Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, October 7, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:6

Mountain View News Saturday, October 7, 2017 



The Los Angeles County Sheriff Department investigators 
and the Coroner's office, they haveThe daughter in law, 33, who survived the incidentidentified the dead man involved in last week's was shot in the leg and managed to drive downFather-Daughter In Law shooting in Chantry Flats. from Chantry Flat to Santa Anita Avenue where 

she could get a cell phone signal. 
The deceased Nery Estrada, 57 from Los Angeles isalleged to have shot his Daughter In Law and thenVarious news sources have attributed the shootingturned the gun on himself, inflicting a fatal gun-to a domestic dispute, however at press time thatshot wound. The gunshot was to the head and thehas not been confirmed. N 
Coroner's office has ruled it a suicide. 


Fascinated by Arcadia history? Join us officer ever slain in the line of duty. 
for a hot cup of coffee on brisk Saturday

For more information, please call 626.574.5440 or

mornings when local historians will share

visit the website at

new, original research on the history of

The Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage is located at


380 W. Huntington Drive, immediately behind the

Community Center. The Museum Education CenterOn Saturday, October 21 at 10 a.m., local historianis located at 382 W. Huntington Drive. The MuseumDaniel Hennessy will talk about Arcadia in 1927 andis open Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m.
the Police Officer Murder that July,” the story—andto 4:00 p.m. (closed 12-1). Admission is always free.

the history—surrounding the death of Arcadia policeYou can also follow the Museum on Facebook and 
Officer Albert E. Matthies – the only department Twitter. This event is open to all 


youth ages 2-14 and every rider must bring his or 
her own bike or trike and wear a helmet. The day 


of the event the cost is $25. Races are scheduled 
by age & bike type; the event will follow a rolling 
start beginning with Tricycles group, followed by 



the Bikes w/Wheels group and the Regular Bikes 
group. Parents are not allowed to run with their 
children. All bikers finishing the race receive a 
medal and certificate. For more information 

Sunday, October 

15, 2017 9:30am 

please call 323.728.7200 or email info@lajajakids. 
com. You can also visit the City of Arcadia’s 

Kids Fest and Family Expo would like to invite 

website at

you to attend the grand opening ceremony of a 
very special community and family event – the 
KidsFest 2017 5th Annual Kids Bike Race, a unique 
family and children event and fundraiser for the 
Arcadia community. This year we are working 
with the Recreation and Community Services 
Department with the event. We expect over 1,000 
people to attend this year’s KidsFest and help 
raise funds for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. 
The event is on Sunday, October 15, 2017 at the 
Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Drive, 
Arcadia. Registration begins at 9:30am and the 
race starts at 10am. Free parking is available at 
Arcadia Performing Arts Center, 188 Campus 
Drive. The cost is $15 when registering online at 


At their most recent meeting, the PlanningCommission had a spirited discussion, and afterCommission reviewed a proposed ordinance considerable dialogue, voted to recommend that theregulating marijuana cultivation and commercialCity Council expand the allowance of residentialmarijuana uses in Monrovia. Based on discussions cultivation to include outdoor cultivation with the 
with the City Council, the proposed measure wasfollowing restrictions:
drafted to prohibit all commercial cannabis uses,Cultivation must be in a rear yard.
such as retail sales or commercial cultivation. Cultivation must not be visible to the generalHowever, the manufacture and / or testing ofpublic.
cannabis would continue to be classified as a Cultivation must occur in a secured location, 
manufacturing use / research and developmentsuch as behind a locked gate.
use, and would be regulated as such as long asDuring the discussion, staff shared that one ofthere was no retail commercial activity occurringour primary concerns about outdoor cultivation isat the business location. The proposed regulatorythe odor associated with live cannabis plants. It was 
framework is similar to how the City regulatesfor that reason that the initial ordinance was drafted 
alcoholic beverage require that the plants be grown in an enclosed 

Additionally, the ordinance as it was draftedstructure. While the Planning Commission didsought to allow personal cultivation on residentialdiscuss the possibility that the regulations make theproperties consistent with State regulations, withproperty owner responsible for containing the smell,
a maximum of six plants per dwelling. The initial ultimately, the group left the ordinance silent on theordinance also only allowed for marijuana plantmatter and simply allowed for outdoor cultivationcultivation in an enclosed structure (e.g. house,with the limited exceptions outlined above.
accessory structure or green house).This overall matter will come before the City

At the public hearing, there was only one speakerCouncil for formal consideration at our October 17, 
(Phil Cannon) who advocated allowing retail2017, meeting. 
sales of marijuana in Monrovia. The Planning 


MONROVIA, CA – City Manager Oliver ChiChief for the community.” 
announced today the appointment of CaptainDuring his time with the City, Alan has servedAlan Sanvictores as Monrovia’s next Police Chief. in a number of special assignments, includingAlan will assume command of the Monrovia Police as the Team Commander for the Foothill SpecialDepartment to succeed current Police Chief JamesEnforcement Team, the Assistant Team Leader 
Hunt, who is retiring on November 2, 2017.for the Monrovia Tactical Response Team, and as

“We are so fortunate in Monrovia to have an the Sergeant assigned to run Monrovia’s famedindividual of Alan’s character and ability to serve Community Activist Policing Bureau. He holds a 
as our next Police Chief. In our organization,Bachelor’s of Science degree from California Statewe operate in a mission driven and team basedPolytechnic University, Pomona, along with a 
environment, and Alan’s approach is perfectlyMaster’s of Arts degree in National Security fromaligned with our core values of serving withCalifornia State University, San Bernardino.
humility, hunger, loyalty, and smarts. I am confident “I am truly humbled to have the chance to servethat Alan will continue building upon the legacy ofthe people of Monrovia as Police Chief,” said Alan.
success at the Monrovia Police Department as he“Having the opportunity to lead the Monrovia Policesteps into this new leadership role.” Department is the highlight of my professional

Alan began his career with the Monrovia Policecareer, and I am looking forward to serving withDepartment 22 years ago, having first been hiredthe men and women in our department as we allas a Police Recruit in 1995. During his time withwork together to continue making Monrovia anthe City, he has served in the role of Police Officer,even better community than it is today.” 
Police Agent, Detective, Sergeant, and Lieutenant.In his spare time, Alan enjoys spending time withMost recently, he was promoted to the rank ofhis wife Lisa and their two daughters, and they allCaptain in January 2010.enjoy trying new and exotic cuisine. Additionally,

“Alan has served as our senior Captain for nearlyAlan served our country as a member of the Army,
eight years,” said Police Chief Jim Hunt. “Duringand he works to stay in touch with other veteransthat time, he has done just a phenomenal job ofwho also served in the armed forces. 
supporting the initiatives in the Monrovia PoliceAlan will be formally sworn in as Monrovia’sDepartment, and he has displayed integrity,next Police Chief on November 7, 2017, before 
innovation, and leadership at the highest levels. I our regularly scheduled City Council meeting thatknow that Alan will be a simply tremendous Police evening 

For the period of Sunday, September 24th, through Saturday,
September 30th, the Police Department responded to 879 callsfor service, of which 109 required formal investigations. Thefollowing is a summary report of the major incidents handledby the Department during this period. 

Sunday, September 24:

Shortly before 8:07 a.m., an officer responded to 76 GasStation, 102 East Duarte Road, regarding a commercialburglary report. An investigation revealed an unknown 
suspect entered the location by damaging a garage door, theyransacked the front counter, and fled undetected with nearly$7,800 worth of cigarettes. The investigation is ongoing.

At approximately 6:29 p.m., an officer responded to Zales,
400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a commercial burglaryreport. The clerk handed the suspect a ring to look at and oncethe suspect was in possession of it, he fled on foot.

The suspect is described as a black male, 20 to 25-yearsold, 
5’11”, 170 pounds, wearing a necklace, ring, and bracelet.
The investigation is ongoing. 

Monday, September 25:

Just after 2:48 a.m., an officer initiated contact with a 
suspicious vehicle in the parking lot near 400 West DuarteRoad. A records check of one of the occupants revealed the34-year-old female from Arcadia was on probation. Duringa consensual search of the vehicle, the officer located a bag ofmethamphetamine. She was cited and released in the field.

At approximately 2:59 p.m., an officer responded to theArcadia Police Department front counter regarding a fraudreport. The victim received an email from her bank stating anew credit card would be mailed to her to an unknown Los 
Angeles address. The victim did not request a new credit cardbe mailed to her. A check of her credit history revealed pastunauthorized inquiries. The victim does not know the suspector how they obtained her personal information. 

Tuesday, September 26:

Around 1:36 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the800 block of Arcadia Avenue regarding two suspects lookingin mail boxes. Officers located the suspects and discoveredthey were in possession of stolen mail. The 27-year-oldmale from Los Angeles was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. The 30-year-old female fromAlhambra was arrested and transported to the PasadenaPolice Department Jail for booking.

Just before 1:36 p.m., an officer responded to FoothillCredit Union, 30 South First Avenue, regarding a fraudreport. The subject attempted to pass a fraudulent check anda records check revealed he had an outstanding misdemeanorwarrant. An investigation revealed the subject came intopossession of a fraudulent check by legitimate means. Thesubject, a 49-year-old male from Chino Hills, was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for the outstandingmisdemeanor warrant. 

Wednesday, September 27:

Shortly after 8:18 a.m., an officer responded to a residencein the 700 block of Sunset Boulevard regarding a threat report.
The officer discovered the suspect was making criminalthreats and was brandishing a metal object against hisneighbors. The suspect, a 20-year-old male from Arcadia, wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.

At about 2:58 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in 

the 1500 block of South Eighth Avenue regarding a residentialburglary report. The officer determined unknown suspectsshattered a rear window, opened a few dresser drawers, andfled with an unknown amount of property. No suspects were 
seen and no witnesses were located. 

Thursday, September 28: 

Before 12:49 a.m., an officer contacted a subject drivingan unsafe vehicle near the intersection of Goldring Roadand Varus Street. A records check of the driver revealed 
the 22-year-old female from El Monte was driving with asuspended license and did not have any proof of insurance.
During a consensual search of the vehicle, the officerdiscovered the passenger, a 24-year-old male from El Monte,
was in possession of drug paraphernalia. The female suspectwas issued a citation and her vehicle was impounded for 30days. The male suspect was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking.

Around 2:06 p.m., officers responded to the 300 block ofNorth Santa Anita Avenue regarding a woman who had beenshot. An investigation revealed a father-in-law had been shotand killed and the daughter-in-law had been shot, but wasexpected to survive. Arcadia Fire responded and transportedthe victim to Huntington Memorial Hospital for treatment.
The investigation is ongoing and is being handled by the LosAngeles County Sheriff’s Department. 

Friday, September 29:

At about 8:29 a.m., an officer responded to the 500 blockof La Sierra Drive regarding a theft from vehicle report. Theofficer determined unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’sunlocked vehicle, stole her purse, and made fraudulentpurchases on her debit card. No suspects were seen and nowitnesses were located. 

Just before 9:08 p.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 300 block of West Norman Avenue regarding a residentialburglary report. The officer discovered two unknownsuspect(s) smashed a rear glass door, lightly ransacked thehome, and fled with an unknown amount of property. A 
witness reported the suspects fled eastbound on NormanAvenue in a dark-colored sedan. The investigation is ongoing. 

Saturday, September 30:

Shortly after 8:39 a.m., an officer conducted anenforcement stop on a vehicle in near the intersection of LiveOak Avenue and Santa Anita Avenue for not having licenseplates on the vehicle. A records check of the occupantsrevealed the passenger, a 26-year-old male from Monrovia,
had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant. During aconsensual search of the vehicle, the officer located drugparaphernalia and bolt cutters. The suspect was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. During thebooking process, it was revealed the suspect had provided afalse name and, upon searching his correct name, the officerdiscovered the suspect had two outstanding misdemeanor 

At approximately 10:50 a.m., an officer responded tothe Santa Anita Race Track, 285 West Huntington Drive,
regarding a theft report. Surveillance footage revealed thesuspect was seen stealing parking meters. The suspect wasidentified as a past employee and the 38-year-old femalefrom Arcadia was located, arrested, and transported to thePasadena Police Department Jail for booking. 


Naelh Othman, Student 
Service Coordinator for Duarte 
Unified School District was 
honored at the Duarte Kiwanis 
2017-2018 Installation Dinner 
with a Distinguished Service 
Award (DSA). Naelh was 
honored for her continuing 
support of the CHIK program 

-Community Homeless 
Initiative for Kids. All school 
districts in the country are 
responsible for removing 
barriers to learning for kids 
who are defined as homeless 
under the McKinney-Vento 
Act. This includes kids who 
are doubled up with multiple 
families in one home, kids 
living in cars, kids living in 
motels, garages, etc. Naelh 
has been on the front lines 
in supporting these kids and 
their families. She told a story 
of learning of a grandmother 
raising 5 grandchildren -
none of the kids had beds. 
She reached out through the 
CHIK program and within a 
day, beds, mattresses, sheets, 
pillows and blankets had been 
donated for those kids. Duarte 
Kiwanis looks forward to 
continuing their partnership 
with CHIK and Naelh! 
If you are interested in 
joining Duarte Kiwanis or 
being a speaker at a future 
event, contact Tina Carey at 


We are excited to share that the Monrovia Fire doors at Station 101 (141 East Lemon Avenue) toDepartment is participating in Fire Preventionthe general public between the hours of 10:00 a.m.
Week from October 9 – 14, 2017. The main theme - 2:00 p.m. During the open house, Monrovia Firefor the event, “Every Second Counts: Plan 2 Ways& Rescue will host a Junior Firefighter Challenge,
Out!” is to encourage residents to have an escapewhich is a course designed for kids to simulateplan should an emergency occur.firefighter drills. In addition, our terrific firefighters

As part of the campaign, Monrovia firefighterswill perform an auto extrication demonstration!
will be visiting all Monrovia Unified School DistrictThe demonstration will include an overview of the 
4th grade classrooms during the week to educatetools and procedures the Fire Department usesstudents about the importance of developing a to extricate individuals who are trapped from anfamily escape plan for their home, along withautomobile accident! 
sharing safety tips about the issue.For more information about Fire Prevention Week, 

And as a special activity, to conclude Fireplease feel free to contact Jeremy Sanchez, DivisionPrevention Week, on Saturday, October 14, 2017,Chief, at (626) 256-8111, or visit Monrovia Fire &
the Monrovia Fire Department will be opening its Rescue online! 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: