education and recreation opportunities and beautiful neighborhoods, Arcadia is also defined as the “Community of Homes” and has twice been designated the “Best City in California in which to Raise Kids” by Business Week Magazine. THE MISSING PAGE Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual AL GREEN ASKED....HOW CAN YOU MEND A BROKEN HEART? Have you ever gone through a breakup? You know that guy. The man you date because he seems like he may be a good fit, only to find out he is so wrong for you. If you are like me, you have had that experience once or twice. It is an interesting place to be. There are lots of lessons to be learned. That soil is rich. To learn the lesson, one must be willing to learn. It requires self-awareness. Also, if you are like me, you might choose to leave those lessons and opt to learn them at another time. The truth is if there a lesson to be learned, that is your life assignment of the moment. No amount ignoring the circumstance and wishing for a different circumstance will do. We must do our work and keep our eyes on our own paper. I’m going to answer Al’s question. First, be gentle with yourself. Be kind, is the first rule of relationships, it is a good rule for how to relate to yourself as well. Remember, no one can care for you or treat you any better that you demand of yourself. As you reflect on the place you are, speak only words of loving kindness to yourself. Consider what you might say to your little sister dealing with heartbreak and say that to yourself. Be your own big sister. This is part of that rich soil. No one is going treat any better than you treat yourself. Make a declaration to the Universe, “I deserve loving kindness.” Then, give yourself time to heal. Next, be honest with yourself. This is not the time to demonize your former sweetheart. Nor it the time to beat yourself up. Self-reflection is good. Self-flagellation is not helpful, refer to rule number one. When you are finally ready to move on and are confused about how to make that happen, follow these three final steps: Stop telling the story There is power in your words. Your friends and family may ask for all of the juicy details of how your relationship failed. Resist the urge to tell and retell the story of how you were done wrong. Keep your eyes focused on your healing. Each repetition of the story delays your healing and prolongs the hurt. Lose Your Fascination with the Story Don’t dwell on the failure. Every party must come to an end. Put a limit on the length of this pity party. Your awareness is the key to all happiness. Notice where you are placing your attention. Don’t allow yourself to replay every conversation. Stop the mental arguments and imaginary battles. Don’t do it. Live in this moment. Gently bring yourself and your mind to this instant. Remember to breathe and remember your breath. This is not woo, woo nonsense. Our bodies are miraculous instruments. How is possible to not marvel at the beauty of and the nourishment of our breath? Each breath is a miracle. When we feel like we can’t go on, we don’t have to do anything. Our bodies take care of us. Our heart that seems broken keeps beating. Our lungs that seem constricted keep circulating oxygen. Marvel at and be grateful for life expressing as you in this instant. Look for the Good Every life experience offers the opportunity for growth. Our human experiences are our teachers. We are required to remain awake and aware to harvest from the soil the lessons meant for us to learn. Many counselors and teachers suggest that every relationship has to potential to teach us vital information about ourselves, to equip us for our next relationship. Ideally, if you can look for and find the good in the situation, that failed relationship will leave you stronger and more aware. When we look for the good, we eventually forgive ourselves for mistakes made and the love lost. Look for the good of this apparent circumstance, and it will be revealed. Remember that relationship is preparing you for the love of your life relationship. Follow these steps, and you will be more likely to be ready to receive real love when it comes calling. Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||