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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, April 8, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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THE WORLD AROUND US 11 Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 8, 2017 CASSINI MISSION PREPARES FOR ‘GRAND FINALE’ AT SATURN NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, in orbit around Saturn since 2004, is about to begin the final chapter of its remarkable story. On Wednesday, April 26, the spacecraft will make the first in a series of dives through the 1,500-mile-wide gap between Saturn and its rings as part of the mission’s grand finale. “No spacecraft has ever gone through the unique region that we’ll attempt to boldly cross 22 times,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “What we learn from Cassini’s daring final orbits will further our understanding of how giant planets, and planetary systems everywhere, form and evolve. This is truly discovery in action to the very end.” During its time at Saturn, Cassini has made numerous dramatic discoveries, including a global ocean that showed indications of hydrothermal activity within the icy moon Enceladus, and liquid methane seas on its moon Titan. Now, 20 years since launching from Earth, and after 13 years orbiting the ringed planet, Cassini is running low on fuel. In 2010, NASA decided to end the mission with a purposeful plunge into Saturn this year in order to protect and preserve the planet’s moons for future exploration—especially the potentially habitable Enceladus. But the beginning of the end for Cassini is, in many ways, like a whole new mission. Using expertise gained over the mission’s many years, Cassini engineers designed a flight plan that will maximize the scientific value of sending the spacecraft toward its fateful plunge into the planet on Sept. 15. As it ticks off its terminal orbits during the next five months, the mission will rack up an impressive list of scientific achievements. “This planned conclusion for Cassini’s journey was far and away the preferred choice for the mission’s scientists,” said Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. “Cassini will make some of its most extraordinary observations at the end of its long life.” The mission team hopes to gain powerful insights into the planet’s internal structure and the origins of the rings, obtain the first-ever sampling of Saturn’s atmosphere and particles coming from the main rings, and capture the closest-ever views of Saturn’s clouds and inner rings. The team currently is making final checks on the list of commands the robotic probe will follow to carry out its science observations, called a sequence, as it begins the finale. That sequence is scheduled to be uploaded to the spacecraft on Tuesday, April 11. Cassini will transition to its grand finale orbits, with a last close flyby of Saturn’s giant moon Titan, on Saturday, April 22. As it has many times over the course of the mission, Titan’s gravity will bend Cassini’s flight path. Cassini’s orbit then will shrink so that instead of making its closest approach to Saturn just outside the rings, it will begin passing between the planet and the inner edge of its rings. In mid-September, following a distant encounter with Titan, the spacecraft’s path will be bent so that it dives into the planet. When Cassini makes its final plunge into Saturn’s atmosphere on Sept. 15, it will send data from several instruments—most notably, data on the atmosphere’s composition—until its signal is lost. You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@ OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder CHRISTOPHER Nyerges GROWING THE “LAZY-MAN’S” GARDEN A REALLY SHORT HISTORY OF BROCCOLI [Nyerges is the author of “Extreme Simplicity:Homesteading in the City,” “How to Survive Anywhere,” “Guide to Wild Foods,” and other books. He can be reached at www.] Are you like me – a lazy gardener? I’m not really lazy-lazy – it’s just that there are so many things in life that require our attention. Still, I marvel at my friends who seem to have all day to create beautiful gardens with beautiful rows with wind chimes and special bricks lining the paths and vegetables that should be on the cover of some magazine. I admire such gardens, but I do not spend the time that it takes to create such showplace gardens, where you can invite friends and community to regale in your productivity. Nevertheless, I seem to be the type of person who cannot live without a garden. A garden of some sort, even if all the vegetables are in pots and tubs in a tiny back yard. I insist on all organic, and I love variety. And wherever possible, I like to grow those plants that require the least amount of work for the return. Years ago, when I taught an “Integral Gardening” class at a local junior college, students constantly wanted to know why certain plants did not grow well in their yard. They asked about roses, petunias, lettuce, corn, broccoli, and on and on. In general, when they wanted to know why a particular plant did not grow well, I directed them to the Sunset Gardening book where they could analyze their plant. Or I directed them to the Rodale book which shows pictures of which bugs are eating your plants, and which leaf discolorations indicate which mineral deficiencies, or other problem. However, I always tried to impress upon the student two basic principles of my lazy man’s guide to gardening. One, wherever you live, look at your yard. Each plot of soil is unique because of the slope of the land, the way the sun and wind affect that land, the type of soil, and the types of trees already growing there, such as eucalyptus, for example. Observe what already grows well in your yard. Then, as you begin to plant various herbs and vegetables, you will observe that some do well, and some do not do well. Focus on those which do well. Those that consistently do not grow well in your yard are perhaps not suited for your area. Second, rather than focus on the specific needs of individual plants, focus always on improving the soil. Quality soil is the basis of good agriculture. Add compost, add earthworms, use mulch, whatever it takes. THE PERENNIAL GARDEN Over the years, I have encouraged those garden plants that take care of themselves. That means they are hardy, insect-repellant, and mostly perennials. For those of you who are non-gardeners, an annual plant means you plant it in the spring and it is dead by fall. A perennial means you plant it once and it is like the Eveready bunny-- it just keeps going and going, year after year. I love perennials, especially if it is a plant that I enjoy eating. When I first began gardening at my parents’ home many years ago, I grew Jerusalem artichokes. These are sunflowers which are native to eastern North America. They produce volumes of underground tubers, which are good raw, or cooked like potatoes. Unless you have lots of gophers, most anyone can grow Jerusalem artichokes, also called sunchokes. Potatoes are easy to grow. I usually take potatoes from the store which have sprouted, and then plant them in a big mulch pile. They grow and grow, and when they die back,you dig into the pile and harvest the big potatoes. You keep the little ones in the ground and so the potato patch continues to grow, year after year. Onions are another easy crop which is easy to grow, and they are perennial if you only pinch off the greens and leave the roots for multiplication. In fact, when left in the ground, onion bulb multiply every season, and you can separate them to increase the size of your onion patch. You can eat some of the bulbs when you do this division. A benefit of onions is that they tend to be highly insect-resistant for the garden. Any members of this family can be grown likewise: onions, chives, leeks, etc. Swiss chard was one of the first plants I used to grow in my garden. Though not technically a perennial, the plant will readily produce seed and reseed itself if you leave a few plants growing each season. Though the subsequent seasons will produce smaller leaves, you can still create an endless source of the chard leaves. One of my favorite experiments in gardening was with New Zealand spinach. I originally dug up a small plant on the fringe of a beach near Malibu, and planted it in the hillside garden. This is a constantly sprawling perennial plant, and over the course of several years, it covered at least a thousand square feet in a succulent, edible groundcover. Unlike regular garden spinach (which is an annual), New Zealand spinach leaves can be harvested year-round, a little here, a little there. It is even tastier than regular spinach, and can be added to salads, soups, sandwiches, stews. My aunt and uncle in Ohio introduced me to the asparagus plant, which is a beautiful ferny plant most of the year, producing little red (not-edible) fruits in the fall. In the spring, the rootstock of the asparagus produces the young shoots, which you cut and eat. And guess what? Once you have a good productive rootstock of asparagus, it will produce shoots for about 50 years! That’s a great lazy-man’s garden plant. This just scratches the surface of the plants to grow in a perennial garden. If you have questions, please write to me c/o this paper. Have you ever had serious second thoughts about something? Of course, I usually have severe trouble with establishing first thoughts. But once I have finished a serious thought I like put it behind me and go on with life. For example. For years, people have been telling me how harmful drinking coffee is. Something to do, so they tell me, with being addicted to caffeine. Then, if I cannot give up coffee, I am to limit the number of cups of coffee I drink per day. This has always caused me great concern because I can never remember how many cups of coffee I have had in any given day. I suppose I could keep a tally and mark down every cup I drink. This in itself poses a serious problem for me. When I am in a restaurant and drinking coffee and my cup is half-empty and the waitress tops off my coffee, is that considered one or two cups of coffee? What about my coffee mug at home? Does it hold one or two cups of coffee? By the time I have had my thoughts thoroughly stirred about the consumption of caffeine I read a health report informing us that caffeine helps prevent heart attack. If that is true, and I have no reason not to believe it, there will be no heart attacks in my family for the next ten generations. All that guilt I felt for years about drinking too much coffee has really been for nothing. Therefore, in a show of good faith, I plan to drink as much coffee as I jolly well please. Then there was the episode about chocolate. According to those people who hate other people enjoying themselves, chocolate is supposed to be bad for you. Or so they opined. For years, I have been secretly eating chocolate behind the back of the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage. She is one who takes these warnings rather seriously. Rather, I should say, she takes them out on me. For years chocolate was a forbidden substance in our otherwise merry domicile. Then I read a report revealing the health benefits associated with eating chocolate. No wonder I am such a healthy rascal these days. The only exercise I have had for years is exercising caution in smuggling chocolate into our house. The good news is, chocolate is good for your health along with a steaming hot cup of coffee. I do not know what I enjoy more in life. With these two things in mind, I have had some cause to re-think my position on broccoli. My reasoning goes something like this. For years, people have been telling us that coffee and chocolate is bad for your health. Then, somebody discovers that these two things benefit our health. Now, for years, starting with my dear old mother, people have been extolling the virtues of broccoli. I cannot tell how many lectures I have heard explaining to me how wonderful and beneficial broccoli is for human consumption. I cannot remember the number of vitamins and minerals allegedly associated with this vegetable. When I was a young lad in short pants, I took one look at broccoli and determined it was not for me at all. Even I, at that point, understood the maliciousness of what some people called a vegetable. “Eat all your vegetables and then you can have your dessert.” Which, to my mind, was second only to waterboarding. In fact, I think there was a period in my life when I would have preferred the waterboarding. “It’s good for you,” people kept telling me. What I want to know is how can something that looks like a miniature tree-wanna-be be good for a person? The first and last broccoli I have ever eaten took me three days to chew. Then, I had to brush my teeth for a week to get it all out from between my teeth. Now that I have become older, I have begun to rethink certain things in life. One has to do with the functional aspect of wearing suspenders. One unfortunate episode in the public mall was enough for me. And the other has to do with broccoli. Maybe, just maybe, I have been too harsh concerning what some people call a wonderful vegetable. Maybe, if I give it some further thought, I might discover that broccoli is not half as bad as I thought it was. It just could be that all these years those people bragging on the marvelous benefits of broccoli were right. Just as I was polishing up this second thought about broccoli to present it to my wife, I saw a newspaper article that said, “Tainted broccoli spurs big recall in West.” I knew it. I knew that broccoli; in whatever form you want to cook it, is tainted. Second thoughts can certainly be dangerous. I took this second thought about broccoli, threw it away and enthusiastically embraced my first thought and now broccoli is history with me. The Bible warns us to be careful about what we think. “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8 KJV). I have more important things to think about than broccoli. We’d like to hear from you! What’s on YOUR Mind? Contact us at: or AND Twitter: @mtnviewsnews Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||