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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, April 8, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 2017 SECTION B AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY SENATOR ANTHONY J. PORTANTINO RECOGNIZES 10 WOMEN OF THE YEAR FROM SD 25 THEY’RE BACK! Arrogate and Hoppertunity Return to Baffert’s Barn Pasadena, CA – On Sunday, March 26, Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D – La Cañada Flintridge) had the privilege of honoring ten exemplary women from Senate District 25 in the courtyard of Pasadena City Hall. The California State Legislature first recognized March as Women’s History Month in 1987 and has continued the tradition. Each year members of the State Legislature recognize the exceptional women in their district with a celebration commemorating their efforts. This year’s honorees of SD25 are different in age and unique in their advocacy. The strength of their efforts is reflected in their success and their life accomplishments. . Alma Hernández — Glendale, Executive Director for SEIU California, an organization dedicated to electing candidates and passing policies that benefit SEIU’s 700,000 members and their families in California. . Alta Skinner — San Dimas, Alta Skinner is a community advocate, a compassionate volunteer and strong supporter of children with special needs in education. . Angela Aguirre — Pasadena, Angela Aguirre is a Chicana Feminist poet who enjoys mentoring youth and using her creativity in meaningful ways. . Claire Bogaard — Pasadena, One of the founding members of Pasadena Heritage, a community based historic preservation organization. . Dr. Geraldine Perri — Glendora, Superintendent and President of Citrus College since 2008. She has over 30 years of college administrative and faculty experience. . Juanita De Vaughn — Altadena, A natural leader, she has dedicated her life to her community and its needs. . Lisa Pitney — La Crescenta, Vice President of Government Relations of the Walt Disney Company since 1996. She represents the company to city, county and state governments throughout the U.S. . Marsha Ramos — Burbank, Small business owner of Geosystems, an environmental, geotechnical and land consulting firm, serves on the Board of the Metropolitan Water District, and a community leader . Mary Najarian — Glendale, A passionate supporter of her Armenian community, always responding to its call. . Sheri Bonner — Pasadena, Sheri Bonner has been a part of the Planned Parenthood family for over 25 years and has served as President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley. “It is such an honor to be able to recognize the 2017 Women of the Year from Senate District 25 today,” commented Senator Portantino. “Their advocacy and service to the community serves as sterling example for us all. REPS. SCHIFF, GRIJALVA & SEN. BALDWIN DENOUNCE EXCLUSION OF LGBT DATA FROM CONSIDERATION FOR CENSUS By Joan Schmidt This Saturday a little after noon, the trailer FINALLY pulled up near Bob Baffert’s Barn and Arrogate, America’s richest racing horse arrived at the Great Race Place. He and his traveling partner Hoppertunity had arrived at LAX shorting before 11:00 AM and a nice little crowd patiently waited. Mike Smith of course was there, but Julia Roberts didn’t make it this time! It was really exciting to watch these great horses led off the trailer. In Dubai, Mike Smith rode Arrogate and Flavien Pratt, currently Santa Anita’s jockey with the most 57 wins was on Hoppertunity. That race in Dubai truly was the most exciting one ever. Arrogate did not break well and was at the back, but he eventually found his niche and began to move. The ending was spectacular! Welcome back! WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA), Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) and Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) led 86 Members of Congress in sending a bicameral letter to the U.S. Census Bureau Director John Thompson and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Mick Mulvaney, expressing strong disapproval of the Census Bureau’s decision to remove data collection on LGBT individuals for consideration for the 2020 Census and the American Community Survey (ACS). The Census Director said, “Our review concluded there was no federal data need to change the planned census and ACS subjects.” Rep. Schiff led a letter for FY 2017 and FY 2018 to House appropriators requesting funding for the U.S. Census Bureau to conduct data collection on the LGBT community. Rep. Grijalva and Sen. Baldwin introduced the LGBT Data Inclusion Act last year which would require federal agencies to collect data on this population in federal population surveys to ensure policymakers have the data necessary to address the communities’ needs. The federal government, states, and local communities use census data to determine how to allocate resources to meet the needs of certain populations. Despite this critical mission, no comprehensive federal population survey currently asks respondents to share their sexual orientation and gender identity, meaning that even the most basic of statistics – the number of people who identify as LGBT – is undeterminable. The text of the lawmakers’ letter is below. Dear Directors Thompson and Mulvaney We write to express our strong disapproval of the Census Bureau’s decision to not include consideration of data collection on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals in the 2020 Census and American Community Survey. While the Subjects Planned for the 2020 Census and American Community Survey (ACS) report released on Tuesday, March 28th appears to have initially considered including sexual orientation and gender identity as a proposed subject, we are concerned that the finalized report does not include any reference to proposed inclusion of LGBT identities in the Census or ACS. Additionally, we are deeply troubled that in follow- up statements, Director Thompson claims that the rationale for excluding LGBT identities is that there is no federal need for such information. As you know, the Bureau routinely collects demographic information through the decennial census and the annual ACS. The federal government, states, and local communities rely on Census and ACS data to determine how resources should be allocated to meet the needs of certain populations. Despite this critical mission, neither of these assessments, nor any other major federal population survey, currently asks respondents to share their sexual orientation and gender identity. This means that even the most basic of statistics – the number of people who identify as LGBT – cannot be counted. A number of pieces of federal legislation passed by Congress, implicitly or explicitly, include protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Countless programs implemented under these, and other laws, serve LGBT people; some to a distinctly disproportionate extent. There is no doubt that there is both a statutory benefit and a programmatic need to collect sexual orientation and gender identity data if we want federal agencies to undertake their work in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Despite tremendous progress in the fight to secure equal recognition under the law, LGBT Americans continue to face discrimination in facets of everyday life such as in employment, housing, and even in the justice system. There is also compelling evidence that many, particularly transgender people, are at greater risk of being victimized by violence and experience significant health disparities and vulnerability to poverty. While the Census Bureau took an important step forward in 2013 by including the marital status of same-sex couples as part of ACS data on families, the fact remains that we know little else about the social and economic circumstances of the LGBT population at large. Expanded data collection on LGBT people is needed to help policymakers and community stakeholders understand the full extent of these disparities, as well as identifying the needs of these communities so they can be better served. It is also crucial to our ability to respond with effective and sensible policy solutions that address the unique needs of this vulnerable population. For these reasons, we believe that the Census Bureau should advance plans to expand LGBT data collection in future national surveys and urge you to assist us in reaching this goal. In your recent statement, you said that the Census Bureau’s goal is to conduct a “complete and accurate census.” If this is indeed the goal, then the availability of data on the size, location, and circumstances of the LGBT population should be taken into account. Therefore, the Bureau must acknowledge the concerns regarding the lack of reliable data on the LGBT population in the United States. We ask that you provide additional explanation as to why sexual orientation and gender identity were not included in the Subjects Planned for the 2020 Census and American Community Survey (ACS) report, including justification for stating there being no federal need for data on the LGBT population. The Census Bureau’s data collection efforts have always played a significant role in our ability to understand the communities that we represent and how best to serve them. LGBT Americans – like every American – deserve to be counted and recognized in all federally-supported surveys. We appreciate your attention to this important matter and look forward to your response. THE 33RD ANNUAL JUSTICE FOR HOMICIDE VICTIMS MEMORIAL: STRENGTH, RESILIENCE, JUSTICE AND WHY WE MUST HEED MIKE GATTO’S WORDS By Joan Schmidt A few years ago, after I attended the 1st Crime Victims Summit and learned about Justice for Homicide Victims, I went home and cried. Seeing photos of victims-from toddlers to seniors-brutally murdered and taken away from loved ones was unbearable. That memorable day I met three remarkable women: Marcella Leach, Jane Bouffard and LaWanda Hawkins. Marcella Leach and Ellen “Lenny” Dunne founded JHV after their daughters (Marsy Nicholas Leach and Dominique Dunne) were brutally murdered by former boyfriends. Jane Bouffard is current President of the JHV Foundation; her parents were the victims of a home invasion robbery. LaWanda Hawkins lost her beloved son Reginald Reese and founded Justice for Murdered Children. At Rose Hills Cemetery stands a beautiful white monument immortalizing victims; Dr. Henry Nicolas, Marsy’s brother, provided the funds for this. Each year, a beautiful Memorial is held there, the Sunday that begins Crimes Victims Week. The program was so beautiful, but heart-wrenching. Former Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz gave the Invocation and Guest Speakers included former Assemblyman Mike Gatto, LASD Chief Earl Shields of the Detective Bureau and three brave women who lost their children. The wonderful International Peace Choir performed Let There Be Peace, This Song is for Children, This Little Light, I’ll Make a Difference at various times during the Program, and We Are the Survivors as the balloons were released. Three-and-a half years ago, former Assemblyman Mike Gatto lost his loving gentle 78-year-old father who was murdered in a home invasion. His killer walked off with maybe a few hundred bucks and still has not been caught. “Dealing with death is a part of the human condition, but there is something about murder, and not being able to say good-bye…that hurts far worse than a serious illness.” Mike spoke of AB 169 and 30,000 felons being sent to over-crowded county jails, so many are paroled early. Mike wonders, “Why can’t politicians realize that in criminal justice, we have to strike a balanced path? In the past few years, we’ve seen Prop 47, Prop 57, a judicial attack on our state’s DNA testing laws and this year, a proposal to get rid of bail entirely. I want to stress that if these activists get their way, a person could steal a gun that is later used in a murder, get caught with date-rape drugs, rob someone, get arrested repeatedly for similar crimes and never have to submit to DNA testing nor have to pay any bail whatsoever and never spend a day in jail. Is this fair? Does this provide justice for families? “ Three mothers-Colleen Campbell (son Scott), Lee Bertha Pickett-Allen (son Ernie) and Jennifer Lundy (daughter Brittany) spoke of the brutal parole hearings for their children’s murderers. One drove seven hours, only to find out it was cancelled. One spent so much time getting letters, testifying, but none was put in the final report. One spoke of sitting in a room with a killer who had no remorse. Jennifer, Lee Bertha and Colleen will NEVER give up. (Colleen has two crosses to bear. Her late brother Mickey Thompson and wife Trudy were murdered by Mickey’s disgruntled former partner. For years, he walked free and terrorized Colleen.) Jennifer lost her much-loved toddler Brittany. It has been over twenty years; she has remarried and has other children. But that hole in her heart from losing Brittany will never go away. Jennifer spoke of calls to Sacramento and gave a link to a website with parole hearing dates six months ago. All three mothers told us to fight for your rights and never give up. The doves were released, people wrote messages on balloons to their loved ones and released the balloons. . It was truly a beautiful uplifting day. Please visit www. CALIFORNIA STATE ASSEMBLY PASSES RESOLUTION COMMEMORATING LEGACY OF JACKIE ROBINSON Sacramento, CA – Today, the California State Assembly passed a resolution recognizing the 70th Anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in a major professional sport. Robinson, a Pasadena native, made baseball history when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in April, 1947. “Jackie Robinson is a true hero who continues to influence our lives 70 years later by his actions and words both on and off the field,” said Assemblymember Chris Holden. “With this resolution the legislature recognizes the bravery he exhibited, and the sacrificial hardship he and his family endured, during a time in our country’s history of racial turmoil and inhuman discrimination.” Robinson was born January 31, 1919, in Cairo, Georgia and was raised in Pasadena, California. A stellar athlete, young Robinson excelled not only in baseball but was a lettered athlete in football, track and field. He also played on the varsity squad of each of these sports while attending UCLA. While as a commissioned second lieutenant in the United States Army during World War II, he refused to sit in the back of an unsegregated military that resulted in his denial of combat duty. Consequently, he was acquitted and received an honorable discharge and later assigned to Camp Breckinridge, Morganfield Kentucky where he worked as an Army athletics coach and was subsequently encouraged to try out for the Kansas City Monarchs, a Negro National League team. Upon joining the Dodgers in 1947, Robinson led the Dodgers to win 6 pennants and the World Series in 1955. Robinson, after his historic career, became a vocal champion for civil rights and other social and political causes by joining the NAACP and helping establish the African- American Freedom National Bank. “Jackie Robinson will continue to be an inspiration for generations to come,” said Holden. EASTER SUNDAY EVENTS We invite you to journey with us during Holy Week and celebrate Easter Sunday with us. No matter where you have been or where you are now, all are welcome to Church of the Good Shepherd, United Methodist (400 W. Duarte Rd. Arcadia, CA 91007). April 13, 2017: Holy Thursday Service with Communion at 7 p.m. in the Chapel April 14, 2017: Stations of the Cross Meditation Walk in the courtyard any time between noon and 5 p.m. Easter Sunday: Youth led sunrise service at 6 a.m. as well as traditional services at 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. There will be an egg hunt for children between the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services in the courtyard. Visit for more information Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||