Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, June 10, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:6

Mountain View News Saturday, June 10, 2017 


Come Taste the Town of Arcadia! Every monththe City of Arcadia Recreation & CommunityServices Department – Senior Services Divisionalong with a City Council Member will explorerestaurants in Arcadia that will include a preselected 
lunch menu. On Wednesday, June 14,
lunch will be held at Matt Denny’s Ale House inArcadia. The fee is $15 per person. Transportationis provided to and from the restaurant. 
Participants will meet at the Community Center,
365 Campus Drive at 10:45am. If interested inattending please call Arcadia Senior Services at626.574.5130. This program is for individualsage 50 and over. Space is limited! 

About the City of ArcadiaNestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, 
Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile community with apopulation of just over 56,000. Located approximately20 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Arcadiais known for combining small-town charm withthe conveniences and amenities of a mid-size city.
Arcadia is a full-service charter city governed by a five-
member City Council, elected at large. Recognized forexceptional education and recreation opportunities andbeautiful neighborhoods, Arcadia is also defined as the“Community of Homes” and has twice been designatedthe “Best City in California in which to Raise Kids” byBusiness Week Magazine. 

For the period of Sunday, May 21st, through Saturday, May 27th,
the Police Department responded to 1,049 calls for service, of which126 required formal investigations. The following is a summaryreport of the major incidents handled by the Department duringthis period. 

Sunday, May 21:

Shortly before 9:16 a.m., an officer responded to the 800 block ofFairview Avenue regarding a vehicle burglary report. The officerdetermined an unknown suspect broke the passenger window ofthe vehicle and stole various tools. No suspects were seen and nowitnesses were located. 

Around 9:48 a.m., an officer responded to CEO Beauty Salon,
168 Las Tunas Drive, regarding a commercial burglary report.
The victim discovered an unknown suspect forced open a reardoor and stole approximately $20,000 worth of merchandise andfacial machines. An investigation revealed a neighboring unitwithin the same business complex was also burglarized in thesame manner. The investigation is ongoing.

Just after 7:00 p.m., an officer responded to Albertsons, 298East Live Oak Avenue, regarding a robbery report. The managerwitnessed the suspect push a cart of unpaid groceries through theexit and, when she contacted the suspect, the suspect pushed thecart toward the manager and tipped it over, causing injury to themanager’s hand. The suspect fled to his red Mercedes.

The suspect is described as a Hispanic male, approximately5’6”, 240 pounds, with a shaved head. The investigation isongoing. 

Monday, May 22:

At approximately 5:31 a.m., an officer was flagged down byan unknown citizen reporting a male subject was bleeding inthe 400 block of East Huntington Drive. Upon contacting thesubject, the officer discovered an altercation occurred betweentwo transients and the suspect struck the victim in the face with ametal gate. The victim was transported to the Arcadia MethodistHospital for treatment.

The suspect is described as a heavy set Hispanic male. Theinvestigation is ongoing.

Just after 10:37 a.m., an officer responded to Bourret AutoGlass and Upholstery, 11605 Goldring Road, regarding a theftreport. An investigation revealed an employee was fired onFriday, May 19th, and had to be escorted from the property. OnMonday, May 22nd, the reporting party discovered the petty cashbox and a laptop were missing. The suspect is the irate formeremployee, a 45-year-old female from La Habra Heights. Theinvestigation is ongoing. 

Tuesday, May 23:

Around 1:45 p.m., an officer responded to the area of 430East Huntington Drive regarding a male suspect who had just hita female victim. The officer discovered the suspect entered thevictims’ unlocked vehicle and stole a purse. The victims saw thesuspect inside their vehicle and, upon contacting the suspect, aphysical altercation ensued. The suspect fled on foot and one ofthe victims sustained minor injuries.

The suspect is described as a Hispanic male, 18 to 25-yearsold, 
approximately 5’5”, 135 pounds, with a mustache and ashaved head. The investigation is ongoing.

Just before 6:31 p.m., officers responded to Vons, 745 WestNaomi Avenue, regarding a grand theft report. An investigationrevealed the suspect, a 36-year-old male from Long Beach,
concealed nearly $1,000.00 worth of cosmetics in a bag andexited the store, failing to make payment. He dropped theproperty as he was confronted by loss prevention and fled in a 



tan Kia Optima. The investigation is ongoing. 

Wednesday, May 24:

Shortly after 3:06 p.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 800 block of Singing Wood Drive regarding a burglary report.
Surveillance footage revealed the suspects parked their vehiclein the driveway of the residence; three black males exited thevehicle, and entered the residence by smashing a rear window.
Once inside, they ransacked the home and fled with a laptop 

All three suspects attempted to cover their faces and werewearing work gloves. The investigation is ongoing.

At about 5:32 p.m., an officer responded to a condominiumcomplex in the 1000 block of Portola Drive regarding a burglaryreport. The reporting party stated an unknown suspect stolequarters from the laundry room machines sometime duringthe previous night. No suspects were seen and no witnesses werelocated. 

At approximately 6:57 p.m., an officer responded to aresidence in the 1500 block of South Sixth Avenue regarding apackage theft report. Surveillance footage revealed an unknownsuspect exited a white, 4-door vehicle, stole the package onlythree minutes after it had been delivered, and fled. 

The suspect is described as a male with a thin build, wearing acap, white T-shirt, and dark pants. The investigation is ongoing. 

Thursday, May 25: 
Around 10:07 a.m., an officer responded to the Arcadia PoliceDepartment front counter regarding a fraud report. The victimstated he was issued a fraudulent check by the suspect for a jobhe had not yet performed. The suspect asked the victim to cashthe check and pay him the remainder. The victim suspected itwas a scam and the bank confirmed the check was fraudulent. 
The suspect used the name “Fredrick Haxley”. The investigationis ongoing.

At about 2:45 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop ona vehicle in the area of Huntington Drive and Centennial Wayfor nearly colliding with the police vehicle. Upon contactingthe driver, the officer detected a strong odor of alcohol emittingfrom the driver’s breathe. Through a series of tests, the officerdetermined the 44-year-old male from Artesia had a bloodalcohol content of 0.30%. He was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. 

Friday, May 26:

Just before 9:35 a.m., an officer responded to VerizonWireless, 655 West Duarte Road, regarding a robbery report. Aninvestigation revealed two masked suspects entered the store, androbbed the employees of their personal money as well as nearly$30,000 worth of cell phones. They fled in an older model, silverMazda. 

The suspects are described as Hispanic males, oneapproximately 5’11” with a thin build. The second suspect washeavy set, also 5’11”, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and ablack mask. The investigation is ongoing. 

Saturday, May 27:

At about 12:46 p.m., an officer responded to Coach, 400South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a grand theft report. Thestore employee watched as the suspect from two previous theftsreturned and stole two more handbags. The suspect fled in awhite BMW. 

The suspect is described as a black male, 25 to 35-years-old,
wearing an Aaliyah concert T-shirt, blue track pants, and a tanhat. The investigation is ongoing. 


It’s always a pleasure to help Duarte youth. Three scholarship

Tip of the Week

recipients from Duarte High School received their checks from

Bear Safety - When the Weather Warms Up, the Bears Return to the

Duarte Kiwanis Club. Jonathan Galicia is headed to UC Irvine and 


is studying Bio Chemistry. He participated in the partnership DHS

The Monrovia Police Department would like to remind the public to

has with the City of Hope. He was inspired to learn more and hopes

act responsibly when in bear territory. Spring is the time of year when

to eventually join the research folks at City of Hope. Sarah Bouza is

California’s black bears emerge from their winter dens in search of food.

headed to San Francisco State University and is majoring in Apparel

Because bears are attracted to anything edible or smelly, their search

Design and Merchandising. After two years, she needs to decide

often leads them into residential neighborhoods, where trash and food

which path to take - Design or Mechandising. Right now her plan

is readily available. Throughout spring and summer, the California

is Merchandising since it will include Marketing. Kalina Gittens is

Department of Fish and Wildlife receive many calls when bears break

starting her adventure at PCC and hopes to finish her General Ed

into homes and rummage through trash bins. These bears are often

Requirements there before heading to a four year institution to study

labeled “nuisance” bears, but in reality they are just doing what comes

Toxicology. Pictured (from left), Duarte Kiwanis Board Member,

naturally to them - foraging for food.

Aida Torres, Jonathan Galicia, Sarah Bouza, Kalina Gittens and 

Tips for Bear-Proofing Your Home

Duarte Kiwanis President, Cheryl Reynolds. For further information

Bears have keen noses and can smell an easy meal from miles away.

on speaking or joining the club, contact Dr. Diane Hernandez at

They can easily tear a front door off its hinges if they smell food left out 

on the kitchen counter. To protect your family and property from bear


fencing, or 


www.cityofmonrovia.orgMONROVIA, CA – The City of Monrovia has launched its newwebsite, harnessing smart design and a powerful search engine tohelp users more easily find the information they need.
The website is organized to prioritize our most-visited pages andaccess to online services, such as paying your utility bill and signingup for recreation classes. The main header arranges informationfrom the perspective of residents, business owners, and visitors toprovide the best customer service to all users. Additionally, the “HowTo…” section provides quick links based on the task that the user islooking to accomplish.
The website utilizes responsive design to detect the user’s screen size,
ensuring information displays properly on both desktops and mobiledevices. The City has also incorporated design elements and contentprinciples to improve its accessibility for users with disabilities.
“The City is undergoing a renewal process in everything that wedo, making much-needed investments in our streets and sidewalks,
water and sewer systems, parks and other City facilities,” said CityManager Oliver Chi. “Similarly, we have been renewing our internal 


City operations, and the redesigned website will help people accesssprinklers.
information quickly and easily, helping us highlight all of the exciting• Harvest fruit 
initiatives and activities we have going on in Monrovia.”off trees as soon 
The modern look of the website was designed to reflect our vibrantas it is ripe,
commercial sector and growing biotech industry, while capturing itsand promptlyhistoric past and the small-town charm that makes Monrovia thecollect fruit 
Gem of the Foothills. 

that falls. 

In addition to adding new content and resources, the City rewrote• Securely 
many of its pages to make the content easier to understand, using ablock access 
friendly, welcoming tone. The website aims to act as a central hub forto potentialinformation about the community, providing links to businesses andhi b er n a t io n 
non-profit organizations serving our area.sites such as 
“The new website is a powerful tool to help our citizens engage withcrawl spaces 
their government and the community at large,” said Mr. Chi. “Withunder decks 
the arrival of the Metro Gold Line last year and now with the launchand buildings. 
of the new City website, it’s never been easier to explore what makesMonrovia such a dynamic place to live and visit.”
For more information regarding the website, please contact the CityManager’s Office at (626) 932-5506. 

break-ins, follow these simple tips:

• Purchase and properly use a bear-proof garbage container.
Wait to put trash out until the morning of collection day.

• Don’t leave trash, groceries, or animal feed in your car.
A bronze sculpture of Andres Duarte

• Keep garbage cans clean and deodorize them with bleach or
on his stallion is for sale by the artist,


Richard Myer, creator of the 14 foot

• Keep barbecue grills clean and stored in a garage or shed when not
high statue which stands proudly in

in use. 

the city plaza across from City Hall on

• Only provide bird feeders during November through March, and
Huntington Drive. This “baby bronze”

make them inaccessible to bears. 

was the prototype for the life-size statue

• Don’t leave any scented products outside, even non-food items
and was used at the foundry as a model.

such as suntan 

The materials alone are worth $2500, 

lotion, insect 

and Myers’ asking price is $5000. It is a

repellent, soap

table-top sculpture weighing 85 pounds,

or candles. 

29 inches high, 25 inches long. Myers

• Keep doors
is a famed artist, having created the

and windows 

headstone for the grave of John Wayne,

closed and 

and a life-sized sculpture of Frank Miller,


proprietor of the famed Mission Inn in

• Consider 
Riverside which was built by Frank’s


father. If anyone is interested in looking


further into this sale, please call Mark


Wood at (626) 825-0464. 

alarms, electric 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: