The Good Life | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, April 22, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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THE GOOD LIFE WHAT TO DO WITH CREMATED ASHES? 10 Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 22, 2017 SENIOR HAPPENINGS WHAT TO DO WITH CREMATED ASHES? Dear Savvy Senior, When my father passed away a few months ago we had him cremated, but are now wondering what to do with his ashes. My sister and I would like to do something celebratory for his life, but aren’t sure what to do. Any suggestions? No Instructions Left Dear No, If your dad didn’t leave any final instructions on what to do with his cremated remains (ashes), you have a wide array of choices. They can be kept, buried or scattered in a variety of ways and in many locations. Here are some different options to help you decide. Keep Close By For many people, keeping the ashes of their deceased love one close by provides a feeling of comfort. If you fit into this category, you could keep his ashes in an urn on the mantel or in a cabinet, or you could also scatter some of them into your lawn or garden, shake them into a backyard pond or dig a hole and bury them. Another possible option is eco-friendly urns (like or that contain a seed that grows into a tree or plant after being buried. Cemetery Options If you want your dad’s final resting place to be at a cemetery, you have several choices depending on how much you’re willing to spend. With most cemeteries, you can either bury his ashes in a plot, or place them in cremation monument, a mausoleum, or a cemetery building called a columbarium. Scatter Them If you want to scatter his ashes, to help you chose an appropriate location, think about what your dad would have liked. For example, did he have a favorite fishing spot, camping area, golf course, beach or park that held a special meaning? These are all possibilities, but be aware to that if you choose to scatter his ashes in a public location or on private land, you’ll need get permission from the management, local government or the land owner. National parks, for example, require you to have a permit before you scatter ashes. If you wish to dispose of them at sea, the Environmental Protection Agency asks you be at least three miles from shore. Beach scatterings are also illegal in some states, including California, but are rarely enforced. And many public areas, like Central Park and Disneyland prohibit scattering ashes too, as do most professional and college sports stadiums. Untraditional Methods If you want to do something truly unique with his ashes, you have many choices here too, but they can get pricy ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Here are several to consider. Scattering by air: This free-spirited option lets you spread your dad’s ashes into the sky so the particles can be taken by the wind. To do this, you could hire a private plane, helicopter or hot air balloon service, or use a balloon scattering service like or Or, you could even send his ashes into outer space with Scattering by sea: If your dad loved the water, there are many businesses that offer ash scattering services at sea, especially close to coastal areas, or you could rent a boat and do it yourself. There are also companies like that offer reef memorials so your dad’s ashes can rest on the ocean floor. Ashes to keepsakes: If you want a keepsake of your dad, you can also turn some of his ashes into a wide variety of memorabilia, such as: diamonds (see or; jewelry or other handcrafted glass items (ArtFromAshes. com and; vinyl records (Andvinyly. com); gun ammunition (; or an hourglass urn ( Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …April Birthdays* Howard Rubin, Hattie Harris, Mary Harley, Bette White, Dorothy White, Doris Behrens, Freda Bernard, Beth Copti, Terri Cummings, Marilyn Diaz, Virginia Elliott, Elma Flores, Betty Jo Gregg, Barbara Lampman, Betty Mackie, Elizabeth Rassmusen, Maria Reyes, Marian DeMars, Anne Schryver, Chrisine Bachwansky, Colleen McKernan, Sandy Swanson, Hank Landsberg, Ken Anhalt, Shannon Vandevelde * To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required ................................................................... ACTIVITIES: Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart Park House (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre Hawaiian & Polynesian Dance Class: Every Tuesday morning from 10a.m. to 11a.m. Join instructor Barbara Dempsey as she leads you in the art of Hula. Bingo: Every Tuesday beginning at 1:00p.m. Cards are only $0.25 each! Everyone is welcome to join. May be canceled if less than five people. Free Blood Pressure Testing: 2nd Tuesday of the month from 11a.m. to 12p.m. No appt. is necessary. Brain Games: Thursdays, 10:30a.m. to 11:30a.m., improve your memory and strengthen your brain. Activities facilitated by Senior Volunteers. Free Legal Consultation: Wednesdays from 10:30a.m. to Noon. Attorney Lem Makupson is available for legal consultation. He specializes in Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Estates, and Injury. Appointments are required by calling 626-355-7394. Senior Club: Meets every Saturday at the Hart Park House Senior Center. Brown Bag Lunch at 11:30a.m. Tax Assistance: Every Wednesday beginning on February 1st through April 12th from 1:00p.m. to 2:00p.m. - Don Brunner is available for income tax consultation. Appointments are required by calling 626-355-7394. Chair Yoga: Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00 to 11:45a.m. with Paul Hagen. 3rd Monday of each month, a variety of balance exercises are practiced. All ability levels are encouraged and welcomed! *A suggested donation of $5 at one of the classes is requested, but is not required. Case Management: Case Management services are provided by the YWCA and provide assistance in a variety of areas. Appointments are required and can be scheduled by calling the Hart Park House Office at 626-355-7394. Birthday Celebrations: Every 2nd Thursday of the month at the Hart Park House, share some free birthday cake provided by the Sierra Madre Civic Club. Game Day: Every Thursday starting at 12:00p.m. Come join this group of Seniors in a poker game. Other games are offered to all. Please note time change. Free Strength Training Class: Every Friday from 12:45p.m. to 1:30p.m. with Lisa Brandley. This energetic class utilizes light weights for low impact resistance training. All class materials are provided. Stress, Resilience, Positivity: Finding Balance - by The Kensington Sierra Madre Four Tuesdays, March 7 - 28th from 2:00 - 4:00p.m. Register by calling 213-821-6919 or 213-821-6908. SENIOR EXCURSIONS APRIL EXCURSION APRIL EXCURSION - SAVE THE DATE Tanaka Farms Strawberry Tour (Irvine) Date: Thursday, April 27th Time: 9:30a.m. to 2:30p.m. Meeting Location: Hart Park House Cost: $20.00 (Not including Lunch) Come experience a real working farm in the heart of Orange County. Tour includes a guided wagon ride around the 30-acre Farm. Learn about and sample different fruits and vegetables in season. Pick and eat fresh, juicy strawberries. You will be given a one-pound container to fill with berries. Things to consider: - Wear comfortable shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty. - The farm is not handicapped accessible; and wagon rides on dirt roads will be bumpy.... and lots of bending to pick berries. - Bring your sack lunch to eat at the picnic tables. - Spending money is optional for market shopping. Level of walking: Medium – High. Please call the Hart Park House for reservations at 626-355-7394. TINY BUBBLES This is an article that I wrote several years ago, before we were thrust into the brave new world of Common Core and computerized “smart” tests. I hope you enjoy this quaint look at what standardized state testing used to be like. Spring is here ! Blossoms perfume the air as I walk through our beautiful town. While this season is a time for celebrating nature’s rebirth, it comes with the ominous raincloud of Standardized Testing! I feel sorry for high school students facing this academic adversary; it seems like the competition grows fiercer every year. When I was in high school I had a healthy concern about the test, but I didn’t give myself an ulcer signing up for tutoring or pouring over SAT study guides (okay, I bought one, but I didn’t pour over it). What did strike fear in my heart was the dreaded GRE (Graduate Record Examination) which I had to pass in order to enter grad school. If you haven’t had the pleasure, the GRE is sort of like the SAT on steroids. I’ve tried to repress memories of this daunting experience, but I still recall the practice CD Rom with its algebraic equations and writing prompts such as “defend or refute the use of trade embargoes.” I frantically typed while watching a red time clock tick down (because a test is always scarier if it’s timed!). I wondered what any of this had to do with my future in Health and Human Services. All’s well that ends well, I think that CD eventually found its way into a celebratory bonfire. If you have elementary school kids you’ve probably received newsletters alerting you to the upcoming crucial week(s) of standardized state testing. Make sure they’re well rested, fed, and at school on time! When I was a student my teachers always stressed having a good breakfast on testing days, but I never felt any smarter for it. The truth is, however, that it’s the teachers who are really stressed out over these fateful booklets (Ha! Booklets! How 20th century!). One careless kid can swing the school’s whole API (Academic Performance Index), which in turn can taint the district’s AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) report. Next thing you know, home values drop because the neighboring city’s kids did better on this one test, taken one week, targeting what is sometimes a very narrow range of skills. Since this test is of supreme importance, it used to require teachers to sign a statement testifying that they’d been trained in the handling of test booklets. Every day after school, the booklets were collected and locked in bins in a secure location (I kid you not!). Of course these days it’s all online, so schools don’t need to reinvent Fort Knox on their campuses. Children’s work was stowed away with the same level of protection given to documents of national security. Considering the magnitude of this exam, it is understandable that teachers were tempted to become irate when students casually flipped over reading sections, filled in random bubbles, and turned in a seven-page exam after three minutes. While we all hope our kiddos will put their best effort into this ordeal, you can’t help but understand why some kids burn out after hours of math, science, writing, and reading about gripping topics such as mural artists and memoirs of a childhood in England during the Industrial Revolution. One of my Mom’s teacher friends is fond of telling about one of her students (nearing middle age by now) who spent a considerable amount of time on his test before turning in an answer sheet with all the “B’s” bubbled in except the last item, which was blank. When she asked why he didn’t fill in that one he said, “I didn’t know the answer.” Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up! Moral of the story: sleep well, eat a good breakfast, and color in a variety of letters (or, these days, click on a variety of answers). Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||