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SIERRA MADRE EDITION SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2017 VOLUME 11 NO. 18 INVESTIGATION CONTINUES INTO GUNS CONFISCATED IN SIERRA MADRE Full List Of Seized Items Made Public Public records recently released show the contents of the two truckloads of weapons seized in a raid at the Sierra Madre home of Pasadena Police Lt. Vasken (Kenneth) Gourdikian in February, 2017. (http://mtnviewsnews. com/v11/htm/n07/index.htm), The residence contained as many as 62 items of which 57 were guns. One of the items seized, a handgun, has been valued at $3,800. Various other news sources have placed a total value of the guns taken to be between $50- $100,000. According one source, “A wide range of guns were seized, including 34 pistols, valued at about $27,900, 21 rifles or rifle receivers, valued at about $20,450, and two shotguns, valued at about $2,600.” The complete list can be viewed at: https://www.forfeiture.gov/pdf/ATF/OfficialNotification.pdf The guns were confiscated as part of a federal investigation by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Recently the Los Angeles office warned of a “growing trend” of law enforcement officers engaging in unlicensed, illegal firearms dealing. In March, Special Agent in Charge of the ATF in Los Angeles, Eric D. Harden, warned that the agency has learned of an “emerging problem” with respect to law enforcement officers buying and then reselling guns, in possible violation of federal firearms law. The involved guns include many which are considered “off- roster” under California law, meaning that they can be purchased only by law enforcement officers and are not available to the general public. “In some instances, ATF has discovered officers who purchased more than 100 ‘off roster’ firearms that were subsequently transferred to non-law enforcement individuals,” Harden continued. “Such transactions potentially constitute violations of federal firearms laws, to include dealing firearms without a FFL, and lying on a federal firearms form when purchasing said firearm — also known as ‘straw purchasing. Whether or not there is a relationship between the raid of Gourdikian’s home and the advisory sent by the ATF recently is not known. At press time, there have been no charges filed against Gourdikian, and because of the ongoing investigation, very little information has been made public. Gourdikian remains on administrative leave from the Pasadena Police Department. MVNews Two truckloads of weapons were seized fromVasken (Kenneth) Gourdikian's Sierra Madre home in February DR. BILL PATZERT TO SPEAK ON “DROUGHTS AND DELUGES” World renowned Climatologist, Dr. Bill Patzert will speak to the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at noon. Patzert has been a research scientist in oceanography at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, since 1983. He explores the ocean’s role in climate variability, seeks to improve climate forecasting using NASA- generated global data in concert with longer, land-based records of temperature and precipitation, and communicates scientific knowledge to the general public through popular articles and media interviews. Patzert also is a member of NASA’s Sea Level Change Team. Prior to joining JPL, Patzert was a research oceanographer at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. On Tuesday, he will speak on Droughts and Deluges and California’s forecast. The Kiwanis Club meets at The Lodge, (formerly the Masonic Temple), 33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. Lunch will be served at noon ($10). The program, which is free, will begin at 12:40. For reservations, please contact Kiwanis President Judy Webb-Martin at 626-688-2273. WORKS BEGINS ON SIERRA MADRE MAIN SEWER LINE Sierra Madre Public Works has contracted with Nu-Line Technologies, LLC to rehabilitate the city's sanitary sewer main line. The following areas will be serviced: 1 West Orange Grove Ave, 200 South Lima St, 600 East Grand View Ave, 300 Acacia St, 400 North Canon, Churchill Road at Old ranch Rd, 1100 Arno Drive, 600 Woodland Dr, 700 Woodland Dr, 700 Sturtevant Dr, 500 Sturtevant Dr, 300 North Baldwin Ave. The rehabilitation includes cleaning, video, and installation of pipe lining. In some areas pipe replacement may be needed. The project began on May 2nd and crews canbe seen throughout the city working over sewer manholes. Sierra Madre Public Works and Nu-Line Technologies kindly request everyone observe the temporary parking restriction signs posted on your street. “No Parking / Tow Away” that will be posted 48 hours in advance of enforcement. Access to individual driveways will be maintained at all times. All affected residents will also receive a letter from the contractor “Nu Line Technologies” with instructions and project details. Expect intermittent traffic delays. The project will continue through Mid-June. If you have any questions please contact; Sierra Madre Public Works Department, Clare Lin at 626-355-7135 X802 or Nu-Line Technologies LLC, Project Superintendent, Jorge Beltran (626) 295-0542, or our main office at (760) 634-5153. SIERRA MADRE SIDEWALK PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM It was announced earlier this week by the Public Works Department, in an effort " to improve pedestrian safety and walk-ability in the community", that the Sidewalk Partnership Program is still available. The program began in 2010 and assists property owners with repair of damaged sidewalks. Under this program, the City will cover the expense of labor and equipment and the homeowner only has to cover the cost of the concrete. It should be noted that: - This program applies only to the elimination of a potential hazard. - The program includes work to repair sidewalks, driveways, and curb/gutters. - Residents will receive an inspection of the site to determine if they qualify, whether trees or roots will need to be addressed, and the total area of the replacement. - Residents will be provided with the full cost of participation before agreeing to participate. - Trees and roots may require additional consideration, and the removal and replacement of trees would be at the property owner’s expense. - Scheduling of work is contingent on the variable work load of the Public Works Department. For additional information, please email Clare Lin in the Public Works Department at clin@ cityofsierramadre.com or call 626-355-7135 Ext 802. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |